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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Scenar- Out Of This World Russian Healing Device

I first heard of and saw the Russian healing device, called the Scenar (Self-Controlled Energy Neuro-Adaptive Regulator), a few years back. I happened to be in Hollywood, just off of Hollywood Boulevard, and crossed paths with a guy who had one. He told me a little about it, that it had been developed by the Russians for use in their space capsules on long-duration flights.

In space, if there is a medical emergency or serious medical issue there are no hospitals or emergency rooms. So the cosmonauts and astronauts must deal themselves with whatever medical situation arises in orbit.

This video by Dr. Irina Kossovskaia explains the basics of the Scenar's mode of operation. It essentially reads the body's energy flow, determines what is awry or out of kilter, and then makes an adjustment to the nerve impulses to bring the body back into balance. It is harmonious, non-intrusive and eminently healing. 

You would think that every hospital and medical clinic on the face of the Earth would be using Scenars in their treatment protocols, but you would be wrong. It cannot be the expense of the Scenar unit itself, because Scenars cost a great deal less than many (alleged) therapeutic modalities now in use.

But the very effectiveness of the Scenar could provide an important clue as to why it is so slow to be adopted outside of Russia.

Look at this impressive list of maladies, symptoms, syndromes and diseases that the Scenar has had remarkable success in treating. Considering the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry alone, you can see how the major drug manufacturers would be profoundly threatened by a simple, highly effective, relatively low cost healing device with an impressive ability to eliminate or reduce pain, and other symptoms.

Just think how that might cut into tranquilizer profits. Then, too, if people are healthier they don't require as many surgical operations, so that could really knock the bottom out of the medical slice-and-dice business. 

I knew a woman who had to have her gall bladder removed. It took less than an hour. The surgeon went in with a tube and a light and snipped it out in no time. She had to pay the hospital $15,000 for that. 

You can see the problem. If the guys who are making $15,000 per operation are suddenly faced with a drop in business, because people are having their bodies put back in balance with the Scenar -- well, they might no longer be making $50,000 per day.

I have been trying to get Scenar treatments here in Ecuador, with no luck so far. I hope to remedy that situation before too much longer, though.

The Scenar has obvious benefits for someone like me, with lingering damage to my nerves and associated issues in my musculoskeletal system. This is what the Scenar excels in, regulating and normalizing the transmission of the nerve signals, reducing pain and inflammation, inducing a state of well-being, or of better being, at any rate. 

After months of hospitalization in the public hospitals here in Ecuador, with long periods of serious pain and suffering, and watching days and weeks of the suffering and death of other men,  I have been wondering why these devices are not universally adopted and used by the medical and physical therapy professions all over the world. It is not the expense -- the drugs, operations and machines already in use cost vastly more -- and much of the time are far less effective.

Indeed, a lot of the drugs given to patients in hospitals have very negative side effects, that can often be fatal.

Unfortunately, there is a sort of profound ignorance, arrogance and resistance to change and new ways of thinking and treating disease that infects much of the medical guild. Many physicians and hospitals still have a 19th century mentality and countless millions of people suffer and die unnecessarily because of that.

If I had the money, I would mount a serious campaign to introduce the Scenar to the public hospital system, physical therapy clinics and community health centers all across Ecuador. 

We are on the cusp of major, positive change in a lot of fields, just as soon as the ignorant, arrogant, greedy, power tripping, Old Guard gets out of the way and lets the sunlight of new ideas and technologies disinfect the stale, pus encrusted crud of the old, senescent system that is failing on every hand.

My Current Situation in Ecuador  

After more than a year of intense struggle, the shaman who assaulted me has been indicted and there will be a trial, beginning in one week. I therefore need to pay my attorneys for assisting me, protecting me, guiding me, advising me and representing me and my best interests in a prolonged, difficult criminal proceeding. The process is now halfway complete. 

I have been pushed to the wall by this ordeal, to my financial limits and beyond. The case is actually bigger than me, in that there certainly are other victims of shamanic abuse in the Amazon region. I am not the only victim. But unlike 99% of the others, I have elected to stand up and fight back, no matter the odds. And against all expectations, my assailant has been indicted and is going to trial. But the battle is not over.
I could not have come this far without the timely, crucial support of some of my readers and supporters. And I will not make it to the end of the process, without the support of still other readers and supporters. It's not my battle alone. I may be a sort of point man, out in front, more visible than others, but there are assuredly others who have suffered, and are suffering, in silence, because of fear, ignorance, intimidation, feelings of helplessness, being overwhelmed by trauma and shock or maybe because they were killed. 

I have no illusions about what I am up against. I was almost killed. I was hurt very badly. I do not know any other place to begin to right the wrongs of this world than to engage whatever situation is right in front of me, the situation that has forced itself to my attention, front and center. That's the only way I know to proceed.
To do that I urgently need your financial assistance to bring the case to a legal conclusion. I retained one of the better known law firms in Quito and they charge accordingly. They are like attorneys anywhere. They do not work for a ham sandwich and a glass of lemonade. Especially not in a case like this, out of town, over in the Amazon, representing a gringo in a highly unusual case, virtually without precedent.
That's what makes it crucial. What happens in the Amazon is vitally important to what happens on this planet. The shamans of the region theoretically have an essential role to play in healing the Amazon and showing the way for humanity -- but not if they themselves are abusive to the very people who come to the region to consult the sacred power plants in search of hyper-conscious communion with Mother Nature.
And so I need your assistance. I am seriously asking for your aid. I thank you in advance for your generosity. I know that some of you are more than able to assist me. For USA dollar contributions please e-mail me at:   and I will tell you how to send a donation. 
I also gratefully accept donations of the following crypto-currencies at these addresses: 




Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Ugly, Gruesome, Slimy Run-Up To WW-III

The unpleasant reality is that we are already in WW-III, and have been for some time. The entire Earth and the vast majority of the human race are under unrelenting assault. 

The Economic Front of WW-III

But you don't have to take my word for it. Warren Buffett, the well-known multi-billionaire and fourth richest man in the world recently stated:

The economic warfare is positively vicious. Let's look at some numbers.

Almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day.“ And 80% live on less than $10 per day. Indeed, the 67 wealthiest people in the world, of whom Warren Buffett is number 4, are as wealthy as the world's poorest 3.5 billion. This is the stark socioeconomic context of Warren Buffett's braying that: "...there has been class warfare waged, and my class has won."

Of course, Warren Buffett's "class" is the multi-billionaire class and the number of multi-billionaires on the Forbes' billionaire list has increased dramatically in recent years. There are now 1,645 of them worldwide with an average worth of $4.7 billion. In just one year there were 219 more multi-billionaires, and their aggregate wealth increased from $5.4 trillion last year to $6.4 trillion this year. The USA supplies 492 of them, more than any other country. Those worth less than $1.3 billion did not even make this year's list.

Last year's list included just one Rockefeller and only two Rothschilds. Such mega-wealthy families as the Bushes, the Windsors, and the rest of the European royal houses, who together control unknown and probably unknowable trillions of dollars of assets, are conspicuously absent from the list. So the concentration of wealth is likely to be far worse than the publicly available data indicate.

The Nuclear Front of WW-III

One word: Fukushima. The Pacific Ocean is dying. That's the reality. It has been irremediably poisoned by the radioactive contamination flowing nonstop from the melted down and exploded nuclear reactors at Fukushima, Japan. Unknown tons of uranium and plutonium from the reactors' cores have melted down into the Earth. The present location and status of these multi-ton molten blobs of uranium and plutonium remain unknown, at least publicly. 

No one knows what to expect or what might happen. Michio Kaku, the well- known physicist who has been interviewed numerous times about the Fukushima situation has famously remarked that what has happened at Fukushima and its aftermath is not in the nuclear engineering text books. There is no precedent for it and there are therefore no experts on how to deal with it, or who can say with certainty what will happen next. 

However, it is known that when you put two clumps of highly radioactive uranium or plutonium together that you run the risk of a runaway criticality, or fission event. And if you slam them together with sufficient kinetic force you get a mushroom cloud detonation. So what happens if another major earthquake in the Fukushima region slams a few tons of that molten uranium and plutonium around underground? 

Who knows? Maybe nothing, or maybe a humongous nuclear event such as has not been seen yet. The thing is, no one has heretofore ever been insane enough to melt down tons and tons of uranium and plutonium and then wait a few years and then apply a sharp kinetic jolt to the tons of molten nuclear fuel, and wait to see what happens.

Highly refined uranium and plutonium do not occur in Nature. But they do occur at Fukushima, where the Mother of All Insane Nuclear Chemistry Experiments is currently underway, with a highly uncertain, ultimate outcome.

But we can say at the three year mark and counting that the Pacific Ocean is now being sterilized, it is being killed and a large swathe of Japan is being irradiated with deadly radioactivity. We are still in early days and the trend of events is already grim. 

The Geopolitical Front of WW-III

The  geopolitical aspect of the conflict into which we have already entered is also quickly coming into focus. The building conflict over Ukraine may prove to be a flash point. I have written before about the danger of possible false flag nuclear attacks upon cities to be used as a fraudulent casus belli for a general nuclear war.

The general power alignment is breaking down as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia,India, China and South Africa) vs. USSA -NATO-EU-Japan-Australia-S. Korea and New Zealand.  Countries such as Iran and Syria, and the ALBA nations in Latin America (Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Cuba, Suriname and Venezuela) would probably tend to align with the BRICS. 

There is a visible push for anti-Russian confrontation from the USSA / NATO led bloc. Just today, USSA Vice-President Joe Biden was in Kiev, Ukraine threatening the Russians that they have mere days to take action to stem the crisis in eastern Ukraine or the USSA will impose further economic sanctions on Russia.

This course of action could very easily lead to a quick, sharp escalation of the conflict, perhaps even to the military level. And that would be a great disaster. The rhetoric and foreign policy coming out of Washington, DC is very confrontational and misleading. It is the USSA sponsored coup d'etat in Kiev that drove the democratically elected government of Ukraine from power and installed a  neo-fascist, USSA-backed, puppet regime in its place. This is at the root of the unrest in Ukraine, not anything the Russians are or are not doing.

Seeing all of the social and political unrest directly on their southern borders the Russians have taken precautionary military measures, only to be publicly lectured by the USSA government for moving their own military units around on their own national territory. 

What more is there to say about that?

From my perspective, it looks like the USSA policy is calculated to produce military conflict with Russia. Where else is this confrontation intended to go? The USSA keeps pushing and pushing and proclaiming deadlines and imposing sanctions on Russia.  Past a certain point that policy will produce war. Of course, Russia is a nuclear power and has a full brace of nuclear weapons. Is that what the USSA wants? A nuclear war? Because we are headed in that direction. 

The Feds vs. the People

And then there is the Bundy ranch stand-off in Nevada between armed federal agents and growing numbers of non-Feds who are alarmed by the armed intrusions by the Feds on constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of the People.The recent ominous warning from USSA Senator Harry Reid that "something will happen" to stop Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy only heightens the  perception that the USSA government is actively planning conflict with the American people.

There is also a BLM land grab attempt in Texas which has brought a strong challenge from the Texas Attorney General.

I have written earlier about the numerous, unprovoked murders by police of growing numbers of people all over the USSA. This is taking place in a context of growing restriction and destruction of human rights and civil liberties by the government and its agents, across the board. The Patriot Acts, the NDAA, the myriad depredations of the TSA and the DHS as they willfully stomp on and trash constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, and the general militarization of the police into an occupying army lording it over the general population, are all contributing to profound mistrust and distrust of the Feds, starting at the level of the White House and the Congress, all the way down through the ranks of the myriad bureaucracies.

Add to that the well documented purchase by a wide variety of USSA government agencies of literally billions of rounds of ammunition, much of it hollow-point sniper ammunition, and it is not hard to connect the dots. 

So It Begins ...  Washington, DC As the Enemy of All Humanity

My deep dreams continue to feature dramatic, visual imagery of a mind-boggling-huge, massive, building storm that is just on the verge of unleashing its full ferocity. No doubt my subconscious is picking up at an archetypal level the powerful energies that are at play globally at this time. Almost nothing would surprise me anymore. 

On every level, the super-rich and their allies in government have already declared all-out-war on humanity and on the Earth itself. It is a vicious war for total domination of humanity and the whole planet. We should be real clear on that. They intend to show no mercy. They are showing no mercy.

80% of humanity have already been reduced to living on $10 or less per day. They are now preparing to kick the props out from under the other 20% and bring them down to slave status, too. They intend to reduce us all to nothing.

Do you know that a (nuclear) war by the USSA against Russia and China will turn this planet into a radioactive hell hole?  And yet that is the course that the USSA government is presently on. Paul Craig Roberts has said repeatedly that the USSA government in Washington, DC is the enemy of all humanity and the evidence points very strongly in that direction. Remember that this is a man who worked at the very highest levels of the USSA government and he has finally seen the light of day.

My Current Situation in Ecuador 

After more than a year of intense struggle, the shaman who assaulted me has been indicted and there will be a trial, beginning in one week. I therefore need to pay my attorneys for assisting me, protecting me, guiding me, advising me and representing me and my best interests in a prolonged, difficult criminal proceeding. The process is now halfway complete. 

I have been pushed to the wall by this ordeal, to my financial limits and beyond. The case is actually bigger than me, in that there certainly are other victims of shamanic abuse in the Amazon region. I am not the only victim. But unlike 99% of the others, I have elected to stand up and fight back, no matter the odds. And against all expectations, my assailant has been indicted and is going to trial. But the battle is not over.
I could not have come this far without the timely, crucial support of some of my readers and supporters. And I will not make it to the end of the process, without the support of still other readers and supporters. It's not my battle alone. I may be a sort of point man, out in front, more visible than others, but there are assuredly others who have suffered, and are suffering, in silence, because of fear, ignorance, intimidation, feelings of helplessness, being overwhelmed by trauma and shock or maybe because they were killed. 
I have no illusions about what I am up against. I was almost killed. I was hurt very badly. I do not know any other place to begin to right the wrongs of this world than to engage whatever situation is right in front of me, the situation that has forced itself to my attention, front and center. That's the only way I know to proceed.
To do that I urgently need your financial assistance to bring the case to a legal conclusion. I retained one of the better known law firms in Quito and they charge accordingly. They are like attorneys anywhere. They do not work for a ham sandwich and a glass of lemonade. Especially not in a case like this, out of town, over in the Amazon, representing a gringo in a highly unusual case, virtually without precedent.
That's what makes it crucial. What happens in the Amazon is vitally important to what happens on this planet. The shamans of the region theoretically have an essential role to play in healing the Amazon and showing the way for humanity -- but not if they themselves are abusive to the very people who come to the region to consult the sacred power plants in search of hyper-conscious communion with Mother Nature.
And so I need your assistance. I am seriously asking for your aid. I thank you in advance for your generosity. I know that some of you are more than able to assist me. For USA dollar contributions please e-mail me at:   and I will tell you how to send a donation. 
I also gratefully accept donations of the following crypto-currencies at these addresses: 




Sunday, April 13, 2014

The All Seeing Kundalini Lightning Eye

We all have one.  We all (potentially) have an all seeing Kundalini lightning eye. It is our divine inheritance to use or to squander, as we see fit.

How much we see depends on how awake we want to be. Most people don't want to be very awake, so they drink alcohol, maybe a lot of alcohol, or take Xanax or Zoloft or Quaalude or Thorazine or heroine or methadone or cocaine  or qat / khat (Google it) or watch hours and hours of television every day or  immerse themselves in religious fanaticism,  and frequently some combination of two or more of the preceding  ...

I just described hundreds and hundreds of millions of people, and truth be told, probably billions of people.

You don't have to look very far to see why the planet and the human species are in the unfortunate condition they are in.

Because my blog reaches many thousands of people all over the world, I know that not all of my readers fall into the demographic above. I also know that due to the kind of subject matter that my blog frequently addresses that a certain percentage of my readers do inquire more deeply into the nature of reality than the majority of people do.

For that reason I want to touch briefly in this blog posting on the higher centers of perception in the human organism. Mind you, what I am talking about does not necessarily have anything directly to do with religion or so-called "religious morality," in that fastidious religiosity may even blind an individual to the higher centers of perception. The higher centers are located in  the brain and along the spinal column, notably in the region of the heart and at the center and the very top of the head.

Awakening them is sometimes a matter of pure, blind luck. You may just stumble unawares into an awakening. More likely is that if you engage in a program of yoga, or meditation, or bio-feedback, or mindful breathing, or deep, contemplative prayer, or fervent chanting of the names of God, or work with shamanic, sacred power plants, or shamanic drumming, or selfless service in love to others -- you just may begin to awaken the higher centers of perception and spiritual awareness in your being.
Usually, the awakening process comes about because of concerted, persistent, unrelenting intent to awaken.  I have to say at the outset that I am not a self-realized, fully awakened man. My life is a  work that is still very much in progress. That said, I do very much see and appreciate the value of awakening the higher centers, especially including the heart center and the third eye center.

In my own way I have time and again partially activated those centers. I have yet to experience a permanent Kundalini awakening of the sort that Gopi Krishna underwent, but I have had repeated, temporary, short-term awakenings of the Kundalini.

 In the years before I left San Antonio I had a Kundalini experience that differed a little from some of the others. There was the familiar discharge of extremely high-voltage electricity up the spine and out the top of the head, but on that occasion it had a rapid, rhythmic pulsation. The sensation was of being a very powerfully charged, human spark plug. This was about the time that I was making the initial decision to go and conduct a nonviolent, peace protest on a nuclear missile silo at Minot Air Force Base, in North Dakota, USSA. 

At the same time as the powerful, electrical discharge up the spinal column and out through the top of the head was occurring,  I was having a memorable visionary experience in which I was seated in a comfortable chair in a very pleasant, wood paneled room with an expensive wood floor. The ambiance of the room was very commodious. I felt at ease, relaxed and secure. Directly in front of me was a low, expensive coffee table with a glass top. There were a small number of items on the table that attracted my gaze. The ones that most drew my attention were a pair of ancient, translucent turtle shells resting upside down. They were the color of aged, yellowed, writing parchment and were covered all over with inscribed symbols -- runes, magical sigils and alchemical notations. As I was taking all of that in, I raised my eyes to the window that was on the other side of the room, on the other side of the table. 

Through the window I could see that a massive storm was rapidly approaching. The clouds were dark, low, menacing and moving in very quickly. It was the type of threatening squall line that produces tornadoes, damaging hail, destructive high winds, deadly flash floods, powerful lightning strikes, and the like. As I took it all in, I thought, "Oh, my, that does not look good." I consider that as of now, post-Fukushima and on the cusp of major, global financial turmoil and geopolitical upheaval that may possibly involve global warfare (please see African Ebola outbreak, just to give you one small idea), that we have begun to enter the first fringes of the oncoming storm. 

It will be a doozy.

And I have had other Kundalini experiences over the years. What they tend to have in common is the repeated experience of tremendously powerful electrical surges up the spine and into the head and even out of the top of the head, arcing away into a great, unknowable, inscrutable, indescribable vastness that lies just beyond. There can be visionary and/or auditory experiences of various sorts that accompany the thundering lightning bolt up the spine. There are other senses that open up that are difficult to explain to those who have not had the experience. These would include telepathy, instant knowing, direct intuition, comprehensive unimpeded vision and sensing directly with the heart. The words don't do the experience justice; they are pale reflections of the richly textured and nuanced reality. The main point is to have no fear. Simply experience it. Flow with the Kundalini.

Of course, I am not the only person to have these sorts of experiences. Many people have had them and will continue to have them as long as there is a human race. I believe that Gopi Krishna is correct that the Kundalini force is a natural evolutionary impulse in the human race, driving us forward to a higher, more advanced state of awareness and being, both as individuals and a species. He died about 30 years ago, but he did leave us a legacy of a number of interviews, some of which are available on, if you care to watch them. He also wrote a number of very inspiring and instructive books that are widely available through major book sellers, in which he describes his singular life experience and the nature of his deep self-realization.

For those who are interested in awakening the Kundalini, all I can say is once awakened, even partially,  your life will never be the same. Going back to your old life is probably not really possible or advisable. If you are really serious about awakening the Kundalini it is a comprehensive life project that will engage every aspect of your being. If you are not serious about it, don't start.  That's my advice.

But if you are serious, you'll have to eat a healthy diet, lead a simple life, get your rest and keep yourself fit. If you like alcohol or narcotic drugs, you'll have to leave all that behind. 

I once knew a person who imperiously said to me: "I must have alcohol."

That attitude is not very compatible with higher consciousness. 

Gopi Krishna's books are of great value and I recommend them to you.  They are available in many bookstores and also online. Just do a key word search on Gopi Krishna and Kundalini. There is also a great deal of worthwhile information at The Biology of Kundalini website.

For me the most important factor in awakening the Kundalini is clearly strong intent, whether overtly conscious intent, or a strong subconscious inclination in that direction, or both. Where there is a will, there is a way, and those who are strongly interested sooner or later find the way, or make a way.

In my case, I was familiar with the concept of the Kundalini and had heard about yogic lightning bolts up the spine, so when it happened to me I never had any fear. From the first second onward I just inwardly thought, "This must be the Kundalini lightning that I have read about,"  and simply let it do what it wanted. I put my conscious mind to the side and just observed what happened without trying to interfere.

That's the advice I would give to anyone. The Kundalini is a cosmically conscious energy that greatly outshines our feeble human intellects. The smart attitude in its presence is one of humility. There is a certain hierarchy in the conscious Universe, and the Kundalini occupies an advanced rank. 

Those who want to know more about it will make it their business to find out. Those who want to experience the Kundalini will do so. For all I know, there are possibly one or more future Gopi Krishnas reading this blog commentary; individuals who may possibly in the future be self-realized Kundalini yogis of a very advanced degree of consciousness. 

My Current Situation in Ecuador 

After more than a year of intense struggle, the shaman who assaulted me has been indicted and there will be a trial, beginning in two weeks. I therefore need to pay my attorneys for assisting me, protecting me, guiding me, advising me and representing me and my best interests in a prolonged, difficult criminal proceeding. The process is now halfway complete.

I have been pushed to the wall by this ordeal, to my financial limits and beyond. The case is actually bigger than me, in that there certainly are other victims of shamanic abuse in the Amazon region. I am not the only victim. But unlike 99% of the others, I have elected to stand up and fight back, no matter the odds. And against all expectations, my assailant has been indicted and is going to trial. But the battle is not over.

I could not have come this far without the timely, crucial support of some of my readers and supporters. And I will not make it to the end of the process, without the support of still other readers and supporters. It's not my battle alone. I may be a sort of point man, out in front, more visible than others, but there are assuredly others who have suffered, and are suffering, in silence, because of fear, ignorance, intimidation, feelings of helplessness, being overwhelmed by trauma and shock or maybe because they were killed.

I have no illusions about what I am up against. I was almost killed. I was hurt very badly. I do not know any other place to begin to right the wrongs of this world than to engage whatever situation is right in front of me, the situation that has forced itself to my attention, front and center. That's the only way I know to proceed.

To do that I urgently need your financial assistance to bring the case to a legal conclusion. I retained one of the better known law firms in Quito and they charge accordingly. They are like attorneys anywhere. They do not work for a ham sandwich and a glass of lemonade. And neither would you! Especially not in a case like this, out of town, over in the Amazon, representing a gringo in a highly unusual case, virtually without precedent.

That's what makes it crucial. What happens in the Amazon is vitally important to what happens on this planet. The shamans of the region theoretically have an essential role to play in healing the Amazon and showing the way for humanity -- but not if they themselves are criminally corrupt and abusive to the very people who come to the region to consult the sacred power plants in search of hyper-conscious communion with Mother Nature.

And so I am seriously asking for your aid. I thank you in advance for your generosity. I know that some of you are more than able to assist me. For USA dollar contributions please e-mail me at: and I will tell you how to send a donation. 

I also gratefully accept donations of the following crypto-currencies at these addresses: 




Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fascist Police Firing Squads In Every Town, USSA

.... Or why I intend to stay well away from Amerika (sic), the better to more generally enhance my prospects of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

You've seen it, haven't you? The pictures and video of the cops in Albuquerque executing the man who was apprehended camping out in the hills that overlook the city's Northeast Heights? Of course, you are probably thinking to yourself that camping out in a National Forest is not a capital offense, not worthy of an instant death penalty, and it's not, unless you're in Albuquerque and Mr. Policeman has his blood lust up.

They just gunned him down in a hail of gunfire and then turned a dog loose on him as he lay dying. Take a look at the video. See what time it is in the USSA. 

BOOM! Whenever Mr. Policeman wants to he shoots you. And then you're dead. There's no trial, no arrest, no evidence, no bond hearing, no habeas corpus, no testimony of witnesses. They just f***ing kill you.

I lived in Albuquerque. I have hiked many times in those very hills that front the Sandia Mountains. I know the exact place where this man was slaughtered. I've been there many times.

So it's not an abstract incident for me.

Or how about this cop lynching in San Antonio, Texas? Click the link. Read the story. The cop fired multiple times. The kid was shot in the back. No trial, no arrest, no evidence, no bond hearing, no habeas corpus, no testimony of witnesses.  BOOM!

This is not an abstract incident for me, either. I also lived in San Antonio. I've driven Broadway countless times, including at night. I've been past Incarnate Word University time and again. I cleaned windows all over the San Antonio area, including in Alamo Heights, where this kid was murdered. The principal of the high school in Alamo Heights was one of my customers for ten years.

And then there is the lynching of Miriam Carey by the police in Washington, DC. The evidence now proves that she was shot multiple times in the back, including in the back of the head. She was unarmed, had her infant daughter with her and had committed no crime. The cops just took her out. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

This is also not an abstract incident for me.  I used to live and work in the Washington, DC area. I washed windows in Georgetown and Northwest D.C., Silver Spring, Bethesda, Potomac and across the river in Mt. Vernon, Great Falls, Falls Church, etc. I drove across town many times, including past the White House and near the Capitol building(s). I know the place where the cops murdered her.

Or how about this savage cop beating in Long Beach, California of a prone man who is not physically resisting. When the cop hits the man in the legs with his club it cracks like a major league baseball player hitting a fastball out of the ball park. I can't stand to listen to it or see it. It's sickening. It's disgusting. It's repugnant. It's emblematic of the foul dungeon that America has become.

This is  not abstract for me either. I've been to Long Beach. Maybe even to the neighborhood where this event occurred, but certainly close enough.

Or how about this one: a college girl in Virginia bought some drinking water at a store and was swarmed by a pack of armed, plain clothes police officers. She insanely wound up being arrested and jailed. Over the purchase of some bottled water.

This isn't abstract for me, either. I grew up in Virginia. I have lived, worked, studied and/or traveled all over the Old Dominion, from one end to the other. I have been in Charlottesville on many occasions.

Here you go. Here are the cops punching the lights out of a homeless man in New York City. I have readers in New York City.

Or maybe you can be gunned down by so-called "police officers", while you are in bed -- without warrant, without arrest, without evidence, nothing. They just bust in and BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! There are so many shots I can't count them all. Listen to the cop that says that there's a vehicle in the driveway as they pull up. Like that's incriminating? About 75% of my readers are in the USSA. How many of you have a vehicle in your driveway? What would you do if heavily armed men in black suddenly swarmed your house with weapons drawn and started shooting like it was a war zone?

This isn't abstract for me either. I can see the plain evidence that it is happening. It's just another day at the office for the cops to smash down someone's door and bust in with guns blazing.

Hey, maybe they'll just take you out right in the middle of the street, right in front of your neighbors. Here is a blatant, public execution of a man by the cops in the middle of the street in Dallas, Texas. No muss, no fuss. BOOM! BOOM!

And on and on, incident after incident, all over the USSA. Every year, every month, there is more and more of it.

I am almost at a loss for words, after having read this Kafkaesque, Catch-22 nightmare of handcuffs, chains, Keystone Cops kangaroo court "legal" hearings, and ludicrous "criminal" charges that cannot be beat by any reasonably sane individual. This couple lived in Ecuador until recently and innocently returned to the USSA for their daughter's wedding, only to run straight into the fiendishly whirling buzz saw of the insane, corrupt, incompetent and willfully malicious USSA "Justice" system. As far as I know, their legal nightmare continues.

For me, the moral of their sad story is: stay away from the USSA. Once you have left, do not return. It is a fallen society, a degraded system, lorded over by a criminally corrupt, mentally deficient, morally deranged pack of heavily armed thugs without scruples or restraint.

Youtube and myriad other video sites, blog sites and alternative news websites are full of hundreds, if not thousands of incidents like these, of people being viciously beaten by purported "law enforcement" officers, falsely arrested and jailed, or arrested on nonexistent, trumped up charges or being physically blown away in full view of onlookers, by alleged "law enforcement" officers in what amounts to out-of-control police lynchings, or police firing squads.

Oh, it's a Brave New "Red-White-and Blue" World.

"Land of the free and home of the ... "  – what do you call these out of control animals?

Watch the videos. Read the stories There are a lot more like them. You can literally spend your entire life investigating the long, long, long trail of police abuse, laughably false arrest, torture, and outright murder of people in the USSA. The issue is that serious.

It is what "America" has become. A red-white-and-blue insane asylum. Either you understand that or you do not. It is a rogue, police state.

How do you know these things won't happen to you? The thing is, you don't. Any day, any minute your luck could run out and "Mr. Policeman" could decide to violently insinuate himself into your life.

It is one more reason why I intend to stay away. 

My Current Situation in Ecuador 

I continue to slowly heal from the physical and emotional trauma of the assault I suffered on 29 December 2012. As regular readers of my blog know, I was subsequently hospitalized for more than four months. I now understand that I probably came close to death. It is 15 months later and my therapy is ongoing. I was hurt very badly.

It has been a harrowing ordeal, like being in a horror movie at certain junctures. But I am a survivor and I am determined to turn the experience to a good end. Part of that determination entailed filing a criminal complaint against the shaman who assaulted me. I did that just after I was hospitalized and began to grasp the severity of what had befallen me. 

Last week he was finally indicted, after a more than one year legal struggle on my part. It has been extraordinarily hard. I have had to fight against unknown adversaries that have impeded the process from behind the scenes, and I have done it with very meager resources, on unfamiliar legal terrain, all the while battling to recover my physical health and mobility. 

Some of my friends and readers have suggested that there may be the hidden hand of a USSA alphabet soup agency involved in the assault against me. I cannot say one way or the other, though the CIA, DEA, Peace Corps, U.S. Army, USAID and others certainly do have a presence in South America. If anyone reading these words has hard proof of that, please notify me immediately. I would not hesitate to use such evidence in my case.

I have been an outspoken critic of a variety of USSA government policies for decades. I have a long history of nonviolent, anti-nuclear activism and of research into, and public writing and speaking about secret underground and underwater bases of the USSA military-industrial-espionage complex. Then  there is the work and writing I have done here in South America with the hyper-conscious, shamanic plants of ayahuasca and malicagua, some of which I have written about here in this blog. The plants are very well aware of the dark plots and conspiracies that are abroad in the world. Certainly, there are those in the USSA government and its allied agencies, and in other agencies who do not want people to know about the hideous, ghastly evil they have planned.

Brutalizing people is what they do. Murder is their business. Torture and assault are their modus operandi.

So after more than a year of intense struggle, the shaman has been indicted and there will be a trial. I therefore need to pay my attorneys for assisting me, protecting me, guiding me, advising me and representing me and my best interests in a prolonged, difficult criminal proceeding. The process is now halfway complete.

I know it seems like a long slog to you, my readers, and it is. But nothing lasts for ever, and now that there is an indictment there will be a trial and result.

I have been pushed to the wall by this ordeal, to my financial limits and beyond. The case is actually bigger than me, in that there certainly are other victims of shamanic abuse in the Amazon region. I am not the only victim. But unlike 99% of the others, I have elected to stand up and fight back, no matter the odds. And against all expectations, my assailant has been indicted. But the battle is not over.

Now he goes to trial. I could not have come this far without the timely, crucial support of some of my readers and supporters. And I will not make it to the end of the process, without the support of still other readers and supporters. It's not my battle alone. I may be a sort of point man, out in front, more visible than others, but there are assuredly others who have suffered, and are suffering, in silence, because of fear, ignorance, intimidation, feelings of helplessness, being overwhelmed by trauma and shock or maybe because they were killed.

I have no illusions about what I am up against. I was almost killed. I was hurt very badly. I do not know any other place to begin to right the wrongs of this world than to engage whatever situation is right in front of me, the situation that has forced itself to my attention, front and center. That's the only way I know to proceed.

To do that I urgently need your financial assistance to bring the case to a legal conclusion. I retained one of the better known law firms in Quito and they charge accordingly. They are like attorneys anywhere. They do not work for a ham sandwich and a glass of lemonade. And neither would you! Especially not in a case like this, out of town, over in the Amazon, representing a gringo in a highly unusual case, virtually without precedent.

That's what makes it crucial. What happens in the Amazon is vitally important to what happens on this planet. The shamans of the region theoretically have an essential role to play in healing the Amazon and showing the way for humanity -- but not if they themselves are criminally corrupt and abusive to the very people who come to the region to consult the sacred power plants in search of hyper-conscious communion with Mother Nature.

And so I am seriously asking for your aid. I thank you in advance for your generosity. I know that some of you are more than able to assist me. For USA dollar contributions please e-mail me at: and I will tell you how to send a donation.

I also gratefully accept donations of the following crypto-currencies at these addresses:


