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Friday, May 26, 2023

More On The Roman Influence In The Modern Power Structure

I have to first of all correct an error in a recent post where I mentioned that there are two, large, Roman fasces on the wall behind the speaker's rostrum in the Senate chamber in Washington-DC. I linked to the following photo, which is in fact of the House of Representatives chamber.

But it matters little. A reader called my attention to the Seal of the United States Senate, and what do you know:

There at the bottom of the Senate seal are two, conspicuous, Roman fasces. Governments may come and go, but Imperial Rome is eternal, or aspires to be.

The flag of the United States Senate also bears the same two, Roman fasces:

In the Rotunda of the State Capitol of Virginia is the famous statue of George Washington, sculpted by Jean-Antoine Houdon in the period 1785-1792.

On the left side of the statue is a huge Roman fasces, over the top of which Washington has draped his cape, slung his sword and is resting his hand. This is a blatant conflation of George Washington, Founding Father of the U$$A, with the symbol of Imperial Roman power and authority. It was deliberate and present from the very beginning of the U$$A government.

Fasces are also to be seen on the Arlington Memorial Bridge, which crosses the Potomac River from Washington-DC to Arlington-VA.

The quality of the photo is not very good, but you can make out two, large, vertical, fasces on either side of the central, sculpted motif.

And then there are the Federal Reserve buildings. See for example, the original Federal Reserve building in Richmond-VA:

The architecture was explicitly Roman-style. And here is the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve in Washington-DC, with a distinctive, neo-classical, Roman style of architecture:

Roman-style architecture covers the U$$A from coast to coast, border to border.

One more, and then I'm done for now. The Virginia State Capitol, in Richmond, was explicitly designed by Thomas Jefferson after an ancient Roman temple, the Maison carrée, in Nîmes, France:

There is no end to ancient Roman symbolism, e.g., the Roman fasces, and ancient Roman-style, official architecture in the U$$A. I draw the obvious conclusion: the U$$A from its inception has been a deliberate continuation of the ancient, Imperial Roman project of military conquest, occupation and plunder, in form, function and law, with Washington-DC, being joined with the other, contemporary, Imperial Roman city states of the Vatican-Rome and the City of London. Mind you, the City of London is almost 2,000 years old. It was established by the Roman army in the first century A.D., and was an administrative and commercial center for Roman Britain during most of the Roman British period. As far as I can see, it continues that role in our time, and even more so, casting a global web of malign control and nefarious influence. 

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