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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Make Ready!! Event Horizon Sit-Rep: November 2022

Dear Readers, I continue to get indications that in, on, or by, November of this year, we are going to be witnesses to, participants in, beneficiaries of, or victims of, very major world events. Results will vary enormously, depending on the individual and the individual's specific life situation and geographic location.

I have again employed my blind, linguistic scrying technique with a focus on November 2022. I asked: the word on this list that best describes the military condition of the Pentagon in November 2022 is? And immediately received the following response: corrida.

I live in South America and, therefore, know very well what the word means, but for those who don't, it means: bullfight.

a) bullfight, especially a program in which six bulls aged at least four years old are engaged.
b) a Spanish or Portuguese or Latin American spectacle; a matador baits and (usually) kills a bull in an arena before many spectators.

(The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.)

It looks like the Pentagon will be embroiled in a spectacular fight in the international "arena before many spectators", i.e., in front of the watching world, by the time November rolls around this year. To the extent that Spanish bull fights (usually) result in the death of the bull at the hands of the matador, my subconscious is suggesting that the upcoming fight will be a bloody death match, and that the Pentagon will suffer bloody defeat.

Does this mean that the famous Wall Street Bull (see link below) is going down for the count? Will it be flash melted into a multi-ton puddle of molten bronze? Is the post-WW II, petro-dollar fueled, Wall Street bull market destined to be slaughtered, in front of the world's watching eyes?

I quickly asked: the one lexical item on this word list that best describes the condition of the so-called "Lower 48" states in November 2022 is? I took one stab at it and came up with: distil, which is a variant spelling of distill.

Looking up the meaning of distill:

Note among the multiple meanings:

transitive verb
(rare) To dissolve or melt.
transitive verb ....... to subject to a process of evaporation and subsequent condensation; to extract by distillation, as spirits, ....

Dissolve, melt, evaporate, condense, extract: spirits. The dictionary definition alludes to alcohol spirits, true enough; but in this case, given the thrust of my question, clearly the implication is not an allusion to distilling alcohol ....

To the instant point, I suppose if everything/everyone? gets dissolved, melted and EVAPORATED, then all that is left will be spirits.

I keep getting prompts from different directions that November will be a really big month. The present trajectory of current events is certainly unsettling. We'll see.

By the way, I also checked my own status in November 2022, The first stab at it yielded:

Lachrymatory. Definition: of, relating to, or causing the shedding of tears.

Oh, boy. No doubt, if millions of people get evaporated, then that is very, very sad. Right? Lots of people, not just me, would/will? be shedding buckets of tears. You don't want to see these sorts of things, or even think about them. Man alive ....

I then immediately again asked: the one lexical item on this word list that best describes the condition of the country of Ecuador in November 2022 is? -- and right away received: sacrificial.

That meaning is obvious, self-evident. Sheesh. A lot of people are going to sacrifice, or be sacrificed, in the time(s) that are coming. That will be true in Ecuador, as elsewhere. Things are going to get real bad in the "Lower 48" states, and that is going to have implications for Ecuador (and a lot of other places).

I then asked again for more clarification about the status of the country of Ecuador in November 2022 -- I live in Ecuador, so naturally I want to know -- and immediately received: cumbered. The definitions of cumbered are: weighed down, burdened, hampered, hindered. Archaic and obsolete meanings are along the same lines: distressed, bothered, inconvenienced, troubled. My subconscious is signalling to me that Ecuador is about to hit a very rough patch in the road. (But not only Ecuador.)

Conclusion: the consistent message that I am receiving from multiple sources, both within and without -- just scanning the daily headlines is a big wake-up call, for one thing! -- is that very hard, tumultuous times are coming to this world. Make ready.


I very greatly need and gratefully accept any and all donations! Everything that we have known in our lifetimes is very soon about to go bye-bye, and will never be back again, not ever. I know that I keep repeating this like a mantra, but it is nonetheless true. If you are able and willing to donate, I really do need your support at this time in order to better prepare. The USSA is going to get royally hammered, but with any luck, life here in South America will continue on, at least for some of us. For how to make a cash donation please contact me at: This is the preferred method of donation for me right now. Do NOT send PayPal.