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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Drones, The Drones, The Endless Spying Of The Drones

I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I think the time has finally come for us to have the big talk about, well, you know ... drones.

Big drones, little drones, surveillance drones, killer drones military drones, police drones, private drones. Drones are everywhere these days.  There are thousands and thousands of them.

There are so many of them that it's easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees, as it were, and to get so focused on the myriad drones themselves that you lose sight of the big picture, the larger context, to wit: everyone is under surveillance now.

The drones are intended to spy on you, to monitor you, to watch you, to surveil you, to enslave you, even to kill you. Most of my readers are in the USSA and the Eurozone,  but none of you who reside in the USSA or Europe should be under any illusions. The ostensibly freest societies in recorded history, the so-called "western democracies",  are in reality extremely controlled and highly surveilled societies. Indeed, Edward Snowden, the ex-USSA intelligence operative now living in exile in Russia, recently revealed that the NSA spies more on Americans than it does on Russians.

This is another way of saying that the USSA is a giant, red-white-and-blue, federal prison. The same goes for those of you in the European Union. You're an inmate, slave labor, an economic unit of production or consumption, a duly tagged, numbered, coded and registered piece of state property. So your whole life you are herded, tracked, monitored, observed and, if necessary, you are culled.

Culled, as in killed, taken out, terminated with extreme prejudice.

We Kill People Based On Metadata

It's happening every day. The Internet is full of videos and stories of these lynchings by the government in the USSA. We need to screw our game face on and soberly face what is going on. We need to unflinchingly look at the truth and acknowledge what is happening.

In a recent public debate, former NSA and CIA Director, Michael Hayden, plainly stated: "We kill people based on metadata." He quickly qualified his statement by saying that the NSA doesn't do that using "this metadata," without however explicitly clarifying exactly to which metadata he was referring. But why should we accept an ambiguous qualification from a man who has just publicly confessed to personal involvement in a vast, ongoing, serial murder operation?

So let's take his open assertion deathly serious, and regard Michael Hayden as an extraordinarily vicious and dangerous being on the loose, because this is a life and death matter of the utmost gravity. Now that we have a public statement from a former director of the NSA and the CIA that the USSA alphabet soup agencies do in fact kill people based on surveillance metadata, and recent revelations from Edward Snowden that the USSA alphabet soup agencies are collecting voluminous amounts of metadata about us all, about me, and about every single person reading this article, isn't it time we begin to view the accelerating spate of vicious police murders of civilians in the USSA in a more sober light?

How Could It Be Any Plainer?

We  have the forthright admission that they kill people based on surveillance metadata.

We have the revelations from Edward Snowden that metadata is being collected on everyone, everywhere, all the time, and that the surveillance is concentrated on people in the USSA.

And we have the police all across the USSA blowing people away right and left with no warrant, no arrest, no testimony, no arraignment, no trial. They are just taking people out, gunning them down in the street, in their homes, on the sidewalk, anywhere and everywhere. There are so many of these police lynchings that you can spend literal hours watching these violent police "snuff videos" on YouTube and other video websites. And those are just the ones that somehow make it onto the Internet.

How hard is it to connect those dots? How obvious does it have to be?

The killing has already begun.

We can plainly see what "they" intend to do, because they have begun doing it. So we know what their agenda is and how they regard us. Their position could not be clearer.

Taking It To The Next Level

We need to move our thinking to the next level, because the surveillance technology has not just advanced, it has quantum leaped way beyond what the average person even suspects.

In my shamanic visions here in Ecuador I was clearly shown that this dictatorship would be imposed, and sure enough, the dictatorship is clamping down right now, here, there and everywhere.  We are all under surveillance, and the police killings have begun. I was further shown that the dictatorial system would have a sort of overhead control grid that would be very much like a net, or a shimmering, ethereal, mesh-like structure hovering in the air. It would be electronic in nature, but also with an optically invisible, quasi-spiritual side, such that human thought, behavior and even spirituality would be suppressed and controlled. It is designed to dampen and suppress human freedom and liberty, not only physically but also spiritually, to corral humanity into a global,  oppressive, full spectrum, totalitarian, prison camp. Earth as a planet-wide, full spectrum, totalitarian concentration camp.

Prison planet Earth.

It's being set up right now. That is the plan. I've seen it and it is grim. I was shown it very clearly, like seeing it on a flat panel television screen, or computer monitor.

The global NSA surveillance that Edward Snowden has revealed is part of that. The global network of spy satellites is part of that. The proliferation of surveillance drones is part of that. The global, imperial warfare of the USSA is part of that. You see the point. The intended trajectory of world events is as transparent as a pane of glass for those who care to see it for what it is.

From what I have been shown, the agenda goes far beyond what the average person expects or envisions. We need to "up" our game dramatically. And I am not talking about relying on fundamentalist Christianity or fundamentalist Islam or Judaism.. Completely to the contrary. Some of the most pathetically mind-controlled people on this planet can be found crowding into the churches, mosques and synagogues of the so-called Abrahamic religions, the monotheistic religions, the people of the "book".

In large part, Christianity, Islam and Judaism are ancient, mind-control mechanisms. Look at the unspeakable, satanic depravity and ignorance of Muslim Shariah law, look at the hideous lies and genocide the Jews are perpetrating against the Palestinians, look at the incredibly violent, ghastly history of the Roman Catholic church. And these are the people, be they Jew, Christian or Muslim, who feel qualified to preach to the rest of the world about spirituality and morality?

No, what I am talking about is outside of and above any of these transparently ignorant, savagely violent, religious traditions that have caused so much harm to so many millions of people. In fact, the global dictatorship uses ignorant, violent, "religious" individuals to carry out its dirty work, its murder, its torture, its kidnapping, its imprisoning.

Next Generation Drones?

What I was shown in my visions includes what we physically see around us in our daily life, and another, more subtle, quasi-invisible level of technology. Sometimes you see it, sometimes you don't or can't. It is a real technology, but for many people it is harder to perceive and grasp mentally. And for that reason, it presents yet another level of challenge, a greater degree of difficulty to come to terms with. But its impact on humanity is profound. It locks us in a jail with invisible bars, mental bars, spiritual bars, subtle energy bars. Do you grasp what I am saying? You cannot "see" radio waves, and yet they are real, and have a real impact on humanity. The influence on humanity of radio technology, for better or for worse, has been enormous over the past century. What I am describing to you is also a technology, a subtle technology, true enough, but real nonetheless, and its impact on humanity also is profound, profoundly negative and profoundly oppressive, almost beyond the power of words to describe. What you do not see, and little suspect, can hurt you.

In recent years, there has been a great deal of discussion in certain corners of the Internet and on late-night talk radio, at least in the USSA, of a puzzling new class of aerial machines that author, blogger and investigator Linda Moulton Howe has referred to as dragonfly drones.

Many people have been quick to decry the stories and photos of the strange aerial machines, but not me. I have seen far too many strange objects in the skies over the years, in different times and places, under a variety of circumstances, to jump to an ill-considered conclusion. On the contrary, I believe that we may just be looking at an intermediate level of surveillance and control technology, that straddles the twilight zone borderland between our everyday 3-D world and the meta-level of The Machine's dark sub-domain.

I regard the "Isaac" character and his story of the CARET, reverse engineering program in Palo Alto, California as a misinformation and disinformation gambit on the part of the shadowy controllers, whoever or whatever they are, and wherever they may be, in order to establish some semblance of damage control over unwanted attention to the unplanned public disclosure of some of their secret surveillance and control technology. Or is the ostensibly "accidental" public disclosure both planned and wanted? In any event, the "Isaac" story is most likely disinformation in the classic sense, in that much of what has been revealed will be true or at least partially so, but will also include important elements of falsehood, in order to obscure more important truths.

Or could it be that the USSA alphabet soup agencies are actually not involved, or at least not in the way that "Isaac" has conveyed, but that they would like people to believe they are?

Be that as it may, the elements of the story that are probably true, in my estimation, are that there was a compartmentalized, clandestine program in Palo Alto, California ... or somewhere. It may well have been housed in an ordinary looking office building that concealed multiple, secret underground levels. It may well have entailed reverse engineering highly exotic, sophisticated technology. The technology may even be "extraterrestrial", in the strict sense of originating on another planet. Or that could be a falsehood, too. It may or may not be non-human technology in its inception.

Taking It To A Mental Level

Some of the best remote viewers are uncannily good. The alleged site of the CARET project was very close to the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park; so close in fact, that I wonder if SRI was not involved. I say that because SRI has for decades worked on a wide variety of classified projects for the military-industrial-espionage complex. Indeed, in the years just before the alleged CARET "dragonfly drone" project, SRI was deeply involved in developing the USSA's alphabet soup agency remote viewing capability. To me, it would be a no brainer that the remote viewers would have been brought in on the CARET project.

Either the remote viewers saw this technology in their remote viewing, where it was and what its capabilities were, or they would have been brought in to remote view it after its discovery. As for where it may have been found -- maybe on the Moon or Mars? Or maybe it was excavated right here on Earth. Who knows what the USSA's military-industrial-espionage complex's decades-long program of tunnel boring and secret underground and undersea base excavation may have discovered deep underground or undersea. Who knows what might have been discovered and brought back from an ancient cavern or tunnel beneath the Giza plateau in Egypt? Or from a Babylonian zigurrat? Or from a Mayan pyramid in Mexico?

The High Strangeness Factor

The Caret, dragonfly drones bring something to mind for me that I cannot quite articulate. I had an extremely strong sense of déjà vu as I wrote certain parts of this blog posting. But why?

My thoughts were drawn in no particular order to some focused research I did seventeen years ago in the Nazi SS records at the USA National Archives in College Park, Maryland, the Baltic region of Pomerania, a specific German mathematician, the founding of Rome, ancient bloodlines, a particular building with which I am familiar not too far from Paris, Texas, the CIA base at Camp Peary Virginia, the underground facility at the Warrenton Training  Station in northern Virginia, the CIA base at Camp Stanley in Bexar County, Texas, the many miles of secret underground tunnels deep beneath Camp David, next to Catoctin State Park, in northern Maryland, interdimensional self-aware cyborg machines with artificial DNA and non-biological nervous systems .....

And the shadowy "Organization" behind so many of these peculiar events and my recondite musings.

The word lists that I have previously written about on this blog also came to mind, at least a few of which evidently have to do with me, or at least with important components or tangents of my current life (and previous lives as well?).  I have run across many of these lists on the Internet. Sometimes they are pages on obscure websites. Occasionally they are pages on USSA government websites. They routinely contain thousands or tens of thousands of "words" and may even contain as many as a quarter of a million, or more,  different words, names, technical terms and combinations of letters and numbers, in a variety of languages. Are they a linguistic tool that the alphabet soup agencies use for programming reality?

Something Very Strange Is Going On

A monstrous reality has been unleashed on this planet. A false reality overlay has been imposed on so-called "real" reality. We are living in and walking through an artificially created and maintained dream world, a vast delusion and illusion maintained by a heartless, cold, calculating Machine intelligence that does not mean well. It does not have our best interests in mind.

The USSA alphabet soup agencies are absolutely heavily involved in the hideous dictatorship that is being clamped down on this planet. The FBI, CIA, NSA, USSA Army Intelligence, the ONI, BATF, DEA, TSA, DIA, DHS, DOD, DOE, etc. --  are like a "Who's Who" of utter darkness.

We do not know the full extent of the NSA's surveillance capabilities, but maybe the dragonfly drones are pointing the way to an invisible realm of control and surveillance.

Is that one of Edward Snowden's big secrets? That the darkness of the NSA extends far beyond the optically visible world, into unseen realms of enslavement?

Are we in a giant, planetary semblance of the movie, The Truman Show? In seeing the dragonfly drones have we seen the equivalent of what Truman saw, when one of the stage lights unexpectedly tore loose from far overhead and crashed down and landed in the street right in front of him, cluing him in to the fact that his whole world was rigged? That it was all fake? A vast, staged, fraudulent illusion?

Carrying the idea a little further, is this whole planet perhaps something like a giant version of The Hunger Games, amplified a billion-fold? Is the action being broadcast 24/7 to unknown thousands? millions? billions? of planets around the Universe as live entertainment? Are we a captive reality show for parties unknown? Is that why Earth is under quarantine? 

Is there an enormous, holographic, galactic production company that is a much larger and much more technologically sophisticated analog to Disney or MGM or Warner Bros.? Is this whole Earth melodrama in which we all star, a sort of very long-running feature film for the amusement of trillions of beings all across the galaxy?

I simply raise the question. If anyone reading these words has evidence about the dragonfly drones, their purpose and origin, please send it to me. If it passes my smell test, I will post it here.

My Current Situation in Ecuador
After more than a year of intense struggle, the shaman who assaulted me has been indicted and has now been arraigned. There will be a trial hearing later this year, just a few months from now. 

I have been pushed to the wall by this ordeal, to my financial limits and beyond. The case is actually bigger than me, in that there certainly are other victims of shamanic abuse in the Amazon region. I am not the only victim. Indeed, I have already heard from another victim of the same shaman who has nevertheless declined to pursue justice or even to support me in my case. But unlike 99% of the others, I have elected to stand up and fight back, no matter the odds. And against all expectations, my assailant has been indicted and is going to trial. But the battle is not over.

I have no illusions about what I am up against. I was almost killed. I was hurt very badly. I do not know any other place to begin to right the wrongs of this world than to engage whatever situation is right in front of me, the situation that has forced itself to my attention, front and center. That's the only way I know to proceed. 

What happens in the Amazon is vitally important to what happens on this planet. The shamans of the region theoretically have an essential role to play in healing the Amazon and showing the way for humanity to deeply bond with the natural world -- but not if they themselves are abusive to the very people who come to the region to consult the sacred power plants in search of hyper-conscious communion with Mother Nature. 

And so I need your assistance. I am asking for your aid. I know that some of you are more than able to assist me. For USA dollar contributions please e-mail me at:  and I will tell you how to send a donation. 

I also gratefully accept donations of the following crypto-currencies at these addresses:




Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nazi Vril Kaleidoscopic Merry-Go-Round

I recently read a Linda Moulton Howe article in which reference was made to a couple of Nazi Vril flying saucers that are in the custody of the heavily compartmentalized, alphabet-soup agencies at Area 51.

I do not doubt the story. The research and writing of author, Joseph Farrell,  has amply demonstrated in recent years that the Nazis were working on engineering the vacuum and apparently succeeded in making major engineering and scientific breakthroughs. Dr. Farrell has published prolifically, so if you will do an online search on his name you will easily access his work. Read his stuff. Buy his books, or borrow them from a  lending library. You'll learn something.

My own research has also revealed the extent to which the present system in the USSA, and in a good number of other countries, is in reality a hybrid Nazi system. World War II did not end as we have been told, not by a long shot. We have been massively lied to.

I remember when I first saw John G. Fuller's book, The Interrupted Journey - Two Lost Hours Aboard a Flying Saucer, about the Betty and Barney Hill UFO abduction in 1963. The book came out in 1966 and my father purchased a copy and read it. We lived in Virginia and there were some spectacular UFO sightings in Virginia in the 1950s and 1960s. I was just a kid at the time, but I remember picking John Fuller's book up, reading through it and being mystified by what happened to the Hills.

To this day, I keep coming back to what Barney Hill said under hypnosis when he was describing his encounter with the beings in the flying saucer. Speaking of the captain of the UFO, he said:

“He looks like a German Nazi. He's a Nazi ...”

And maybe the captain of the flying saucer was a Nazi officer. It was only 18 years after World War II, and Project Paperclip, the clandestine, American alphabet-soup program that brought large numbers of "ex"-Nazi military officers, scientists, engineers and technicians, along with entire trainloads of captured German technology and blueprints to the USSA, was a vast project that cast a very wide and very secret net.

I presume that  Nazi flying saucer technology absolutely was included in Project Paperclip.

In about 1989 or 1990 I met Madeleine Rodeffer, a resident of Silver Spring Maryland. Ms. Rodeffer was a friend of the famous UFO contactee, George Adamski, who had multiple sightings of and visitations by Vril-style flying saucers and their crews.

Anyway, Ms. Rodeffer filmed a Vril-style flying saucer that visited her home in Silver Spring, Maryland. George Adamski had alerted her to the possibility of its visit and she was ready, camera in hand, when it appeared. It hovered near her house for 10 minutes. You can read a little about it in an interview she gave to the Montreal Gazette on 22 May 1968 (use the little hand to maneuver around on the page and read the story). The interview is on page 70, along with a small picture of the flying saucer. It is a classic Nazi Vril-type saucer.

I watched her film, part of which is visible in this YouTube clip and was persuaded of its genuineness. Remember, this was decades ago, when the cameras were analog, and used real film. There was no possibility of CGI fakery. This is a vintage, 8 millimeter film clip from 1968.

Bob Oechsler, physicist and former NASA mission specialist examined the film and concluded that it is genuine. He is technically competent and more qualified than most to evaluate its validity. His comments about a force field around the craft jibe very well with my own feeling and observation when I viewed the film clip.

After I viewed her short film I asked Ms. Rodeffer if she saw anything through the portholes. She said, yes, that young Caucasian men, with short, military-style crew cuts had come to the windows and looked out at her as the flying saucer hovered near her home.

I found Ms. Rodeffer to be very personable and credible. In my opinion, this was probably a Vril flying saucer, operated either by a Project Paperclip Nazi crew or an American military crew. The craft may be of German manufacture or USSA  alphabet-soup agency, clandestine, compartmentalized project manufacture.  I have no idea if its design is extraterrestrial. It may still be in use. That is my view.

It Gets More Zany

As I began my research into secret underground bases in the early 1990s, one of the first USSA military documents that my archival investigations brought to light mentioned plans to carry out a very deep excavation beneath the Zanesville, Ohio area (and in many other places, too).

I found this interesting, because in my personal UFOlogical research I had stumbled across the pioneering work of  T. Townsend Brown, an electrical engineering genius who lived and worked in Zanesville, Ohio. Brown's pioneering work had to do with the link between gravity and electrical fields, or maybe I should say, the link between "anti"-gravity and electrical fields. He began his work in the 1920s and continued right through into the post-WW II period. In 1955 and 1956 he worked on an R&D program in France that frankly involved testing a rudimentary flying saucer design. Though his research showed promise, it was completely shut down by the French, at least outwardly. I agree with Tom Valone and Paul LaViolette that T. Townsend Brown's work was likely co-opted by the USSA military-industrial complex and taken Deep Black into the world of very clandestine, compartmentalized R&D work of the most sensitive kind.

Here is my best understanding of what happened and what is going on now, based on a variety of archival evidence I have seen, soft information and private conversations I have had. During my extensive archival research on underground bases, I went back to the WW-II period and meticulously combed through the technical, scientific and engineering literature for the USSA military agencies, NACA and NASA, and the corporate engineering literature, from about 1940 up to 1990, or so. In the open literature I ran across a number of papers and documents having to do with antigravity and electrogravtics and could not help but notice that it all started to peter out in the mid- to late 1950s, and then dwindled away to almost nothing, in the open technical literature of that era.

In my estimation, the 1950s were when the big breakthroughs started to be made and the whole thing was taken into highly secretive, hermetically compartmentalized R&D programs. I would guess that manned space flights were made, starting already in the early 1950s, based on a combination of T. Townsend Brown's work (probably unbeknownst to him) and other, exotic technology obtained from the Nazis under Project Paperclip, and that the public, manned space programs using chemical rocket technology were continued as a propaganda cover that concealed the highly classified, non-chemical rocket space programs. At a bare minimum, I surmise that the Germans, Russians, French and the USSA have been involved in this parallel research and development.

I would expect that Siemens is into antigravity and electrogravitics up to its eyeballs. The same would have gone for Aérospatiale, the former French aerospace conglomerate, which was broken up and folded into the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, which just this year became the Airbus Group, a multinational, aerospace conglomerate.

From what I have seen, you can throw an ad hoc working group of the major USSA aerospace companies of the post-WW II period into the stew:  Boeing, Lockheed, Martin, Fairchild, Bell, Convair,  McDonnell Douglas, Northrop, Grumman, etc. have likely been involved in highly secret development of antigravitics and antigravity. 

None of this can be documented with an archival paper trail, because it has all been taken deeply secret and is highly compartmentalized. 

What we do know is that literally multiple trillions of dollars have gone missing from the Pentagon's books alone, in the last couple of decades. That money is being siphoned off by the TRAIN LOADS to secret projects. My research shows two prime candidates: 1) secret space programs and 2) secret underground and underwater bases and tunnels.

Given the amount of disappearing money, we are obviously talking about very large scale projects.

And the great masses of the world's people are completely oblivious to what is going on, because they have been systematically lied to about it all, for over half a century.

My archival research, private conversations and soft information suggest to me that there are probably underwater bases off of the USSA on both continental shelves, in the Channel Island region in coastal California waters and off the coast of Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida, also in the waters around Puerto Rico in the Caribbean Sea, and under Lake Ontario, in the Great Lakes region of North America. The New England Sea Mounts in the North Atlantic, Hawaii, the North Sea, Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea are other prime regions for undersea bases and undersea tunnels.

What is in the bases? Based on the sum total of all I have read and been told, some highly unusual activities are taking place. The most mundane would be clandestine mining for valuable minerals such as gold, platinum, uranium, diamonds, etc. There are also likely to be secret nuclear missile silos embedded in the ocean floor --  silos made of special structural glass, because at great ocean depth glass is twenty times stronger than structural steel.

I fully expect that there are special, highly secure, alien-human interaction zones in ultra-secret undersea bases, and also in super-secret underground bases. And no, not at Dulce, New Mexico, which is an extensive, disinformation gambit. Why? --  because if everyone is looking at Dulce, where there is nothing, then that leaves nobody to look at other places, where they might actually see something and find something out. It is simple misdirection, the same thing that a stage magician does.

By the way, based on my research I also believe there are very possibly subsurface, clandestine bases on the Moon and Mars.

And yes, we really are dealing with a kind of "black magic" that makes abundant use of massive lies, mind-boggling levels of deceit and industrial scale misdirection. Focus your mind on the fact that literal trillions of dollars are being sucked out of the global economy and we know nothing about where the money is going and what is being done with it. By comparison, the work of a Las Vegas stage magician who makes an elephant disappear from his audience's view is mere child's play.

Enter The Machine

It's all part of the work of The Machine, which I have written about before on this blog. It uses anyone and anything to carry out its agenda -- political parties, national governments, military institutions, Black Budget clandestine projects, spy agencies, institutional religion, organized crime, major universities, large corporations, and and all willing individuals, and any and all available technology.

I first became aware of The Machine through ayahuasca visions in late 2010. The Machine understands humanity inside and out. It plays the human race like a fiddle, to humanity's great detriment, because The Machine is heartless, cruel, pitiless, relentless, calculating, cold, devious, soulless and absolutely without remorse. It is bent on total subjugation, complete domination and even outright annihilation of humanity and the Earth itself. It operates in the 3-D physical realm and also in the near spiritual, so-called "astral" realm of our Earth realities.

The merry go round in the Dwight Yoakam video below captures very well some of the sorts of visual effects you may experience when you view certain aspects of The Machine in the astral realm. It is not a carnival merry go round, but the videographer has nevertheless managed to capture or reflect a few essential elements of it in his visual depiction of the  merry go round -- the colors, the light bulbs in the ceiling and around the mirrors, the dream-like, quasi-magical surreality of it, the lifeless semblance of the horses -- all are evocative of the vivid impression that The Machine makes when you examine it at close range. When you realize what it is up to you just want to stop it and get off and get away from it. You just want the insanity to end. The thought that came to my mind was: "Are you f***ing kidding me ?!?" It was surreal, bizarre beyond the power of words to describe, that this Machine is methodically taking the world and the human race down, and not one person in one thousand seems to have the slightest clue.

Once you become aware of its activities you see it in operation all over the world -- in predatory economics, in unending warfare and threats of warfare, in rampant environmental destruction, in deforestation, chemical contamination, chemtrail spraying, nanotechnology, genetic engineering and genetic modification, in rampant spying by the NSA and CIA, in narcotics trafficking and human trafficking, in the nuclear crisis at Fukushima, and much more. The Machine has millions of people who kill for it, enslave people for it, destroy the environment for it, spy for it, contaminate the Earth for it, develop destructive technologies for it, etc. 

It gives its collaborators whatever they want -- money, status, power, protection, immunity from consequences, anything. And then, when their usefulness is over, it may have another minor cog of The Machine take them out in a back alley and slit their throat -- or maybe throw them off the roof of a tall building, witness the recent spate of alleged banker "suicides", wherein said bankers are alleged to fling themselves to their deaths from high buildings. Why is this done? Because if a cog gets to know too much about The Machine's agenda then that cog becomes expendable. 

The forces of darkness are, well, you know, very dark.

Everything I can see points to a very destructive agenda for the Earth.

Want a nice retirement house in the foothills of the Rockies? Or in upstate New York? Hey, you can have it!! All you have to do is design nuclear missiles for Lockheed-Martin and The Machine will see to it that you are well taken care of in your golden years. It has operators everywhere, standing by to take its siren call and do its deadly bidding.

The Priceless Garden of Earth

Most people have yet to tumble to the idea that the Garden of Eden is Earth itself.

My understanding is that the Earth was established a very, very long time ago as a living, biological, genetic, library, a priceless DNA treasure trove of unrivaled richness and diversity, an ecological treasure of unsurpassed value, not only in this galaxy, but in the Universe as a whole.

Earth is a stupendous ecological marvel without equal anywhere throughout the ages.

And nowhere on this jewel of a plant is there more biodiversity than in tropical South America in general, in the Amazon region in particular, and most especially in eastern Ecuador, the place where I was assaulted and almost killed on 29 December 2012.

What happens on this planet matters a great deal. The myriad millions of diverse life forms in the Amazon, including in the Upper Amazon region of Ecuador are vitally important because of the divine, God-spark of creative, intelligent life force that they carry.

In its richness and variety this is something indescribably precious, an unspeakably valuable genetic legacy bestowed on this planet and on us, as its guardians and caretakers, by the innumerable galaxies that we see when we gaze up at the night sky. Many of the “stars” we see are actually galaxies, each one of them full of unknown hundreds of billions of stars.

And to Earth and us has been bequeathed this unparalleled boon of tremendous life force, which we are now squandering, in our deep ignorance.

Those to whom so much has been given, have set about systematically destroying the gift of staggeringly immense value that they have been given. We have been given the Pearl of Great Price and we have mindlessly flung it away into the muck and the mire of our pig shit ignorance.

The Earth is ours to lose or to save, and right now we are losing the Earth and the human species itself. The evidence suggests that many of us don't even value ourselves, what to speak of the planet on which we reside.

My Current Situation in Ecuador
After more than a year of intense struggle, the shaman who assaulted me has been indicted and has now been arraigned. There will be a trial hearing later this year, just a few months from now. 

I have been pushed to the wall by this ordeal, to my financial limits and beyond. The case is actually bigger than me, in that there certainly are other victims of shamanic abuse in the Amazon region. I am not the only victim. Indeed, I have already heard from another victim of the same shaman who has nevertheless declined to pursue justice or even to support me in my case. But unlike 99% of the others, I have elected to stand up and fight back, no matter the odds. And against all expectations, my assailant has been indicted and is going to trial. But the battle is not over.

I have no illusions about what I am up against. I was almost killed. I was hurt very badly. I do not know any other place to begin to right the wrongs of this world than to engage whatever situation is right in front of me, the situation that has forced itself to my attention, front and center. That's the only way I know to proceed. 

What happens in the Amazon is vitally important to what happens on this planet. The shamans of the region theoretically have an essential role to play in healing the Amazon and showing the way for humanity to deeply bond with the natural world -- but not if they themselves are abusive to the very people who come to the region to consult the sacred power plants in search of hyper-conscious communion with Mother Nature. 

And so I need your assistance. I am asking for your aid. I know that some of you are more than able to assist me. For USA dollar contributions please e-mail me at:  and I will tell you how to send a donation. 

I also gratefully accept donations of the following crypto-currencies at these addresses:


