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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The USSA's Secret Space Program(s)

Everyone is familiar with the spacefaring exploits of the USSA’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Russian space program and the European Space Agency (ESA). The increasingly sophisticated Chinese space program is also well known internationally.

But for years there has been quiet talk of another space program, a secret space program, a covert consortium, if you will, that operates quietly out of the public eye, drawing on the expertise, technology and personnel of major aerospace corporations, major military agencies and the publicly known space agencies and using all of those organizations and bureaucracies as a cover for clandestine space projects carried out in great secrecy. It seems like an outlandish idea at first blush. But there is evidence that points in that direction. 

Project Dyna-Soar

Most people have never heard of the USSA Air Force’s preparations for the so-called Dyna-Soar manned space program in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Dyna-Soar was based on the 1930s theoretical boost-glide space plane concept of the 20th Century German scientist, Eugen Sänger. Nazi rocket expert, SS General Walter Dornberger, was brought to the USA by Project Paperclip after World War II and carried along schematics and blueprints for a rocket launched space plane based on Eugen Sänger’s earlier work. In my book, Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files, I reference two Project Paperclip memoranda from 1947 that explicitly asked for both SS General Dornberger and Eugen Sänger to be brought over to the USSA under Project Paperclip. 

General Dornberger was brought over and worked for Bell Aircraft, in upstate New York, where he advanced the space plane concept under the guise of the USSA's Air Force’s Dyna-Soar project. Initially, Bell’s design for the Dyna-Soar was the leading concept, but then the Air Force decided to award the project to Boeing instead.  (The best history that I have seen of this project, and its Nazi antecedents, is the conference article by William C. Walter, Project Dyna-Soar: The Roots of Shuttle - A Memoir, IAA-92-0193, 43rd Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, August 28-September 5, 1992, Washington, DC (International Astronautical Federation, 3-5 Rue Mario-Nikis, 75015 Paris, France).

In plain English, NASA's space shuttle was not home-grown American technology. It actually was an outgrowth of  a concept based on Nazi research and plans dating back to the era of the Third Reich, in the 1930s and 1940s, albeit that it took the USSA a few decades after WW-II to build and fly a spacecraft that resembled the original Nazi concept. The original intent was to orbit the Dyna-Soar. Publicly, that program was shut down; however, with a delay of over a decade the Space Shuttle, a larger, boost-glide, space plane was launched and did orbit hundreds of astronauts.

Interestingly, Neil Armstrong, the celebrated first man to walk on the moon in NASA’s Apollo space program, was one of the Dyna-Soar space plane astronauts before he left Dyna-Soar to train with NASA. Eventually, after spending a lot of money and time, and training a Dyna-Soar astronaut corps, the Air Force publicly announced that it was shutting down the program, allegedly without ever putting any Dyna-Soar astronauts into space.

The Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL)

The USSA Air Force also planned to establish a Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL), and in the period 1965-1967 selected yet another corps of military astronauts. The Air Force’s MOL astronaut corps operated in parallel to the NASA manned space program’s astronaut corps. But then, as with the earlier Dyna-Soar program, the Air Force announced that it was shutting down the MOL program. 

Project Horizon

And then there were the USSA Army's plans for a major program to establish a manned outpost on the Moon. It was called Project Horizon  and projected scores of Saturn rocket launches of men and materiel into space, to construct a manned lunar base by 1966. Officially, nothing like this came to concrete realization, and the first Apollo astronauts did not set foot on the lunar surface until 1969, three years after the projected date of completion of the USSA Army's planned, manned lunar base.

The public record therefore shows that the USSA military planned at least three manned space programs in the 1950s and 1960s (Dyna-Soar, the MOL and Project Horizon) that were distinctly separate from the NASA Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs. The Air Force trained its own military astronauts for the Dyna-Soar and MOL programs, before very publicly shutting them down for ostensible lack of funding and political support. 

The USSA Military's Parallel Secret Space Shuttle Program

But was the story presented to the public really the whole story? The question has to be asked, because in August of 1989 the U.S. Air Force announced for yet a third time that it was shutting down another, this time secret, manned space program that it again intended to run parallel to that of NASA’s manned space program. In this case the Pentagon had spent $3.3 billion dollars to build its own space shuttle launch facility at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, a launch control facility in Colorado, and had a secret cadre of 32 military astronauts.

Mind you, none of this was public knowledge until the 1989 announcement by the Air Force that it had disbanded its secret, previously unknown, astronaut corps, that it was “mothballing” its space shuttle launch facility at Vandenberg AFB, and that it was abandoning its space shuttle program. There were therefore three publicly acknowledged efforts by the U.S. military over a 30 year period to establish its own manned space programs. In each case, the programs were publicly shut down, but only after first going to elaborate and costly lengths of training astronauts, developing technology and spending multiple billions of dollars. This represents quite a lot of repeated effort over a period of decades to obtain a null result.

Unless of course, this repeated exercise over a 30 year period was but a costly charade carefully calculated to deflect scrutiny from other military programs that actually have secretly put men into space.

I have often wondered whether something like the USSA Army's Project Horizon (see above) may even now be in secret operation, with manned outposts on the Moon, and perhaps elsewhere in the solar system, and even farther afield in the galaxy.

Curious Case of Gary McKinnon

Which brings me directly to the curious case of Gary McKinnon, the British computer hacker who was hauled up on serious criminal charges by the U.S. government for hacking into U.S. government and military computer networks. As of early 2010 McKinnon was facing 70 years in prison for hacking into U.S. Space Command computers, where he alleges to have seen computer files with lists of Non-Terrestrial Officers’ names, and records of fleet to fleet transfers containing names of ships that he says were not U.S. Navy ships. What he saw caused him to believe that the U.S. military has a secret space fleet and that the ships’ names that he viewed belong to that secret space fleet. 

Be that as it may, whatever it was that he saw caused the U.S. Government to go to unusual lengths to try to extradite Gary McKinnon to the USA and criminally prosecute and imprison him for the rest of his natural life. Judging by the extreme reaction of the U.S. Government to what would seem to be an otherwise comparatively minor hacking incident, maybe it really does have a secret space fleet. Maybe that’s why it went after Gary McKinnon so aggressively. Maybe the repeated, publicly “failed” or abandoned attempts by the U.S. Air Force to establish a separate, military, manned space program were just covers for another, more secretive manned space program that had quietly flown beneath the radar of public awareness until a bumbling British hacker stumbled across it.

Area 51

In that vein, much speculation has focused on the famous Area 51 in Nevada, and the Lockheed Corporation’s famous “Skunk Words” in California, as sites where secret spacecraft may have been developed and built. After all, it was Lockheed’s “Skunk Works” where super-secret aircraft such as the U-2, SR-71 Blackbird and F-117 stealth fighter were designed and built. And Area 51 is widely assumed to be a place where reverse engineering of recovered extraterrestrial technology takes place. 

One of the most interesting anecdotal accounts of the extraterrestrial technology held at Area 51 that I have seen appeared in a 2002 Robert Stanley interview with David Adair in NEXUS Magazine. (Robert M. Stanley, “Electromagnetic Fusion and ET Space Technology,” NEXUS New Times Magazine USA/Canadian Edition, vol. 9, no. 5 (September-October 2002): 53-57, 74-75.) Briefly, Adair says that in 1971 he was taken underground at Area 51 to a mammoth, underground, work space where he saw many exotic craft, including a large, bus-sized, fusion engine that was so exotic and sophisticated that it was clear to him that it was of extraterrestrial manufacture and could not have been made on Earth. The plain implication is that the military-industrial complex of the USA has extraterrestrial space engines.

We Now Have The Technology To Take E.T. Home

But it was the dramatic comments in 1993 of Ben Rich, director of the Lockheed Skunk Works from 1975 to 1990, that conclusively revealed that great technological advances have been made in the black world of compartmentalized programs. In March of 1993 Rich presented a talk to an engineering alumni meeting at the University of California- Los Angeles (UCLA). Jan Harzen, a Boeing executive and Director of the Mutual UFO Network’s Orange County section, was present in the audience that day. Harzan witnessed Rich show a slide of a black flying disk headed into outer space and tell the audience of engineers, “We now have the technology to take E.T. home.” 

Ben Rich went on to say that by making changes in unspecified mathematical equations there had been an engineering breakthrough and that it did not take long to travel to other stars. In recent years, a letter written by Rich in 1986 has also come to light in which he wrote: “Many of our manmade UFOs are Un Funded Opportunities.” This comment by Ben Rich clearly refers to black budget, off the books projects and technology. The clear reference to “manmade UFOs” is unambiguous and carries extra weight coming from Rich, who was an insider’s insider in the American military-industrial complex, particularly in the secretive world of high-tech, cutting edge, aerospace technology.

Information From My Own Sources And Research

I must say that none of this surprises me in the least. My personal view is that manned space flight in the modern era likely began in the early 1950s, a full decade before the Russians and Americans began publicly catapulting astronauts and cosmonauts into space in hypersonic tomato cans called "space capsules."

My belief is that from the time of the Third Reich on (or even before) electrogravitics, antigravity and other modes of propulsion were being explored.  I have explained my thinking and observations at length in previous blog posts, among others:  Nazi Vril Kaleidoscopic Merry-Go-RoundUnthinkable Torsion Secrets Of Our Most Recondite Delusion and  Vorticular Madness Of The Dark Magicians . The work of T. Townsend Brown, Charles Dellschau, the Nazi scientists and engineers, and a host of others, as well as the technology recovered from the Roswell  UFO crash in 1947 and other UFO crashes, absolutely did not escape the notice of the planners behind Project Paperclip, the Manhattan Project,  MJ-12, the Jason Group, Project Rand and other organizations and research groups dealing with exotic and cutting edge technology. In fact, the modern space effort appears to have begun in earnest many decades ago.

In my book, Kundalini Tales, I very briefly refer to a clear telepathic communication  that I received from Robert Monroe, the well-known out-of-body explorer and author who founded The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia. For whatever reason, I had a fair amount of telepathic contact with Robert Monroe over the years. Of course, he is not presently physically alive. In about 1981, he telepathically communicated to me that the first men went into space in 1951 (not 1961) and that the first space missions revealed that there were certain esoteric aspects to space travel, things that NASA, for instance, has never publicly revealed. Essentially, there is a deeply magical or mystical aspect of space travel -- it's not all nuts and bolts, hard engineering. There are certain key times and places, and specific manners in which you can send men to space. If the proper protocols are not observed the missions do not succeed. That was the gist of what he communicated to me.

More than that, other information I have received has suggested that the huge black triangles that so many people have seen, in different regions of the world, are a compartmentalized, Black Project of major aerospace companies that uses plasma technology as a propulsive force. The observed performance of the craft is consistent with some sort of alectrogravitic or antigravity technology. The same is probably true for the Nazi Vril-style flying saucers that have been repeatedly seen over the years.

I would also observe that when I was researching my first book on underground bases and tunnels, I ran across a technical document that mentioned a planned, nuclear powered, tunnel boring machine called a Subselene, designed to  excavate tunnels beneath the Moon's surface. I briefly mention the Subselene toward the end of the book. The document even estimated the cost of transporting the machine to the Moon, without, however, specifying exactly how that would be done. At the time, I wondered to myself if that could perhaps be done with a big, heavy lift, black triangle.

Twenty years later,  I am still wondering about that.

Bottom Line

The bottom line is that the available evidence indicates the likely existence of at least one classified, military space program using chemical rocket technology, and operating clandestinely, in parallel to the NASA manned space program. Additionally, the comments of Ben Rich and the remarks of David Adair indicate the probable existence of at least one other highly secret space program, using unconventional space technology, also operating in parallel to the NASA manned space program. The aggressive pursuit of criminal charges by the American government against the British hacker, Gary McKinnon, who alleges to have seen evidence of a secret U.S. military space fleet also points to a secret American space program.

The black budget is massive, running into the hundreds of billions, even trillions of dollars. The evidence strongly indicates that a lot of that money has gone into secretive activities in space about which we have never been informed. At places like Area 51, Vandenberg Air Force Base, White Sands Missile Range, Edwards Air Force Base, Cape Canaveral and elsewhere there are profound secrets about space and space travel that have been held back from the American people.

The general public have been massively lied to. The time has come that we learned the truth about what happens in those places, the many discoveries and breakthroughs that have been made, and the technology that is in use.

Will You Please Help Me?
After more than a year of intense struggle, the shaman who assaulted me has been indicted and has now been arraigned. There will be a trial hearing in several weeks.

I have been pushed to the wall by this ordeal, to my financial limits and beyond. The case is actually bigger than me, in that there certainly are other victims of shamanic abuse in the Amazon region. I am not the only victim. Indeed, I have already heard from another victim of the same shaman who has nevertheless declined to pursue justice or even to support me in my case in any way. But unlike him and 99% of the others, I have elected to stand up and fight back, no matter the odds. And against all expectations, my assailant has been indicted and is going to trial. But the battle is not over.

I have no illusions about what I am up against. I was almost killed.

What happens in the Amazon is vitally important to what happens on this planet, for crucial reasons of oxygen production alone. The shamans of the region theoretically have an essential role to play in healing the Amazon and showing the way for humanity to deeply bond with the natural world -- but not if they themselves are abusive to the very people who come to the region to consult the sacred power plants in search of hyper-conscious communion with Mother Nature. 

I urgently need your assistance to help pay my legal counsel. I need to prevail in this case to continue my work on this vital, southern continent and to put an end to at least some of the harm that is occurring in South American shamanism. It matters. I know that some of you are more than able to assist me. 

For USA dollar contributions please e-mail me at:  and I will tell you how to send a donation. 

I also gratefully accept donations of the following crypto-currencies at these addresses:



Sunday, June 22, 2014

Into the Abyss - Secret Underground And Underwater Bases

One of the global Shadow Government’s biggest projects over the last several decades has been the construction of numerous Top Secret underground and undersea bases, as well as secret tunnels, all over the world. The majority of the world’s population knows very little about this ambitious program, and remains ignorant of what is happening undersea and underground. This has been going on at least since the end of World War II.  A lot of it may have started with the Nazi engineers in the Third Reich, but it absolutely did not end with them.

I provide a great deal of information about these bases in the three books that are advertised in the right-hand sidebar of this blog.  Because I passed 90% of my life in the USSA, my work has a particular focus on that country. I reveal many of the major players in this decades-long project, many of the facilities themselves, and some of what is known about the activities that take place in them. It has to be said that a great deal still remains unknown about what is taking place underground and undersea.

Many governments have contracted with major civil and marine engineering firms to construct massive installations underground and undersea. These bases are found in many countries, including the USSA, Russia, China, Switzerland, Norway, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Canada, Great Britain and more.

The technology to construct manned bases down in the bedrock deep beneath the seafloor in mid-ocean has existed for almost half a century now. In 1966 the USSA Navy’s so-called Rock-Site concept revealed that the technical expertise in the petroleum, mining and marine engineering industries made possible the construction of large, permanently manned facilities deep beneath the seafloor, hundreds of miles offshore in mid-ocean. I discuss the Rock-Site plans in my book Underwater and Underground Bases, and also in my later book,  Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files.

In 1968 researchers affiliated with the Stanford Research Institute in California recommended constructing thirty undersea bases, at a projected cost of less than $3 billion dollars. Their report suggested that the deep undersea bases could be multipurpose facilities, for joint industrial, scientific and military use.

A growing body of evidence indicates that such bases have been built by the Americans, and perhaps by others as well. Bodies of water such as the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, the North Sea, the Bay of Biscay, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea, the South China Sea and East China Sea, the coastal waters of the continental shelves worldwide, as well as all other major seas and oceans are all candidate sites for deep, permanently manned bases. In fact the technology exists to conduct major industrial and military operations at extreme depths of 20,000 feet in mid-ocean. The major military agencies of the world and civil, petroleum, mining and marine engineering corporations have had the capability to construct these bases for decades. Reported or planned uses for these undersea facilities are as clandestine submarine bases, sonar bases, industrial mineral extraction operations (mining), alien bases, nuclear missile bases and scientific research installations. Note that all of these bases are presently clandestine and that there are likely to be other uses, perhaps even more exotic than those listed.

Marine and civil engineering technology also permit the construction of massive bases in the world’s coastal regions that incorporate elements of both undersea and underground bases. The massive base that the Chinese military has reportedly constructed on Hainan Island is a good example. This huge, underground base can accommodate as many as 20 large, nuclear missile firing submarines underground beneath the island. The submarines reportedly do not surface to enter their base. They come and go from the base through multiple underwater tunnels that open directly to the deep sea and lead straight from the secret, underground submarine base.

In the late Soviet period the Russians were also making a similar facility for their enormous Typhoon class, nuclear missile firing submarines. The Russian base is reported to be on the Kola Peninsula about 150 miles from Murmansk.

I have been told that the USSA Navy also has built similar underground and undersea submarine bases. The Israeli Navy is reported to have such a base on the Mediterranean coast. Military marine engineering has science-fiction-like capabilities to make huge, deep, undersea and underground tunnels for submarines. Technology in the Black Budget world has far outstripped the reality that we know in our everyday lives.

There are many secret underground bases all over the world. The Americans have numerous highly secret underground bases, including at their mysterious UFO research base in Nevada called Area 51. Many other nations also have secret underground bases. The Swiss Alps, for example, are said to be tunneled like Swiss cheese! The massive underground base beneath Yamantau Mountain in the southern Ural region of Russia is almost as legendary as Area 51 in the USA. The huge, Pine Gap underground facility in the middle of the Australian Outback is equally mysterious. Our planet is home to myriad facilities such as these. Many thousands, maybe even millions of people in total, are involved in building, maintaining and operating these highly secretive underground and undersea facilities – and yet the general public is kept completely in the dark as to what happens in them, or even where most of them are located.

Most of the world’s cities sit atop a literal warren or maze of underground tunnels and passages that can extend down hundreds of feet or more. The ancient catacombs that lie under Rome and Paris are well known. The gritty, dirty subways of New York City, the magnificent metro system of Moscow, and the jam packed rush hour subways of Tokyo, are equally world renowned.

The ultra-secret tunnels that lie under some of the world’s most famous cities are less well known. For instance, most tourists who visit Washington, DC never suspect that a veritable labyrinth lies beneath their feet. They visit the White House without thinking of the secret, deep underground tunnels that radiate out from it to other locations in the city. They never suspect the elaborate, subterranean installation buried deep beneath the White House that extends down underground, level after level after level. They never have heard of the Top Secret plans in the 1960s to make a secret underground base 3,500 feet below ground, with high speed elevators connecting to the White House, the State Department and the Pentagon, and a high speed, deep underground shuttle connector between the base and the elevators. And that is just a fraction of the subterranean secrets that Washington, DC conceals.

Other major cities such as London, Moscow, Beijing, and Tokyo have their own secret tunnel systems. The so-called ruling elite have been burrowing underground for untold centuries – we are just late in awakening to their secret, subterranean lairs.

Even stranger and more secret are the many reported bases of extraterrestrials that lie beneath the surface of the land and sea. I first heard these rumors in the late 1980s and they so fired my curiosity that they played an important role in the research and writing of my first book on the topic: Underground Bases and Tunnels: What Is The Government Trying To Hide?  I didn't uncover any open-literature evidence of aliens in underground bases while researching that book, but I found convincing evidence of major underground bases, and USSA government planning and research  for a major tunnel network.

Growing numbers of people have reported being taken underground or undersea and seeing clandestine facilities. I have heard some of these stories myself. I take them seriously. In some cases these so-called "abductees" also report seeing aliens working with terrestrial humans, including American military forces. Other human beings are sometimes seen who appear to be extraterrestrials. The implication is that there are other planets in the Milky Way Galaxy with human populations that we have not been told about. Highly strange activities have been reported in some of the underground bases involving genetic engineering, human cloning, mind control, and other technologies which we lack the appropriate language to even describe.

One engineer with whom I spoke spent his entire career maintaining large, extremely high-tech, industrial production facilities in secret, deep underground bases in the continental USSA. Part of what he described to me can only be interpreted as having to do with cyborg technology -- the marriage of living protoplasm and electronic technology. He frankly told me that though he remembered the majority of his career underground, that there were parts of it that remained blank in his mind, chunks of missing time that he could not consciously account for.

Others have alleged the existence of supersonic, underground magnetic levitation (maglev) trains that hurtle through a sprawling, continent-wide, deeply buried tunnel system. Can there be such a clandestine, subterranean train system built by the Shadow Government in great secrecy? My research answers a resounding, yes, it is very possible. In fact, the open record shows that just such a system was under active research and development all the way back in the 1930s, in the Third Reich of Nazi Germany. While it is not known if the Nazis ever built such a secret, maglev, tube shuttle, train network, the stories persist that such a system exists today, that it is very fast, very deep and very secret, for use only by the Shadow Government’s clandestine, compartmentalized projects. In my books, Underwater and Underground Bases, and  Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files, I provide documentation from the open technical literature that demonstrates a decades-long, multi-agency research effort into high speed maglev trains.

I have mentioned many times in my public lectures and articles the literal TRILLIONS of dollars that have gone conspicuously missing from the Pentagon's budget alone, over just the past 20 years or so. I have no doubt that a big chunk of that money has been poured into extremely high-tech, secret, underground and undersea bases and tunnels. I make the case for this in my books, which are linked to above, in the text of this article and also advertised in the right-hand sidebar of my blog.

You may be sure of this much: we are living in a world of very great illusion, delusion and profound deceit. To use a metaphor from the blockbuster movie, The Matrix, this little article is your “red pill.” You have the choice of rejecting the information that it contains, or, alternatively, of reading it and opening your eyes to the sober reality of the world as it is.

I agree with those who maintain that a highly clandestine, extremely compartmentalized, highly technologically advanced civilization has been developed parallel to the dumbed down, crime ridden, war wracked, poverty-stricken, global society that the vast majority of us are born into and spend our lives in. Both are terrestrial, human societies. Both occupy the same planet. But they remain largely separate, one from the other, by conscious design.

It seems incredible, but a growing body of research, mine included, points to that conclusion. The following 1950s-era quote, attributed to J. Edgar Hoover, applies very well to our situation: "... (T)he individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst."

The context of  Hoover's remarks had to do with the threat of Communism, but the comment clearly is fungible, in that it could just as well describe the predicament we face today.

We are faced with a situation where many trillions of dollars are being sucked out of the global economy, impoverishing billions of people, and yet we have no realistic idea of where the money is going, or what it is being used for. It's as if there is a parallel universe, established cheek by jowl with the realm we inhabit; we can see its effects on our daily lives, we can sense its deeply disruptive presence, and yet we cannot directly observe it; it remains frustratingly just out of our reach, just beyond or ken.

I surmise that that is because a great deal of it is underground and undersea. And also off planet, in orbit and perhaps elsewhere in this solar system and beyond. But that is a topic for another installment of this blog.

Of course, there are plenty of people who will remonstrate: "Yeah. Right. Look here, Richard, if something like that were going on, I would certainly know about it and I haven't ever seen any mention of it on FOX TV, or CNN, or MSNBC or CBS. National Public Radio has never alluded to anything like that. Neither have the BBC ..."

Like I said, we live in a dream world full of deceit, propaganda, international cover-ups, massive psy-op campaigns, compartmentalized, clandestine programs and projects, and multi-trillion dollar, global, Black Budget money laundering operations.

Understanding those basic facts is key to grokking what is happening on this planet. Either you get it or you don't, as you wish.

Will You Please Help Me?
After more than a year of intense struggle, the shaman who assaulted me has been indicted and has now been arraigned. There will be a trial hearing in several weeks.

I have been pushed to the wall by this ordeal, to my financial limits and beyond. The case is actually bigger than me, in that there certainly are other victims of shamanic abuse in the Amazon region. I am not the only victim. Indeed, I have already heard from another victim of the same shaman who has nevertheless declined to pursue justice or even to support me in my case in any way. But unlike him and 99% of the others, I have elected to stand up and fight back, no matter the odds. And against all expectations, my assailant has been indicted and is going to trial. But the battle is not over.

I have no illusions about what I am up against. I was almost killed.

What happens in the Amazon is vitally important to what happens on this planet, for crucial reasons of oxygen production alone. The shamans of the region theoretically have an essential role to play in healing the Amazon and showing the way for humanity to deeply bond with the natural world -- but not if they themselves are abusive to the very people who come to the region to consult the sacred power plants in search of hyper-conscious communion with Mother Nature. 

I urgently need your assistance to help pay my legal counsel. I need to prevail in this case to continue my work on this vital, southern continent and to put an end to at least some of the harm that is occurring in South American shamanism. It matters. I know that some of you are more than able to assist me. 

For USA dollar contributions please e-mail me at:  and I will tell you how to send a donation. 

I also gratefully accept donations of the following crypto-currencies at these addresses:



Thursday, June 19, 2014

Gates Of Hell Wide Open

Well,  my dream of a little more than two weeks ago strongly indicated that this past weekend, "the funding would stop, the money would be cut off."

And indeed, the past few days have revealed that we have crossed some kind of threshold in world events. There are huge changes in global, political-economy that are now manifesting.

The days of the USSA dollar as the global, reserve currency are certainly numbered. This absolutely has not escaped the notice of the dark powers that rule the Anglo/USSA/EU/NATO/ZioNazi/Saudi/ Qatari Axis, and they are predictably lashing out violently.

As I have explained in previous blog posts, the Anglo/USSA/EU/NATO/ZioNazi/Saudi/Qatari Axis does not do "nice." Torture, assassination, multi-trillion dollar larceny, bombing, gun running, false flag attacks, military invasion, etc. are the sort of thing it understands and does with relish. 

But "nice"? 

No, "nice" is not part of the modus operandi of the Anglo/USSA/EU/NATO/ZioNazi/Saudi/Qatari Axis.

These Things Are Not Coincidental 

It certainly is no accident that in the same short time frame that Vladimir Putin's top aide for economic policy has proposed an international anti-USSA dollar alliance to put paid to the global dominance of the USSA dollar as reserve currency, in order to bring an end to the conflict in Ukraine, and in the same time frame that  Russia has cut off gas supplies to Ukraine, that all of a sudden, like a mushroom sprouting up out of nowhere, the so-called ISIS army has swept out of Syria and into Iraq, causing absolute pandemonium in a region where only a couple of short weeks ago it had no meaningful, military presence.

ISIS is a hard-core, al-Qaeda army with a grisly reputation for butchering people like animals.

We do not actually know who all of these psychopathic assassins are, but it is clear the gates of hell have opened and foul, dangerous beings have been unleashed. I watched the video (click the link) and these are pure demons out for blood.

Joe Quinn has perhaps the best analysis of the situation that I have read so far: Psycho 'Reality Creators' open the 'gates of hell' in Iraq with proxy Jihadis in order to split up the Iraqi region into Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite spheres of influence, thus advancing the Zionists' dream of splintering the Iraqi state into three smaller, micro-states. In a word, divide and conquer for the ultimate benefit of greater Israel.

Clearly, this is the inevitable bitter fruit of the almost quarter century of repeated military attack, invasion and occupation of Iraq, and also proxy military attack and invasion of Syria, in recent years, by the USSA and Britain, with notable support from Wahhabi/Salafist Muslim hardliners in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and murky connections to the Zionist entity in Tel Aviv. 

So it is that the Anglo-American power elite, Zionist hardliners and Wahhabi/Salafist Muslims have made common cause in bringing such hellish suffering and destabilization to Syria and Iraq.

So who or what is behind ISIS -- is it a Zionist mercenary force in black drag rags? Wahhabi/Salafist mercenary Muslim army in black drag rags? USSA and/or British mercenaries in black drag rags? Home grown Sunni militants in black drag rags who want to push back Shiite control over the region? 

Some of all of that?

It's Just Getting Started

With ISIS staging for a southward push against Baghdad, the global oil market has been shaken. Some analysts are warning that the fall of Baghdad could drive gasoline prices sharply higher.

The USSA military has sent warships into the Persian Gulf in response, and Barack Obama is dispatching troops to Baghdad to defend the palatial USSA embassy, where about 5,500 personnel work. An evacuation of personnel is underway, though the number of persons withdrawing remains unknown.

As for why the USSA embassy in Baghdad needs 5,500 employees, you tell me. I have no idea what goes on there, but clearly with that level of staffing, it is not business as usual.

Obviously, all the elements are in place for a renewal of direct USSA military operations in, around and against Iraq. 

The Coming Storm

Actually, the storm has already begun, but Justin Raimondo at has the right idea. USSA politics is about to be upended -- and how! The whole body politic is in ferment and turmoil, and about to become even more volatile than it already is.

There are a bunch of factors. Just a few of the most salient are:

1)  The USSA is bankrupt, up, down and sideways, with a total societal debt of almost 60 trillion dollars. With that level of debt things cannot possibly continue much longer as they are, and so they will not. Like the man in my dream emphasized to me: "In two weeks my money runs out. My funding is being cut off." Of course he was right. My subconscious was only telling me what we are all realizing, many of us at the same time. It's over. The dollar is swirling around and around the worthless, fiat currency drain on its way to being an instructively admonitory, historical footnote.

2) As the Roman Catholic Pope Francis has warned in recent days, the entire global economy is on the verge of collapse. The whole, fraudulent edifice of private central bank, fiat currency, debt-based economics is about to come crashing down.  It is massively dysfunctional, it has plunged the vast majority of humanity into grinding poverty and it spawns endless wars. There is war after war after war, as the central bankers ceaselessly send out their proxy armies and military henchmen to exploit, plunder, invade, conquer, enslave, murder, torture, steal, etc.  Which brings me to the next point.

3) Barack Obama is even now sending USSA military personnel and major USSA military assets to the Middle East to engage the ISIS forces in Iraq and perhaps in Syria, as well. Of course there is the minor detail that in 2012 in Jordan the USSA military was training the very jihadi force that would two short years later become the army known as ISIS, but why quibble over historical fact? The main business of the USSA is war, and if people aren't fighting, or aren't fighting enough, why it is the burden of the USSA to train them to go forth and kill, the better to engender mortal conflict, so that the USSA will then need to enter the fray to fight against the very people who the USSA spent untold millions or billions of dollars arming and training to go forth and kill.

If thinking that thought makes your head hurt, think how much worse it would hurt if one of those jihadis in black drag rags turned his (surplus USSA military) assault rifle on you and blew your brains out.

4) Well, that will never happen, you say, because you live in Australia. Or in Britain or the USSA. That will never come back on you, you say, because you are far away. You will watch it on television and read about it on the Internet. Watch some videos of the action on YouTube. 

Well, let me tell you, this great evil that the Anglo-USSA-ZioNazi-EU-NATO-Saudi-Qatari Axis has unleashed is well and truly vile. Look at this video, if you didn't click the link the first time. Those are your tax dollars hard at work. Secret camps in Jordan and Turkey, international weapons trafficking, destabilization of governments on the other side of the world, CIA rendition and torture, NSA spying against you -- not them, and on and on the sordid mess goes.

It's holy hell. And it can very easily come back on you, on all of us, in many ways. And why shouldn't it, if the politicians you voted for, the military and espionage agencies of your country and the tax dollars you have paid have worked together to create ISIS and the wars in Iraq and Syria and other places? If the politicians you voted for, your tax dollars and your military are involved, by what right do you think you can merely skate above it all and just watch it on television or browse the videos on YouTube? And you personally are somehow magically not implicated?

I have a lot of readers in Britain. Did any of you vote for Tony Blair? Yes? Does your tax money go to MI-6 and the SAS, etc.? Yes?

I have the most readers of all in the USSA. Did any of you vote for Barack Obama? Or Bill Clinton, whose bombing campaign caused the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children? Did any of you vote for George Bush (whether father or son), whose military campaigns have so savagely destroyed Iraqi culture and society?

Hell, yes! Thousands of you did. 

You see the problem.

In fact, more and more people are seeing the problem and this is creating a serious crisis of so-called legitimacy for government in the USSA, Britain and elsewhere. Thinking people everywhere are questioning the role of government and their relationship to it: see The Coming Storm by Justin Raimondo for a hint of just some of what lies ahead.

5) Meanwhile, on the southern border of the USSA, a veritable flood of children and teenagers are immigrating en masse from Central America, across Mexico, and into Texas. There has never been anything like it. There is a huge wave of them, they just keep coming, thousands upon thousands.

The Barack Obama government has decided not to enforce the borders of the USSA. You could make the case that a country that does not enforce its borders does not have borders, and if a country effectively has abandoned its border, is it anymore a country, a nation state, in the ordinary understanding of the term?

You tell me, because we are seeing something highly unusual. It is hard to know what is happening.

6) Perhaps it is not coincidental that so many of these momentous events have occurred in just a couple of short weeks after the adjournment of the recent Bilderberger meeting in Denmark. And neither is it coincidental that more and more people are awakening to the role of the Bilderbergers behind the Anglo-USSA-ZioNazi-EU-NATO-Saudi-Qatari Axis of unspeakable evil, whence their apparent panic driven attempt to advance the level of violent chaos and global confusion to yet a more frenzied rung of mayhem.

People all over the world are asking who the hell the Bilderbergers are and by what right they presume to dictate to the rest of the world what will happen on this planet, and on whose terms? Who are they to decide those questions for the rest of us?

I certainly did not elect them or confer on them any authority whatsoever to do that on my behalf. Did you?

So the Bilderbergers are usurpers, shallow poseurs, busybody nobodies who have no right to do the things they are doing. The days of their hollow power and evil influence are numbered. The profound level of their fear can be gauged by the extreme level of secrecy with which they surround their organizational dealings, and the very high level of police repression they employ to separate themselves from the human race.

Their shady ties to the various governments of this planet, and major organizations and power bases, have not gone unremarked. More and more people are noticing the individuals and governments who do the satanic bidding of the Bilderberg organization. The role of the Anglo-USSA-ZioNazi-EU-NATO-Saudi-Qatari Axis and its assorted, servile, lickspittle, obsequious little brown nosing, boot licking toadies (also known as: kings, queens, prime minsters, presidents, government ministers and secretaries) is coming into clear focus.

The masses of humanity are getting a very good idea of precisely who their oppressors are and precisely what the game plan is for their oppression and destruction. This is something new and the Bilderbergers are a bit uneasy. It's a new feeling for them and they don't like it. The tide has shifted just a little bit and they are not quite sure exactly what it portends.

That Is Why This Moment is So Perilous

I have written about the threat of nuclear war before. It is a real danger. 

Absurdly, it is fashionable in some ignorant corners of the alternative media to say that the very prospect of nuclear war is so horrific that it could never happen. To those who think that way I say: look at this video again. There are demons abroad in the world and they kill indiscriminately, without the slightest regard for anyone or anything. They chop off heads with butcher knives and drive down the highway gunning people down right and left, spraying them with automatic rifle fire and then chasing the wounded down to spray them with more bullets and finish them off. Look at reality as it is. Look at what is happening on this planet. The USSA military has trained and armed these monsters, both directly and indirectly. So don't tell me what "cannot happen." It is exactly out of this shadowy underworld of the Anglo-USSA-ZioNazi-EU-NATO-Saudi-Qatari Death Axis and the vile operatives of the CIA, NSA, Mossad, MI-6 and MI-5, the French Piscine and the German BND, along with their psychopathic al-Qaeda-ISIS hell killers that the threat of nuclear false flags and other notorious crimes against humanity arises.

Other shallow, silly people, who presume to know the minds and policies of extraterrestrial factions in other sectors of the galaxy, go so far as to opine that nuclear war would never happen because "the aliens would prevent it."

All I have to say is, did aliens prevent the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945? Did aliens stop WW-II and the deaths of 60 million people? Did aliens prevent the catastrophic failure of the nuclear power reactors at Fukushima, Japan which even now are poisoning the Pacific Ocean? Have aliens prevented the ongoing destruction of the Amazon forest? And so forth.

This ignorant, childish silliness has to be recognized for the immature, delusional escape from reality that it is. It is baby think for nitwits.

The Crop Circle Makers Are On The Right Track

I couldn't help but notice that also in recent days a very interesting crop formation has popped up in the wheat fields of southern England.

It makes quite clear that there is to be NO MORE WAR. It spells it out in clear code, and also makes clear, using a simple chemistry allusion that it is referring to nuclear war.

THERE MUST NOT BE NUCLEAR WAR, in particular, and NO MORE WAR, in general. It has to stop. The fate of the planet and the human race hangs in the balance.

It is time to stop the stupidity.

I know that this blog is read at Langley, at Fort Meade, in the City of London, in Frankfurt and Brussels, at various USSA military bases and commands here and there, in Herzliya, etc. 

My only question is: do you get it? Do you imagine that when you unleash hell on Earth that none of that will blow back on you? Never? No way? That the Jews can nuke Iran, for example, and none of that will touch Israel? That the nation of Israel will even physically exist the next day? Or that the USSA-NATO-EU-ZioNazi-Saudi Axis can preemptively nuke Russia and/or China and that there can even be a liveable world in the aftermath of opening the door to the pits of hell? That the so-called USSA and EU can possibly survive the furious response that the Russians and Chinese would certainly fire back? That you can just go into your underground bunkers and ride it out for a few week or months? That you will somehow magically survive the hell on Earth that you have unleashed?

Will You Please Help Me?
After more than a year of intense struggle, the shaman who assaulted me has been indicted and has now been arraigned. There will be a trial hearing in several weeks.

I have been pushed to the wall by this ordeal, to my financial limits and beyond. The case is actually bigger than me, in that there certainly are other victims of shamanic abuse in the Amazon region. I am not the only victim. Indeed, I have already heard from another victim of the same shaman who has nevertheless declined to pursue justice or even to support me in my case in any way. But unlike him and 99% of the others, I have elected to stand up and fight back, no matter the odds. And against all expectations, my assailant has been indicted and is going to trial. But the battle is not over.

I have no illusions about what I am up against. I was almost killed.

What happens in the Amazon is vitally important to what happens on this planet, for crucial reasons of oxygen production alone. The shamans of the region theoretically have an essential role to play in healing the Amazon and showing the way for humanity to deeply bond with the natural world -- but not if they themselves are abusive to the very people who come to the region to consult the sacred power plants in search of hyper-conscious communion with Mother Nature. 

I urgently need your assistance to help pay my legal counsel. I need to prevail in this case to continue my work on this vital, southern continent and to put an end to at least some of the harm that is occurring in South American shamanism. It matters. I know that some of you are more than able to assist me. 

For USA dollar contributions please e-mail me at:  and I will tell you how to send a donation. 

I also gratefully accept donations of the following crypto-currencies at these addresses:




Thursday, June 12, 2014

Get Ready -- Here It Comes

A week ago, I mentioned my dream of not quite two weeks ago, in which an older man repeatedly mentioned to me that: "The money will run out in two weeks;  my funding will be cut off." Let's say this older man may be a sort of dream proxy for Uncle Sam, and leave it at that.

This weekend will be two weeks after that dream. 

I am not a prophet. I am not a professional seer. But it is clear to me that the events that are coming are so momentous, and will impact so many millions, and even billions of people, that they have already made a strong impression on the collective unconscious of humanity. I believe a  lot of people understand that really big events are about to unfold. They can feel them coming.

In my case, I simply subconsciously tuned into the probable, future reality stream that leaked over a little bit into the dreaming state while asleep.

That said, it does look like big events will transpire in the coming days. In fact, they've already started. Effective in recent weeks and days, the Russians unceremoniously have given the USSA dollar the heave-ho! Read the articles at these links:

These are major political-economic events. The follow on events to these dramatic developments will play out in the near term. It won't take ten years or five years or even one year for the effects to be felt.
It's the end of the dollar and the USSA as we have known it in the post-WW II period. You can hear the creaking, groaning and popping sounds as the whole, phony-baloney, USSA Federal Reserve Bank's global, dollar-based, century-old Ponzi scheme starts its collapse.
Putin's message is clear: "You want to play? O.K. The first rule is: we don't use your worthless Monopoly game money anymore. Alright? Now it's your turn."

The USSA's Next Play

Seeing as the only games the unimaginably evil,  transparently phony, USSA/NATO/E.U./ZIO-NAZI, military-industrial-espionage-bankster cabal appears to know are: 1) aggressive, unprovoked warfare, 2) multi-trillion dollar theft  and economic exploitation on a global scale and 3) universal espionage and surveillance of anyone and everyone, anywhere, for any reason and no reason, then that is what it/they will continue to do.

So, look for notorious false flags, and more war, here, there and everywhere. Look for more plunder, rape and pillage of everyone and anything, just about everywhere, for any and all reasons, or no reason at all.

Look for more espionage and spying on you and everyone you know.

The USSA military and CIA are simply the "enforcers" for global evil incorporated, sent in to maim, torture, destroy, kill, mass murder, bomb, assassinate, steal, plunder, rape, pillage, lie, propagandize, enslave, etc.

Some of this kind of thing was explained to me very simply almost 20 years ago by a former Royal Navy diver. He eased into the seat beside me on a long air trip. As the hours passed, we began talking about the Middle Eastern situation. He told me: "Look, the Pentagon is simply a mercenary force in the pay of the big oil companies. It's a corporate, mercenary army." He also explained the British order of battle in the Falklands/Malvinas war of 1982 between Argentina and Britain, if the Malvinas/Falkland islands were about to fall to Argentinean control. To wit: if it appeared that the Argentinean military were going to prevail in the fight for control of the islands, the British were prepared to go to nukes, and nuke the Argentinean mainland.

I initially found what he was telling me preposterous, but he explained why. There are massive, undersea, petroleum reserves in the South Atlantic, on the South American continental shelf. The whole war was actually about business, very big business, very big petroleum business, to be precise. Those tiny islands inhabited by two thousand British sheep herders are insignificant real estate, in and of themselves. But it is what lies beneath the sea in that region of the South Atlantic, that makes them such hotly contested, geopolitical chess pieces.

Of course, the British military and the Pentagon have been working hand in glove for a very long time. The same goes for the CIA and MI-6, as well as the NSA and GCHQ. The whole Anglo-American military-industrial-espionage-bankster establishment is a seamless, integral part of the deeply evil cabal that is taking down this planet and the human race.

This explains the savaging and ravaging of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, the ongoing chaos in Venezuela, the monstrous financial theft and fraud being perpetrated on all of humanity, and much more. It is a general purpose assault on the entire planet.

And it is accelerating in recent months, weeks and days. As the sheer evil in the cabal's dark heart grows more desperate, it will carry out ever more desperate acts. 

This global cabal is very heavily armed, with nuclear arms, with biological weapons that will make you bleed from every bodily orifice, with chemical arms, with nanotechnology, with electronic mind control and torture weapons, with scalar weapons, with drones, with artificially intelligent machines and computer systems, and more. The dark cabal is more than capable of unimaginable violence, up to and including genocidal violence.

What To Do?

Don't cooperate! If you are working for the NSA or the Pentagon or USSA Federal Reserve or the CIA or GCHQ or Bank of England -- QUIT your job. Hand in your security pass and walk away.

If you are working for a predatory corporation and you know it is wicked, QUIT.

If you are working for any organization that has an agenda that harms humanity and the planet, QUIT. Walk away.

I am saying these things because I know some of the sorts of places in which this blog is read. 

The only way that we, the human race, will escape the terrible outcome of events already set in motion, is if the many millions of people who are caught up in bringing those terrible events to pass, simply refuse to follow orders, and QUIT, and walk away.

You may be that person. It may start with you. You may be another Edward Snowden. In fact, I know that some of the people who are reading these words are in a position like Snowden's, or even more sensitive, with more authority and more knowledge about the hideous evil that is being clamped down on this planet.

What to do? 

Grow a pair. 

QUIT and blow the whistle on the cabal's activities for the sake of humanity and the Earth.

If you cannot or will not do that, then why are you even wasting oxygen by being here?

Quest For Political Refuge

I continue to seek political refuge in Ecuador, with support from 1) Francis Boyle  (international lawyer at U. of Illinois Law School), 2) the World Service Authority in Washington, DC (founded by the late Gary Davis) and 3) the Inter-American Platform for Human Rights, Development and Democracy, here in Quito. 
Some of the bases of my petition are 1) my multiple arrests and stints in jail/prison for nonviolent, anti-nuclear peace protests in the USSA, most recently in 2010 in North Dakota, for which I spent 100 days in jail; 2) my years of blogging on a variety of social and political issues; 3) my two decades of research and writing about the many underground and underwater bases of the military-industrial-espionage complex; and 4) the provisions of the NDAA and the pervasive, global spying. 

I am certainly on multiple watch lists because of my anti-nuclear activism, my blogging and my underground and underwater bases and tunnels research and writing. With the NDAA anyone can be abruptly killed or simply plucked off the street. You just vanish. 

I have noticed human surveillance of myself in Quito in recent months. I don't know who is doing it.

I was almost killed a year and a half ago, and spent more than four months in the public hospitals here in Ecuador. It was a close call. Some of my friends think a USSA three-letter agency could have been involved. 

Maybe. I personally have no idea. At any rate, I am still alive. 

More On My Current Situation in Ecuador
After more than a year of intense struggle, the shaman who assaulted me has been indicted and has now been arraigned. There will be a trial hearing in less than a couple of months.

I have been pushed to the wall by this ordeal, to my financial limits and beyond. The case is actually bigger than me, in that there certainly are other victims of shamanic abuse in the Amazon region. I am not the only victim. Indeed, I have already heard from another victim of the same shaman who has nevertheless declined to pursue justice or even to support me in my case. But unlike 99% of the others, I have elected to stand up and fight back, no matter the odds. And against all expectations, my assailant has been indicted and is going to trial. But the battle is not over.

I have no illusions about what I am up against. I was almost killed.

What happens in the Amazon is vitally important to what happens on this planet, for crucial reasons of oxygen production alone. The shamans of the region theoretically have an essential role to play in healing the Amazon and showing the way for humanity to deeply bond with the natural world -- but not if they themselves are abusive to the very people who come to the region to consult the sacred power plants in search of hyper-conscious communion with Mother Nature. 

And so I really do urgently need your assistance to help pay my legal counsel. I am asking for your serious aid. I need to prevail in this case to continue my work on this vital, southern continent. It matters. I know that some of you are more than able to assist me. 

For USA dollar contributions please e-mail me at:  and I will tell you how to send a donation. 

I also gratefully accept donations of the following crypto-currencies at these addresses:


