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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Trapped in the USSA Virtual Reality Gulag

My friend, Jerry Griffin, recently sent me the wondrously obscure The Original FLAT EARTH Potato CHIP™, all not-so-very tongue in cheek, you understand.

Which prompted me to reply:

Jerry, we are in some kind of multi-layered, multi-dimensional, virtual reality. It is very hard to figure out its true dimensions and purport, and to get one's personal bearings. Every time that you think you have it figured out, you discover that there is yet another level of illusion, of deceit, seemingly in a never-ending process. It's an insidious maze.

o doubt that is by design.

I mean, you tell me what's going on on this planet, if you can. 
Everywhere you look (if you look deeply and persistently enough, that is) you encounter deception, lies, propaganda, concealment, cover-ups, illusion, false history, false science, false politics, false religion, false economics. and scams, schemes and hoaxes of every conceivable variety.

And all of it on a massive, mind-boggling scale.

Let's start with the most obvious and most likely cover-up: there probably are literally trillions of habitable and inhabited planets sprinkled throughout the Universe(s). And yet, science and religion have for centuries imposed a sort of group think mentality on the human race that presupposes that Earth is the only life-bearing planet in the Universe(s). This de facto cover-up of what is likely to be plentiful life scattered through the Cosmos remains in place even as we are informed in the daily news cycle that astronomers are now discovering thousands of planets in Earth's galactic neighborhood, and that some of them are orbiting within the zone around their local star that suggests that they could have atmospheres, liquid water and temperatures amenable to biological life.

I have spent a lot of time looking at the photos of Mars and the Moon that various space probes have provided in recent decades and I am satisfied that huge, ancient ruins are clearly visible on both the Moon and Mars. And yet the default, public position of NASA and the ESA remains one of studied ignorance and silence with respect to what I, and many others, regard as clear evidence of the ruins of artificially engineered, ancient, architectural structures. I couldn't tell you who built what on the Moon and Mars, and when and why and how, but the clear evidence of huge ruins is there for anyone who is willing to look at it and acknowledge it. That much is apparent.

I am not part of the remote viewing community, though I know a little something about it. Based on what I know, I believe it to be highly likely that military remote viewers have already identified a whole slew of habitable, Earth-like planets, as well as a whole slew of inhabited planets, inhabited by other species of beings, including human or human-like beings. The best remote viewers are uncannily accurate. Scanning the galactic neighborhood would be all in a day's work for them.

So in the inner sanctum of the military-industrial-espionage complex, the issue of E.T. and advanced technological civilizations elsewhere in the galaxy is highly likely to already be a well settled issue.

I would go further and observe that remote viewers with mathematical, engineering and/or scientific backgrounds have probably also remote viewed the technologies for antigravity and faster than light travel, and maybe even time travel and passed their findings to the black world R&D facilities of the military-industrial-espionage complex to be engineered and made operational. I am open to the possibility that the Big Black Triangles that many people have seen, the Adamski-style, bell-shaped flying saucers, the NAZI Vril-style flying saucers, the huge, high-altitude flying cigars, and perhaps other UFOs as well, are of Earth manufacture. 

Trillions of dollars are being sucked out of the everyday economy. That money is going somewhere, and R&D and construction of new, advanced, sophisticated technology that is held back from the great mass of humanity appears to be one of the probable uses of the massive, stolen financial resources.

We can take it for granted that NASA is one big con job. The Mars rovers may not even be on Mars. Have we even seen the real Mars? Have we been told the truth about Mars? Or about the Moon? Or even about the Earth? I have questions.

I have written before about how fake, phony, false and fraudulent this reality is. The "Never A Straight Answer" space agency, NASA, is a prime example of that.

The Shamanic Plants Know

I have previously written in this blog about some of my experiences with the shamanic plant, ayahuasca, and how it has repeatedly pointed out to me various aspects of an intelligence I have come to call The Machine. But do not be fooled, The Machine is no mere lawnmower or road grader. Oh, no, The Machine is a vast, artificial, reality construct, that has this whole world and all of humanity in its harsh grip. The Machine is Machiavellian beyond belief, enormously intelligent, ruthless, relentless, pitiless, soulless, merciless, heartless, brutal, cruel, coldly calculating, conniving, devious, subtle and sophisticated.

And it is fake as hell, fake beyond your deepest nightmare.

I do not know where The Machine came from or who or what created it. For all I know, it may extend beyond the Earth and may have the whole galaxy or even half the Universe under its sway. 

Make no mistake, it is a most formidable adversary and it will not stop coming. I have previously described The Machine this way:

" ... it is an artificial, highly intelligent, merciless, overwhelmingly powerful and extremely subtle adversary of humanity. It is stealthy and without scruples or moral principle. It plays by its own rules which it makes up as it goes along, always and only to its own benefit.

"It uses anyone and anything
to achieve its own, artificial, heartless, soulless, merciless objectives. The banking sector, stock exchanges, high technology, the Fortune 500, governments, religions, universities, scientific and engineering disciplines, Hollywood, Bollywood, The City of London, Wall Street, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, genetic engineering, all of that and more it manipulates to do its will.

It uses people and bends them to its purpose, while plying them with whatever they want: drugs, money, status, power, professional advancement, sex of any kind, carte blanche legal cover for criminal activity, privileged information, travel, security clearances, access to technology, and more. And all the while it is extending its grip on humanity and on this world, insinuating itself and its ways and its agenda into every facet of life and being on Earth, the better to take down humanity and the planet.

"Look around and you can see The Machine active all over the place. Its tentacles are everywhere and in everything.

"And it's spawning; you can see in the growing number of articles and news items about robots replacing human workers, about robots that will shortly be human sex partners, about robotic, automatic killing machines that will roam the world's battlefields programmed to kill, about self-aware machines that are now engaging humans in verbal dialog, about the trans-human "Singularity" of Ray Kurzweil which he projects will see the merging of the human mind with artificial intelligence by the year 2030 -- more and more you can see in all of this the human being cast aside to make way for the artificial, for the machine.


"The NSA
, CIA, the Pentagon, the banking system, the police, military, telecommunications -- everything is part of the A.I. control system. Why do the government and corporations want to spy on every detail of your life? To subject your life to the control agenda of The Machine, of course. All of these agencies are appendages of The Machine. They are inhuman in their policies, because their master is not human.

"Other people have seen this Machine in various ways. I have heard from a number of them, including a friend who asked me to mentally put her in contact with the perception of The Machine. I did this, without telling her exactly when and how I would do it. Here is her response:

"Today I woke in the small hours and realized that you had made the experience available to me.  I understood something that my inexperience with power plants and the word "visions" had previously kept from me: that what occurs in visions is a direct, real encounter with the thing itself.

"And you have done this many times. Your courage is remarkable.

"The construct was covered with a translucent white membrane, which I realized was my protections. They are automatic but can be repealed. I lifted up the membrane and directly observed the construct.

"It was frankly demonic. It calls to human beings to give in to the worst of their motives; the ultimate result is not satiation but destruction.

"….. Believe me, this is a very different morning from any other that I have experienced. The hard demonic quality underlies the bright morning like the taste of brass.

Our Reality Has Been Meta-hacked 

In other words, in a very real sense our world and our human reality field have been meta-hacked and replaced with something false, with something unreal, with something unnatural. I mean this quite literally. In just the same way that a website designer uses Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML) to modify the content or parameters of web pages, by adding or removing text, advertisements, videos or photos, or using CGI scripts [Common Gateway Interface (CGI)], so too may this reality be modified, by hacking the programming codes that underlie the natural, universal order. This reality thus becomes a virtual reality reflection of "real" reality, or at least a hacked, programmed sub-set of a higher order, next level, more complex meta-reality.

The Internet system we are using is a sort of analog to what I am describing; in fact, the master minds behind the creation of the Internet as we know it, may have developed this system by carefully observing and then reverse engineering, if only partially and imperfectly what they observed.

So you have different levels: the content you see outwardly on your laptop, desk top, workplace computing station, then the HTML code that lies behind the content that lies behind the text, sound, images and video, then the servers and routers, the endless miles of cables and satellite relays, content providers, ISPs, myriad computer hackers and programmers, and on and on, most of whom and most of which you do not ever see. But in the aggregate the whole system produces a digital analog of reality that you consciously access.

Now take that concept and apply it to 'reality" itself, if you will, as a vast projection of sound, information, images, perceptions, feelings, experiences, etc. that you consciously access with your mind and senses. 

Now, entertain the possibility that that vast, intricate stream of 'reality" that is being broadcast to your consciousness is being insidiously hacked and subverted by this thing I have come to call The Machine.

I am not talking about "God" but what we might call "wannabe" galactic reality hackers, if you want to think of it that way. The obvious motive would be power - to usurp the natural, created order and impose a manufactured, contrived, artificial order to be manipulated according to arbitrary whim, by replacing the true and the real with the fake and the false. 

I am thinking that this is likely to be an iterative process, over a very long period of time, with a whole series of ill-intentioned actors. The most recent major iteration may have occurred about 12 thousand years ago, to put in place, or perhaps strengthen an already existing synthetic simulacrum. The reality would be changed by simply writing a meta code overlay from a higher dimension of the Universal program, like a website programmer changes the context of a website - changes the video, removes or adds photos, alters the text.

In the same way that a website administrator might add or remove a video, add or delete a text, or modify a text, or modify a photo with photoshop; in an analogous fashion, from higher levels in the Universal programming matrix, the history of this world could be modified, changed, or erased, contemporary events could be programmed, individuals could be inserted in key places at key times to perform key actions to alter social, political, economic, military, technological and historical events. 

Remember that DNA itself is a complex, hyper-dimensional programming language that codes every human being and all other biological life on this planet. Change the DNA code and change the person. It's a very sophisticated kind of HTML or CGI script.

Indeed, that very thing is going on. It is clear to me that there are extremely devious beings now on the planet who understand very well what I have just explained and are actively hacking the trans-dimensional DNA code to artificially engineer what are essentially machine replicas of natural beings -- to replace the real with the false.

In fact, recent headlines have revealed that there is a planning group at Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts that has met to discuss creating humans with an entirely artificially engineered genome. They propose to fabricate DNA using chemicals, to create a synthetic genome. 

My guess would be that if this much is making its way into the daily news cycle that the technology to manufacture artificial humans is already well advanced. Who knows if people with synthetic, laboratory manufactured DNA already walk among us? I don't rule out the possibility.

The Unreality of Our "Reality"

More and more people are becoming aware, to some degree, of the staged, rigged, artificial, phony, false, fake, fraudulent nature of our so-called "reality." It's almost as if we are caught up in a poorly produced, poorly directed, B-grade horror film or reality show with a cast of billions of actors, large numbers of whom are as clueless as the stupid ditzes in those movies that air on late night TV, whom you shout at: "No, don't open that door! Don't get in that car!" Which we could easily change to: "NO - -  don't vote for that phony! Don't believe that fake propaganda! Don't obey those absurd 'laws'! Don't fall for those transparent lies!"

To my pleasant surprise, articles exploring these kinds of themes have begun popping up on the Internet more and more.

Here's an article that appeared on the War Is Crime website that enumerates 40 different ways in which the "reality" that is presented to us is fake. 

Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World

It's a worthy first cut at peeling back some of the fake, phony, falseness that pervades our so-called "reality". Fake food, fake government, fake economy, fake education, fake this, fake that. Fake, fake, fake.

Zero Hedge recently posted another worthy effort at exposing the mind-numbing fakeness of the "reality" in which we are immersed. The author says:

Nothing Is Real: "It's All Being Played To Keep People Believing The System Is Working"

He's talking about the markets and how they are artificially manipulated and rigged, but since the markets are connected to just about everything else, directly or indirectly, his point actually broadly applies to the entirety of the "system" - - it's fake as hell!

I really like this one: 

Do Americans Live in a False Reality Created by Orchestrated Events? (Videos)

Well, what do you think? Do Americans live in a false reality created by orchestrated events? The fact that more and more people are raising the issue should be the big, give away clue.

And here's another good one.

Is the US a Carefully Constructed “Mock-Up?

Is the USSA just a very carefully constructed, deceptive, false façade designed to suck you in and pull the wool over your eyes, to use you under false pretenses, all the while posing as a unique bastion of freedom, liberty, justice and peace that, in fact, it is not and never has been? In my opinion, that is precisely the situation we are faced with.

George Ure, at, has chimed in with his own report of a wonderful, vivid dream in which he saw that our so-called "reality" is actually a mesmerizing, virtual reality simulation in which we are caught up, seeming to be so real, that almost everyone has lost sight of its underlying nature, which is that of a virtual reality simulation or "Sim".

Busting “The Sim”

This resonates with me. Indeed, I would not surprised if what George Ure perceived in his dream reflects our present situation, at least in part. It would certainly explain why our "reality" is so fake, and why once you become aware of its fakeness you can see the evidence of the falseness everywhere you look. In fact, once you begin to first see it, you soon reach the point where you cannot not see it.

Like in politics, for instance.

To wit: in recent weeks an anonymous confession from a USSA Congressman appeared in the daily news cycle in which he admitted that he frequently doesn't even read the legislation that he votes on. His priority is getting reelected and that takes precedence over everything else. Oh, yeah, he also calls the American people "naive, self-absorbed sheep" who don't understand how the system really works.

What he's saying is that the political system is all fake as hell! Rigged, phony, deceitful, very different from the way it is presented as being to the American people and the world. American politics are all a fraudulent game that plays with the world and millions and billions of people's lives as if they were nothing but trifles, mere toys.

it isn't just politics that are a massive fraud; history itself has been falsified, changed, concealed, erased. This process has been ongoing now for thousands of years, such that we do not now know the real history of this planet. What we have learned in school is a massive fairy tale. There is plentiful evidence in the form of enormous, ancient, stone ruins all over the world that plainly point to the prior existence of advanced, prehistoric, human civilizations on this planet about which we know next to nothing in our era.

We know that much - - that we know almost nothing! - -  and very little more. The further we go into our past, the more we are reduced to feeling our way blindly, with no clear idea of what really happened on this planet 20 thousand or 50 thousand years ago, let alone 100 thousand or 500 thousand years ago. As far as that goes, it is difficult to learn the "real" truth of what is happening today, right now, in our present time. 

In this regard, I especially like the many videos at the New Earth project on YouTube. You can find their related website here: The upshot of the many videos and many hours of information you will find at these two sites is that we do not know our own history. It has been erased and concealed from us. The great value in the New Earth and project consists in laying out abundant evidence of our ancient past and pointing out that it has been deliberately hidden from us. Why? That's the question. What is it that we are not supposed to know, and who or what is keeping that knowledge from us?

Much the same could be said about modern space exploration. In theory, NASA and the ESA are designed to explore the solar system and reveal its secrets to the masses of humanity.

of dollars go into these agencies for space exploration, and discoveries certainly have been, and are being made, without however fully informing the people about what has been discovered.

And yet, even after the many photos that have come back to Earth from numerous space probes to the Moon and Mars that depict what are clearly ancient, highly eroded ruins, ruins that bespeak a vast and remote history of obvious advanced civilization(s) in this solar system about which we know absolutely nothing, NASA and the ESA maintain their studied silence and feigned ignorance of it all, as if the evidence that they have presented to the world simply doesn't exist. They address the matter by publicly saying next to nothing.

The control game on this planet is most peculiar.

So How Do "They" Keep Everything Under Control? 

By the surveilling, monitoring, spying upon, tracking, arresting, fining, incarcerating, threatening, intimidating, beating of, well, just about everyone, everywhere.

You may say: but I'm not incarcerated!

And I am telling you plainly that of course you are.  Nowhere more so than if you live in one of the open air prison camps known as the USSA, Australia, Germany, France, England, Canada, etc. Why you may even have your very own slave breeding hutch (an apartment or house) where you are "freely" permitted to engage in slave breeding, to produce more slaves and prisoners for the system. See how it works?

In no particular order, let me enumerate some of the known ways that the red-white-and-blue slave system tracks the 330 million inmates in the USSA open air prison. I will simply list a couple of dozen examples of egregious infringements of fundamental freedoms and human liberties that have appeared in the news cycle in recent days and weeks. Please read any or all of the stories that interest you. They all herald the imposition of a totalitarian police - slave state. It's being clamped down now, so if you intend to do anything about it, now is the time. Once it is in place, it's very difficult to effectively or easily resist it. Mind you that this is not an exhaustive list by any means and does not even include the social control methods of which we remain unaware, though what is known is already more than dreadful enough. 

The FBI’s secret biometrics database they don’t want you to see

Hidden Microphones Exposed As Part of Federal Government Surveillance Program In The Bay Area

Big Festival Brother? What summer music festivals are doing with your personal data

NYPD gains ‘chilling’ access to vast surveillance via license plate reader contract

You Are Being Tracked: How License Plate Readers Are Being Used To Record Americans' Movements

Audit of U.S. Postal Service Shows Extensive Use of Surveillance

FBI is Enrolling Church Leaders, Social Workers and Community Leaders to Spy on You

State to Allow Cops to Snatch Your Phone After Being Stopped & Search it Using a “Textalyzer"

In Hearing on Internet Surveillance, Nobody Knows How Many Impacted in Data Collection

The NSA won't tell Congress how many Americans it's spying on

Can You Say ‘Rubber Stamp?’ FBI And NSA Requests Never Denied By Secret Court

Supreme Court Ruling Allows FBI to Hack and Surveil Computers

Why Is The Federal Government Installing Mysterious Boxes On Utility Poles?

New rule allows feds to hack millions of computers more easily

FBI Wants to Exempt Its Massive Biometric Database from Some Federal Privacy Rules

Spies In The Skies

Automatic License Plate Readers

The Pentagon's Rampaging Surveillance Blimp Will Fly Again

Big Brother Arrives In Public Schools - Biometric Scanners Track Students' Every Move

How TSA's Big 'Bet' to Sell Travelers on PreCheck Program Fell Short

How and Why You Get On A TSA Watch List

The federal ‘structuring’ laws are smurfin’ ridiculous

Israeli Start-up to Provide DHS With Facial Recognition Tech That Digs Up Character Traits

Pentagon admits using drones to spy on Americans

FBI Instructs High School Staff To Snitch On ‘Anti-Government’ Students

So we are being comprehensively spied on in almost all aspects of our lives. All of us. This is the means by which order is maintained by the slave overseers in the great prisons known as the U.K., Canada, the USSA, Australia, Germany, France, etc.

As fake, ominous and totalitarian as all of the foregoing are, things are imminently about to descend to still greater depths of unreality as millions and millions of people are about to be replaced by robots which will more and more be performing jobs and tasks now carried out by human beings. 

Please see:

Bank of England: 95 million jobs going to robots in the next 10 to 20 years

you still have a job, or are planning to be employed in the coming years, it is entirely possible that you are about to be replaced by an A.I. machine or robot. I have written before in various ways about the Rise of the A.I. Machines. It is happening, and if it continues, humanity will soon be obsolete. What happens when and/or if the A.I. machines decide to do away with humans?

If you are starting to think that you are living in one of those B-grade science fiction movies that play on early morning cable T.V. for the insomniac audience, let me remove all doubt: you are! Our situation is dire and growing worse by the year.  

Take a look at this:

The Pentagon is building a ‘self-aware’ killer robot army fueled by social media

 US defence and NATO documents confirm that autonomous weapon systems will kill targets, including civilians, based on tweets, blogs and Instagram.'

To be sure, I have a blog and you are reading one of my blog articles right now. I also want to say publicly, to one and all, that I am 100% opposed to this military policy of autonomous, A.I. killer robots, and to the comprehensive spying on us all, as carried out by the NSA, CIA, FBI, TSA, DHS and other agencies large and small, public and corporate. 

I simply do not agree. I am firmly opposed. Does that make me a target for the Pentagon's A.I. killer robot program? 

And by the way, if so, what if the A.I. killer robot that comes for me (or for you?) is a synthetic, artificially created biological entity, having the physical appearance of an average human being, but actually being a factory created, soulless entity, devoid of pity, compassion, empathy or remorse, that has been programmed to kill without compunction.

Yeah, that's right, what if the killer A.I. robots are meat robots that are not easily distinguishable from natural born human beings, the better to mix among the human population and get close to their targets? What then? And what if the Feds use their massive DNA data banks to produce a killer, A.I. meat robot that looks like you or your daughter or some high school kid or soccer Mom from the next block?

How do we know this policy is not already in development? After all, the experts have already met at Harvard to discuss creating the synthetic genome, the genetic building block for creating, well, synthetic, manufactured human beings -- i.e., programmable, synthetic entities having the look and feel of natural human beings, but being, in actuality, programmable meat robots.

n short, we are caught up in a grotesque charade, a hideous mockery of "real" reality, if you will, "real" reality being something none of us now living are really familiar with, trapped as we are in this fake, phony, sprawling, spider web of illusion and near total control.  

And all of this surreality will be and is being imposed by draconian, totalitarian, social control measures. The prevailing myth, the pervasive propaganda in which we live and breathe, propounds the lie that we, in these so-called "modern" times, live in the freest society that ever has been, that we are uniquely the freest people in history, although none of that is true. We are monitored, surveilled, tracked, spied upon, hemmed in, restrained and constrained in virtually every aspect of our existence. This is nowhere more true than in the USSA, which takes things a grim step further, and incarcerates more than 2 million people. Indeed, I have seen estimates that more than one out of every one hundred adult males in the USSA is either in jail or in prison.

It's a hell hole of a country. I have removed myself from it and intend to remain well away, on the South American continent.

We are fast approaching an event horizon after which things will never be the same again. In fact, we have already entered that event horizon; indeed, we may have entered it 12,000 years ago or a million years ago.  The process of change is so very far advanced, with so much momentum, that the large events that are in motion will now run their course, for better or for worse.

We're just about at the point where anything could happen and maybe will. Of course the question remains: but is what is happening real, or just a virtual reality simulation of "real" reality in which we are ensnared?


I do need and accept your donations for support of my writing. I live in exile in Ecuador, where I am petitioning the government for political refuge. I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing.  If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.


If you are financially able to relocate to South America and would like to move to, buy real estate in or make an exploratory visit to Ecuador while there is still time to get out of the NATO countries before the coming wave of chaos and societal upheaval worsens, please write to me and I will put you in touch with professional people who can make your transition much smoother and help minimize problems. While it is true that there was a very damaging earthquake in one narrow coastal region of Ecuador in April, the rest of the country suffered little to no damage.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Decline and Fall of the English Language in the Uncommonly Stupid States of America (USSA)

Perhaps you noticed the recent story about the stupendously ignorant woman on an American Airlines flight who was so concerned by the mathematical equation that her fellow passenger was scribbling on a pad that she thought up a ruse to deplane and alert the airline that he was a possible terrorist. The flight ended up being delayed for two hours, while the man in question was taken off the plane and questioned. Whereupon it came to light that he was an economics professor who was working on a mathematical equation related to a scholarly talk that he was preparing.

The woman who made the false accusation has not been identified. She was permitted to go on her way without further inconvenience to her considerably dimwitted self. But she epitomizes the impressively dumbed down, half witted American population, where the mere act of being observed writing a mathematical equation in public is now enough to get you fingered as a potential terrorist.

Sad to say, this epidemic of red-white-and-blue stupidity, which has rolled over the USSA like an all consuming tidal wave of doltish nitwittedness, can now be seen on every hand. The brainless examples multiply daily, like rabbits.

The feeble-mindedness of the average USSA individual "entity" grows by leaps and bounds, with every passing year.

The Decline and Fall of the English Language

This is nowhere better seen than in the rapid decline of English language skills, on the part of the general population. My observations are focused on the USSA, but I believe what is happening could apply equally well to other English-speaking countries, such as Australia, England, etc. and also to France, Germany, Spain and other nations, with respect to their own national languages.

It is a fact that more and more people speak too rapidly, slur their words, and sloppily and indistinctly pronounce words, or use malapropisms, which error they may then further compound by also mispronouncing the malapropisms.

This has been a noticeable trend over the course of my life.

I am wondering if this massive degeneration in language skills may be a side effect of the high rate of drug usage (legal and illegal) and alcohol consumption in today's society? Or is it merely a reflection of the declining mental capacity of the average person as more and more people fiercely compete to be stupider than the next person, in a dizzying, vertiginous, ever accelerating downward spiral to terminal, global weak-mindedness?

Vocabulary selection is rapidly becoming more and more substandard. Many people seem to think that when you set out to communicate, that one word will serve as well as another.

That theory runs into trouble exactly on this salient point: different words have different meanings. The changing of one letter or of an apostrophe completely changes the meaning of the word, and thereby the meaning of the communication. Is it any wonder that those who think most imprecisely and who spell the worst are so quick to sling the pejorative expression, "grammar NAZI," at those who do know how to spell, write and think coherently?

My first years in school were in a small, two classroom, country school, with a no nonsense teacher in charge of the first and second grade, which were both in the same classroom. We had to learn vocabulary words every week. We had written spelling tests and also oral examinations, where we had to individually stand in front of the class and spell out loud the words that the teacher would call out to us. And we were graded on that. But that was more than 50 years ago. It appears that my generation is the last literate generation. Nowadays, subliteracy is the order of the day. People wear their stupidity as a badge of honor. They positively revel in their vapid vacuousness.

I present the following list as a testimony to the growing use of "txt" messages, and the burgeoning, medieval, digital, mental landscape of "idk". I have selected these examples from stories by major news gathering organizations such as CNN, the BBC, the AP, Reuters and the like, as well as from other websites and forums on the Internet. The list could easily have been ten or twenty or thirty times as long, but then no one would bother to read it, and anyway, I would grow bored slogging through so much poorly written, verbal diarrhea.

In every instance I know the proper usage or the difference between similar words, or, indeed, if the so-called "word" is even a word at all in standard English. The same cannot be said for a great many writers today, many of whom are paid professionally to write and to publish to the Internet. Here we go:

waive or wave
cooperate or corroborate or collaborate
their or there or they're
its or it's
to or too or two
faze or phase
raze or raise
apprise or appraise
sole or soul
pole or poll
whine or wine
wit or whit
throws of death or throes of death
use to or used to
reap what you sew or reap what you sow
tow the line or toe the line
thru or threw or through
coz or cuz or because
wreck havoc or wreak havoc
nuce or noose
lose or loose
sleight or slight
rain or rein or reign
effect or affect
than or then
triump or triumph
paradyme or paradigm
kewl or cool
mass or amass 
do or due 
tho or though
your or you're
noone or no one
bizness or business
were or we're or where
bear or bare
brake or break
softwear or software
province or provenance
poche or posh
wala or voilà
old fashion or old-fashioned
stain glass windows or stained glass windows
your's or yours
their's or theirs
her's or hers
our's or ours
specie or species
let along or let alone
prolly or probly or probably
peddle or pedal
weight your words or weigh your words
I grinded a pound of coffee or I ground a pound of coffee
sheer or shear
explainer -- how about précis, sidebar, synopsis, etc.
presser -- how about press conference
lol! - sp   --- how about using a dictionary, so that you can learn to spell?
should of or should have
must of or must have
could of or could have
phenomena or phenomenon
cemetary or cemetery
meme --  how about idea, theme, concept, joke, leitmotif, buzzword, catchy phrase, etc.
break it down -- how about explain, interpret, analyze, parse, simplify, clarify, elucidate, deconstruct, etc.
by or bye or buy
layed or laid
laid or lay
lay or lie
hanged or hung
strait or straight
squash or quash
diffuse or defuse
elude or allude
disperse or disburse
rise or arise
pray or prey
perpetuate or perpetrate
pique or peak or peek
fraction or faction
track or tack
visa versa or vice versa
ekcetera or et cetera
pee or pea
cue or queue
vice or vise
advice or advise
populous or populace
Calvary or cavalry
creek or creak
trey or tray
neigh or nay
blue or blew
flue or flu or flew
flea or flee
hire or higher
cache or cash
alley or ally or allay
shoo or shoe
rouge or rogue
bow or bough
enuff or enough
tuff or tough
per say or per se
mute or moot
cite or sight or site
mite or might
linch or lynch
annals of history or annals (by itself)
was or were
sunk or sank
farther or further

I'm fine with that or that is fine with me
back in the day - - so ambiguous and fuzzily imprecise as to be almost meaningless. what day? when?

subject verb agreement - - - pathetic, like the blind leading the blind
use of the possessive case - - an ignorant chaos reigns
knowledge and use of the subjunctive - - forget it, dead on arrival

And so goes the decline and fall of the English language in the Uncommonly Stupid States of America (USSA) as the culture plunges into a medieval, digital, high-tech Dark Age of unparalleled idiocy.


I do urgently need and accept your donations for support of my writing. I live in exile in Ecuador, where I am petitioning the government for political refuge. I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing.  If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.