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Friday, October 15, 2021

This Programmed Reality Calls For Hell Next

Wrapping one's mind around the immensity of what is coming to this planet is going to drive teeming multitudes to insanity and far worse.
I stress and reiterate what I have previously written in this blog space. A great wave of suffering and death is about to wash over the Earth and all humanity. In all of recorded history, there has been nothing like what is about to occur over the next few years. Indeed, the awake and intelligent can see the Great Dying Time heaving into view right now, in the closing months of 2021. The causes are/will be multiple, both human and demon caused (and not a few so-called "humans" are, in reality, demons which are wearing and animating a human-appearing meat suit) and also natural (in other words, in accord with the natural, Divine, cosmic, galactic law and order, cause and effect dynamic that runs the Universe): 

* global supply chain collapse
* global biosphere and ecological collapse (runaway, biological species die off)
* chaotic civil unrest and/or civil war in many countries
* global economic collapse and ensuing chaos concomitant with --
* increasing, then total failure of the USSA "dollar" and banking systems reliant on it
* failure of national, electrical power grids
* outright failure of the Internet
* WW-III with attendant, mind-numbing violence.
* authoritarian and totalitarian government policies in many countries 
* shortages or absolute lack of gasoline, diesel, natural gas and coal
* nuclear power plant failures -- many scores of nuclear power plant explosions and melt downs in many countries, like what has already happened in past years at Fukushima, Japan and Chernobyl, Ukraine
* the global, genocidal, v(@)xxeenashun campaign now underway
* food crop/agricultural failures in many countries
* meteorological catastrophes (droughts, floods, unseasonable freezes, severe heat waves, hurricanes, unseasonable blizzards, etc.)
* sharp uptick in crime of all sorts
* increase in mental illness and maladaptive behavior
* globe changing natural disasters: mega-earthquakes, mega-tsunamis, mega-volcanoes, Earth-impacting space rocks, possible pole change or shift of degree of inclination of Earth's axis, close approach of other planets to the Earth
Be not deceived! This Great Drama which we (a very small minority of us, at any rate) will soon live through is all programmed. We are presently witness to (as participant-observers, as the social anthropologists are wont to say), and even much more so in 2022 and 2023, a great contest between rival, powerful, Reality Programmers, hard at work on the Earth and humanity right now, in our day, in our lifetime.
The Ageless Duel Between Good (Divinely Natural) & Evil (Satanically Artificial)

The bottom line is that this Earth reality matrix is programmable, and, hence, is programmed every which way from Sunday: mentally, electronically and electrically, chemically, genetically, psychologically, politically, emotionally, religiously, legally, educationally, agriculturally, economically, historically, physically (bulldozers, dynamite), etc.
The brain has been comprehensively mapped by neuro-science. Human emotions and behavior are throughly predictable, in detail. The laws of physics, chemistry and time itself, have been the object of intensive study. Ohm's Law, the natural log, the Planck Constant, Avogadro's Number, and myriad other constants and laws of time, space, foundational mathematics, and physical, nuclear, chemical, electromagnetic and electrical forces are known in detail.

This Earth reality that we are in is extremly malleable, fungible, plastic, amenable to change, distortion, warping or obliteration altogether. This is well know
n, and has been known for vast, hoary ages of time, by those who do rule, or feign rulership of the Earth and humanity.
We are in a reality, the essential parameters of which are extensively mapped out, and can be mentally and/or technologically manipulated -- and are!, on both micro and macro scales.

We are inside a great reality circuit that is largely electrical or electronic in nature, a sophisticated program, a reality the parameters of which Demons, Angels and E.T.s of various orientations have long mastered, and which entities will soon be appearing more openly on the world stage -- master programmers and manipulators, one and all, of this reality matrix in which we are enmeshed. Wizards of the Light and Sorcerers of the Dark -- it is our soul task to distinguish between the two, and make destiny determining decisions in accordance with our eternal soul's discrimination.

The last half of this month world events will begin ramping up in intensity. Those who are attentive can see this process already underway. Today we are precisely on the Ides of October. What comes next as we move into 2022, in eleven more weeks, will be horrific.

What happens when the global supply chain irreparably breaks? When the airlines do not fly anymore? When national, postal, mail service terminally fails? When essential government services like municipal water and sewer provision, and garbage collection fail? When agriculture breaks down? When gasoline and diesel fuel are not to be had? When national economies fail? When food becomes unaffordable or unavailable at any price? When cadavers litter the streets? When nuclear armed, military powers go to war? When armed bands of criminal marauders roam the cities and countryside?

I absolutely need and gratefully accept any and all donations. Everything that we have known in our lifetimes is about to go bye-bye and will never be back again, not ever. If you are able and willing to donate it will be a great help for me at a time of tremendous need. For how to make a cash donation please contact me at: This is the preferred method of donation for me right now.