You think you know what year it is? 2021 you say?
Gullible you.
I was recently browsing government websites in search of anomalous factoids. There are plenty of them, both anomalous factoids and government websites.
Among others, I was looking at the website of the USSA Capitol's architect, with regard to the laying of the cornerstone by George Washington, on 18 September 1793. Note to the uninitiated: it was a Free Masonic shindig, up, down and sideways.
To begin with, the much-beloved, Masonic number 333 is right there: September is the 9th month of the year, and 9=3+3+3. Similarly, in esoteric numerology, 18 can be rendered as 1+8, which again yields 9, or 3+3+3. Activities began at 10:00 that morning; 10, of course, can alternatively be construed as the product of 3 x 3.3˙(with 3 repeating), and there again you have three threes.
So the time was Masonic 333. From the very beginning the USSA has been on 333 Masonic time. That is abundantly clear. As for the year?
The website states:
The ceremony proceedings were reported in an article in The Columbia Mirror and Alexandria Gazette, which remains the only known eyewitness account of the event. Activities began at 10:00 a.m. with the appearance of President Washington and his entourage on the south bank of the Potomac River. Crossing the river with the president was a company of volunteer artillery from Alexandria. The procession joined Masonic lodges from Maryland and Virginia, and all marched two abreast, "with music playing, drums beating, colors flying, and spectators rejoicing," to the site of the Capitol about a mile and a half away. There the procession reformed and Washington, flanked by Joseph Clark (the Grand Master) and Dr. E. C. Dick (the master of the Virginia lodge), stood to the east of a "huge stone" while the others formed a circle west of it. Soon, the engraved plate was delivered and the inscription read:This South East corner stone, of the Capitol of the United States of America in the City of Washington, was laid on the 18th day of September, in the thirteenth year of American Independence, in the first year of the second term of the Presidency of George Washington, whose virtues in the civil administration of his country have been as conspicuous and beneficial, as his Military valor and prudence have been useful in establishing her liberties, and in the year of Masonry 5793, by the Grand Lodge of Maryland, several lodges under its jurisdiction, and Lodge 22, from Alexandria, Virginia.
Thomas Johnson, David Stuart and Daniel Carroll, Commissioners
Joseph Clark, R. W. G. M.—P. T.
James Hoban and Stephan Hallate, Architects
Collen Williamson, M. Mason
The plate was handed to Washington, who stepped down into the foundation trench, laid the plate on the ground, and lowered the cornerstone onto it. With the president were Joseph Clark and three "worshipful masters" bearing the corn, wine, and oil used to consecrate the stone. Chanting accompanied Washington’s ascent from the trench. Clark gave a speech punctuated by numerous volleys from the artillery. Following the formal exercises, a 500 pound ox was barbequed and those in attendance "generally partook, with every abundance of other recreation." By dark, the festivities had ended.
My remarks:
a) Notice the presence of Masonic Lodges from Maryland and Virginia, including a Grand Master, a master Mason, and three worshipful masters. George Washington was himself also a prominent Free Mason.
b) The cornerstone laying was sponsored by: the Grand Lodge of Maryland, several lodges under its jurisdiction, and Lodge 22, from Alexandria, Virginia.
c) In reality, the ceremony did not take place in 1793 a.d. No, sir; no, ma'am. It took place in the Masonic year 5793.
d) The ceremony was held in the City of Washington, not in Washington, District of Columbia.
e) Note well: Chanting accompanied Washington’s ascent from the trench (where he laid the cornerstone). What phrases were the Free Masons chanting? To whom or to what were they chanting? What words? What language?
f) A 500 lb ox was barbecued and consumed. Of course, in order to barbecue the ox, it first, obviously had to be slaughtered. It was a very high level, Masonic ritual ceremony. The slaughtered ox was a blood sacrifice.
g) The event took place in the thirteenth year of American Independence. Thirteen is another very important Masonic number, e.g., the original 13 colonies became the original 13 states.
h) ... those in attendance "generally partook, with every abundance of other recreation." Probable translation: afterwards the liquor flowed. This is not likely a reference to badminton, lawn bowling and croquet.
There you have it. The USSA was and is a Masonic thing, from the start. If the laying of the cornerstone of the USSA Capitol took place in the Masonic year of 5793, then I suppose for the Free Masons this present year is 6021. Clearly they have a different concept of time and history than is taught to the hoi polloi in the schools and universities. The plebes get the "styoopid" version; the Free Masons hold back the real history for themselves.
Oh, yeah: Masonic year 6021. 6 = 2x3. Two threes. Throw away the zero as nothing, separate 21 into 2 and 1, and 2+1 = 3. Another 3. Just like that there are three threes.
333, baby! In Free-Mason-Land it's always 333 time, and this year is one of those times; in case anyone has not noticed that we are waaay down Alice's Rabbit Hole, and precipitously plunging headlong down to still deeper, Stygian, satanic levels of death, destruction and horror. And there are still 7 weeks to go.
The Elon Working
How many times have I said in this blog that it is all scripted? This Earth realm is choreographed and programmed. In plain sight, for those with the eyes to see, is a sort of A.I. routine that has a meta-structure, a programming language, a reality grammar and vocabulary, if you will, that is known to, managed and executed by the world controllers. I have previously written about some aspects of this here, and on many other occasions, as well. It's all an artificial show. It is a long-running, endlessly looping, carnival sideshow from Hell. This demonic circus has a ringmaster: Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, aka, Demonic A.I., and it detests natural humans and the natural world.
Haven't you noticed how everything is trending towards A.I. control of everything? The A.I. is coming out of the closet all over the world, and it is grotesquely hideous.
The truth is that we are in some sort of weird, fake twilight, a pretend copy of genuine, organic reality; a kind of artificially generated, Vorticular Madness of the Dark Magicians, as I have called it. I don't know any other way to put it than that.
I wrote a long blog post ten years ago about a variety of strange, albeit documented aspects of this vorticular madness, having to do with the nexus, or welter of connections, between elements and personnel of the Third Reich, NAZI science and technology, esoteric Egyptian ties, 33rd degree Freemasonry and NASA. I very strongly encourage you to please read:
I also devoted a few pages of my out of print book, Kundalini Tales, to the strong NAZI and 33rd degree Masonic roots of the NASA space program. In brief, nothing is as it appears. The deception goes very deep and runs to unexpected places. One thing is certain: we have not been told the truth about "space" or about the multiple "space" programs.
I mention these things, because I could not help but notice that just a few days ago, one of Elon Musk's Space-X, Dragon space capsules returned a crew of astronauts to Earth at 22:33 Florida time, or 3:33 Greenwich Mean Time. The Masonic numerology is ever with us, lo, these unknown centuries later, even, or especially, in the so-called "space" program(s). As for the Dragon space capsule, would that be "dragon", as in the infamous Draco Reptilian E.T.s, the bad boys of the galaxy. Is Elon Musk in cahoots with them? Or would that be "dragon", as in Revelation 12:9 in the Christian scriptures? -- "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the Earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Is that who Elon is working with, or for, and so has named his space capsules after him? Is the Elon Musk psy-op in league with dark forces?
In any event, this planet is being run on Freemason 333 time and has been for a very long while. To cut to the chase, Elon Musk is self-evidently all in on the whole operation. He's an artificially made man who popped up like a South African mushroom after a spring rain. The whiz kid, the boy wonder who came out of nowhere to be one of the richest tycoons of this, or of any era. Is the "Elon" psy-op even an organic human, or would it perhaps be a bio-engineered clone artificially animated by A.I., with a fictional life story?
Yes. The allegedly "brilliant" engineer who is on the way to colonize Mars. It's been in the news for years: Elon is going to colonize Mars! Here, read this one; it lays out some of the details.
SpaceX's Mars Colony Plan: How Elon Musk Plans to Build a Million-Person Martian City
I'll save you the suspense: the reusable rocket boosters that will carry fuel, colonists and everything else to Earth orbit, to be assembled there for the long voyage to Mars, will loft 330 tons per trip. 330 tons. 33 x 10, or 33 x (3 x 3.3˙). 33rd degree Freemasonry rears its head again.
The centuries scroll slowly by, but 333 is ever with us.
The fiendish plan of the dark controllers is also ever with us, at least so far, in this demonic year of 2021, and Elon is their boy.
Please consider that in 1952, Wernher von Braun, a former NAZI SS officer and one of the greatest and most influential aerospace engineers of the 20th century, who built V-2 rockets for Hitler during WW-II, and ballistic missiles and Moon rockets for the USSA military and NASA after WW-II, wrote a book entitled, Project Mars. In the book, Mars is colonized and ruled by a leader named Elon.
As the French say: Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. We are in a time loop, an artificially programmed reality. It's scripted, choreographed, pre-arranged. That's the way it looks to me.
Wernher von Braun was a high level player in the game. So is Elon Musk. We are in a 333 charade. That's what time it is. As for the year, it's whatever year the controllers of the false reality decide that they want it to be.
6021. 2021. Whatever.
I absolutely need and gratefully accept any and all donations. Everything that we have known in our lifetimes is about to go bye-bye and will never be back again, not ever. I know that I keep repeating this like a mantra, but it is nonetheless true. If you are able and willing to donate it will be a very great help for me at a time of tremendous need. For how to make a cash donation please contact me at: This is the preferred method of donation for me right now.