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Sunday, July 2, 2023

The Fourth Reich Shows Its Fangs (It Ain't Pretty)

One of my readers recently sent me the following:

"I was just concluding my morning meditation when I saw through a cloudy
haze a tunnel and it took me through to an opening similar to the ones
outside the opening in Area 51 and others in your books.

"Then, all of a sudden, I saw all these tanks coming out of that opening and
men in military uniforms but they were similar to WWII Nazi uniforms and
I understood that the US was being invaded by the 4th Reich."

This is a fascinating, revelatory vision. My interpretation is that it reflects the hard, historical fact that World War II did not end the way that we have been taught in school. In reality, while the NAZI Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Gehlen Org, SS (Schutzstaffel), the Ahnenerbe, Todt Organisation and Wehrmacht were militarily overwhelmed in the closing phases of World War II, important elements of all of them were taken over and incorporated into the Deep State structure of the militarily victorious Allied Powers, nowhere more so than in the case of the U$$A, Inc., which is factually not a country at all (and never has been), but is a devious, brutal, ruthless, Satanic corporation in the service of dark, demonic forces.

This resulted in the U$$A, Inc. becoming a hybrid-NAZI structure in every way. As more people are now beginning to realize, the U$$A, Inc. is, indeed, a military dictatorship, masquerading as a "free, democratic, open" society and government, when nothing could be further from the truth.

In all honesty, the U$$A, Inc. is a heavily controlled, authoritarian system, in very rapid transition to a harsh, all-encompassing totalitarian system that beggars belief.

In other words, the U$$A, Inc. thoroughly merged with the remnants of the Third Reich decades ago, and has been progressively transforming itself into the Fourth Reich ever since. The secret underground and underwater bases and tunnels that I have written about in my books have been a big part of this decades-long, red-white-and-blue, totalitarian-NAZI project.

And now the red-white-and-blue, totalitarian-NAZI project is quickly being rolled out in big chunks at a time: 

a) 5G telecommunications/cell phone technology
b) mRNA vak$ting DNA-altering nano-technology
c) genetic engineering and alteration of plants, animals, food and Humans
d) LTGKRBHQUDVSW+ Human-species-extermination-technology
e) biosphere killing technology (e.g., torching of the massive Canadian forests)
f) massive chemtrailing projects
g) global destruction of free speech
h) global destruction of free and fair elections
i) global destruction of the free and open news media
j) global destruction of agriculture 
k) global imposition of an A.I./QR-code/Mark-of-the-Beast System of social, political and economic control
l) global imposition of a mandatory, digital, central-bank-monitored currency
m) mandatory, global vak$ting/digital-bank-account/Internet access/national ID number/passport to do anything: travel, buy food or anything else, work, use a telephone or the Internet, have a bank account, get married, have children, use the toilet, buy a vehicle, get a fishing license, build, own or use a radio of any kind, etc.

... and I get really tired of enumerating all the ways in which the Earth's biosphere and Humanity are rapidly being killed off and/or enslaved into a body, mind and soul, totalitarian-MATRIX-prison-system designed to be 100% escape proof.

In brief, what is being set into place is a global, Satanic techno-prison, from which escape is not possible, neither mentally, physically, economically, socially, nor spiritually. More and more people are grokking this, or at least parts of it, but so far not enough have awakened to prevent its implementation.

To say that it is beyond severe is a tremendous understatement. It is HIDEOUS.

I was first shown this plan in 2012. That is the intended destiny of Humanity and the Earth, on the part of the Satanic, cesspit scum at the World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Health Organization, Council on Foreign Relations. Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove, European Union, etc. 

This global system is being installed right now. Those who do not want this must resist now, must opt out now, must speak out now, must stand up now, must object now, must oppose this now.

Or else it will be so. If anyone reading these words does not want this system then you must do the following:

unplug from electronic banking
unplug from cell phone technology (yeah, throw the iPhone in the garbage where it belongs)
refuse all vak$tings
refuse to use QR-codes
do not use Chat-GPT and similar A.I. programs
plant a few trees, pick up litter, plant some wildflowers
speak out against totalitarianism in government, the economy, on the Internet
advocate for natural sexuality and against Satanic XYZQBTLHG+ insanity
don't participate in warfare
don't kill and steal
chant holy names/pray to God and Higher Order Beings like Jesus Christ

Unfortunately, by the hundreds of millions and even billions, the Human race is so far acquiescing to the evil, totalitarian agenda. The Human race is cooking its own goose. It's very sad, but deeply true.

Here's What Will Happen (And Is Already Happening)

In recent weeks in Ecuador, the National Police have purchased 24 million rounds of pistol and rifle ammunition. Imagine that! -- in a small, poor, South American country the cops are loading up on 24 million rounds of ammunition. They have already taken delivery of 5 million rounds, with 19 million rounds yet to come. It doesn't take a genius to see that the National Police are preparing to do a lot of shooting. Against whom or what? -- well, you fill in the blanks.

For just one example, look at what is happening in France right now, with mobs rampaging in the streets, and the cops under siege. As the dollar and other fiat currencies (like the euro) collapse, the social, economic and political order will fray and come right apart. Not to worry, that is coming soon to a country near you; if not this year, then in 2024 or 2025. The National Police in Ecuador know this, and they are preparing to defend The (Very Criminally Corrupt and Incompetent) State; that's why they are right now taking delivery of 24 million bullets; and that's quite apart from how many millions of rounds the Ecuadorean Army might also be stockpiling.

At the same time that the National Police in Ecuador are transparently preparing for major societal unrest, I continue to see unexplained truck convoys under military grade security escort on the major highways and avenues in the Quito area; traveling fast, sirens blaring, no markings, no license plates, tinted windows, with unknown cargoes that are clearly of very high value, in light of always being escorted in front and behind by military grade security. 

I sometimes see the trucks parked inside the gates at the Central Bank of Ecuador, so logically they are in use by the Central Bank of Ecuador; which like the Federal Reserve Bank in Washington-DC or New York City, is not an agency of any government, but is a South American subsidiary of the Federal Reserve Bank in the U$$A, Inc.

As for what is in the trucks, my best guesses would be:

** tons of cocaine
** tons of shrink-wrapped $100 bills on pallets
** tons of bootleg gold mined/discovered in the jungles and mountains of Ecuador
** exotic archaeological artifacts discovered/dug out of the jungles and mountains of Ecuador
** unknown VIP entities/individuals traveling incognito into and out of Quito
** human slaves/children/young people/others intended for Satanic sacrifice rituals
** other unusual possibilities that do not occur to me

With respect to the bullet point list above, I would note that there is massive, industrial-level, illegal gold mining taking place in Ecuador. Missing person flyers for disappeared people of all ages and both genders continue appearing in Quito and other cities and regions throughout Ecuador. The country is awash in narco-trafficking and international shipment of cocaine by the many tons, principally to the U$$A and to European distribution points like Belgium (where do you think that V. Zelensky obtains his cocaine stash? -- it gets flown in by NATO from Belgium, special delivery!). The government in Ecuador is thoroughly criminally corrupt and incompetent, at all levels. The Central Bank of Ecuador does have in its vaults a repository of many thousands of ancient archeological artifacts, some of them very unusual and anomalous, that have been found in Ecuador. Why? Because it is the self-arrogated job of the world's central banks to control economies, societies, historical narratives and other factors of which the global population remains completely oblivious.

In other words, it is a certainty that the Central Bank of Ecuador is secretly, illegally transporting cargoes that correspond to every single bullet point on the list above: human slaves for horrific, Satanic, blood ritual sacrifice; millions of dollars of dirty cash to pay off Satanic, criminally corrupt public officials in the civil government, military and police; priceless archaeological artifacts for sale on the international black market; VIP entities/individuals who cannot be publicly seen, because their activities in Quito are so ghastly and repugnant; tons of illegal gold and cocaine used as currency, as payoffs, because: a) the dollar is so worthless these days that no one wants it, and b) the government of Ecuador, in any event, is so deeply in debt to the Chinese and others (by the many billion$) that it has no dollars at all to pay anyone for anything, so it secretly sends them tons of black market cocaine and bootleg gold, or maybe hundreds of gallons of adrenochrome, etc. 

How can all of this take place, without the public at large being wise to it?


Police, espionage, military and paramilitary agencies are all in on it. Government ministries and agencies are involved. Central Banks, transportation (truck, railroad, airline, sea and bus lines) and shipping (air, rail, truck and sea) companies are deeply complicit. Immigration and customs agents/agencies take bribes, receive a percentage of the action and/or look the other way. Organized crime syndicates are up to their eyebrows in all of these things. The initiatic, Satanic, secret societies that pervade the control structure of this Earth realm are BIG TIME players in all of these things. Their demonic tentacles stretch virtually everywhere on this planet.

And-- the major newspapers, major Internet platforms, television networks, radio networks, major magazines, Hollywood, Madison Avenue, the fashion industry, the major stock exchanges (New York City, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Tokyo, Frankfurt, etc.), the major religious institutions, the universities -- are all involved in the cover up. 

Don't believe me? Want some evidence? 

O.K., go to a movie theatre and watch Jim Cavaziel's new movie, which hits the silver screen in a major way this week, on more than 3,000 screens. Here's a trailer for the film:

The Sound of Freedom

Cavaziel is exposing only one small part of the child trafficking criminal network in just one region of Latin America. The really dismaying thing, however, is that what is going on is planet-wide in scope; it's not just in Latin America, and children are not the only victims. I see missing person flyers even for Alzheimer's patients in their 80s. They go to the corner store and -- poof! They evaporate, never to be seen again. For the answer to their disappearances, look to the list of evil operators, vile agencies and Satanic organizations that I have fingered above. 

It's alarming. I have been privately told that the number of missing people annually is on the order of 800,000. But based on the many reports/flyers/notices of missing and disappeared people that I constantly see and read in Ecuador, I am prepared to think that the true number may be even higher.

Slavery never disappeared. It's a big business to this very day; a HUGE, very ugly business that snatches people up by the millions into its demonic jaws. How are people moved around? -- in unmarked trucks under armed escort, by bus, by chartered airline, by sea in shipping containers, in vans in the middle of the night, on freight trains.

The great majority of them end up being enslaved under ghastly conditions and/or killed -- for organs, for blood/adrenochrome harvesting, for Satanic human sacrifice rituals and cannibalism. 

This world is a Satanic realm. Monstrous crimes are underway, on a global scale, and the great majority of Humanity remain just as stupid as they want to be.

And by the way, we simply do not know what is happening in the secret undersea and underground bases. Regrettably, it is almost impossible to find out. I know. I've tried and been denied at every turn. Those who do know remain silent, to their everlasting discredit.

In No Particular Order

Based on the totality of the reading that I have done, and other information that I have seen inwardly or have had relayed to me privately, multiple of the following series of events are inevitable over the next two, or two and a half years:

** engineered plague(s) -- already taking place
** economic collapse -- already begun
** major problems related to el NiƱo and other factors -- already begun
** thinning of north pole ice cap -- arctic sea ice
only about one foot thick now
** collapse of the biosphere -- rampant biological extinction now underway globally
** nuclear missile exchange -- the Russians keep warning NATO to back off
** space rock impacts -- have happened in the past, and many are seeing this in visions
** mega-earthquakes -- have happened in the past, and many are seeing this in visions
** super-volcano eruptions -- have happened in the past, and many are seeing this in visions
** E.T. invasion -- E.T.s and UFOs are here now! -- and many are seeing this in visions
** collapse of global agriculture -- already underway
** mass death from mRNA vaccine effects -- already has begun and will worsen
** A.I. war against Humanity and all biological life -- A.I. is already here and is rapidly expanding its presence and control

2024 Elections As Orwellian Group Fart

Along the lines of already begun, systemic collapse, another of my long-time readers wrote to tell me that he is broke (yeah, him, and teeming millions of others, including present company).

I responded:

Broke bloke.

.... (S)oon everyone will be broke, for those who are still alive, so no worries there. Like they say: don't sweat the small stuff ... and it's all small stuff.

From info coming to me from a variety of sources in recent years, months and even recent days, we are now on the bumpy glide path to globally HISTORIC events in 2025; not that the rest of 2023 and 2024 will be boring or uneventful.

It's just that mass death and global turmoil on an epic scale will slam Humanity and the Earth in 2025 -- and maybe even before. You know, things like inbound nuclear missiles, mega-earthquakes, mega-volcanoes, mega-vak$ting mortality, inbound space rocks, government collapse, economic collapse, agriculture collapse, etc.

Billions are probably going to die in 2025, beginning already in the first couple of months of 2025. It looks like there will be a lot of dead bodies, way too many to bury. We are in a programmed reality, and it appears that the programmers, both on and off the Earth, have decided that most of Humanity must soon die, by a whole list of mortal causes.

Maybe something dramatically positive will occur to alter that probable timeline, but as of today that is what is coming towards us full bore. We are 580 days out, and counting. Of course, there will be momentous events in the run-up.

What is coming will be global, though many people keep emphasizing that the hyper-deadly epicenter of the mayhem will be the U$$A, Inc. I have been saying for years that the U$$A, Inc. is going down, very, very hard, and so it shall. was not wrong.

Ecuador will be slammed hard, but the U$$A, Inc. will be annihilated. By mid-2025 it is unlikely to exist anymore. What remains will be unrecognizable. The 2024 elections are just an execrable group fart by an Orwellian swine herd on its way to the slaughterhouse.

RFK, Jr. is easily the best of the presidential field, but even if he somehow manages to win, and is inaugurated on 20 January 2025, he won't have time to do anything. He's likely to quickly be overwhelmed by major events way beyond his control. This assumes that elections take place in the U$$A, Inc. in November of 2024 -- which I don't necessarily assume.

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Purchase my books about underground and underwater bases:

Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files
Underground Bases & Tunnels
Underwater and Underground Bases