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Monday, May 29, 2023

Lots Of Russian Armor & Artillery Moving To The Front

Dear Readers, it looks like major warfare is coming. In recent days social media has had videos of Russian tanks, Multiple Rocket Launchers (MRLs) and heavy trucks being moved to the front by railroad. This is the same kind of thing that happened in the months and weeks before the Russian Army went into the Ukraine in February of last year.

The Russian military is clearly preparing for heavy combat, above and beyond the level of the current military operation in the Ukraine.

If the videos do not show, please click through to my blog to see them: Event Horizon Chronicle.

The Russian text that accompanies the video says: Another military echelon with Russian tanks on the way to help the brothers.

Here's another video of a trainload of tanks, MRLs and heavy trucks on the way to the front. The Russian text says: Another military echelon of the Russian Armed Forces on the approaches to the Donbas.

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Sunday, May 28, 2023

Nuclear Battlefield Is Very Quickly Taking Shape

My blog post of yesterday mostly fell into a yawning, silent chasm:

But I was, and remain, perfectly serious. If the Pentagon/NATO/EU do not back off and militarily stand down against Russia, then nuclear war is all but certain. The hordes of Pollyannas who cheerfully assert that such a thing could never happen, because it is much too dreadful a thing for those in power to countenance, simply are not facing the growing, nuclear menace.

The reality is that the Russians are preparing for that eventuality. They are moving tactical nukes into Belarus right now. They view with alarm the billions of dollars worth of weapons and war materiel, and the many thousands of Pentagon and NATO troops being moved into Eastern Europe and the Baltic region. They are therefore openly staging nuclear weapons in Belarus. 

Russian Tactical Nukes Already Being Transferred To Belarus

This comes hard on the heels of the decision of the Pentagon/NATO to supply the nuclear weapons capable F-16 warplane to the Ukraine. If a delivery of nukes to the Ukraine also takes place, the Russians have already warned that they will launch a preemptive nuclear strike -- perhaps using the tactical nukes that are now being shipped to Belarus. 

From where would the Ukrainians obtain nuclear weapons? Well, there are three nuclear powers in NATO: France, the United Kingdom and the U$$A. Any of the three could pass a few nukes to the Ukrainians. Thimble, thimble, who's got the thimble? NATO does, and if it comes down to it, the Russians may not differentiate much between Brussels, Paris, London, Berlin and Wa$hington-DC.

It's an extremely dangerous game that the U$$A-Pentagon/NATO/EU are playing. But what would great power, nuclear brinksmanship be without Undersecretary of State Victoria "Jabba the Hutt" Nuland to bring things to a frothing, pre-Armageddon boil? 

This past Thursday, Nuland publicly revealed that the U$$A has been working with the Ukraine for the past 4 or 5 months, planning a major counteroffensive that will be unleashed in mid-July, a month and a half from now. She actually blurted out all of this, to a "security" forum in Kiev. Her hubris is astonishing.

Not to be outdone, U$$A Senator Lindsey Graham was in Kiev just two days ago to meet with Ukrainian President Zelensky. With the cameras rolling (time stamp 0:26-0:31) Graham said: "And the Russians are dying. The best money we've ever spent."

No doubt those words were received in Moscow like a bucket of ice water dumped over one's head. But Graham went even further, saying to a press conference in front of a bunch of old, rusty tanks:

"The F-16 will matter. It is not a magic weapon, but combined with other weapons, it will be decisive. ......... I am convinced that there will be bipartisan support to provide more weapons that can turn the tide of battle in the upcoming counter-offensive. But I expect in the coming days and weeks, for the Ukrainian counter-offensive to yield results, and I'm here to tell you that the last chapter of the Battle of Bakhmut is yet to be written. I'm here to tell you that the Russian military is about to have Holy Hell unleashed upon them."

Well, now, we are face to face with something monstrous here, and Lindsey Graham is merely its loathsome herald. Permit me to parse his ugly-speak:

** the F-16s combined with other weapons will be decisive
** weapons that can turn the tide of battle in the upcoming offensive
** the Russians are about to have Holy Hell unleashed on them

The other weapons combined with the F-16s surely must be nukes. The F-16 is a nuclear weapons capable warplane. A few conventional bombs or air to air missiles will not be decisive. But nukes are another animal altogether.

The weapons that can turn the tide of battle must also be nukes. None of the conventional weapons that the Ukrainians have deployed so far have permitted them to turn the tide of battle against the Russian armed forces. A couple of hundred more tanks, or 100 more artillery pieces will not rout the Russian army. The Russians have all of that and much more. To turn the tide of battle the Ukrainians will have to introduce something else to the conflict that they have not used so far.

Holy Hell is about to be unleashed on the Russians. And what would that mean? Nukes? The direct entry of Pentagon/NATO forces en masse into direct military conflict against the regular Russian military forces? 

I'm guessing that one of the two, and maybe both, is/are planned to come into play later this year -- by the looks of things, in or about mid-July.

I've been warning about this sort of apocalyptic set-to for years now. The thing is, when the nuclear trip wire is triggered, kinetic military events begin to move very fast, blindingly fast, hypersonically fast -- and with mind-bending, devastating effect.

Colonel MacGregor (look him up if you don't know who he is) and many others are now openly warning of the danger of nuclear war. I concur. We are skating on the edge of oblivion. And yet the U$$A government continues to send forth psychopathic, Satanic warmongers like Lindsey Graham and Victoria Nuland to light the fuse of World War III.

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Friday, May 26, 2023

More On The Roman Influence In The Modern Power Structure

I have to first of all correct an error in a recent post where I mentioned that there are two, large, Roman fasces on the wall behind the speaker's rostrum in the Senate chamber in Washington-DC. I linked to the following photo, which is in fact of the House of Representatives chamber.

But it matters little. A reader called my attention to the Seal of the United States Senate, and what do you know:

There at the bottom of the Senate seal are two, conspicuous, Roman fasces. Governments may come and go, but Imperial Rome is eternal, or aspires to be.

The flag of the United States Senate also bears the same two, Roman fasces:

In the Rotunda of the State Capitol of Virginia is the famous statue of George Washington, sculpted by Jean-Antoine Houdon in the period 1785-1792.

On the left side of the statue is a huge Roman fasces, over the top of which Washington has draped his cape, slung his sword and is resting his hand. This is a blatant conflation of George Washington, Founding Father of the U$$A, with the symbol of Imperial Roman power and authority. It was deliberate and present from the very beginning of the U$$A government.

Fasces are also to be seen on the Arlington Memorial Bridge, which crosses the Potomac River from Washington-DC to Arlington-VA.

The quality of the photo is not very good, but you can make out two, large, vertical, fasces on either side of the central, sculpted motif.

And then there are the Federal Reserve buildings. See for example, the original Federal Reserve building in Richmond-VA:

The architecture was explicitly Roman-style. And here is the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve in Washington-DC, with a distinctive, neo-classical, Roman style of architecture:

Roman-style architecture covers the U$$A from coast to coast, border to border.

One more, and then I'm done for now. The Virginia State Capitol, in Richmond, was explicitly designed by Thomas Jefferson after an ancient Roman temple, the Maison carrée, in Nîmes, France:

There is no end to ancient Roman symbolism, e.g., the Roman fasces, and ancient Roman-style, official architecture in the U$$A. I draw the obvious conclusion: the U$$A from its inception has been a deliberate continuation of the ancient, Imperial Roman project of military conquest, occupation and plunder, in form, function and law, with Washington-DC, being joined with the other, contemporary, Imperial Roman city states of the Vatican-Rome and the City of London. Mind you, the City of London is almost 2,000 years old. It was established by the Roman army in the first century A.D., and was an administrative and commercial center for Roman Britain during most of the Roman British period. As far as I can see, it continues that role in our time, and even more so, casting a global web of malign control and nefarious influence. 

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Fools Who Say That Nuclear War Cannot Happen

I have lost erstwhile friends for simply saying that nuclear war is not only possible, but that it is coming

People that I have known for years, for decades even, have 100% severed relations with me over this issue. I assume that there is really heavy, willful, dark karma associated with such adamant intransigence on their part, like Pentagon and CIA ties, for starters. 

Facing the truth can be difficult, especially when someone has devoted a large chunk of their life to murder, participation in genocidal crimes, covering up for mass murderers -- and getting paid for all of that. It's much easier to tell Richard Sauder off and walk away -- instead of facing extremely uncomfortable truths about the Pentagon and CIA, and their massive, institutional, programmatic preparations to destroy Humanity. 

The arguments advanced against my assertions have been of three principle varieties:

1) The prospect of nuclear war is simply too dreadful to contemplate; ergo, it will not and cannot occur. Cooler heads will prevail.

2) Benevolent E.T.s will keep nuclear war from occurring, because it would be too destructive to the Earth, to Humanity, and to the very warp and woof of the Creation itself. 

3) Nuclear war cannot and will not happen, because in reality there are no nuclear weapons, and never have been. Nuclear weapons are physically impossible. Purported nuclear missiles and bombs are all fake. 

I don't even know where the third objection comes from. The evidence for nuclear weaponry, and the horrific effects of fission and fusion explosions, is voluminous. Denial is a river that runs very deep. A lot of people prefer to indulge childish illusions and fantasies and stick their heads in the sand. It's infantile and disappointing, but that's the way they are.

As for the allegation that benevolent E.T.s will intervene to prevent nuclear war, because it would otherwise be too destructive to the Earth, to Humanity and to the very structure of Creation itself; that childish argument can be summarily dismissed by the fact that since the dawn of the modern, nuclear age in New Mexico in 1945, over 2,000 nuclear bombs/warheads/devices have been exploded at sea, in the air and underground -- the majority of them in the Pacific Ocean, Central Asia/Siberia, the Russian Arctic and in the Nevada Desert. Benevolent E.T.s have not stopped these thousands of nuclear explosions. Please see:

As for the first objection, I am mindful that just today Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian President, former Russian Prime Minister, and serving Deputy Chair of the Russian Security Council, spoke publicly on the possible presence of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine. He was very clear:

"There are irreversible laws of war. If it comes to nuclear weapons (in the Ukraine), there will have to be a pre-emptive strike."

The warning is unambiguous.

It has special force, in the context of the openly discussed plans in recent days for the Pentagon/NATO to deliver F-16 fighter-bombers to the Ukraine. 

Of note is the fact that the F-16 is a nuclear weapons capable warplane. Dmitry Medvedev surely knows this. More than that, he has access to military intelligence that the rest of us do not. The F-16s will arrive in, or near, the Ukraine sometime in the coming months -- June? July? October? -- and if nukes are then detected by the Russians, the response could be very fast and of the mushroom cloud variety.

The only question is whether the response would be limited to the place(s) in the Ukraine where the nukes would be stashed, or whether the Russians would go farther afield to places like Brussels, Ramstein, the Yorktown Naval Annex, the Norfolk Navy Yard, and so forth.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

More Pentagon UFO Lies

Did you catch this item in this week's news cycle about a huge, triangular shaped UFO over the Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base in California?

The large, triangular craft was seen and filmed by many people on the base two years ago, in April 2021. After the sighting, witnesses reported that helicopters quickly flew out to the area where the triangle was seen. A convoy of more than 60 trucks also drove out to the area. What did the trucks do? Were they expecting the black triangle? Did the huge, black triangle make a scheduled delivery of some sort? 

People have been seeing these things for decades. You can bet that the military sensors got this particular, black triangle's radar signature, photos, probably infrared readings, and who knows what other instrument readings. The Pentagon also would have remote viewed it after the fact.

The Pentagon has not divulged even 1/10th of one percent of what it knows and has learned about UFOs, including the fact that some of them certainly are the Pentagon's very own craft, whether accidentally found, shot down, recovered, reverse engineered, or home built from scratch.

After all, where do you think that that pesky, multi-trillion dollar, Pentagon Black Budget disappears to? The U$$ of A military are lying through their teeth about so many things, including UFOs and E.T.s., secret underground and undersea bases, and much more.

Over the years, I have spoken with two women who have personally seen these large, black, triangular UFOs. One of my former coworkers was hiking in the Gila National Forest in southwestern New Mexico when she saw one flying nearby.  She was very matter of fact about it. She made note of the craft, and that was that. She was not perturbed in the slightest. Her sighting was about 30 years ago.

I also spoke with a French woman who saw one about 20 or 25 years ago, in Lyons, France, during midday. I had asked her if she had ever seen a UFO and she said that she had not. Whereupon I replied that many people see UFOs, without understanding what they are looking at, that UFOs can have many shapes: flying saucers, large tubes or cylinders, cigar shapes, spheres, large black triangles ...

Which prompted her to ask: "Large black triangles?" I answered in the affirmative.

At which she instantly told me that a huge, black triangle had flown right over her home in Lyons. She had been outside in back of the house when it came over, very slowly and very low. She thought it was some sort of military aircraft. It had been not much higher than the tree tops. 

I asked if it made any audible sound. She said that it made a sound that was reminiscent of a diesel engine idling, like a heavy truck or a railroad locomotive. A sort of quiet, rhythmic, run-run-run-run-run-run-run sound.

Which raises the question as to whether diesel engines are used for powering the propulsion units of these craft while in the Earth's atmosphere. I honestly don't know, but it occurs to me to raise the possibility.

Many people assume that these big, black, triangular UFOs are of extraterrestrial  origin and manufacture.  But are they? What if they are built in secret underground bases right here on Earth? Diesel engine technology is well developed. It's reliable and it dependably works. What if it is incorporated into the power plant on these craft, perhaps to drive other machinery or equipment?

During the 1980s, there was a much publicized wave of UFO sightings in the Hudson River valley, north of New York City. One of the many sightings was of a large, black triangle:

... there was (a) sighting over the IBM facility in East Fishkill. It was a cold November evening in 1986. At about 9 p.m., the second-shift workers were returning from lunch. The observer reports that a huge triangular craft, dark in color, was hovering over the plant. It had four lights on it, one at each point of the triangle and one in the center.

That was 40 years ago. Like I said, people have been seeing these things for decades. There's even a book devoted to triangular UFOs, by David Marler: Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation. He comes down in favor of an extraterrestrial explanation for the Black Triangles. And maybe he's correct, or partially so, or wide of the mark.

Personally, I don't rule out other possibilities such as parallel, high-tech, terrestrial Human civilizations, both modern and ancient, that keep a very discreet distance from the contemporary, mainstream Human cultures on Earth. 

And then there is this account from Arkansas, in 1980, in the aftermath of the Titan II nuclear missile silo explosion in the Little Rock Air Force Base missile field in north-central Arkansas:

We lived a mile west of the missile base between Bee Branch and Damascus, Arkansas. Since the missile base explosion September 20, 1980, we had seen a lot of craft. We had a 240 foot chicken broiler house, and coming out around 2:30 several afternoons a week we would see the cigar shaped craft going by overhead heading NNW which is the course they used nearly every time. Mother had one come right by the broiler house one afternoon, I was not there to see it..but she tells of how it scared her, just last Sunday even.

Nine of us were under the big mimosa trees in the front lawn of our farm house.. .when from the south lined up with the Damascus water tower came this huge craft so low I had thought I could have hit it with a rock had I wanted to, not really but it was so low I could see the hull protrusions, and markings on the underbelly of the craft. It made a whirring sound as it went overhead, and it had rows of multiple lights along the starboard side I was seeing. I felt like they were port holes, and several rows of them. I could hardly see underneath to the port side, it was so wide. There were rows of big pipes underneath, which were orange, grey and blue, the full length of the craft.

As it passed overhead, I remember seeing the two rectangular exhaust drives, but as I think back I cannot recall if they were blue or a whitish orange. It’s been too many years I guess. The front of the craft was snub-nosed like a van in front. I looked up and could see what I assumed was the bridge that went all way across the craft. My thoughts at the time were loneliness at the thought they were relatives checking on us.

Did the U$$A Air Force notice these large craft that were plying the skies in the region after the missile silo blew up?

Of course they did!! They would have taken photos, radio, radiological, meteorological, radar and gravity readings, and more exotic instrument readings. They learned a lot, and withheld all of the information from the public.

I repeat: the Pentagon, the NSA, NASA and CIA, and the major aerospace companies know plenty about UFOs, E.T.s and also about parallel terrestrial, high-tech civilizations, both ancient and modern.

We are not home alone, and we are not the only show in town. I realize that it is hard to accept the idea of divergent, parallel, terrestrial Human civilizations that jointly occupy the planet with us, but I suspect that that may be an important part of the UFO puzzle that we will have to come to terms with. 

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Underwater and Underground Bases

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Esoteric Flags of Colorado & Hawaii

Well, now, things just get curiouser and curiouser. 

After having recently written about the national flag of Ecuador, which prominently features a Roman fasces underlying its central motif, I decided to take a look at some other flags for evidence of the Roman fasces. It wasn't long until I stumbled across the original, "unofficial," flag of the U$$A state of Colorado, adopted in 1876. Click the link:

See it? The all-seeing Illuminati eye within the triangle, just above a large, prominent, Roman fasces, the thousands-of-years-old symbol of ancient Roman imperial power. From the very beginning of its statehood, and probably before,  Colorado was an Illuminati, secret society territory. Is it also a Roman imperial territory?

Here is the Denver City and County building:

It looks like an official, imperial Roman building. Is it? Is Colorado a Roman outpost? Is that why the fasces symbol of Roman imperial power and authority is on its official state seal?

The words in Latin at the bottom of the 1876 flag and state seal: NIL SINE NUMINE, which translate as "Nothing without the Deity," are taken from the Roman poet, Virgil's Aeneid, Book II, line 777.

Line 777. Three sevens. Three and seven, among the most favored numbers of esoteric numerology and Freemasonic secret societies. 777, an angel number which portends prosperity, financial abundance and good luck.

And mind you, the "unofficial" flag of Colorado and its blatant symbolism did not simply vanish with the passage of the centuries. Oh, no, it persists to the present day as Colorado's official, state seal. Please see:

It was probably inevitable that the state of Colorado would become known for underground Pentagon and FEMA bases, the Denver airport, which is crawling with esoteric symbolism and rumors of secret, underground tunnels, the mysterious San Juan Valley with its many paranormal mysteries, numerous UFO sightings and equally numerous sightings of the mysterious, elusive Sasquatch.

After hitting pay dirt in Colorado, I continued looking, and what do you know?

Hawaii: British Territory Under Admiralty Law?

Here, have a look at the flag of the "alleged" U$$A state of Hawaii:

See the British Union Jack in the upper-left hand corner of the flag? For me that raises all sorts of issues, because flags are symbols of territorial governance, among other purposes.

I know that the official, historical narrative of Hawaii as put forward to the world public and school children is that Hawaii is one of the 50 states of the U$$A, Inc. 

But I have questions which are not allayed at all by the following Wikipedia explanation:

The flag of Hawaii, in addition to the current state design, previously had been used by the kingdom, protectorate, republic, and territory of Hawaii. It is the only U.S. state flag to include a foreign country's national flag. The inclusion of the Union Jack ... is a mark of the Royal Navy's historical relations with the Hawaiian Kingdom, particularly with King Kamehameha I. The flag continued to be used after the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Who are you going to believe? The "official" historical narrative, or your own, lying eyes? What does it mean when an ostensible "state" of the U$$A, Inc. prominently includes the flag of a foreign country? Official flags denote territorial authority. So if the British Union Jack is on the official flag of the so-called "state" of Hawaii, what does that mean? Symbols matter. Official symbols matter. They have official meaning.

I'm telling you that I am starting to question all sorts of alleged "official" truths.

The Hawaiian islands are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Is the so-called "state" of Hawaii therefore automatically subsumed under British admiralty law, and as such, perhaps an overseas territory that has been loaned to, or rented out to the U$$A, Inc. by the British Crown, to be administered by the British Crown's subsidiary U$$A corporation in Washington-DC? I don't know. I have questions. I'm asking.

And, yeah, we are for sure talking about the Deep State here, the Global Deep State. I am proposing that the Deep State may have layers that we have not yet even begun to suspect. The state flags of Colorado and Hawaii both raise questions that I did not entertain even two weeks ago. How deep does the rabbit hole go?

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Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Guy Who Just Started Paying Attention


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Friday, May 12, 2023

Hidden Underground Empire Pt. 02 - A Very DEEP Conversation With Dr. Richard Sauder

Dear Readers, here is my long conversation with David Whitehead, of the Way of the Truth Warrior Podcast. We cover a very wide range of topics, both physical and metaphysical.

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Underwater and Underground Bases

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Are We Under Roman Law?

Just a few weeks ago the President of Ecuador swore in a new government minister (they come and go all the time). The story that appeared in the press described him administering the oath of office, and was accompanied by the following photo:

I could hardly believe what I saw. The new minister had her right hand in the air, as is customary when swearing an oath of office -- but her left hand was conspicuously cupping her crotch.


Now politicians frequently make all sorts of hand signals when they appear in public events or photo opportunities, though it is usually one of the better known Freemasonic hand signs. They do this to telegraph that they are part of the corrupt, secret society club. But blatant crotch cupping, especially by an ostensible female dressed in all white? That's something you don't see everyday.

She's signaling alright, but what? to whom?

It got me thinking. I vaguely remembered reading something years ago about an ancient Roman tradition of swearing a binding oath on one's "family jewels," as it were. So I went looking and found this:

Did a man swear on his testicles in ancient roman courts?

The link says: "Roman men considered that they had sworn an oath if they held their testicles in their hands while swearing."

So, yes, it evidently was the practice in Roman times for men to grab their balls when swearing a formal, legal oath.

A couple of thousand years ago there were very few women in political positions. However, as more women enter the public service sphere in the modern era, do they come onto the scene making brazen gestures indicating that they, too, are part of the ancient, "good 'ol boy" political power network?

In other words, regardless of gender, how much of the contemporary power network today still emanates from and is dictated by Rome, via ancient secret societies? 

Yes, I know that we were taught in school that the Roman Empire fell long ago.

But is that really true?

I have questions, I really do. 

Consider that in ancient Rome the symbol of state power was the fasces:

In ancient times, fasces were a Roman symbol of power and authority, a bundle of wooden rods and an axe bound together by leather thongs. Fasces represented that a man held imperium, or executive authority. Exercising imperium, a Roman leader could expect his orders to be obeyed, could dole out punishment, and could even execute those who disobeyed. The fasces he carried symbolized this power in two ways: the rods suggest punishment by beating, the axe suggests beheading. On its surface, the fasces imply power, strength, authority, and justice.

What do you know, take a look at the national flag of Ecuador and there is a conspicuous fasces right in the middle of the flag:

See it? It underpins the entire, central motif of the flag. Symbols run the world, and the symbolism on the national flag of Ecuador is very clear: Ecuador is a fascist system, the country is based on the Roman fasces.

Is that why the new government minister publicly cupped her genitals and swore an ancient, Roman-style oath to a fascist flag?

True enough, modern governments make a big show of blathering on about liberty, freedom, democracy, representative government, citizens' rights, and so forth.

But hear me well: it's all a show. The reality is that we are under a fascist system, a centuries-long, Roman system of oppression. It's staring us in the face.

Look at this photo of the United States Senate chamber:

Donald Trump is making a speech. Look at the lady in red, to his right. Just above her is a huge, Roman fasces. Now look on the other side of the rostrum. There is another, matching Roman fasces. These are the official symbols of ancient Roman power and authority. 

Now consider that this is the U$$Senate Chamber. Ancient Rome also had a  Senate.

Of course, the Senate meets in the Capitol building, the well known, monumental, Roman-style building in Washington-DC. The word itself, "Capitol" derives from the ancient Latin name Capitolium -- the Temple of Jupiter in ancient Rome.

Washington-DC is full of Roman-style temples. Look at the Supreme Court, for instance. Click this link:

Look at the Roman soldier in the upper-right. He is propping up a huge Roman fasces right beside him. The U$$A Supreme Court symbolism is openly telegraphing its fascist nature.

Or look at the Lincoln Memorial. It's covered with fasces symbolism. Good Old Honest Abe -- a fascist. Who knew?

Returning to Ecuador, the globally famous, Mitad del Mundo monument, which marks the Earth's equator, has a large fasces prominently carved into the stonework above the eastern entrance. Click the link and enlarge the image if necessary to more easily see the fasces.

Is the whole Earth under Roman, fascist rule?

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