In recent days there has been increasing buzz about an upcoming, multi-agency, emergency preparedness drill in the New York City area that has to do with training for a possible, nuclear, terrorist attack.
The multi-agency "training" exercise is called Gotham Shield 2017. Various phases of the drill are scheduled from the 18th of April to the 5th of May, beginning today, in fact, and running for the next two and a half weeks.
I will tell you frankly that it is my opinion that the danger of a nuclear false flag attack against a city in the USSA, or a series of attacks against multiple cities in the USSA is a very real and present danger. I have previously written about that threat here and here and explained my reasoning. My thinking has not changed.
If a nuclear detonation occurs in a city in the USSA, there is every possibility that it will be an inside job, exactly as the 9/11 attacks were.
The shadowy power brokers now running the system in the USSA have no regard for life, for peace, for prosperity or for joy.
To say that the power brokers now in charge of the corrupt machinery of the USSA government are demons is to unfairly slander the denizens of hell by comparison, as fallen as they may be.
Dear Friends, we are looking at the face of naked evil. That is how ghastly and putrid the government of the USSA has become. It is a clear and present danger not only to other nations around the world, but to the population of the USSA itself.
Gotham Shield 2017
The upcoming emergency preparedness drills have to do with responding to the *hypothetical* detonation of a 10 kiloton atomic bomb in mid-town Manhattan. This is a bomb with approximately half the yield of those that the USSA military dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945, in the concluding days of the war against Japan.
Listen to me very carefully: I am telling you as plainly as I can that if such an attack occurs in New York City, or Chicago or San Antonio or St. Louis or Atlanta or Indianapolis or Little Rock or Las Vegas or Boise, etc. that it is extremely likely to be a false flag attack to be used as a *fake* casus belli, or cause for war, intended to whip the people of the USSA into a nuclear war hysteria, to be used as putative justification for initiating nuclear warfare against Russia or China or North Korea or Iran or ..... against whomever the Pentagon, CIA, New York Times and Donald Trump will (falsely) say did the dastardly deed(s).
The truth is that the century-long Ponzi scheme called the "United States Federal Reserve Note", also known in our time as the petro-dollar, the so-called international reserve currency, is failing fast and falling hard, losing more and more market share all over the world with every passing month and year.
The USSA Empire based in Washington, DC, New York City, Tel Aviv and other filthy rat holes around the world does not fight fair. It is not fair and it certainly is not honest. On the contrary it is vicious, psychopathic and satanic.
So it will not go quietly into the night. It will not meekly fold up its tents and slink contritely away.
Oh, no, not at all.
Use It Or Lose It
The ruthless game of musical, petro-dollar chairs is swiftly drawing to a close and so we can expect a hyper-violent denouement on the part of the main player(s): the USSA and associated vermin in Tel Aviv, Tokyo, Brussels, and so forth. The game is for political, military and economic control of the planet, so they will pull out all the stops, or try to.
If they were prepared to sacrifice 3,000 people on 9/11 (and they did) to initiate a series of wars in the Middle East and North Africa, what are they prepared to do to initiate nuclear warfare for control of the whole planet?
Have no illusions about the vicious game afoot and how unimaginably cruel it is and can be.
Have no illusions about who and what you are seeing as the so-called "leadership" of the USSA and the European Union and NATO, beginning with that foul creature known as Donald Trump, but certainly not ending with *it*.
As their economic clout vanishes, as the petro-dollar tanks, and that is about to occur on a mind-numbing scale, and with dizzying velocity, they will be sorely tempted to use what remains to them: their nuclear arsenal, before everything collapses around them and they are booted from power by rampaging mobs, who will finally realize the grotesque extent of that centuries-long, ongoing hideous crime, euphemistically known as the "United States".
Hence the danger that these pestilential entities, known as "leaders" or the "ruling elite", will unleash nuclear warfare, or try to, and will do so under the most violent, false pretense(s) that they can arrange, to wit: one or more nuclear false flag attacks.
You have been warned.
The Nitty-Gritty of Gotham Shield 2017
Many agencies, at the local, regional, state and federal level, will take part in the Gotham Shield exercise in the coming week or two. Here, in no particular order, are some of the official notices and references I was able to find on the web.
Gotham Shield 2017 will take place in the spring of 201. It's going to simulate a 10-Kiloton explosion in New York City and Northern New Jersey, look at sheltering, evacuation, communications and infrastructure impacts and things of that nature as part of the Department of Defense Start-of-the-Century exercise series.(source: )
Well, well, Gotham Shield 2017 is identified as part of the Pentagon's "Start of the Century" exercise series.
Would the Pentagon's "Start of the Century" exercise series have anything to do with the infamous "Project For The New American Century" (PNAC) developed by a Neo-Con cabal lead by William Kristol and Robert Kagan, in the years leading up to the 9/11 attacks, and which plainly talked about the need for a new Pearl Harbor attack to improve the technological and operational capabilities of the USSA's military -- a role that the 9/11 attacks in fact fulfilled?
I smell a nuclear rat. Do you?
Here's another document, minutes from a meeting of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) about emergency nuclear preparedness that briefly mentions Gotham Shield 2017. Note: IND stands for "improvised nuclear device."
Support IND exercises by model cities; use window of opportunity to reach people on the sidelines (e.g., Gotham Shield 2017 as teachable moment)
(source: )
So Gotham Shield 2017 will be a "teachable moment", a "window of opportunity." The document mentions "IND exercises by model cities".
Improvised Nuclear Device exercises by model cities. That's what the document says. Whatever could that mean? And what if the IND exercises go live, in selected "model cities"?
Here's a dandy from the U.S. National Response Team and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration:
• Gotham Shield 2017– FEMA-led exercise, April 18 -May 5
Linked to several other DOD and DHS/FEMA response and recovery exercises – 4 nuclear devices, 2 of which are rendered safe during the DOD Vital Archer Exercise, one successful 10kt detonation in the NYC/NJ area, and one smaller detonation on the US/Canadian border.
( source: )
Four nuclear devices and one successful 10kt detonation in the New York City/New Jersey area and a smaller detonation on the US/Canadian border, sometime within the next two weeks. Is it a preparedness drill or a false flag preparation or ...? I guess we'll find out, won't we?
Here's a notice from the Health Care Association of New Jersey:
Health Care Association of New Jersey
April 6 at 11:02am ·
EXERCISE - Operation Gotham Shield/Improvised Nuclear Detonation Incident - April 26, 2017 :: This is a reminder that on April 26, 2017 - HCANJ/LANJ will be participating in "Operation Gotham Shield" in conjunction with our NJESF #8 Partners including NJDOH-PHILEP, New Jersey Medical Services Task Force, Office of the Medical Examiner, NJDHS-Disaster Terrorism Branch, Urban Area Strategic Initiative, as well as, State Office of Emergency Management, local, county and Federal Law Enforcement agencies.
( source: )
A whole smorgasbord of agencies will be involved.
How about this, from the Eastern Region helicopter Council:
Operation Gotham Shield 2017 HERP Drill
ERHC Council Members and Volunteers,
On Tuesday April 25th 2017, at 0800 the Gotham Shield Exercise will take place at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford NJ. This exercise will simulate a large scale terrorist attack on the NY/NJ metropolitan area with MetLife Stadium serving as a triage/collection point for victims and emergency response personnel. This will be a large scale event with numerous federal, state, county and local agencies participating.( source: )
The explosion of a 10-kiloton *terrorist* nuclear device in a city in the USSA has long been planned for by federal agencies. Please see the following, from the Homeland Security Council, archived at , for an example of the type of planning documents that have been floating around for years:
In this scenario, terrorist members of the Universal Adversary (UA) group
assemble a gun-type nuclear device using highly enriched uranium (HEU) –
used here to mean weapons-grade uranium – stolen from a nuclear facility
located in the former Soviet Union. The nuclear device components are smuggled
into the United States. The 10-kiloton nuclear device is assembled near a
major metropolitan center. Using a delivery van, terrorists transport the
device to the central business district of a large city and detonate it.
Most buildings within 1,000 meters (~ 3,200 feet) of the detonation are severely
damaged. Injuries from flying debris (missiles) may occur out to 6 kilometers
(~ 3.7 miles). An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) damages many electronic devices
within about 5 kilometers (~ 3 miles). A mushroom cloud rises above the city
and begins to drift east-northeast.
( source: )
The question is, with the accession of Donald Trump to the presidency of the USSA, coupled with a simultaneous decline in the economic clout of the USSA petro-dollar and a perceived need to more actively confront other world and regional powers militarily, has the Deep State, under the guise of the Pentagon's Start of the Century exercise series, referred to above, decided to take live one or more "Improvised Nuclear Device" exercises, in one or more "model cities" as a "teachable moment" for the public at large?
Based on the murderous events of 9/11 and their bloody aftermath in the Middle east and North Africa over the last 16 years, and in view of the massive, growing, public evidence that the USSA and its military allies are preparing for military conflict with China, Russia, Iran, Syria and North Korea, I believe that we must take the possibility of nuclear false flag attacks against cities in the USSA very serious.
If such do occur my immediate suspicions will fall on the CIA, Pentagon, Mossad, FBI, DHS, FEMA, and so forth. The usual suspects, in other words. Who else has the motive and the means?
War is what they do. Evil is what they are.
depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living
and writing in exile in Ecuador. If you find personal value or meaning
in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my
continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.
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Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Sunday, April 16, 2017
What Comes Next?
In a word: change. Very big change.
All that remains to be determined is the nature of the change and its precise timeline.
Of course the threat of major warfare, possibly even nuclear warfare, looms large these days, not least on and around the Korean peninsula. The United States and its allies are right now building up a very large military force, and bruiting their plans to imminently "resolve" the North Korean "problem" via military means, though an objective observer strains to identify even one case of the allegedly war-like North Koreans invading another country, while the USSA has willy-nilly been destabilizing, invading and destroying one nation after another for the better part of two centuries now, directly or in league with proxies and mercenaries, beginning with the Native American peoples of North America, and then continuing on to menace the entire planet: the Philippines, Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, Chile, Cambodia, Iraq, Vietnam, Laos, Korea, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, the Ukraine, (what used to be) Yugoslavia, Yemen ..... It never ends, and now the USSA is on the verge of launching another major war in East Asia.
So which country, in reality, most jeopardizes international law and order?
Clearly, it is the USSA which is by far the greater danger, rampaging around the world for well more than a century now, killing, wounding and impoverishing countless millions, as it imposes "peace" and "democracy" \sarcasm\ at gunpoint and repeated carpet bombings.
Context Is Everything
Like everything, there is the reality of the situation and the meta-reality of the situation. As you look around the world, you can see a discernible crescendo in current events. The USSA is obviously on the warpath in recent days and weeks, and on a global scale, with first a cruise missile barrage unleashed against Syria, and then the massive MOAB thermobaric bomb dropped in eastern Afghanistan against an ostensible underground Taliban tunnel complex, followed within a short period of time by a very public, test-dropping in Nevada of the USSA military's B-61 nuclear bomb, all of which has transpired against a backdrop of a very public buildup of military force on Russia's western borders and in the region of the Korean peninsula and the Western Pacific Ocean.
So why now?
It has to do with the Law of Exponents and the rapidly quickening pace of other developments, that underlie, or should I say "overlay", the visible events that attract so much sensational attention.
Indirectly, much of what is happening in the news has to do with the revelations of Edward Snowden about the NSA's virtually all-encompassing surveillance of everyone and everything on this planet; and also with the recent Wikileak's "Vault 7" revelations about the CIA's virtually all-encompassing surveillance of everyone and everything on this planet.
Here's the way it works: beyond the not inconsiderable societal control aspect of digital totalitarianism, is the equally sobering, global, vacuum cleaner-like collection of astronomical reams of data of every variety to the finest level of granularity possible -- on everything and everyone, from A to Z -- population size, poverty rates, riot and civil unrest rates, crime rates, civil disobedience activity, bankruptcy rates, levels of indebtedness, rate of store closings, church membership and attendance, rate of social media usage, cell phone usage, Internet connectivity, electricity consumption, area of cropland in production, per capita protein consumption, miles of railroads and roads, ocean freight and river barge freight tonnage, coal and hydrocarbon production, literacy rates, autism rates, death and birth rates, marriage rates, divorce rates, levels of individual and family wealth, levels of agricultural production, unemployment rates, rate of robotization of industry, rate of job replacement of humans by A.I. programs and algorithms, rate of growth of sophistication of A.I. self-learning programs and algorithms, rate of growth of nanotechnology, rate of growth of use of self-learning nanobots and other intelligent machine swarms, rates of workplace violence, mental illness rates, drug addiction rates, military spending and armaments, rate of ambient radioactivity in the ecology, deforestation rates, ocean fish stock depletion rates, melt rates of polar ice caps, rate of atmospheric oxygen depletion, rate of atmospheric methane increase, increase in rate of volcanic activity, percent loss of global vegetative cover, increase in rate of earthquakes, increase in violent weather events such as droughts, floods, tornadoes, tropical storms, heat waves and blizzards, rate of wildlife and plant extinction, rate of sea level change, and much, much more -- all to be fed into endless banks of supercomputers and crunched through complex, multivariate algorithms to yield best-fit-answers to questions such as:
1) When does the biosphere collapse to a point such that human life on this planet is no longer viable?
2) When does the radioactive poisoning of the Pacific Ocean, and beyond, by the failed nuclear reactors at Fukushima, Japan become an immediate, public concern that can no longer be contained by official propaganda?
3) When and how does the petro-dollar lose a sufficient percentage of global market share that the USSA's economic and military dominance of the global order is no longer possible?
4) How soon will the myriad gigatons of frozen methane in the permafrost and ocean floors of the Earth's polar regions sublimate and bubble up into the atmosphere, causing runaway changes in atmospheric chemistry and meteorology such that human life is no longer viable?
5) How and how soon does the global interconnectivity of the Internet result in international knowledge networks that seriously threaten the power monopoly of the Powers That Be?
6) How soon and exactly how does the debt-based international economic order fail?
7) As more states acquire nuclear weapons, how soon and how likely is the USSA military to face a confluence of factors that threaten it with sudden military defeat?
8) How soon do robotization and the growing use of A.I. make live human beings superfluous in the global economy, i.e., what is the year in this century when biological humans become obsolescent and the machines take over?
9) When and how does the burgeoning use of nanotechnology overwhelm the human race and the rest of the biosphere on this planet?
And so forth.
What It All Means
The obvious conclusion, even without having access to the reams of data and the supercomputing, algorithmic data crunching capabilities of the alphabet soup agencies, is that we are now very rapidly approaching an Event Horizon -- whence the title of my blog, the Event Horizon Chronicle.
Events of all kinds are moving faster and faster as the global ice caps thin, the frozen polar methane deposits sublimate, wildlife numbers plunge, the great tropical and boreal forests are cut down, the oceans die, unemployment soars, billions of people live in dire poverty, the failed nuclear reactors at Fukushima continue to pour tons of radioactive poisons into the air and sea, levels of global indebtedness reach unheard of levels, etc.
Either humanity takes a step up in consciousness and saves itself and the planet or it steps over the precipice into the abyss. These years right now, in the 2010s, are definitive. We are playing for all the marbles, even as our so-called "leaders" are pathetically, pathologically, psychopathically "losing their marbles."
I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing in exile in Ecuador. If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.
I also accept gift cards in any amount, small or large, at my e-mail address:
All that remains to be determined is the nature of the change and its precise timeline.
Of course the threat of major warfare, possibly even nuclear warfare, looms large these days, not least on and around the Korean peninsula. The United States and its allies are right now building up a very large military force, and bruiting their plans to imminently "resolve" the North Korean "problem" via military means, though an objective observer strains to identify even one case of the allegedly war-like North Koreans invading another country, while the USSA has willy-nilly been destabilizing, invading and destroying one nation after another for the better part of two centuries now, directly or in league with proxies and mercenaries, beginning with the Native American peoples of North America, and then continuing on to menace the entire planet: the Philippines, Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, Chile, Cambodia, Iraq, Vietnam, Laos, Korea, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, the Ukraine, (what used to be) Yugoslavia, Yemen ..... It never ends, and now the USSA is on the verge of launching another major war in East Asia.
So which country, in reality, most jeopardizes international law and order?
Clearly, it is the USSA which is by far the greater danger, rampaging around the world for well more than a century now, killing, wounding and impoverishing countless millions, as it imposes "peace" and "democracy" \sarcasm\ at gunpoint and repeated carpet bombings.
Context Is Everything
Like everything, there is the reality of the situation and the meta-reality of the situation. As you look around the world, you can see a discernible crescendo in current events. The USSA is obviously on the warpath in recent days and weeks, and on a global scale, with first a cruise missile barrage unleashed against Syria, and then the massive MOAB thermobaric bomb dropped in eastern Afghanistan against an ostensible underground Taliban tunnel complex, followed within a short period of time by a very public, test-dropping in Nevada of the USSA military's B-61 nuclear bomb, all of which has transpired against a backdrop of a very public buildup of military force on Russia's western borders and in the region of the Korean peninsula and the Western Pacific Ocean.
So why now?
It has to do with the Law of Exponents and the rapidly quickening pace of other developments, that underlie, or should I say "overlay", the visible events that attract so much sensational attention.
Indirectly, much of what is happening in the news has to do with the revelations of Edward Snowden about the NSA's virtually all-encompassing surveillance of everyone and everything on this planet; and also with the recent Wikileak's "Vault 7" revelations about the CIA's virtually all-encompassing surveillance of everyone and everything on this planet.
Here's the way it works: beyond the not inconsiderable societal control aspect of digital totalitarianism, is the equally sobering, global, vacuum cleaner-like collection of astronomical reams of data of every variety to the finest level of granularity possible -- on everything and everyone, from A to Z -- population size, poverty rates, riot and civil unrest rates, crime rates, civil disobedience activity, bankruptcy rates, levels of indebtedness, rate of store closings, church membership and attendance, rate of social media usage, cell phone usage, Internet connectivity, electricity consumption, area of cropland in production, per capita protein consumption, miles of railroads and roads, ocean freight and river barge freight tonnage, coal and hydrocarbon production, literacy rates, autism rates, death and birth rates, marriage rates, divorce rates, levels of individual and family wealth, levels of agricultural production, unemployment rates, rate of robotization of industry, rate of job replacement of humans by A.I. programs and algorithms, rate of growth of sophistication of A.I. self-learning programs and algorithms, rate of growth of nanotechnology, rate of growth of use of self-learning nanobots and other intelligent machine swarms, rates of workplace violence, mental illness rates, drug addiction rates, military spending and armaments, rate of ambient radioactivity in the ecology, deforestation rates, ocean fish stock depletion rates, melt rates of polar ice caps, rate of atmospheric oxygen depletion, rate of atmospheric methane increase, increase in rate of volcanic activity, percent loss of global vegetative cover, increase in rate of earthquakes, increase in violent weather events such as droughts, floods, tornadoes, tropical storms, heat waves and blizzards, rate of wildlife and plant extinction, rate of sea level change, and much, much more -- all to be fed into endless banks of supercomputers and crunched through complex, multivariate algorithms to yield best-fit-answers to questions such as:
1) When does the biosphere collapse to a point such that human life on this planet is no longer viable?
2) When does the radioactive poisoning of the Pacific Ocean, and beyond, by the failed nuclear reactors at Fukushima, Japan become an immediate, public concern that can no longer be contained by official propaganda?
3) When and how does the petro-dollar lose a sufficient percentage of global market share that the USSA's economic and military dominance of the global order is no longer possible?
4) How soon will the myriad gigatons of frozen methane in the permafrost and ocean floors of the Earth's polar regions sublimate and bubble up into the atmosphere, causing runaway changes in atmospheric chemistry and meteorology such that human life is no longer viable?
5) How and how soon does the global interconnectivity of the Internet result in international knowledge networks that seriously threaten the power monopoly of the Powers That Be?
6) How soon and exactly how does the debt-based international economic order fail?
7) As more states acquire nuclear weapons, how soon and how likely is the USSA military to face a confluence of factors that threaten it with sudden military defeat?
8) How soon do robotization and the growing use of A.I. make live human beings superfluous in the global economy, i.e., what is the year in this century when biological humans become obsolescent and the machines take over?
9) When and how does the burgeoning use of nanotechnology overwhelm the human race and the rest of the biosphere on this planet?
And so forth.
What It All Means
The obvious conclusion, even without having access to the reams of data and the supercomputing, algorithmic data crunching capabilities of the alphabet soup agencies, is that we are now very rapidly approaching an Event Horizon -- whence the title of my blog, the Event Horizon Chronicle.
Events of all kinds are moving faster and faster as the global ice caps thin, the frozen polar methane deposits sublimate, wildlife numbers plunge, the great tropical and boreal forests are cut down, the oceans die, unemployment soars, billions of people live in dire poverty, the failed nuclear reactors at Fukushima continue to pour tons of radioactive poisons into the air and sea, levels of global indebtedness reach unheard of levels, etc.
Some experts give the world ten years or less until
the global decline and chaos on all fronts becomes so severe that
even the most willfully stupid and the most willfully ignorant
realize that all around them, the planet is swiftly dying. I am
reasonably well informed and I would say that by 2035, at the
outside, it all falls irretrievably apart, if humanity continues on its present, unimaginably stupid trajectory. That's just 18 years
from now. But I would not argue with those who say we have only ten
years left, maybe less. The situation is extreme.
Donald Trump says nothing about any
of this. Hillary Clinton says nothing about any of this. Angela
Merkel says nothing about any of this. John McCain says nothing about
any of this. The Bushes say nothing about any of this. And none of
them offer any solutions, apart from the fact that their mental
horizons don't even extend 10% as far as mine. And yet they are
so-called "leaders".
Their only solution is for more war, maybe a very big war, maybe even a nuclear war, which could even start tonight or tomorrow, or failing that, next week, or next month, or next year.
The old order is visibly, rapidly failing, on every front, but the only game that the Powers That Be know is death, destruction, exploitation and war, notwithstanding that those are the very worst decisions that they could make.
And so, as is the case in all failing empires, as they feel and see it all slipping away, as their number crunchers come to them and whisper in their ears: "It's now or never! You must decisively use the power you have or irretrievably lose it all!" -- they will be inclined to violently lash out in a desperate attempt to maintain global dominance and control by military means.
I submit to you that that is exactly what we see happening now. The Powers That Be have crunched the numbers, looked at the broad policy and global issues that I enumerate above and have correctly concluded that in every case, crisis lies just ahead.
But their decision is to employ brute force, great violence, to try to manage this great historical inflection point that is now hard upon us.
Everything has changed, except the mentality and behavior of the so-called "Ruling Elite", which are precisely the reasons we are in this global predicament to begin with. They are, of all people, the very least qualified to resolve the immense problems that they themselves have created, employing unimaginable violence and oppression over a period of thousands of years.
And yet they have constructed a power structure that makes it all but impossible for other leadership, with sane, humane, intelligent, human- and Earth-friendly ideas and policies to attain meaningful positions of leadership.
And so, at least in the near term, we slide towards catastrophe.
What's Needed To Save Humanity and the Earth?
Their only solution is for more war, maybe a very big war, maybe even a nuclear war, which could even start tonight or tomorrow, or failing that, next week, or next month, or next year.
The old order is visibly, rapidly failing, on every front, but the only game that the Powers That Be know is death, destruction, exploitation and war, notwithstanding that those are the very worst decisions that they could make.
And so, as is the case in all failing empires, as they feel and see it all slipping away, as their number crunchers come to them and whisper in their ears: "It's now or never! You must decisively use the power you have or irretrievably lose it all!" -- they will be inclined to violently lash out in a desperate attempt to maintain global dominance and control by military means.
I submit to you that that is exactly what we see happening now. The Powers That Be have crunched the numbers, looked at the broad policy and global issues that I enumerate above and have correctly concluded that in every case, crisis lies just ahead.
But their decision is to employ brute force, great violence, to try to manage this great historical inflection point that is now hard upon us.
Everything has changed, except the mentality and behavior of the so-called "Ruling Elite", which are precisely the reasons we are in this global predicament to begin with. They are, of all people, the very least qualified to resolve the immense problems that they themselves have created, employing unimaginable violence and oppression over a period of thousands of years.
And yet they have constructed a power structure that makes it all but impossible for other leadership, with sane, humane, intelligent, human- and Earth-friendly ideas and policies to attain meaningful positions of leadership.
And so, at least in the near term, we slide towards catastrophe.
What's Needed To Save Humanity and the Earth?
At a very bare minimum the following should be done with alacrity, and at a global level. It doesn't much matter who takes the lead, only that these policies be carried out as soon as possible.
1) A massive, global reforestation project, with native species having preference.
2) A massive, global, sea cleaning operation.
3) A massive, global, de-nuclearization initiative -- weapons, nuclear power plants, uranium mining, it all has to go.
4) A massive, global, non-GMO, non-chemical, non-factory farming, agricultural movement.
5) A massive, global roll-out of so-called "free energy" technology, which the compartmentalized Black World has and uses.
6) A global repudiation of nanotechnology and A.I.
7) Get rid of private, central banking. Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank and the IRS and replace them with an interest-free monetary system.
8) Establish Truth Commissions for the 9-11 attacks, the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations, and other similar false flag events. Criminally try and imprison the perpetrators of these crimes.
1) A massive, global reforestation project, with native species having preference.
2) A massive, global, sea cleaning operation.
3) A massive, global, de-nuclearization initiative -- weapons, nuclear power plants, uranium mining, it all has to go.
4) A massive, global, non-GMO, non-chemical, non-factory farming, agricultural movement.
5) A massive, global roll-out of so-called "free energy" technology, which the compartmentalized Black World has and uses.
6) A global repudiation of nanotechnology and A.I.
7) Get rid of private, central banking. Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank and the IRS and replace them with an interest-free monetary system.
8) Establish Truth Commissions for the 9-11 attacks, the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations, and other similar false flag events. Criminally try and imprison the perpetrators of these crimes.
This is a bare minimum "to do list" if humanity is to have any meaningful future on this planet.
If these issues are not dealt with then we continue our rapid slide toward terrible catastrophe and the very possible extinction of humanity and destruction of most of the rest of the biosphere and maybe even the planet itself.
Unless humanity reestablishes a
conscious bond with the living Earth, neither humanity nor the Earth
will long survive. This present "civilization" might have 20 more years until it catastrophically ends. and maybe
not even that much time. The coming years of the global climate
change, ecosystem collapse, radiation increase, economic collapse,
etc. will be just that fast and furious.
If these issues are not dealt with then we continue our rapid slide toward terrible catastrophe and the very possible extinction of humanity and destruction of most of the rest of the biosphere and maybe even the planet itself.
Either humanity takes a step up in consciousness and saves itself and the planet or it steps over the precipice into the abyss. These years right now, in the 2010s, are definitive. We are playing for all the marbles, even as our so-called "leaders" are pathetically, pathologically, psychopathically "losing their marbles."
I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing in exile in Ecuador. If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.
I also accept gift cards in any amount, small or large, at my e-mail address:
Saturday, April 8, 2017
One More Trumpie "Buttercup" Sees The Light
Dear Readers,
I want to offer for your delectation the following e-mail exchange I had yesterday with one of my friends and readers, whom I will call "Buttercup", and who, like millions, is just now suddenly awakening to the troubling realization that: "It's all a big con game. I've been had. Trump's a weak, lying buffoon! He's not what he pretended to be!"
I now present the e-mails below, in order, without further ado. Read all the way to the bottom for my final response, to which "Buttercup" replied: "This is an excellent analysis. You should put this on your blog." And so here it is, on my blog.
Hi, Richard:
I had hoped for better. Trump said a lot of the right things when he was running for president. Hillary did all the wrong things; she herself is the cause of her loss. Violent racism and idiot bimbos in pink pussy hats somehow didn't appeal to the voters.
Trump impresses me as reasonably bright and a very capable campaigner, but he would not have made all that money if he hadn't had backing from the banksters. It looks like they own him.
Trump's most valued adviser is his son in law, a little weasel who works for Tel Aviv. I read him as shallow; he's just a tool.
So where the hell is our wall? We need two of them, really: one on the Mexican border and one along the bank of the Mississippi.
I believe Trump is going to engage the Russians in Syria. Whoever is really calling the shots thinks the Russians won't opt for nuclear war and can be overwhelmed on the ground by US proxies, perhaps with some help from cruise missiles. Then it's on to Iran.
Meanwhile the US is giving chemical weapons and cluster bombs to Saudia Arabia and also bombing Yemen.
Why is Congress sitting on its hands?
And where are the supposedly imminent pizzagate indictments? Oh wait...Reince Priebus was involved, as was Mike Pence's best friend and nearly every prominent player in DC.
Warm regards,
That's right, "Buttercup", and you're absolutely correct about Hillary.
Why, if she had been elected she would probably already have unleashed an unprovoked cruise missile barrage against Syria or Yemen or something like that ... oh, wait ....
Trump is a fat, ignorant, incompetent, arrogant, weak, indecisive, easily manipulable buffoon.
He's just along for the ride and will reliably do what Goldman Sachs, the flag officers in the Pentagon, and the directors of the NSA, CIA and FBI tell him to do.
This morning the Russian Prime Minister is warning that Russia and the USSA are on the verge of military conflict.
No, sh*t, Jack!!
best regards,
Richard Sauder
Hi, Richard:
Well, Hillary was unspeakable but it starts to look like you were right about Trump. He just launched a missile attack on Syria. His Zionist son in law, that little weasel Kushner, probably had something to do with it. Priebus and Kushner are ousting the real people in the Trump administration, one after another.
What makes Trump think he has the right to order a military strike against a country with which we are not at war, and which has not been authorized by Congress? This is bizarre. I don't understand why he'd do it. Particularly when it was the US proxies who used the gas.
Viet Nam was such a fun experience, I guess Trump wants to repeat it. WW III will be immensely profitable except for the civilians who are forced to pay for it and the people who actually have to fight in it.
And where are those pizzagate indictments? They've been "imminent" for a couple of months now. Priebus has been named as one of the participants. It is known who the participants are but nothing is being done.
Susan Rice may be called to testify under oath about the misuse of classified intelligence for partisan political purposes but nothing will happen even if she provably lies to Congress. It's a charade.
Warm regards,
"Buttercup", the point is that it doesn't matter.
You're still all caught up in the artificially manufactured Trump versus Hillary drama.
It doesn't matter. The Deep State picks whatever slimy piece of excrement it wants to sit in the Oval Office (the Offal Orifice).
It's all rigged. With minor differences in rhetoric or policy, whomever is placed in the White House does as he or she is told.
Your illusion of political choice is just that: an illusion. Your opinion of who is better is irrelevant.
The Deep State does what it wants to do without regard whatsoever for anything you say or do or think.
They don't give a sh*t! War, death, destruction, mayhem, chaos and plunder are the agenda.
And Trump will dutifully comply.
You say that he said the "right things" during the campaign.
"Buttercup", you still do not get it. He said all the things that you have been programmed over a period of many years to think are the "right things". It's all gamed and scripted to cause people like "Buttercup" to say: "He's saying all the right things."
It's a con game of the largest proportions. Are you so tightly trapped in your own MATRIX illusions that you cannot admit or perceive that?
During the campaign last year, you told me that you viewed Donald Trump and that you had a good feel for who he is.
I told you: "Like hell you have! You don't know that man." But you persisted in saying that he was a decent and good man.
I offer you another view (again): he's a slimy, stinky, stupid, weak, pathologically sick piece of sh*t from New York City.
There, fixed it for you (again).
I do want to move on from this. It is painfully, transparently clear who and what Trump is -- and isn't. There is nothing left to debate. The Trumpies are so deeply buried in their denial. I'm through with it.
But, hey, he's just getting started. It's still early days!
And, no, he's a terrible manager. A competent manager would never have appointed to high office the people that he did. Rick Perry as Energy Secretary??? Are you f*cking kidding me??? That nitwit, *ss wipe???? It gets worse from there. Nikki Haley at the UN ... but I repeat myself.
best regards,
Richard Sauder
I greatly appreciate your donations for support of my writing. I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing in exile in Ecuador. If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.
I also accept gift cards in any amount, small or large, at my e-mail address:
If you are financially able to relocate to South America and would like to move to, buy real estate in or make an exploratory visit to Ecuador while there is still time to get out of the USSA and NATO countries before the chaos and societal upheaval worsens, write to me and I will put you in touch with professional people who help expats relocate, move in, get visas and rent or buy property. The climate is wonderful in Ecuador and the papayas are plentiful!
I want to offer for your delectation the following e-mail exchange I had yesterday with one of my friends and readers, whom I will call "Buttercup", and who, like millions, is just now suddenly awakening to the troubling realization that: "It's all a big con game. I've been had. Trump's a weak, lying buffoon! He's not what he pretended to be!"
I now present the e-mails below, in order, without further ado. Read all the way to the bottom for my final response, to which "Buttercup" replied: "This is an excellent analysis. You should put this on your blog." And so here it is, on my blog.
Hi, Richard:
I had hoped for better. Trump said a lot of the right things when he was running for president. Hillary did all the wrong things; she herself is the cause of her loss. Violent racism and idiot bimbos in pink pussy hats somehow didn't appeal to the voters.
Trump impresses me as reasonably bright and a very capable campaigner, but he would not have made all that money if he hadn't had backing from the banksters. It looks like they own him.
Trump's most valued adviser is his son in law, a little weasel who works for Tel Aviv. I read him as shallow; he's just a tool.
So where the hell is our wall? We need two of them, really: one on the Mexican border and one along the bank of the Mississippi.
I believe Trump is going to engage the Russians in Syria. Whoever is really calling the shots thinks the Russians won't opt for nuclear war and can be overwhelmed on the ground by US proxies, perhaps with some help from cruise missiles. Then it's on to Iran.
Meanwhile the US is giving chemical weapons and cluster bombs to Saudia Arabia and also bombing Yemen.
Why is Congress sitting on its hands?
And where are the supposedly imminent pizzagate indictments? Oh wait...Reince Priebus was involved, as was Mike Pence's best friend and nearly every prominent player in DC.
Warm regards,
That's right, "Buttercup", and you're absolutely correct about Hillary.
Why, if she had been elected she would probably already have unleashed an unprovoked cruise missile barrage against Syria or Yemen or something like that ... oh, wait ....
Trump is a fat, ignorant, incompetent, arrogant, weak, indecisive, easily manipulable buffoon.
He's just along for the ride and will reliably do what Goldman Sachs, the flag officers in the Pentagon, and the directors of the NSA, CIA and FBI tell him to do.
This morning the Russian Prime Minister is warning that Russia and the USSA are on the verge of military conflict.
No, sh*t, Jack!!
best regards,
Richard Sauder
Hi, Richard:
Well, Hillary was unspeakable but it starts to look like you were right about Trump. He just launched a missile attack on Syria. His Zionist son in law, that little weasel Kushner, probably had something to do with it. Priebus and Kushner are ousting the real people in the Trump administration, one after another.
What makes Trump think he has the right to order a military strike against a country with which we are not at war, and which has not been authorized by Congress? This is bizarre. I don't understand why he'd do it. Particularly when it was the US proxies who used the gas.
Viet Nam was such a fun experience, I guess Trump wants to repeat it. WW III will be immensely profitable except for the civilians who are forced to pay for it and the people who actually have to fight in it.
And where are those pizzagate indictments? They've been "imminent" for a couple of months now. Priebus has been named as one of the participants. It is known who the participants are but nothing is being done.
Susan Rice may be called to testify under oath about the misuse of classified intelligence for partisan political purposes but nothing will happen even if she provably lies to Congress. It's a charade.
Warm regards,
"Buttercup", the point is that it doesn't matter.
You're still all caught up in the artificially manufactured Trump versus Hillary drama.
It doesn't matter. The Deep State picks whatever slimy piece of excrement it wants to sit in the Oval Office (the Offal Orifice).
It's all rigged. With minor differences in rhetoric or policy, whomever is placed in the White House does as he or she is told.
Your illusion of political choice is just that: an illusion. Your opinion of who is better is irrelevant.
The Deep State does what it wants to do without regard whatsoever for anything you say or do or think.
They don't give a sh*t! War, death, destruction, mayhem, chaos and plunder are the agenda.
And Trump will dutifully comply.
You say that he said the "right things" during the campaign.
"Buttercup", you still do not get it. He said all the things that you have been programmed over a period of many years to think are the "right things". It's all gamed and scripted to cause people like "Buttercup" to say: "He's saying all the right things."
It's a con game of the largest proportions. Are you so tightly trapped in your own MATRIX illusions that you cannot admit or perceive that?
During the campaign last year, you told me that you viewed Donald Trump and that you had a good feel for who he is.
I told you: "Like hell you have! You don't know that man." But you persisted in saying that he was a decent and good man.
I offer you another view (again): he's a slimy, stinky, stupid, weak, pathologically sick piece of sh*t from New York City.
There, fixed it for you (again).
I do want to move on from this. It is painfully, transparently clear who and what Trump is -- and isn't. There is nothing left to debate. The Trumpies are so deeply buried in their denial. I'm through with it.
But, hey, he's just getting started. It's still early days!
And, no, he's a terrible manager. A competent manager would never have appointed to high office the people that he did. Rick Perry as Energy Secretary??? Are you f*cking kidding me??? That nitwit, *ss wipe???? It gets worse from there. Nikki Haley at the UN ... but I repeat myself.
best regards,
Richard Sauder
I greatly appreciate your donations for support of my writing. I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing in exile in Ecuador. If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.
I also accept gift cards in any amount, small or large, at my e-mail address:
If you are financially able to relocate to South America and would like to move to, buy real estate in or make an exploratory visit to Ecuador while there is still time to get out of the USSA and NATO countries before the chaos and societal upheaval worsens, write to me and I will put you in touch with professional people who help expats relocate, move in, get visas and rent or buy property. The climate is wonderful in Ecuador and the papayas are plentiful!
Thursday, April 6, 2017
The Deep State: A Bottomless Rabbit Hole
I've recently been marveling at the chaotic, carnival sideshow that Washington, DC has become.
Um, no, check that. What I've recently been doing is marveling at the chaotic, carnival sideshow that the entire USSA has become. But, no, that's not quite right either. What I've really been marveling at is that so many people persist in not seeing the USSA for what it actually is: a hyper-violent, sociopathic, chaotic, suicidal, genocidal, world ravaging, existential threat to itself and to most anyone and everyone else, all over the planet.
Just recently the news media have been full of stories about Donald Trump loudly braying to the world that the USSA will have to "take care of North Korea" by itself, if necessary. In this nuclear age does anyone have any illusions about what that might mean? This comes hard on the heels of the Pentagon sending a wing of nuclear-capable, heavy bombers to South Korea a couple of weeks ago. Does anyone have any illusions about what that might mean in this nuclear age, if those "nuclear-capable" bombers are used?
Beyond that conspicuous, nuclear saber rattling, the Pentagon is right now moving a very large military force into Poland, just miles from the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea. Have a look:
US Army Vehicles Arrive in Poland
U.S. Army Heavy Armor Arrives In Poland
U.S. Army Soldiers Arrive At Base In Poland
U.S. Army Continues Deployment To Poland
You can watch hours of these videos. Thousands of tanks, armored personnel carriers, heavy guns, thousands of troops, you name it, all being positioned in Poland right now, at Orzysz. It has to do with NATO's so called "Enhanced Forward Presence", which in plain English means: moving the USSA Army right up to the Russian border, just 55 miles as the crow flies, from Kaliningrad.
Like the Russians won't notice the American Army assembling a large military force right on their border. As if it's a normal thing.
I'm telling you very plainly that it is not a normal thing, and that this is the kind of thing the Pentagon does before it goes to war. These are war preparations. Any fool can see that. How many trainloads of USSA Army heavy armor do the Russians have to watch being unloaded 55 miles from their borders before they draw the obvious conclusion that a war force is being arrayed against them?
And then there is the not inconsequential matter of the steadily growing Pentagon troop build-up in Syria, allegedly to "fight ISIS" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) all the while that Donald Trump's Secretary of State was publicly announcing that the goal of the USSA was not to remove Assad from power.
Notwithstanding that within the last two days the Trump administration is openly talking about a large, imminent military strike against Syria.
It's all insane beyond belief, zanily contradictory at every turn, and spinning more and more wildly out of control.
The picture that is coming into focus is of an ignorant, weak, incompetent buffoon of an American president and a rudderless American government that are in a violently gyrating, out-of-control, free fall towards absolute catastrophe.
Now, I am perfectly aware that many people who supported Donald Trump advanced the argument that the "alternative was the crazed Dixie Mafia bitch queen and the communists", as one of my friends colorfully put it.
But I hasten to remind you that no one has gone anywhere. They are all right there and no one of any consequence in the Deep State criminal hierarchy has gone to jail or even been arrested for their myriad crimes. It's all a big political show. Please remember that it was the Clinton campaign itself which fronted Donald Trump as the Pied Piper. He's the one that they chose -- not the voters. The entire process is very heavily rigged. The people were presented with the choice that the system selected for them -- not the other way around.
There was no alternative, that's the rejoinder of the Trump supporters, and that's true enough. What there was was a carefully engineered, very well crafted, political decision tree that tens of millions of people were skillfully led through, and then led to believe that they had independently decided to elect Trump, when nothing could be further from the truth.
There was no other alternative because the system very elaborately fabricated that precise political scenario, such that hordes of voters simultaneously said, by the tens of millions, "there's no other alternative ..."
It's Machiavellian beyond belief.
I say again, Trump was exactly the one that they wanted, precisely because he is narcissistic, not especially well informed or intelligent, has no grand strategy, is not a clear thinker, is weak, indecisive, vacillates, is not a strong leader, and for all those reasons can be, and is being, manipulated by: 1) Goldman Sachs and Wall Street/the Fortune 500; 2) the Zionists, 3) the Military Industrial Complex; 4) the multi-billionaire class; and 5) the alphabet soup agencies and the Clintons. The Deep State can both 1) put him in power and 2) remove him from power at their whim, or neutralize him, though he's so incompetent that he's essentially neutralizing himself as we speak. It's their game and he's their puppet, whether he understands that or not, whether he agrees with that or not. So far he has permitted himself to be manipulated up, down and sideways.
Trump has no discernibly coherent strategy beyond a slogan that means whatever you want it to mean: "Make America Great Again!" What does that even signify?
He's sending troops into Syria, preparing to unleash hell against that country, sending more troops and weapons to the borders of Russia, menacing the Chinese, playing with fire on the Iranian coast, ramping up the war in Yemen, and even sent one of his generals into the eastern Ukraine in recent weeks, evidently laying the groundwork for a new offensive against the ethnic Russian resistance in the Donbass. It's all a recipe for major warfare if he keeps it up. Let him send thousands of troops into battle in the Ukraine and see what happens -- that's the direction he is headed right now.
Just after USSA Army Gen. Ben Hodges' visit the ammo dump at Balakleya blew up, all 138,000 tons of munitions. Click the link in the previous sentence and watch it.
It took the better part of a day for it all to "cook off". Perhaps the Russians drew a logical conclusion and set fire to the bombs that the Pentagon was planning to use in the Donbass against the ethnic Russian population, and maybe even against Russia itself. It's hard to know for sure, but maybe we should think of this as Russian preventive maintenance.
Gen. Hodges' visit is yet one more indication that Trump is dangerously incapable and in way over his head. Goldman Sachs, the Directors of the FBI, CIA and NSA and the generals in the Pentagon are now running the USSA government. Trump's just along for the ride. He's happy to be there. He's not in charge of serious policy formulation and implementation. On the contrary, policy is being dictated to him by others. He's a puppet, a figure head. The Oval Office was on his bucket list. He's a place holder for the Deep State.
The Deep State
And all the while that the chaos builds, the Deep State malevolently lurks, hatching its plots, carrying out its dark conspiracies. I want to emphasize that when I speak of the Deep State, I mean it in two senses that are not mutually exclusive:
1) the bureaucratic, compartmentalized Deep State
2) the physically deep, compartmentalized Deep State
Let me provide just one example of many that could be cited to elucidate what I am getting at. For years I have been researching, and writing and speaking about the many secret, underground bases and tunnels that the Deep State has constructed and uses. Those who are interested in knowing more about them, will find my books on the subject available at my blog site, Event Horizon Chronicle, on the right hand sidebar. Unfortunately, most people are unaware that official Washington, DC itself is nothing but a very public cover for a vast, sprawling underground complex from which the general public are excluded, but which lies there, below the streets, parks and official, government buildings like a huge ant hill, miles of tunnels of all kinds, going down many levels. One of my readers sent me the following account which I reproduce here for your edification. Remember that nothing, absolutely nothing, is as we have been told. Here you go:
Years ago I used to work in the motion picture industry as an electrician. While working on a movie I worked for a number of months in the Washington D.C. area. We shot for a number of days at the Treasury building that sits on the corner of Pennsylvania Ave right next to the White House. Given the nature of the shooting we needed to make an electrical tie-in to the electrical supply of the building. This request was made in advance and on the day that we began rigging the site I was approached by a member of the Secret Service who led me to a small/narrow doorway just to the left of the main entrance of the Treasury building on Pennsylvania Ave - an entrance which is not typically used. The door opened toward the street that runs perpendicular to Pennsylvania Ave. This narrow door opened to a long... very steep and very narrow stairway which was very much in keeping with the age of the building. Going down the stairway (as I recall - would have taken one down about 30 feet) we came to another very narrow door at the bottom. Opening the door I was lead into a very modern and very extensive hallway. This hallway extended to the vanishing point in both directions. We walked down the hallway crossing other very long hallways to a 'utility room.' I was led into the largest electrical service room I had ever seen... much larger than the largest office complex/ building. There were many rows of electrical panels... my immediate reaction was that this service must have supplied service to a small city. Opening the panel that I was allowed to access I found massive bussbars several times thicker than your standard commercial panel. My best guess is that this hallway was located directly under the street that runs perpendicular to Pennsylvania Ave. The hallway obviously ran north and south of Pennsylvania Ave. The perpendicular hallways would have been running underneath the grounds of the White House.
But what my reader saw is only a small fraction of what is there, underground. My research reveals that as of half a century ago there were 17 underground levels, at least, beneath the White House alone. In recent years, the underground complexes beneath the White House and the Capitol Building have been enlarged and modernized. There has also been subterranean construction near the Lincoln Memorial and beneath the vice-presidential mansion at the Naval Observatory in Northwest Washington, DC. In fact, there were plans already in 1963-1964 to construct a very deep facility, 3500 feet beneath downtown Washington, DC with high speed elevator access from the White House, the State Department and the Pentagon. I discuss these things in my book, Hidden in Plain Sight. I am not an insider, but based on my own extensive archival research and what I have been told by others, such as my reader whose story I mention above, it is obvious that there is a literal, deep, physical, rabbit warren beneath Washington, DC through which the Deep State operatives and henchmen scurry like so many dirty, thieving, lying, murdering rats.
My research also points in the direction of highly secret, undersea bases, as well as a highly secret, very high speed, magnetic levitation (maglev) tube train tunnel network beneath the USSA. My archival research supports that scenario and that is what I have been told by others. There is a science fiction reality beneath our feet and beneath the seas about which we know precious little, albeit that we have paid for it in any number of ways, ranging from extortionate taxation to outright theft of our life energy, our life labor's profit and our falsely contrived slave reality, into which we have been ruthlessly penned by the Dark Underlords of the Deep State: the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, FEMA, Homeland Security, Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, the Pentagon, NASA, the IRS, HUD (yes, HUD), the Interior Department, the Agriculture Department, the FDA, Hollywood, MicroSoft, Facebook, Apple, and more.
Thus, the Deep State, in both its compartmentalized, bureaucratic form, as well as in its many, physical underground tunnels and secretive subterranean and underwater lairs, continues on in the shadows, without regard to the external, superficial comings and goings of presidents and congress persons. The public face of the power structure may, and does, change with the passage of the years, but out of the public eye, the dark machinations of the Deep State carry on, as it casts its nefarious plots over the face of the entire world.
Power by any means, war at any cost, greed, lies, torture, false imprisonment, theft, murder, deceit, spying, plunder, ruthless control, human trafficking, narcotics trafficking, weapons trafficking, mayhem and chaos are the vile fruits of the Deep State. At its heart it is depraved beyond all comprehension and devoted to the darkest imaginable arts and practices. At its heart it is not human and those who give themselves over to the service of the Deep State jeopardize whatever small shreds of humanity they may still have. The Deep State is methodically taking down the whole Earth and all of humanity.
You will not find good in the Deep State.
And yet, that is the power behind the throne in the USSA. That is the sinister force that pulls the levers of power behind the scenes.
Consider Peters Mountain in Virginia, not far from Charlottesville. We really don't know exactly what happens there, other than that there is an underground base there, and that agencies of the USSA government work there underground. How many people are underground there, who are they, what do they do, how do they go and come, what is the precise function of the installation, how deep and big is it, what sort of technology is used there? We simply do not know much about it, other than that it is there.
The same could be said of Mount Weather, also in the mountains of Virginia, near Berryville. We know it is the so-called "Special Facility" for FEMA in the event of a national emergency, and that there is a large underground component beneath the mountain. How many people are there underground, exactly what do they do, what sort of technology is used underground, are there tunnel connections to other underground installations in the region? We just don't know. The Deep State runs the facility and they say very little about what they do.
Or take the deep, multi-level facility beneath the NSA headquarters in Laurel, Maryland, between Baltimore and Washington, DC. Based on my research, this facility extends at least twenty levels underground, each level being multiple acres in size, packed with cutting edge supercomputers and digital technology. The underground facility absolutely dwarfs what is visible on the surface. But again, what we do not know about what goes on beneath the NSA headquarters greatly exceeds what we do know. We don't know how many people are underground beneath the NSA, we don't know specifically what they do, whether there are underground tunnel connections to other facilities, how deep the facility goes, exactly what technologies are used there and more.
We truthfully do not know very much.
And there are many more underground bases than just these three.
One thing we do know is that in July of 2016 the Pentagon's auditors revealed that the USSA military could not adequately account for some $6.5 trillion in spending. The documentation is missing, or incorrect or incomplete, records are not there, numbers have been altered, etc. The money goes in to the military agencies, by the many trillions of dollars as the years go by, and yet the Pentagon's own auditors cannot say with any certainty how it all gets spent, or exactly on what. This astonishing degree of confusion, evasion, records destruction and alteration, and outright concealment of a multi-trillion dollar money stream is obviously a cover for off the books projects, facilities and programs of the Deep State.
The Deep State is highly secretive, highly mendacious, extremely deceptive, massively well funded, equipped with cutting edge, high technology, and hyper-violent.
In a word, demonic.
Donald Trump is not at all what so many of his supporters seem to want him to be.
Donald Trump is the Deep State's anointed one.
I greatly appreciate your donations for support of my writing. I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing in exile in Ecuador. If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.
I also accept gift cards in any amount, small or large, at my e-mail address:
If you are financially able to relocate to South America and would like to move to, buy real estate in or make an exploratory visit to Ecuador while there is still time to get out of the USSA and NATO countries before the chaos and societal upheaval worsens, write to me and I will put you in touch with professional people who help expats relocate, move in, get visas and rent or buy property. The climate is wonderful in Ecuador and the papayas are plentiful!
Um, no, check that. What I've recently been doing is marveling at the chaotic, carnival sideshow that the entire USSA has become. But, no, that's not quite right either. What I've really been marveling at is that so many people persist in not seeing the USSA for what it actually is: a hyper-violent, sociopathic, chaotic, suicidal, genocidal, world ravaging, existential threat to itself and to most anyone and everyone else, all over the planet.
Just recently the news media have been full of stories about Donald Trump loudly braying to the world that the USSA will have to "take care of North Korea" by itself, if necessary. In this nuclear age does anyone have any illusions about what that might mean? This comes hard on the heels of the Pentagon sending a wing of nuclear-capable, heavy bombers to South Korea a couple of weeks ago. Does anyone have any illusions about what that might mean in this nuclear age, if those "nuclear-capable" bombers are used?
Beyond that conspicuous, nuclear saber rattling, the Pentagon is right now moving a very large military force into Poland, just miles from the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea. Have a look:
US Army Vehicles Arrive in Poland
U.S. Army Heavy Armor Arrives In Poland
U.S. Army Soldiers Arrive At Base In Poland
U.S. Army Continues Deployment To Poland
You can watch hours of these videos. Thousands of tanks, armored personnel carriers, heavy guns, thousands of troops, you name it, all being positioned in Poland right now, at Orzysz. It has to do with NATO's so called "Enhanced Forward Presence", which in plain English means: moving the USSA Army right up to the Russian border, just 55 miles as the crow flies, from Kaliningrad.
Like the Russians won't notice the American Army assembling a large military force right on their border. As if it's a normal thing.
I'm telling you very plainly that it is not a normal thing, and that this is the kind of thing the Pentagon does before it goes to war. These are war preparations. Any fool can see that. How many trainloads of USSA Army heavy armor do the Russians have to watch being unloaded 55 miles from their borders before they draw the obvious conclusion that a war force is being arrayed against them?
And then there is the not inconsequential matter of the steadily growing Pentagon troop build-up in Syria, allegedly to "fight ISIS" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) all the while that Donald Trump's Secretary of State was publicly announcing that the goal of the USSA was not to remove Assad from power.
Notwithstanding that within the last two days the Trump administration is openly talking about a large, imminent military strike against Syria.
It's all insane beyond belief, zanily contradictory at every turn, and spinning more and more wildly out of control.
The picture that is coming into focus is of an ignorant, weak, incompetent buffoon of an American president and a rudderless American government that are in a violently gyrating, out-of-control, free fall towards absolute catastrophe.
Now, I am perfectly aware that many people who supported Donald Trump advanced the argument that the "alternative was the crazed Dixie Mafia bitch queen and the communists", as one of my friends colorfully put it.
But I hasten to remind you that no one has gone anywhere. They are all right there and no one of any consequence in the Deep State criminal hierarchy has gone to jail or even been arrested for their myriad crimes. It's all a big political show. Please remember that it was the Clinton campaign itself which fronted Donald Trump as the Pied Piper. He's the one that they chose -- not the voters. The entire process is very heavily rigged. The people were presented with the choice that the system selected for them -- not the other way around.
There was no alternative, that's the rejoinder of the Trump supporters, and that's true enough. What there was was a carefully engineered, very well crafted, political decision tree that tens of millions of people were skillfully led through, and then led to believe that they had independently decided to elect Trump, when nothing could be further from the truth.
There was no other alternative because the system very elaborately fabricated that precise political scenario, such that hordes of voters simultaneously said, by the tens of millions, "there's no other alternative ..."
It's Machiavellian beyond belief.
I say again, Trump was exactly the one that they wanted, precisely because he is narcissistic, not especially well informed or intelligent, has no grand strategy, is not a clear thinker, is weak, indecisive, vacillates, is not a strong leader, and for all those reasons can be, and is being, manipulated by: 1) Goldman Sachs and Wall Street/the Fortune 500; 2) the Zionists, 3) the Military Industrial Complex; 4) the multi-billionaire class; and 5) the alphabet soup agencies and the Clintons. The Deep State can both 1) put him in power and 2) remove him from power at their whim, or neutralize him, though he's so incompetent that he's essentially neutralizing himself as we speak. It's their game and he's their puppet, whether he understands that or not, whether he agrees with that or not. So far he has permitted himself to be manipulated up, down and sideways.
Trump has no discernibly coherent strategy beyond a slogan that means whatever you want it to mean: "Make America Great Again!" What does that even signify?
He's sending troops into Syria, preparing to unleash hell against that country, sending more troops and weapons to the borders of Russia, menacing the Chinese, playing with fire on the Iranian coast, ramping up the war in Yemen, and even sent one of his generals into the eastern Ukraine in recent weeks, evidently laying the groundwork for a new offensive against the ethnic Russian resistance in the Donbass. It's all a recipe for major warfare if he keeps it up. Let him send thousands of troops into battle in the Ukraine and see what happens -- that's the direction he is headed right now.
Just after USSA Army Gen. Ben Hodges' visit the ammo dump at Balakleya blew up, all 138,000 tons of munitions. Click the link in the previous sentence and watch it.
It took the better part of a day for it all to "cook off". Perhaps the Russians drew a logical conclusion and set fire to the bombs that the Pentagon was planning to use in the Donbass against the ethnic Russian population, and maybe even against Russia itself. It's hard to know for sure, but maybe we should think of this as Russian preventive maintenance.
Gen. Hodges' visit is yet one more indication that Trump is dangerously incapable and in way over his head. Goldman Sachs, the Directors of the FBI, CIA and NSA and the generals in the Pentagon are now running the USSA government. Trump's just along for the ride. He's happy to be there. He's not in charge of serious policy formulation and implementation. On the contrary, policy is being dictated to him by others. He's a puppet, a figure head. The Oval Office was on his bucket list. He's a place holder for the Deep State.
The Deep State
And all the while that the chaos builds, the Deep State malevolently lurks, hatching its plots, carrying out its dark conspiracies. I want to emphasize that when I speak of the Deep State, I mean it in two senses that are not mutually exclusive:
1) the bureaucratic, compartmentalized Deep State
2) the physically deep, compartmentalized Deep State
Let me provide just one example of many that could be cited to elucidate what I am getting at. For years I have been researching, and writing and speaking about the many secret, underground bases and tunnels that the Deep State has constructed and uses. Those who are interested in knowing more about them, will find my books on the subject available at my blog site, Event Horizon Chronicle, on the right hand sidebar. Unfortunately, most people are unaware that official Washington, DC itself is nothing but a very public cover for a vast, sprawling underground complex from which the general public are excluded, but which lies there, below the streets, parks and official, government buildings like a huge ant hill, miles of tunnels of all kinds, going down many levels. One of my readers sent me the following account which I reproduce here for your edification. Remember that nothing, absolutely nothing, is as we have been told. Here you go:
Years ago I used to work in the motion picture industry as an electrician. While working on a movie I worked for a number of months in the Washington D.C. area. We shot for a number of days at the Treasury building that sits on the corner of Pennsylvania Ave right next to the White House. Given the nature of the shooting we needed to make an electrical tie-in to the electrical supply of the building. This request was made in advance and on the day that we began rigging the site I was approached by a member of the Secret Service who led me to a small/narrow doorway just to the left of the main entrance of the Treasury building on Pennsylvania Ave - an entrance which is not typically used. The door opened toward the street that runs perpendicular to Pennsylvania Ave. This narrow door opened to a long... very steep and very narrow stairway which was very much in keeping with the age of the building. Going down the stairway (as I recall - would have taken one down about 30 feet) we came to another very narrow door at the bottom. Opening the door I was lead into a very modern and very extensive hallway. This hallway extended to the vanishing point in both directions. We walked down the hallway crossing other very long hallways to a 'utility room.' I was led into the largest electrical service room I had ever seen... much larger than the largest office complex/ building. There were many rows of electrical panels... my immediate reaction was that this service must have supplied service to a small city. Opening the panel that I was allowed to access I found massive bussbars several times thicker than your standard commercial panel. My best guess is that this hallway was located directly under the street that runs perpendicular to Pennsylvania Ave. The hallway obviously ran north and south of Pennsylvania Ave. The perpendicular hallways would have been running underneath the grounds of the White House.
But what my reader saw is only a small fraction of what is there, underground. My research reveals that as of half a century ago there were 17 underground levels, at least, beneath the White House alone. In recent years, the underground complexes beneath the White House and the Capitol Building have been enlarged and modernized. There has also been subterranean construction near the Lincoln Memorial and beneath the vice-presidential mansion at the Naval Observatory in Northwest Washington, DC. In fact, there were plans already in 1963-1964 to construct a very deep facility, 3500 feet beneath downtown Washington, DC with high speed elevator access from the White House, the State Department and the Pentagon. I discuss these things in my book, Hidden in Plain Sight. I am not an insider, but based on my own extensive archival research and what I have been told by others, such as my reader whose story I mention above, it is obvious that there is a literal, deep, physical, rabbit warren beneath Washington, DC through which the Deep State operatives and henchmen scurry like so many dirty, thieving, lying, murdering rats.
My research also points in the direction of highly secret, undersea bases, as well as a highly secret, very high speed, magnetic levitation (maglev) tube train tunnel network beneath the USSA. My archival research supports that scenario and that is what I have been told by others. There is a science fiction reality beneath our feet and beneath the seas about which we know precious little, albeit that we have paid for it in any number of ways, ranging from extortionate taxation to outright theft of our life energy, our life labor's profit and our falsely contrived slave reality, into which we have been ruthlessly penned by the Dark Underlords of the Deep State: the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, FEMA, Homeland Security, Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, the Pentagon, NASA, the IRS, HUD (yes, HUD), the Interior Department, the Agriculture Department, the FDA, Hollywood, MicroSoft, Facebook, Apple, and more.
Thus, the Deep State, in both its compartmentalized, bureaucratic form, as well as in its many, physical underground tunnels and secretive subterranean and underwater lairs, continues on in the shadows, without regard to the external, superficial comings and goings of presidents and congress persons. The public face of the power structure may, and does, change with the passage of the years, but out of the public eye, the dark machinations of the Deep State carry on, as it casts its nefarious plots over the face of the entire world.
Power by any means, war at any cost, greed, lies, torture, false imprisonment, theft, murder, deceit, spying, plunder, ruthless control, human trafficking, narcotics trafficking, weapons trafficking, mayhem and chaos are the vile fruits of the Deep State. At its heart it is depraved beyond all comprehension and devoted to the darkest imaginable arts and practices. At its heart it is not human and those who give themselves over to the service of the Deep State jeopardize whatever small shreds of humanity they may still have. The Deep State is methodically taking down the whole Earth and all of humanity.
You will not find good in the Deep State.
And yet, that is the power behind the throne in the USSA. That is the sinister force that pulls the levers of power behind the scenes.
Consider Peters Mountain in Virginia, not far from Charlottesville. We really don't know exactly what happens there, other than that there is an underground base there, and that agencies of the USSA government work there underground. How many people are underground there, who are they, what do they do, how do they go and come, what is the precise function of the installation, how deep and big is it, what sort of technology is used there? We simply do not know much about it, other than that it is there.
The same could be said of Mount Weather, also in the mountains of Virginia, near Berryville. We know it is the so-called "Special Facility" for FEMA in the event of a national emergency, and that there is a large underground component beneath the mountain. How many people are there underground, exactly what do they do, what sort of technology is used underground, are there tunnel connections to other underground installations in the region? We just don't know. The Deep State runs the facility and they say very little about what they do.
Or take the deep, multi-level facility beneath the NSA headquarters in Laurel, Maryland, between Baltimore and Washington, DC. Based on my research, this facility extends at least twenty levels underground, each level being multiple acres in size, packed with cutting edge supercomputers and digital technology. The underground facility absolutely dwarfs what is visible on the surface. But again, what we do not know about what goes on beneath the NSA headquarters greatly exceeds what we do know. We don't know how many people are underground beneath the NSA, we don't know specifically what they do, whether there are underground tunnel connections to other facilities, how deep the facility goes, exactly what technologies are used there and more.
We truthfully do not know very much.
And there are many more underground bases than just these three.
One thing we do know is that in July of 2016 the Pentagon's auditors revealed that the USSA military could not adequately account for some $6.5 trillion in spending. The documentation is missing, or incorrect or incomplete, records are not there, numbers have been altered, etc. The money goes in to the military agencies, by the many trillions of dollars as the years go by, and yet the Pentagon's own auditors cannot say with any certainty how it all gets spent, or exactly on what. This astonishing degree of confusion, evasion, records destruction and alteration, and outright concealment of a multi-trillion dollar money stream is obviously a cover for off the books projects, facilities and programs of the Deep State.
The Deep State is highly secretive, highly mendacious, extremely deceptive, massively well funded, equipped with cutting edge, high technology, and hyper-violent.
In a word, demonic.
Donald Trump is not at all what so many of his supporters seem to want him to be.
Donald Trump is the Deep State's anointed one.
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If you are financially able to relocate to South America and would like to move to, buy real estate in or make an exploratory visit to Ecuador while there is still time to get out of the USSA and NATO countries before the chaos and societal upheaval worsens, write to me and I will put you in touch with professional people who help expats relocate, move in, get visas and rent or buy property. The climate is wonderful in Ecuador and the papayas are plentiful!
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