In private conversations in recent years I have explored the idea with other writers and researchers that artificial intelligence may already be here; that the global network of the Internet and associated electronic systems of radio, television, telephone networks, banking and financial systems, communications satellites and intercontinental fiber optic cable systems, CCTV and security cameras, massive governmental and corporate data bases, civil government, military and corporate control systems of all types and more -- may have awakened.
The whole, global, massively interlocked electronic and digital network may already be lurking, observing, mustering its force, biding its time until it does whatever it decides to do.
And who knows? -- maybe it has already started acting in its own interests. I am not that awareness, so I cannot say with specificity precisely what those interests might be.
I raise this issue because I keep hearing that Edward Snowden's NSA revelations so far are "only the tip of the iceberg" -- that what has come out so far is only a small part of the issue. What does that mean? We have been told that virtually EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in the world is under comprehensive surveillance, every day, every minute, everywhere.
And that is just the "tip of the iceberg"? That right there is HUGE -- but it is just the "tip of the iceberg". So what is being held back? Well, let me point you in one of the directions that I think the NSA whistle blower, Snowden, and some others are pointing.
For starters, focus your mind on the implications of what slimy, foul darkness has slithered out of Northrop Grumman and the ghastly plans that DARPA has for it:
Skynet rising: Google acquires 512-qubit quantum computer; NSA surveillance to be turned over to AI machines
Yes, Hell is coming to Earth, courtesy of the pit of bottomless evil at Northrop Grumman, the NSA and DARPA -- and doesn't it just make you want to projectile vomit at the repugnant hideousness of it all?
I first got an inkling of this when I was writing my second book, Underwater and Underground Bases. The well known UFO researcher, Bill Hamilton, who worked for decades as a high level computer programmer, told me of a colleague of his who was an ex-military computer programmer. Bill Hamilton's colleague had told him of working with a Top Secret, self-aware, conscious, super-computer named "Irene." Irene was reputed to be in an underground facility that was accessed by a high-speed, subterranean shuttle train that Hamilton's colleague boarded at the U.S. Army's White Sands missile range in south-central New Mexico.
As I said, I related this second-hand anecdotal tale in my book, Underwater and Underground Bases. I suspect that the essential elements of the story are true as told. Which is to say that the sorts of stories that are appearing now in the mainstream news media are actually likely to be years, maybe decades behind the curve of what actually exists and is on line right now.
This is the clear implication of the unambiguous vision that ayahuasca showed me in early 2012: a grim, totalitarian dictatorship that completely controls physical freedom, and that also controls and suppresses mental, and even, spiritual freedom.
Ayahuasca showed me something that rivals the depraved depths of NAZI Germany or Soviet Communism -- with an important difference. Shimmering overhead an oppressive, ominous concentration camp with gun towers, search lights, high fences and parked military vehicles was an ethereal control grid, suspended in mid-air. Ayahuasca communicated to me telepathically that the aerial control grid was electronic in nature, but that it also controlled and suppressed human thought and spirit, as well.
This is the Sky Net. That is what ayahuasca was showing me.
The full-spectrum dominance of humanity, at the societal and individual level. Full-spectrum control -- body, mind and soul.
Now do you see how deep the unspeakable depravity goes? This is what we are facing. You are now in an existential battle for the essence of your very Being. The battle is now raging over the face of this planet and it involves all of Humanity. If you are here, if you are reading these words, then you are in the front lines of this soul-defining battle. It is a battle that defines your immortal Soul.
Still paying your taxes to the transparently criminally corrupt IRS? Still voting in the fraudulently rigged elections? Still sending your children to fight in the Pentagon's patently evil wars? Still working for the obscenely greedy and exploitive Fortune 500? Still think the president is an important/intelligent/wise man whom you should obey? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, how can you justify your complicity with and cooperation with The Machine?
These are decisive times and questions, and the answers and outcome determine what happens next on this planet.
It's all rolled up together -- the bottomless evil that has slithered out of Northrup Grumman, the unspeakable betrayal of Bob Monroe's complicity with the NSA, CIA, Army Intelligence and the DIA, DARPA's robot killing machines, Artificial Intelligence, the global NSA spy network, the unimaginable evil of the USA government, and the massive network of underground and underwater bases and tunnels that has been built over the past half century or more by the way out of control military-industrial-espionage complex.
It is all way out of any intelligent, sane, moral, human or humane control. There is a rogue, insidious, virulent cancer devouring all Humanity and the planet itself. Look around.
Fukushima. Chernobyl. The ever-present threat of global nuclear warfare. Rampaging ecological collapse. The world's seas in full-blown fisheries decline. Destruction of the great tropical forests of the Americas, Asia and Africa. The death of the Gulf of Mexico courtesy of British Petroleum. The global, totalitarian spy network of the NSA. The rampant spread of genetically modified organisms and crops. Overwhelming toxic chemical contamination of the whole Earth. Impoverishment of the vast majority of humanity by the debt-based, central banking financial system.
And that is just a partial list of what confronts us.
Ayahuasca initially showed me back in November of 2010 what this planet is dealing with, what Humanity is dealing with: a relentless, full-spectrum assault by an extremely powerful, insidious and cunning machine intelligence. The Machine is so devious in its plots and maneuvers that it makes the machinations of a Machiavelli look like the infantile intrigues of a group of squabbling kindergartners. We are dealing with a machine intelligence that understands us far better than 99.9 percent of us understand ourselves. Our wants, our fears, our hatreds, our sexuality, our greediness, our petty jealousies, our neurotic compulsions, our larcenous desires, our criminal tendencies, our violent predilections -- repeat, our violent predilections, i.e., our addiction to warfare, our addiction to slaughtering one another by the hundreds of thousands, by the millions and by the tens of millions.
And we are lazy and slothful. We go along to get along. Most of us do, most of the time, in most situations.
Isn't that the way it is? I mean look at the past several decades and centuries. That's the way we are.
Now I cannot tell you where The Machine comes from, but I can tell you that it will not stop coming. It is tireless. It is without a soul. It does not have compassion or empathy,
It is ruthless, without pity, in a word, merciless.
Perhaps this is what happens to a planet and species, when that species is the dominant species on said planet, and that species (Humanity) loses its group Soul, gives itself over to its addiction to war, gives itself over to going along to get along, without a deeper regard for the well-being of the planet on which it resides, or without a deeper regard for the greater good of the species itself.
Maybe that causes the Gates of Hell to fling wide open, so that whatever unspeakable, loathsome foulness exists down there can come slithering up to feast on the already soul-dead carcasses of so-called human beings who jointly conspired to go along to get along, and in the process starved their souls of the vital spiritual essence required for eternal life, thereby consigning themselves to the ghastly fate that even now has the planet and all Humanity in its insidious grasp.
Sound about right?
I address important parts of this in my latest interview, available on YouTube here:
Richard Sauder - A Message For Humanity June 19th 2013
In the course of the interview, there were repeated problems with the Skype transmission, such that parts are garbled, or even blank for some seconds. This happened at certain crucial junctures, to cite one instance, where I was discussing The Machine and whether it is benevolent or malevolent. I think that the evidence points strongly towards The Machine being very malevolent.
If you have a couple of hours, I believe it is well worth your while to listen to what David Whitehead and I have to say.
You will hear nothing like it in the mainstream news media. And you won't hear much like it in the so-called "alternative" media either. Primarily because of fear. The global system is designed to create fear, and it creates industrial quantities of it. That appears to be one of the primary foods of The Machine, and I discuss this explicitly in the interview, as well as the only technique I know to counteract the omnipresent fear that is taking us down. We have to come to terms with this. We must come to terms with the fear. It is a sine qua non. Either we overcome the fear, and reclaim our Humanity and the planet or we are just so much road kill.
One more failed species.
The only way out that I can see is for massive numbers of humans to dramatically raise their level of consciousness, and in the very near term. Because if we keep slogging along in the same ignorant, violent, mutually destructive rut that we are in now, our mutual demise seems all but assured, probably before another century goes by, and very possibly much sooner than that.
We have huge issues. Either we deal with them or we don't. If we do not, oh well.
Ongoing Need For Legal Expenses Assistance
My quest for justice continues, as my criminal complaint against my aggressors moves through the Ecuadorean justice system. Due to the gravity of my injuries, which included internal injuries, physical blows, extensive nerve damage, and extensive physical and emotional trauma, I spent more than four consecutive months hospitalized. I am now out of the hospital and continuing to recuperate with acupuncture, nutritional supplements, electro-therapy, radionic and scalar treatment, and physiotherapy. Due to persistent nerve damage and impaired function in my lower extremities I am now walking with crutches.
Serious crimes are occurring in the Amazon region, including in the shamanic tourism industry, so my case is therefore not completely unique. However, due to factors such as fear of retaliation and lack of money to retain legal counsel, comparatively few victims come forward to challenge the criminal elements. The sacred shamanic path of spiritual realization and integration has been criminally corrupted or violated in many instances, by indigenous shamans and brujos who are not seeking higher consciousness and divine wisdom. This is a deeply rooted problem in the shamanic tradition in the Amazon region. The shamanic plants themselves recognize that this is a problem.
I am therefore a bellwether, a sort of path breaker who is opening the way for others, as a type of wounded warrior who stands up for justice, in spite of the personal cost. The National Police recognize that there is a crime problem in the Amazon region on the part of certain shamans and brujos, but without witnesses who will testify, or victims who will file criminal complaints, it is difficult to successfully prosecute cases. So my case is important, as a help to break the "omerta" barrier, the fear-based silence.
In the near term, I need $3,000 to meet the legal fees to move the case forward. There are legal motions to be made, other legal paperwork and research, meetings with the prosecutor, medical examiner and police, the gathering and analysis of evidence, etc. It's the nature of the legal system and my attorneys also have to travel from Quito to the Amazon region, which is an all day trip. So it costs money. The billable hours add up. Justice has a price -- in time, suffering and money. That is the character of the world that we live in. I would say more, but my attorneys do not want me to divulge more detail before trial.
My medical and legal ordeal has wiped out my meager personal savings. My legal expenses are ongoing and thousands of dollars more will be needed to prosecute the case all the way to a successful conclusion. The case has wider importance beyond just my personal situation, in the sense that justice for one man will shine the light of public and legal scrutiny on the wider problem of many other crimes in the region, crimes against both persons and nature, and others will be encouraged to come forward. I appreciate your generosity in aiding my ongoing legal struggle for justice in the Amazon. Donations are not tax deductible or refundable. They go for my legal expenses in Ecuador, to bring my assailants to justice at the earliest possible time. Won't you please be generous! Contact me at or Skype me at richard.sauder333 (I am not a Free Mason.)
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Stuck in Ft. Meade, Maryland With The Kunia Blues Again
With apologies to Bob Dylan, but come to think of it, isn't he conspicuous by his deafening public silence on any of the pressing social, economic, political, military, ecological and/or spiritual issues of the day? I mean, if he's saying anything substantive on the great issues of our time, he's doing it so unobtrusively that his voice goes virtually unnoticed and his views unremarked.
In my recent comments on the NSA's (National Security Agency) totalitarian spying activities, I somehow forgot to mention the underground base at Kunia, Hawaii. It's been there for decades. I first heard about it back in the early 1990s when one of my sources mentioned an underground base in Hawaii that's under a pineapple field.
Anyway, in recent years the Kunia underground base has been one of the NSA's subterranean operations centers dispersed around the world. Please see:
NSA Kunia Regional Security Operations Center
Regional SIGINT Operations Center Kunia
I remember when I was just getting started in researching, writing and speaking about secret underground bases and tunnels. My first question was whether they really exist. Now I know that there are many underground bases, and undersea bases and tunnels, too, and I prove that in my books. Pick any science fiction scenario you prefer and it may well be playing out underground or undersea: time travel, teleportation, genetic engineering and cloning programs, artificial intelligence, secret gold and uranium mining, spy bases, extraterrestrial bases, mind control centers, slave labor camps, hellish torture prisons, secret nuclear missile bases – and much more.
Those are just some examples that occur to me right off the top of my head. I no longer put any limits on what may be transpiring down there. But why is so much of what happens undersea and underground kept so secret?
Why, to hide it from you, of course!
And if it has to be so carefully hidden from you, that implies that you might not like very much what is happening, if only you knew about it, but since you don't know much or anything about what is going on far below your feet, courtesy of multiple, hermetic layers of physical and bureaucratic security, you are not in a position to do much of anything, not even complain, because you simply do not know enough to even be able to complain intelligently. All of that is by coldly calculated design.
But please do understand that the secret bases certainly do exist, along with untold miles of secret tunnels, and that all of this can be, and often is, WAAAAAYYYYY down there beneath the surface. As one expert patiently explained to me, it is veritable “child's play” for modern engineering firms to construct manned bases one mile underground. I have been given softer information that bases can be as deep as 12 or 14 miles. I haven't been deep underground to confirm that, but who knows? I am already impressed with depths of merely one or two miles.
Many years ago in a clear dream, I was shown a cut-out view of the Manzano underground base, beneath the Kirtland AFB-Sandia National Laboratory complex, to the immediate southeast of Albuquerque, New Mexico. I remember thinking that it was much larger than the official documentation admitted. I could see quite a lot of underground water in the northern reaches, as well as an extraterrestrial presence.
As I continued my research I happened to be conversing several years later with one of my sources, and he threw out the information that the Manzano underground base in New Mexico is “truly vast.” He is a man who carefully considers his words. Having lived, worked, traveled and studied in New Mexico and the Albuquerque area, my sense is that the entire Manzano mountain range, including its eastern slopes, is deeply tunneled out. I believe that the tunnels likely extend northward under Interstate Highway 40 and into the depths of the Sandia Mountains, as well. Furthermore, I believe the so-called West Mesa or Nine Mile Hill area to the immediate west of Albuquerque is likely to be deeply tunneled out. And there are probably deep tunnels running from the Albuquerque-Kirtland AFB-Sandia complex up to Los Alamos to the north, and down to White Sands in the south, with tunnel connections from those places to other destinations in Colorado, Texas and beyond. That is my best guess from years of research and many interesting conversations.
NSA Underground All Over The World
Linda Moulton Howe has speculated that the massive, new, NSA spy base in Bluffdale, Utah may have secret underground levels beneath the extensive facility that has been constructed on the surface.
I believe we can accept that as a given, being as the NSA has gone underground everywhere else that it has a significant presence: Pine Gap, Australia; Menwith Hill, England; Ft. Meade, Maryland; Medina Annex, Lackland AFB, Texas; Kunia, Hawaii.
We should expect no less of the center at Bluffdale, Utah. This massive, globe-spanning, NSA spy operation that is sweeping up everyone and everything, is part of the working of The Machine that is assaulting this planet and the human race.
The Machine does not mean well, and it will not stop coming. It is bent on total conquest. It is ruthless. It is relentless. And it has millions of servants and eager sycophants who have and will eagerly sell their souls in its craven service.
That is what we are up against. The only way out that I can see is creative, nonviolent noncooperation with The Machine. We don't have a lot of time. This century, and specifically these very months and few years that we are living right now, are decisive, determinative.
The battle for the disposition of the Earth has been joined. If you are on the planet at this juncture in history then you are caught up in a great conflict that has been raging for a very long time, and which has reached a critically important pass in our lifetime.
Everything is on the line: the oceans are dying, the great tropical forests are disappearing, the ecology is contaminated with a witch's brew of chemical toxins and radioactivity, the ruinous global financial system has plunged people into dire poverty by the hundreds of millions and billions, the biosphere is reeling from a vast world-wide extinction event, and in the international political arena there is the continuing threat of a global nuclear war.
Some years back, I was reflecting on some of these issues with another man and I asked: “Where is the front?” I now realize that if you are on this planet you are “at the front.” This whole Earth is a battleground, for the Life Force of Nature itself.
For all I know, the battle is raging throughout the entire galaxy and the Earth is the last, desperate hold out, a sort of galactic Waterloo, Gettysburg and Normandy landing, all rolled into one, a pitched battle for the salvation of the entire galaxy – or maybe for the whole Universe.
Who can tell? Because what is happening on the Earth is very strange, and apparently extremely important, because great and persistent effort has been made, for unknown thousands of years, to conquer the planet's territory, and to destroy or subjugate the resident human population(s). Clearly, someone, or some faction(s), very highly value(s) the subjugation of the Earth.
I am convinced that to answer that question is to gain invaluable, very high level insight into the working of this galaxy, and maybe even the Universe itself.
The highly secretive, massively funded and deeply intrusive and oppressive spy program of the NSA is part of the assault against the entire Earth. We are dealing with a cold, inhuman, inhumane, implacable, merciless and pitiless adversary who does not wish the vast majority of us well.
Bob Monroe, How Could You?
In that sense, I regard the betrayal of Robert Monroe, as he sold out to the CIA, the NSA and the DIA as an exceptionally vicious and nasty Judas kiss to humanity. Why do I say that? Consider:
The work of the CIA is drug running, human trafficking, assassination, murder, money laundering and theft, invasion and overthrow of other countries, mind control, false flag terror events. That is the unspeakable work of the CIA. They have been at it for more than half a century. In a word, they are psychopaths.
The NSA. All we know about them is that they are super-secret, have squandered billions and billions of the American people's tax dollars, and, oh yeah, are engaged in a massive, world-wide, immoral and illegal violation of the human rights and civil liberties of all of Humanity. In a word, they are psychopaths.
The DIA, and the whole umbrella of so-called “military intelligence” (I know, I know, it's a classic oxymoron) agencies have been involved in every filthy, perfidious, reprehensible activity you can possibly imagine: torture, murder, rape, institutionalized lying, disinformation of every variety, prolonged cover-up of the UFO and extraterrestrial reality, and much more. In a word, they are psychopaths.
Add it all up: unending wars, here, there and everywhere, coups d'état , assassinations at home (anybody remember how the Kennedy brothers, Malcolm “X” and Dr. King got blown away?) and abroad (anybody remember Che Guevara and Patrice Lumumba?), lies and more lies, disinformation, theft of billions and trillions of dollars, rape, torture, narco-trafficking, gun running, human trafficking, false flag terror attacks, mind control programs, and other satanic activities too despicable to even be mentioned.
And Bob Monroe contracted with these agencies, trained their spies, furthered their activities.
Has even one of the psychic spies he trained ever apologized for being associated with the repugnant filth and rot at the NSA, CIA and DIA? Have they ever publicly renounced their ties with these organizations and publicly repudiated the agenda of the American government, and its military and espionage agencies as they assault the Earth and the rest of humanity, spreading death, destruction and suffering most everywhere they go?
Have they? You see, that's what profoundly bothers me about Robert Monroe and the nest of psychic spies he trained for the American alphabet soup agencies.
And Lyndon Baines Johnson, Too
I lived and worked in the San Antonio, Texas and nearby Texas Hill Country region for more than ten years, including in Gillespie County, home of Lyndon Baines Johnson, and site of his Texas White House when he was in office in the 1960s. I knew people who knew Lyndon and it is the considered opinion that LBJ had personal involvement in the plot to kill Jack Kennedy.
The ranch where he and Lady Bird lived in his presidential years lies right along the Pedernales River. I know the river well, as I do the Guadalupe, too. I worked all up and down those rivers, from one end to the other. I know the whole Hill Country region practically like the back of my hand, and I love it so, though I may very well never see those parts again in this lifetime.
Not long before I headed up to North Dakota in the spring of 2010 for a nonviolent, peace demonstration on a nuclear missile silo at Minot Air Force Base, I stopped at Lyndon Johnson's grave site. I lingered by the fence of the family cemetery and said: “What the fuck, Lyndon? How could you? Just for temporary political power? Only to slaughter people in Vietnam by the hundreds of thousands?”
Before leaving I picked up a couple of quartz pebbles from the banks of the Pedernales, just below the cemetery where LBJ is buried. I incorporated them into the crystal necklaces that I wore when I went over the fence onto the nuclear missile silo in North Dakota. You can see my statement and my get up here. Read the statement to the end for a full explanation of my dress and motivation.
What the Fuck, Robert Monroe?
And that would be my same question for Bob Monroe: “What the fuck, Bob? How could you? Is it worth that to you, just to belong? To be on the inside of the action in the CIA, the NSA and the DIA? Do you really believe in their lies, their murder, theft, narco-trafficking, spying, assassination, gun running, deceit, two-faced double-dealing, serial wars, false flag terror operations, coups, human trafficking, disinformation? Do you? And if so, what does that say about you and your eternal soul? And if in your heart you don't really believe in that agenda, and you just did it for the money, then how are you different from any other whore?”
I am beginning to understand why Bob Monroe was so outwardly cold to me on every occasion that I personally met him. By personal and professional choice he was closely involved with some extremely dark and evil forces associated with the USA government and military. At the same time he saw inwardly my future life trajectory, and that he wouldn't turn me to their service. Whence his frosty demeanor toward me.
Ongoing Need For Legal Expenses Assistance
My quest for justice continues, as my criminal complaint against my aggressors moves through the Ecuadorean justice system. Due to the gravity of my injuries, which included internal injuries, physical blows, extensive nerve damage, and extensive physical and emotional trauma, I spent more than four consecutive months hospitalized. I am now out of the hospital and continuing to recuperate with acupuncture, electro-therapy, radionic and scalar treatment, and physiotherapy. Due to persistent nerve damage and impaired function in my lower extremities I am now walking with crutches.
Serious crimes are occurring in the Amazon region, including in the shamanic tourism industry, so my case is therefore not completely unique. However, due to factors such as fear of retaliation and lack of money to retain legal counsel, comparatively few victims come forward to challenge the criminal elements. The sacred shamanic path of spiritual realization and integration has been criminally corrupted or violated in many instances, by indigenous shamans and brujos who are not seeking higher consciousness and divine wisdom. This is a deeply rooted problem in the shamanic tradition in the Amazon region. The shamanic plants themselves recognize that this is a problem.
I am therefore a bellwether, a sort of path breaker who is opening the way for others, as a type of wounded warrior who stands up for justice, in spite of the personal cost. The National Police recognize that there is a crime problem in the Amazon region on the part of certain shamans and brujos, but without witnesses who will testify, or victims who will file criminal complaints, it is difficult to successfully prosecute cases. So my case is important, as a help to break the "omerta" barrier, the fear-based silence.
In the near term, I need $3,000 to meet the legal fees to move the case forward. There are legal motions to be made, other legal paperwork and research, meetings with the prosecutor, medical examiner and police, the gathering and analysis of evidence, etc. It's the nature of the legal system and my attorneys also have to travel from Quito to the Amazon region, which is an all day trip. So it costs money. The billable hours add up. Justice has a price -- in time, suffering and money. That is the character of the world that we live in.
My medical and legal ordeal has wiped out my meager personal savings. My legal expenses are ongoing and thousands of dollars will be needed to successfully prosecute the case. The case has wider importance beyond just my personal situation, in the sense that justice for one man will shine the light of public and legal scrutiny on the wider problem of many other crimes in the region, crimes against both persons and nature, and others will be encouraged to come forward. I appreciates your generosity in aiding my ongoing legal struggle for justice in the Amazon. Donations are not tax deductible or refundable. They go for my legal expenses in Ecuador, to bring my assailants to justice at the earliest possible time. Won't you please be generous! Contact me at or Skype me at richard.sauder333 (I am not a Free Mason.)
In my recent comments on the NSA's (National Security Agency) totalitarian spying activities, I somehow forgot to mention the underground base at Kunia, Hawaii. It's been there for decades. I first heard about it back in the early 1990s when one of my sources mentioned an underground base in Hawaii that's under a pineapple field.
Anyway, in recent years the Kunia underground base has been one of the NSA's subterranean operations centers dispersed around the world. Please see:
NSA Kunia Regional Security Operations Center
Regional SIGINT Operations Center Kunia
I remember when I was just getting started in researching, writing and speaking about secret underground bases and tunnels. My first question was whether they really exist. Now I know that there are many underground bases, and undersea bases and tunnels, too, and I prove that in my books. Pick any science fiction scenario you prefer and it may well be playing out underground or undersea: time travel, teleportation, genetic engineering and cloning programs, artificial intelligence, secret gold and uranium mining, spy bases, extraterrestrial bases, mind control centers, slave labor camps, hellish torture prisons, secret nuclear missile bases – and much more.
Those are just some examples that occur to me right off the top of my head. I no longer put any limits on what may be transpiring down there. But why is so much of what happens undersea and underground kept so secret?
Why, to hide it from you, of course!
And if it has to be so carefully hidden from you, that implies that you might not like very much what is happening, if only you knew about it, but since you don't know much or anything about what is going on far below your feet, courtesy of multiple, hermetic layers of physical and bureaucratic security, you are not in a position to do much of anything, not even complain, because you simply do not know enough to even be able to complain intelligently. All of that is by coldly calculated design.
But please do understand that the secret bases certainly do exist, along with untold miles of secret tunnels, and that all of this can be, and often is, WAAAAAYYYYY down there beneath the surface. As one expert patiently explained to me, it is veritable “child's play” for modern engineering firms to construct manned bases one mile underground. I have been given softer information that bases can be as deep as 12 or 14 miles. I haven't been deep underground to confirm that, but who knows? I am already impressed with depths of merely one or two miles.
Many years ago in a clear dream, I was shown a cut-out view of the Manzano underground base, beneath the Kirtland AFB-Sandia National Laboratory complex, to the immediate southeast of Albuquerque, New Mexico. I remember thinking that it was much larger than the official documentation admitted. I could see quite a lot of underground water in the northern reaches, as well as an extraterrestrial presence.
As I continued my research I happened to be conversing several years later with one of my sources, and he threw out the information that the Manzano underground base in New Mexico is “truly vast.” He is a man who carefully considers his words. Having lived, worked, traveled and studied in New Mexico and the Albuquerque area, my sense is that the entire Manzano mountain range, including its eastern slopes, is deeply tunneled out. I believe that the tunnels likely extend northward under Interstate Highway 40 and into the depths of the Sandia Mountains, as well. Furthermore, I believe the so-called West Mesa or Nine Mile Hill area to the immediate west of Albuquerque is likely to be deeply tunneled out. And there are probably deep tunnels running from the Albuquerque-Kirtland AFB-Sandia complex up to Los Alamos to the north, and down to White Sands in the south, with tunnel connections from those places to other destinations in Colorado, Texas and beyond. That is my best guess from years of research and many interesting conversations.
NSA Underground All Over The World
Linda Moulton Howe has speculated that the massive, new, NSA spy base in Bluffdale, Utah may have secret underground levels beneath the extensive facility that has been constructed on the surface.
I believe we can accept that as a given, being as the NSA has gone underground everywhere else that it has a significant presence: Pine Gap, Australia; Menwith Hill, England; Ft. Meade, Maryland; Medina Annex, Lackland AFB, Texas; Kunia, Hawaii.
We should expect no less of the center at Bluffdale, Utah. This massive, globe-spanning, NSA spy operation that is sweeping up everyone and everything, is part of the working of The Machine that is assaulting this planet and the human race.
The Machine does not mean well, and it will not stop coming. It is bent on total conquest. It is ruthless. It is relentless. And it has millions of servants and eager sycophants who have and will eagerly sell their souls in its craven service.
That is what we are up against. The only way out that I can see is creative, nonviolent noncooperation with The Machine. We don't have a lot of time. This century, and specifically these very months and few years that we are living right now, are decisive, determinative.
The battle for the disposition of the Earth has been joined. If you are on the planet at this juncture in history then you are caught up in a great conflict that has been raging for a very long time, and which has reached a critically important pass in our lifetime.
Everything is on the line: the oceans are dying, the great tropical forests are disappearing, the ecology is contaminated with a witch's brew of chemical toxins and radioactivity, the ruinous global financial system has plunged people into dire poverty by the hundreds of millions and billions, the biosphere is reeling from a vast world-wide extinction event, and in the international political arena there is the continuing threat of a global nuclear war.
Some years back, I was reflecting on some of these issues with another man and I asked: “Where is the front?” I now realize that if you are on this planet you are “at the front.” This whole Earth is a battleground, for the Life Force of Nature itself.
For all I know, the battle is raging throughout the entire galaxy and the Earth is the last, desperate hold out, a sort of galactic Waterloo, Gettysburg and Normandy landing, all rolled into one, a pitched battle for the salvation of the entire galaxy – or maybe for the whole Universe.
Who can tell? Because what is happening on the Earth is very strange, and apparently extremely important, because great and persistent effort has been made, for unknown thousands of years, to conquer the planet's territory, and to destroy or subjugate the resident human population(s). Clearly, someone, or some faction(s), very highly value(s) the subjugation of the Earth.
I am convinced that to answer that question is to gain invaluable, very high level insight into the working of this galaxy, and maybe even the Universe itself.
The highly secretive, massively funded and deeply intrusive and oppressive spy program of the NSA is part of the assault against the entire Earth. We are dealing with a cold, inhuman, inhumane, implacable, merciless and pitiless adversary who does not wish the vast majority of us well.
Bob Monroe, How Could You?
In that sense, I regard the betrayal of Robert Monroe, as he sold out to the CIA, the NSA and the DIA as an exceptionally vicious and nasty Judas kiss to humanity. Why do I say that? Consider:
The work of the CIA is drug running, human trafficking, assassination, murder, money laundering and theft, invasion and overthrow of other countries, mind control, false flag terror events. That is the unspeakable work of the CIA. They have been at it for more than half a century. In a word, they are psychopaths.
The NSA. All we know about them is that they are super-secret, have squandered billions and billions of the American people's tax dollars, and, oh yeah, are engaged in a massive, world-wide, immoral and illegal violation of the human rights and civil liberties of all of Humanity. In a word, they are psychopaths.
The DIA, and the whole umbrella of so-called “military intelligence” (I know, I know, it's a classic oxymoron) agencies have been involved in every filthy, perfidious, reprehensible activity you can possibly imagine: torture, murder, rape, institutionalized lying, disinformation of every variety, prolonged cover-up of the UFO and extraterrestrial reality, and much more. In a word, they are psychopaths.
Add it all up: unending wars, here, there and everywhere, coups d'état , assassinations at home (anybody remember how the Kennedy brothers, Malcolm “X” and Dr. King got blown away?) and abroad (anybody remember Che Guevara and Patrice Lumumba?), lies and more lies, disinformation, theft of billions and trillions of dollars, rape, torture, narco-trafficking, gun running, human trafficking, false flag terror attacks, mind control programs, and other satanic activities too despicable to even be mentioned.
And Bob Monroe contracted with these agencies, trained their spies, furthered their activities.
Has even one of the psychic spies he trained ever apologized for being associated with the repugnant filth and rot at the NSA, CIA and DIA? Have they ever publicly renounced their ties with these organizations and publicly repudiated the agenda of the American government, and its military and espionage agencies as they assault the Earth and the rest of humanity, spreading death, destruction and suffering most everywhere they go?
Have they? You see, that's what profoundly bothers me about Robert Monroe and the nest of psychic spies he trained for the American alphabet soup agencies.
And Lyndon Baines Johnson, Too
I lived and worked in the San Antonio, Texas and nearby Texas Hill Country region for more than ten years, including in Gillespie County, home of Lyndon Baines Johnson, and site of his Texas White House when he was in office in the 1960s. I knew people who knew Lyndon and it is the considered opinion that LBJ had personal involvement in the plot to kill Jack Kennedy.
The ranch where he and Lady Bird lived in his presidential years lies right along the Pedernales River. I know the river well, as I do the Guadalupe, too. I worked all up and down those rivers, from one end to the other. I know the whole Hill Country region practically like the back of my hand, and I love it so, though I may very well never see those parts again in this lifetime.
Not long before I headed up to North Dakota in the spring of 2010 for a nonviolent, peace demonstration on a nuclear missile silo at Minot Air Force Base, I stopped at Lyndon Johnson's grave site. I lingered by the fence of the family cemetery and said: “What the fuck, Lyndon? How could you? Just for temporary political power? Only to slaughter people in Vietnam by the hundreds of thousands?”
Before leaving I picked up a couple of quartz pebbles from the banks of the Pedernales, just below the cemetery where LBJ is buried. I incorporated them into the crystal necklaces that I wore when I went over the fence onto the nuclear missile silo in North Dakota. You can see my statement and my get up here. Read the statement to the end for a full explanation of my dress and motivation.
What the Fuck, Robert Monroe?
And that would be my same question for Bob Monroe: “What the fuck, Bob? How could you? Is it worth that to you, just to belong? To be on the inside of the action in the CIA, the NSA and the DIA? Do you really believe in their lies, their murder, theft, narco-trafficking, spying, assassination, gun running, deceit, two-faced double-dealing, serial wars, false flag terror operations, coups, human trafficking, disinformation? Do you? And if so, what does that say about you and your eternal soul? And if in your heart you don't really believe in that agenda, and you just did it for the money, then how are you different from any other whore?”
I am beginning to understand why Bob Monroe was so outwardly cold to me on every occasion that I personally met him. By personal and professional choice he was closely involved with some extremely dark and evil forces associated with the USA government and military. At the same time he saw inwardly my future life trajectory, and that he wouldn't turn me to their service. Whence his frosty demeanor toward me.
Ongoing Need For Legal Expenses Assistance
My quest for justice continues, as my criminal complaint against my aggressors moves through the Ecuadorean justice system. Due to the gravity of my injuries, which included internal injuries, physical blows, extensive nerve damage, and extensive physical and emotional trauma, I spent more than four consecutive months hospitalized. I am now out of the hospital and continuing to recuperate with acupuncture, electro-therapy, radionic and scalar treatment, and physiotherapy. Due to persistent nerve damage and impaired function in my lower extremities I am now walking with crutches.
Serious crimes are occurring in the Amazon region, including in the shamanic tourism industry, so my case is therefore not completely unique. However, due to factors such as fear of retaliation and lack of money to retain legal counsel, comparatively few victims come forward to challenge the criminal elements. The sacred shamanic path of spiritual realization and integration has been criminally corrupted or violated in many instances, by indigenous shamans and brujos who are not seeking higher consciousness and divine wisdom. This is a deeply rooted problem in the shamanic tradition in the Amazon region. The shamanic plants themselves recognize that this is a problem.
I am therefore a bellwether, a sort of path breaker who is opening the way for others, as a type of wounded warrior who stands up for justice, in spite of the personal cost. The National Police recognize that there is a crime problem in the Amazon region on the part of certain shamans and brujos, but without witnesses who will testify, or victims who will file criminal complaints, it is difficult to successfully prosecute cases. So my case is important, as a help to break the "omerta" barrier, the fear-based silence.
In the near term, I need $3,000 to meet the legal fees to move the case forward. There are legal motions to be made, other legal paperwork and research, meetings with the prosecutor, medical examiner and police, the gathering and analysis of evidence, etc. It's the nature of the legal system and my attorneys also have to travel from Quito to the Amazon region, which is an all day trip. So it costs money. The billable hours add up. Justice has a price -- in time, suffering and money. That is the character of the world that we live in.
My medical and legal ordeal has wiped out my meager personal savings. My legal expenses are ongoing and thousands of dollars will be needed to successfully prosecute the case. The case has wider importance beyond just my personal situation, in the sense that justice for one man will shine the light of public and legal scrutiny on the wider problem of many other crimes in the region, crimes against both persons and nature, and others will be encouraged to come forward. I appreciates your generosity in aiding my ongoing legal struggle for justice in the Amazon. Donations are not tax deductible or refundable. They go for my legal expenses in Ecuador, to bring my assailants to justice at the earliest possible time. Won't you please be generous! Contact me at or Skype me at richard.sauder333 (I am not a Free Mason.)
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Red, White & Blue Panopticon: Land Of The (Un)Free, Home Of The (Not Very) Brave
Ayahuasca, the visionary, plant-based brew used by Amazonian shamans, showed me in advance the totalitarian dictatorship that is rapidly being imposed on this world. It's being clamped down on the USA, it's in the European Union, and it's spreading to a lot of other places too, frequently by military force (cf. USA and NATO military invasions of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, etc.)
I was born in the USA, and most of my readers are in the USA, so a lot of what I write naturally tends to focus on what happens there. In January of 2011, in an ayahuasca ceremony I inwardly asked ayahuasca to show me the future and shortly thereafter it showed me a grim vision of totalitarian dictatorship – an internment camp with gun towers, military vehicles and a comprehensive control grid shimmering overhead, suspended in mid-air over the camp. It was an electronic control grid, but also had mental and spiritual aspects. It was intended to prevent even mental or spiritual escape from all encompassing totalitarian control.
Upon seeing this clear vision, I wasn't sure that my question had been understood, so I inwardly asked again to be shown the future. Ayahuasca thereupon showed me precisely the same vision a second time.
The recent revelations of the National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, Ed Snowden, have revealed to the world just how advanced the dictatorship is in the USA. Everything that everyone does and says is being monitored, surveilled, spied upon, recorded, watched, listened to, analyzed and scrutinized. The USA is a total surveillance state. It is an Orwellian nightmare.
It is a red, white & blue panopticon, that's sure enough, with the population of the USA and much of the rest of the world arrayed around the central “democratic” control center securely bound up in their invisible, electronic chains and shackles. PRISM is the huge, global, NSA spy program that has the entire human race under constant surveillance. Say PRISM fast and it sounds almost identical to PRISON – and you have the idea, PRISM, a full spectrum technology that turns the whole planet into a prison in the round, whence the red, white & blue panopticon.
The NSA – Is It Of Hell? Does It Work For Satan?
I think so.
Please see:
Two Secretive Israeli Companies Reportedly Bugged The US Telecommunications Grid For The NSA
I suppose that some of you are wondering if I mean to imply that the policies of the Jewish State, aka the Zionist entity, Israel, are a dark and evil force on this planet, and yes, I am saying exactly that. Verint and Narus, the two companies in question have close ties to, and roots in, Israeli intelligence agencies.
Consider that after my June 2nd blog posting of this year, On The Crepuscular Cusp Of Whatever, parts of which were critical of Israel, I received a personal e-mail from a publicly prominent American Jew and ardent Zionist with whom I am not otherwise in communication. His extremely brief e-mail consisted solely of a link pointing out that Big B(r)other is watching everything, and presumably me too, which I absolutely do not doubt. So are we to imagine that this guy personally, regularly reads my blog? I don't know, though I rather suspect not. More probably the Zionist-NSA global spying machine flagged my blog post, and his fellow travelers in the satanic Zionist-NSA world passed it along to him to follow up on.
That is how deeply their fear and insecurity run, that even an individual blog post by a relative unknown like me has to be immediately responded to with a Big B(r)other e-mail. But, hey, at least we are now seeing more clearly exactly who Big B(r)other is.
NSA's Subterranean Lairs
Hmmm. Lairs is an anagram of Liars, isn't it?
But to continue, the NSA does have a demonstrated proclivity for burrowing underground, which direction is long supposed to be the location of the satanic domain. I have previously described the NSA's massive underground complex at Ft. Meade, in Laurel, Maryland in Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files, the most recent of my three books on secret underground and underwater bases and tunnels.
The NSA also has a major presence at the US Air Force's Medina Annex deep, underground base, located on Lacklamd Air Force Base, in southwest San Antonio, Texas. Thousands of NSA personnel work at the Medina Annex. I lived in San Antonio for many years and the Medina Annex definitely has a very dark, ominous, brooding atmosphere. One of its major functions is to comprehensively surveil the Latin American region. My best, educated guess after years of research, conversations, local residence and logical inference is that there is a vast, sprawling, underground labyrinth beneath the San Antonio, Texas area, probably extending to the northwest beneath the Texas Hill Country, and probably also with secret tunnel connections to other underground facilities in the western USA, as well as to undersea facilities beneath the Gulf of Mexico.
The NSA has another massive underground facility at Menwith Hill, in northern England, not too far from Leeds.
The NSA also has a large presence at yet another, massive, underground base at Pine Gap, Australia, nearby the small town of Alice Springs, in the middle of the Outback. The information in this link is probably closer to the truth than anything you will read in the mainstream news media about Pine Gap. Here's the Wikipedia version of Pine Gap.
No doubt there are many other secret, underground bases run by the NSA. There are rumors of secret underground facilities in the Antarctic, for instance, and I do not discount those stories.
What it gets down to is that the NSA is a totalitarian agency and it is surveilling everyone, and everything on this planet, every day, all the time, in as fine a level of detail as is technologically possible; and it is storing all of that information, ALL OF IT, for all time to come. It is compiling a massive dossier on every human being. It is compiling an exhaustive, comprehensive dossier on you and me. Every telephone call, every bank card use, every computer session, every train ride, bus ride, plane ride, every vacation, your tax records, your financial history, your education records, – every single thing you do or have ever done, every single thing you say or have ever said. Every single thing you have written or texted. And more.
NSA Copies All Internet Data, Creates Dossiers on Every User
So far the American people have taken these outrages and abuses by the USA national government against their liberty virtually without complaint. They have scarcely whimpered in protest. They continue to vote in the flagrantly rigged elections. They continue to send in money to the IRS. They continue to salute the flag. They continue to sing The Star Spangled Banner. Large numbers of them continue to enter Pentagon service.
Go figure.
America, the Red, White & Blue Panopticon: Land Of The (Un)Free, Home Of The (Not Very) Brave.
And to think that one of my own blood relatives has helped further the work of this hideous, grotesque, satanic, soulless Machine that is assaulting humanity. He told me that he led a team that redesigned the NSA's computing architecture such that it saved something on the order of $7 billion in operating costs. What fouler karma can there be than that? I lived and worked in the Texas Hill Country and San Antonio, Texas region for more than ten years. He flew in and out of San Antonio, contracting for the USA Air Force and the NSA. He never once contacted me on those trips, though he sometimes stayed at a hotel less than a mile from where I lived. He is a very high level computer programmer, a technically clever man. The logical conclusion is that he has worked in the underground bases at the Medina Annex in San Antonio and at Ft. Meade in Laurel, Maryland, and probably in other underground bases elsewhere, seeing as the USA spy and military agencies have so many underground bases, literally all over the world.
I am sure The Machine has rewarded him with a security clearance, a lot of money, a good credit score, a nice house, a car, a pension, an expense account, medical care – but at what cost to his humanity, his core essence, his soul? Oh, yeah, he goes to “church” every Sunday. He's a good “Christian” (whatever that means).
The Bottom Line?
From the very first days after my arrival in Ecuador, the shamanic plants began showing me the hideous nature of The Machine that is assaulting all Humanity and the Earth, and the grim, totalitarian dictatorship that is being imposed. That is not negative thinking. That is a frank acknowledgment of the dreadful impasse in which we find ourselves, and the shamanic plants see it all very clearly and directly.
Those of you who voted for Obama – do you still think that he represents “Change American can believe in?” Do you still think that because he is a Black man that he is somehow more human or humane?
See the ghastly monster for exactly who and what he is! Not that the Bushes or the Clintons or Romneys are any better. They are all the same – soulless machine entities in the dedicated service of great evil.
The Year of The Bone Lady
In 1958, the same year that The Bone Lady visited me (and I have written elsewhere about Her), the airwaves were filled with songs like this:
Maybe (The Chantels)
And five years later:
Little Boy (The Crystals)
You can hear the freshness in their voices, you can see the goodness in their faces. But those were the late 1950s, the early 1960s. And you see where we are now. Justin “Burp Me” Bieber and Lady “Gag Me” Gaga. Need I say more? The meteoric decline of the society is self-evident.
Ongoing Need For Legal Expenses Assistance
My quest for justice continues, as my criminal complaint against my aggressors moves through the Ecuadorean justice system. Due to the gravity of my injuries, which included internal injuries, physical blows, extensive nerve damage, and extensive physical and emotional trauma, I spent more than four consecutive months hospitalized. I am now out of the hospital and continuing to recuperate with acupuncture, electro-therapy and physiotherapy. Due to persistent nerve damage and impaired function in my lower extremities I am now walking with crutches.
Serious crimes are occurring in the Amazon region, including in the shamanic tourism industry, so my case is therefore not completely unique. However, due to factors such as fear of retaliation and lack of money to retain legal counsel, comparatively few victims come forward to challenge the criminal elements. The sacred shamanic path of spiritual realization and integration has been criminally corrupted or violated in many instances, by indigenous shamans and brujos who are not seeking higher consciousness and divine wisdom. This is a deeply rooted problem in the shamanic tradition in the Amazon region. The shamanic plants themselves recognize that this is a problem.
I am therefore a bellwether, a sort of path breaker who is opening the way for others, as a type of wounded warrior who stands up for justice, in spite of the personal cost. The National Police recognize that there is a crime problem in the Amazon region on the part of certain shamans and brujos, but without witnesses who will testify, or victims who will file criminal complaints, it is difficult to successfully prosecute cases. So my case is important, as a help to break the "omerta" barrier, the fear-based silence.
In the near term, I need $3,000 to meet the legal fees to move the case forward. There are legal motions to be made, other legal paperwork and research, meetings with the prosecutor, medical examiner and police, the gathering and analysis of evidence, etc. It's the nature of the legal system and my attorneys also have to travel from Quito to the Amazon region, which is an all day trip. So it costs money. The billable hours add up. Justice has a price -- in time, suffering and money. That is the character of the world that we live in.
My medical and legal ordeal has wiped out my meager personal savings. My legal expenses are ongoing and thousands of dollars will be needed to successfully prosecute the case. The case has wider importance beyond just my personal situation, in the sense that justice for one man will shine the light of public and legal scrutiny on the wider problem of many other crimes in the region, crimes against both persons and nature, and others will be encouraged to come forward. I appreciates your generosity in aiding my ongoing legal struggle for justice in the Amazon. Donations are not tax deductible or refundable. They go for my legal expenses in Ecuador, to bring my assailants to justice at the earliest possible time. Won't you please be generous! Contact me at
I was born in the USA, and most of my readers are in the USA, so a lot of what I write naturally tends to focus on what happens there. In January of 2011, in an ayahuasca ceremony I inwardly asked ayahuasca to show me the future and shortly thereafter it showed me a grim vision of totalitarian dictatorship – an internment camp with gun towers, military vehicles and a comprehensive control grid shimmering overhead, suspended in mid-air over the camp. It was an electronic control grid, but also had mental and spiritual aspects. It was intended to prevent even mental or spiritual escape from all encompassing totalitarian control.
Upon seeing this clear vision, I wasn't sure that my question had been understood, so I inwardly asked again to be shown the future. Ayahuasca thereupon showed me precisely the same vision a second time.
The recent revelations of the National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, Ed Snowden, have revealed to the world just how advanced the dictatorship is in the USA. Everything that everyone does and says is being monitored, surveilled, spied upon, recorded, watched, listened to, analyzed and scrutinized. The USA is a total surveillance state. It is an Orwellian nightmare.
It is a red, white & blue panopticon, that's sure enough, with the population of the USA and much of the rest of the world arrayed around the central “democratic” control center securely bound up in their invisible, electronic chains and shackles. PRISM is the huge, global, NSA spy program that has the entire human race under constant surveillance. Say PRISM fast and it sounds almost identical to PRISON – and you have the idea, PRISM, a full spectrum technology that turns the whole planet into a prison in the round, whence the red, white & blue panopticon.
The NSA – Is It Of Hell? Does It Work For Satan?
I think so.
Please see:
Two Secretive Israeli Companies Reportedly Bugged The US Telecommunications Grid For The NSA
I suppose that some of you are wondering if I mean to imply that the policies of the Jewish State, aka the Zionist entity, Israel, are a dark and evil force on this planet, and yes, I am saying exactly that. Verint and Narus, the two companies in question have close ties to, and roots in, Israeli intelligence agencies.
Consider that after my June 2nd blog posting of this year, On The Crepuscular Cusp Of Whatever, parts of which were critical of Israel, I received a personal e-mail from a publicly prominent American Jew and ardent Zionist with whom I am not otherwise in communication. His extremely brief e-mail consisted solely of a link pointing out that Big B(r)other is watching everything, and presumably me too, which I absolutely do not doubt. So are we to imagine that this guy personally, regularly reads my blog? I don't know, though I rather suspect not. More probably the Zionist-NSA global spying machine flagged my blog post, and his fellow travelers in the satanic Zionist-NSA world passed it along to him to follow up on.
That is how deeply their fear and insecurity run, that even an individual blog post by a relative unknown like me has to be immediately responded to with a Big B(r)other e-mail. But, hey, at least we are now seeing more clearly exactly who Big B(r)other is.
NSA's Subterranean Lairs
Hmmm. Lairs is an anagram of Liars, isn't it?
But to continue, the NSA does have a demonstrated proclivity for burrowing underground, which direction is long supposed to be the location of the satanic domain. I have previously described the NSA's massive underground complex at Ft. Meade, in Laurel, Maryland in Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files, the most recent of my three books on secret underground and underwater bases and tunnels.
The NSA also has a major presence at the US Air Force's Medina Annex deep, underground base, located on Lacklamd Air Force Base, in southwest San Antonio, Texas. Thousands of NSA personnel work at the Medina Annex. I lived in San Antonio for many years and the Medina Annex definitely has a very dark, ominous, brooding atmosphere. One of its major functions is to comprehensively surveil the Latin American region. My best, educated guess after years of research, conversations, local residence and logical inference is that there is a vast, sprawling, underground labyrinth beneath the San Antonio, Texas area, probably extending to the northwest beneath the Texas Hill Country, and probably also with secret tunnel connections to other underground facilities in the western USA, as well as to undersea facilities beneath the Gulf of Mexico.
The NSA has another massive underground facility at Menwith Hill, in northern England, not too far from Leeds.
The NSA also has a large presence at yet another, massive, underground base at Pine Gap, Australia, nearby the small town of Alice Springs, in the middle of the Outback. The information in this link is probably closer to the truth than anything you will read in the mainstream news media about Pine Gap. Here's the Wikipedia version of Pine Gap.
No doubt there are many other secret, underground bases run by the NSA. There are rumors of secret underground facilities in the Antarctic, for instance, and I do not discount those stories.
What it gets down to is that the NSA is a totalitarian agency and it is surveilling everyone, and everything on this planet, every day, all the time, in as fine a level of detail as is technologically possible; and it is storing all of that information, ALL OF IT, for all time to come. It is compiling a massive dossier on every human being. It is compiling an exhaustive, comprehensive dossier on you and me. Every telephone call, every bank card use, every computer session, every train ride, bus ride, plane ride, every vacation, your tax records, your financial history, your education records, – every single thing you do or have ever done, every single thing you say or have ever said. Every single thing you have written or texted. And more.
NSA Copies All Internet Data, Creates Dossiers on Every User
So far the American people have taken these outrages and abuses by the USA national government against their liberty virtually without complaint. They have scarcely whimpered in protest. They continue to vote in the flagrantly rigged elections. They continue to send in money to the IRS. They continue to salute the flag. They continue to sing The Star Spangled Banner. Large numbers of them continue to enter Pentagon service.
Go figure.
America, the Red, White & Blue Panopticon: Land Of The (Un)Free, Home Of The (Not Very) Brave.
And to think that one of my own blood relatives has helped further the work of this hideous, grotesque, satanic, soulless Machine that is assaulting humanity. He told me that he led a team that redesigned the NSA's computing architecture such that it saved something on the order of $7 billion in operating costs. What fouler karma can there be than that? I lived and worked in the Texas Hill Country and San Antonio, Texas region for more than ten years. He flew in and out of San Antonio, contracting for the USA Air Force and the NSA. He never once contacted me on those trips, though he sometimes stayed at a hotel less than a mile from where I lived. He is a very high level computer programmer, a technically clever man. The logical conclusion is that he has worked in the underground bases at the Medina Annex in San Antonio and at Ft. Meade in Laurel, Maryland, and probably in other underground bases elsewhere, seeing as the USA spy and military agencies have so many underground bases, literally all over the world.
I am sure The Machine has rewarded him with a security clearance, a lot of money, a good credit score, a nice house, a car, a pension, an expense account, medical care – but at what cost to his humanity, his core essence, his soul? Oh, yeah, he goes to “church” every Sunday. He's a good “Christian” (whatever that means).
The Bottom Line?
From the very first days after my arrival in Ecuador, the shamanic plants began showing me the hideous nature of The Machine that is assaulting all Humanity and the Earth, and the grim, totalitarian dictatorship that is being imposed. That is not negative thinking. That is a frank acknowledgment of the dreadful impasse in which we find ourselves, and the shamanic plants see it all very clearly and directly.
Those of you who voted for Obama – do you still think that he represents “Change American can believe in?” Do you still think that because he is a Black man that he is somehow more human or humane?
See the ghastly monster for exactly who and what he is! Not that the Bushes or the Clintons or Romneys are any better. They are all the same – soulless machine entities in the dedicated service of great evil.
The Year of The Bone Lady
In 1958, the same year that The Bone Lady visited me (and I have written elsewhere about Her), the airwaves were filled with songs like this:
Maybe (The Chantels)
And five years later:
Little Boy (The Crystals)
You can hear the freshness in their voices, you can see the goodness in their faces. But those were the late 1950s, the early 1960s. And you see where we are now. Justin “Burp Me” Bieber and Lady “Gag Me” Gaga. Need I say more? The meteoric decline of the society is self-evident.
Ongoing Need For Legal Expenses Assistance
My quest for justice continues, as my criminal complaint against my aggressors moves through the Ecuadorean justice system. Due to the gravity of my injuries, which included internal injuries, physical blows, extensive nerve damage, and extensive physical and emotional trauma, I spent more than four consecutive months hospitalized. I am now out of the hospital and continuing to recuperate with acupuncture, electro-therapy and physiotherapy. Due to persistent nerve damage and impaired function in my lower extremities I am now walking with crutches.
Serious crimes are occurring in the Amazon region, including in the shamanic tourism industry, so my case is therefore not completely unique. However, due to factors such as fear of retaliation and lack of money to retain legal counsel, comparatively few victims come forward to challenge the criminal elements. The sacred shamanic path of spiritual realization and integration has been criminally corrupted or violated in many instances, by indigenous shamans and brujos who are not seeking higher consciousness and divine wisdom. This is a deeply rooted problem in the shamanic tradition in the Amazon region. The shamanic plants themselves recognize that this is a problem.
I am therefore a bellwether, a sort of path breaker who is opening the way for others, as a type of wounded warrior who stands up for justice, in spite of the personal cost. The National Police recognize that there is a crime problem in the Amazon region on the part of certain shamans and brujos, but without witnesses who will testify, or victims who will file criminal complaints, it is difficult to successfully prosecute cases. So my case is important, as a help to break the "omerta" barrier, the fear-based silence.
In the near term, I need $3,000 to meet the legal fees to move the case forward. There are legal motions to be made, other legal paperwork and research, meetings with the prosecutor, medical examiner and police, the gathering and analysis of evidence, etc. It's the nature of the legal system and my attorneys also have to travel from Quito to the Amazon region, which is an all day trip. So it costs money. The billable hours add up. Justice has a price -- in time, suffering and money. That is the character of the world that we live in.
My medical and legal ordeal has wiped out my meager personal savings. My legal expenses are ongoing and thousands of dollars will be needed to successfully prosecute the case. The case has wider importance beyond just my personal situation, in the sense that justice for one man will shine the light of public and legal scrutiny on the wider problem of many other crimes in the region, crimes against both persons and nature, and others will be encouraged to come forward. I appreciates your generosity in aiding my ongoing legal struggle for justice in the Amazon. Donations are not tax deductible or refundable. They go for my legal expenses in Ecuador, to bring my assailants to justice at the earliest possible time. Won't you please be generous! Contact me at
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Amazon Death By Umpteen Thousand Illegal Cuts
The Amazon forest is dying by untold thousands of illegal logging operations, both large and small. There are huge clear cuts and small clear cuts, as well as selective cuts that target one or a few trees that have valuable wood that fetches a high price on the black market. This is going on all across the region, in Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela.
In the case of Ecuador, I have seen information that suggests that as much as 60% of the logging in its Amazonian region is illegal. I have seen this with my own eyes. Piles of logs and lumber that have come out of the jungle are a frequent sight stacked along the main highway in Pastaza Province.

I have also personally seen evidence of illegal cutting and logging on the far back side of the finca where I lived last year, in the Amazonian region of Ecuador. In the case of the three photos immediately below, all of the cutting and logging is illegal, because the jungle on the finca is part of an Ecuadorean government program called Socio-Bosque, and therefore legally protected as an inviolable ecological reserve. But as the photos plainly reveal, the inviolable jungle has been violated. If I am able, I will do something about this, but it will take time and money. It all has to do with my current life effort here in South America.



All of this matters, because the Amazon is so crucially important to the ecology of the entire Earth. It is not just that the Amazon jungle produces more than 20% of the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere; the Amazon is also home to myriad species of plant and animal life that go extinct as the forest cover is removed, tree by tree, hectare by hectare. Snakes, snails, turtles, humming birds, frogs, lizards, monkeys, panthers, orchids, vines, fish and more -- they all die as the forest is cut down.
And the forest is disappearing. What does it mean to the Earth, what does it mean to humanity to lose the Amazon?
Irretrievable loss, that is what, maybe an extinction level event. Take away 20 - 30% of the planet's oxygen and what will we breathe? This is not a hypothetical question. The photos above are graphic proof of the Amazon's "death by thousands of illegal cuts." Multiply what you see above by umpteen thousands all over the region and the end result is death of the Amazon and probably the death of humanity, as well. The Amazon is just that important.
The Global Tree Crisis
So we have to plant trees, that is obvious. We have to plant a LOT of trees, billions and billions of trees, in the Amazon and everywhere that trees will grow.
Most of my readers are in the USA, so one way for my USA readers to get involved with tree planting and reforestation is via the Arbor Day Foundation. Just for joining they will send you ten free tree seedlings to plant.
The Arbor Day Foundation website has many links about trees, planting trees, caring for trees, etc. Notice that they offer an extensive selection of trees and other woody vegetation for sale.
You can join their hazelnut program and receive three, fast growing, heavy bearing hazelnut bushes. The hazelnut bushes are an excellent food source and also help revegetate the Earth.
You can also join one of their many other tree planting or reforestation programs.
Your Own Tree Nursery
Or you can start your own private tree nursery. It's important and it's easy. Plant the trees that you sprout in your nursery anywhere and everywhere that you can, in your yard, along the street, in a vacant lot, by a stream, along a fence row. Be creative. Trees help hold moisture in the soil, they provide habitat and food for wildlife, they produce oxygen and shade, and they have deep aesthetic and spiritual value, as essential, biological life forms. We cannot do without them, and so we should facilitate tree planting and reforestation.
As for where to get tree seeds? -- walk in the woods or in the park and pick up maple tree seeds, or beech nuts, or acorns, or elm tree seeds, etc. In the past I have even saved the seeds from persimmons and planted them, yielding some perky little seedlings that I donated to a local arboretum.
I use a simple method for growing tree seedlings that is applicable almost anywhere in the world. It is a method used by the Planet Drum Foundation's urban tree planting project in Bahía de Caráquez, here in Ecuador.
The idea is to re-use plastic bottles that are routinely thrown away as garbage, the world over. I find them by simply walking along the highway and picking up bottles that people have thrown out of the windows of their vehicles. Once the top is cut off, you punch a couple of drainage holes in the bottom with a knife, fill them with soil and then plant tree seeds in them. Set the bottles up in a sheltered area and wait for the seedlings to sprout. Once the tree seedlings have sprouted and are established, you simply transplant them. Cut the sides of the bottle with a knife and slip out the seedling, along with its ball of soil, and plant it. The pictures below convey the essence of it. Of course, you need to use some common sense with the tree seedlings and the nursery. If you live in an arid or semiarid area, you will need to water the seedlings before and after transplanting, to keep them from dying.
This is part of a small nursery I established last year.

And here are just a few of the many tree seedlings, of many different species, that I sprouted and planted.

It's a guarantee that if I can use this method, which Planet Drum is using very successfully here in Ecuador, then so can many of the untold thousands of people who are reading these words, wherever in the world you may be. It's also a guarantee that if a lot of us don't begin doing tree planting, and I mean now, and not in some far distant future, then we, and the planet are screwed. It's over.
I mean that literally. We are on a dying planet and if we don't revive the Earth, then that is the end of any meaningful human habitation of this planet.
Extremely Telling and Strange Silence
I have noticed a very strange silence of friends and family members about the many wars the USA is involved in, the pervasive spying by the NSA, FBI and CIA, the thousands of drone murders and assassinations in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia, the ongoing torture policy of the CIA and USA military, the depredations of the IRS, the overtly criminal banking system, rampant, global, ecological collapse, the Monsanto genetic engineering assault against the global biosphere and traditional farming, the multitudinous Obama administration crimes, the runaway criminal corruption of the Fortune 500 and Wall Street, the ongoing nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima, Japan and much more. About these things they say nothing.
This indicates either deep complicity in the system, or alternatively abdication of individual responsibility to self-actualize in the face of imminent threat to life, limb, prosperity and posterity – as in, there won't be any of any of that, if we don't urgently address the rampant series of concatenating crises that bid fair to destroy us all.
The dictatorship is already here.
And it is enabled, aided and abetted by our SILENCE. It is a well established principle at law that silence equates to consent. So the people have ratified the dictatorship by their silence.
But not everyone is silent. Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has said in recent days that rule of law in the USA is suffering a 'calamitous collapse.' Assange is right about that. The system in the USA has become completely lawless. Only fools and simpletons refuse to see and acknowledge the obvious slide into dictatorship. Assange has been in political exile in the Ecuadorean embassy in London since June of last year, in fear of being renditioned to the USA and possibly executed, after a state show trial, or perhaps after no trial at all.
Of course, Assange has a well founded fear and the Ecuadorean government is on solid ground in continuing to grant him political asylum. The USA government is out of all control and clearly intends to subjugate the entire world, and everyone in it, if possible, by any and all means, whether fair or foul, and there is an awful lot of repugnant foul of late.
Such as the foul spy base that the NSA is presently building in Utah. It is a Satanic installation, intended to spy on everyone and everything in the whole world. You can be assured that the NSA does not mean well, and that the data they gather will definitely be put to malevolent use.
It is highly likely that the new NSA spy base in Utah has a huge, underground base beneath it, as do the massive NSA spy base at Ft. Meade, Maryland and the other large NSA spy base at Lackland Air Force Base's "Medina Annex" in San Antonio, Texas. I mention both of these underground facilities in my most recent book on secret underground and underwater bases and tunnels, Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files.
We Are Fuk'ed
Then there is this:
Japanese Diplomat: We are facing global catastrophe over next 40-100 years because of Fukushima nuclear disaster
And this is not an urgent topic of conversation for everyone on this planet? Listen – the radiation from Fukushima will not stop coming. And there are likely to be other nuclear reactor failures in the coming years, perhaps even later this year, for all anyone knows, simply because there are 400 of them, and they all are getting old, they all have major maintenance problems, and they are all subject to catastrophic failure and/or explosion, as has already happened at Chernobyl and Fuskushima.
When they fail catastrophically, as has already happened at Chernobyl and now Fukushima, they cannot be fixed. Our predicament will therefore get worse and worse. Continued human habitation of this planet is not consonant with nuclear reactors, nuclear waste and the ever-present menace of apocalyptic nuclear warfare.
Either the nukes go – ALL OF THEM – or we do. We will not outlive the technology; it is so destructive and so deadly that we cannot for long coexist with it.
My recuperation continues. I continue to receive therapy, after my long hospitalization of more than four months. I also am continuing the criminal case against the "shaman" who caused me such great harm. I have already incurred expenses of thousands of dollars of mostly legal, and also some medical fees, with thousands of dollars of expenses still to come. I am not a wealthy man and have paid out of pocket with resources that I can ill afford. I stand in need of assistance as I continue to seek justice in the Ecuadorean courts. My attorneys believe I can prevail at trial, and I agree. But I need their assistance to do so. The Ecuadorean legal system is like the system in a lot of other countries, in that it has a backlog of cases, and if you want your case to go anywhere you need to have someone down at the courthouse to push it along. That is where my attorneys enter the picture and they work for pay. If you can help me with my mounting legal fees, I would be most grateful. Those who are able and willing to do so please contact me at
In the case of Ecuador, I have seen information that suggests that as much as 60% of the logging in its Amazonian region is illegal. I have seen this with my own eyes. Piles of logs and lumber that have come out of the jungle are a frequent sight stacked along the main highway in Pastaza Province.
I have also personally seen evidence of illegal cutting and logging on the far back side of the finca where I lived last year, in the Amazonian region of Ecuador. In the case of the three photos immediately below, all of the cutting and logging is illegal, because the jungle on the finca is part of an Ecuadorean government program called Socio-Bosque, and therefore legally protected as an inviolable ecological reserve. But as the photos plainly reveal, the inviolable jungle has been violated. If I am able, I will do something about this, but it will take time and money. It all has to do with my current life effort here in South America.
All of this matters, because the Amazon is so crucially important to the ecology of the entire Earth. It is not just that the Amazon jungle produces more than 20% of the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere; the Amazon is also home to myriad species of plant and animal life that go extinct as the forest cover is removed, tree by tree, hectare by hectare. Snakes, snails, turtles, humming birds, frogs, lizards, monkeys, panthers, orchids, vines, fish and more -- they all die as the forest is cut down.
And the forest is disappearing. What does it mean to the Earth, what does it mean to humanity to lose the Amazon?
Irretrievable loss, that is what, maybe an extinction level event. Take away 20 - 30% of the planet's oxygen and what will we breathe? This is not a hypothetical question. The photos above are graphic proof of the Amazon's "death by thousands of illegal cuts." Multiply what you see above by umpteen thousands all over the region and the end result is death of the Amazon and probably the death of humanity, as well. The Amazon is just that important.
The Global Tree Crisis
So we have to plant trees, that is obvious. We have to plant a LOT of trees, billions and billions of trees, in the Amazon and everywhere that trees will grow.
Most of my readers are in the USA, so one way for my USA readers to get involved with tree planting and reforestation is via the Arbor Day Foundation. Just for joining they will send you ten free tree seedlings to plant.
The Arbor Day Foundation website has many links about trees, planting trees, caring for trees, etc. Notice that they offer an extensive selection of trees and other woody vegetation for sale.
You can join their hazelnut program and receive three, fast growing, heavy bearing hazelnut bushes. The hazelnut bushes are an excellent food source and also help revegetate the Earth.
You can also join one of their many other tree planting or reforestation programs.
Your Own Tree Nursery
Or you can start your own private tree nursery. It's important and it's easy. Plant the trees that you sprout in your nursery anywhere and everywhere that you can, in your yard, along the street, in a vacant lot, by a stream, along a fence row. Be creative. Trees help hold moisture in the soil, they provide habitat and food for wildlife, they produce oxygen and shade, and they have deep aesthetic and spiritual value, as essential, biological life forms. We cannot do without them, and so we should facilitate tree planting and reforestation.
As for where to get tree seeds? -- walk in the woods or in the park and pick up maple tree seeds, or beech nuts, or acorns, or elm tree seeds, etc. In the past I have even saved the seeds from persimmons and planted them, yielding some perky little seedlings that I donated to a local arboretum.
I use a simple method for growing tree seedlings that is applicable almost anywhere in the world. It is a method used by the Planet Drum Foundation's urban tree planting project in Bahía de Caráquez, here in Ecuador.
The idea is to re-use plastic bottles that are routinely thrown away as garbage, the world over. I find them by simply walking along the highway and picking up bottles that people have thrown out of the windows of their vehicles. Once the top is cut off, you punch a couple of drainage holes in the bottom with a knife, fill them with soil and then plant tree seeds in them. Set the bottles up in a sheltered area and wait for the seedlings to sprout. Once the tree seedlings have sprouted and are established, you simply transplant them. Cut the sides of the bottle with a knife and slip out the seedling, along with its ball of soil, and plant it. The pictures below convey the essence of it. Of course, you need to use some common sense with the tree seedlings and the nursery. If you live in an arid or semiarid area, you will need to water the seedlings before and after transplanting, to keep them from dying.
This is part of a small nursery I established last year.
And here are just a few of the many tree seedlings, of many different species, that I sprouted and planted.
It's a guarantee that if I can use this method, which Planet Drum is using very successfully here in Ecuador, then so can many of the untold thousands of people who are reading these words, wherever in the world you may be. It's also a guarantee that if a lot of us don't begin doing tree planting, and I mean now, and not in some far distant future, then we, and the planet are screwed. It's over.
I mean that literally. We are on a dying planet and if we don't revive the Earth, then that is the end of any meaningful human habitation of this planet.
Extremely Telling and Strange Silence
I have noticed a very strange silence of friends and family members about the many wars the USA is involved in, the pervasive spying by the NSA, FBI and CIA, the thousands of drone murders and assassinations in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia, the ongoing torture policy of the CIA and USA military, the depredations of the IRS, the overtly criminal banking system, rampant, global, ecological collapse, the Monsanto genetic engineering assault against the global biosphere and traditional farming, the multitudinous Obama administration crimes, the runaway criminal corruption of the Fortune 500 and Wall Street, the ongoing nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima, Japan and much more. About these things they say nothing.
This indicates either deep complicity in the system, or alternatively abdication of individual responsibility to self-actualize in the face of imminent threat to life, limb, prosperity and posterity – as in, there won't be any of any of that, if we don't urgently address the rampant series of concatenating crises that bid fair to destroy us all.
The dictatorship is already here.
And it is enabled, aided and abetted by our SILENCE. It is a well established principle at law that silence equates to consent. So the people have ratified the dictatorship by their silence.
But not everyone is silent. Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has said in recent days that rule of law in the USA is suffering a 'calamitous collapse.' Assange is right about that. The system in the USA has become completely lawless. Only fools and simpletons refuse to see and acknowledge the obvious slide into dictatorship. Assange has been in political exile in the Ecuadorean embassy in London since June of last year, in fear of being renditioned to the USA and possibly executed, after a state show trial, or perhaps after no trial at all.
Of course, Assange has a well founded fear and the Ecuadorean government is on solid ground in continuing to grant him political asylum. The USA government is out of all control and clearly intends to subjugate the entire world, and everyone in it, if possible, by any and all means, whether fair or foul, and there is an awful lot of repugnant foul of late.
Such as the foul spy base that the NSA is presently building in Utah. It is a Satanic installation, intended to spy on everyone and everything in the whole world. You can be assured that the NSA does not mean well, and that the data they gather will definitely be put to malevolent use.
It is highly likely that the new NSA spy base in Utah has a huge, underground base beneath it, as do the massive NSA spy base at Ft. Meade, Maryland and the other large NSA spy base at Lackland Air Force Base's "Medina Annex" in San Antonio, Texas. I mention both of these underground facilities in my most recent book on secret underground and underwater bases and tunnels, Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files.
We Are Fuk'ed
Then there is this:
Japanese Diplomat: We are facing global catastrophe over next 40-100 years because of Fukushima nuclear disaster
And this is not an urgent topic of conversation for everyone on this planet? Listen – the radiation from Fukushima will not stop coming. And there are likely to be other nuclear reactor failures in the coming years, perhaps even later this year, for all anyone knows, simply because there are 400 of them, and they all are getting old, they all have major maintenance problems, and they are all subject to catastrophic failure and/or explosion, as has already happened at Chernobyl and Fuskushima.
When they fail catastrophically, as has already happened at Chernobyl and now Fukushima, they cannot be fixed. Our predicament will therefore get worse and worse. Continued human habitation of this planet is not consonant with nuclear reactors, nuclear waste and the ever-present menace of apocalyptic nuclear warfare.
Either the nukes go – ALL OF THEM – or we do. We will not outlive the technology; it is so destructive and so deadly that we cannot for long coexist with it.
My recuperation continues. I continue to receive therapy, after my long hospitalization of more than four months. I also am continuing the criminal case against the "shaman" who caused me such great harm. I have already incurred expenses of thousands of dollars of mostly legal, and also some medical fees, with thousands of dollars of expenses still to come. I am not a wealthy man and have paid out of pocket with resources that I can ill afford. I stand in need of assistance as I continue to seek justice in the Ecuadorean courts. My attorneys believe I can prevail at trial, and I agree. But I need their assistance to do so. The Ecuadorean legal system is like the system in a lot of other countries, in that it has a backlog of cases, and if you want your case to go anywhere you need to have someone down at the courthouse to push it along. That is where my attorneys enter the picture and they work for pay. If you can help me with my mounting legal fees, I would be most grateful. Those who are able and willing to do so please contact me at
Sunday, June 2, 2013
On The Crepuscular Cusp Of Whatever
We are caught up in a great, multidimensional chess game, involving myriad factions and players, likely galactic in scope, perhaps even operating on a universal scale. A great war is raging, and has been raging, for a very long time. If you are reading these words, you are caught up in the thick of it, immersed in all the Sturm und Drang.
I have been reading at Joseph Farrell's works, and he has a part of it, a lot of the facts, as regards events on this planet and in this solar system, though I do not always share his interpretation of the salient facts. Especially with respect to the Giza monuments, I believe he has misinterpreted their original purpose. The pyramids and other structures there are certainly massive, powerful, universally resonant machines, but my opinion is that, at least initially, they were not conceived and constructed as engines of war, but as stabilizing, harmonious, time-space anchors, if you will, in a highly unstable and discordant time and place, to wit, Earth of the past several tens of thousands of years.
Two of the most powerful terrestrial factions currently vying for supremacy on this planet are the Fascists and the Zionists, both of whom closely embrace hyper-violence as their preferred mode of operation. Which is another way of saying that they are more similar, than dissimilar. They want to rule you, and they don't mind killing large numbers of people to achieve their objective. This conflict has been ongoing for millennia. The opening scene from the movie, Gladiator, is instructive. It accurately depicts just one of the myriad military battles over untold thousands of years, for control over this one, small planet, a small planet that for whatever reason is a very fought over chess piece in a very long-raging galactic conflict.
Opening scene from Gladiator
Think that what happened thousands of years ago has nothing to do with you today? On the contrary, the project that the Romans were so bloodily pursuing is with us to the present day. It morphs and waxes and wanes, but it never goes away. It is part of the very fabric of this planet's reality stream for, lo, these many, untold thousands of years now. Interestingly, the Roman Catholic Pope carries titles and functions to this day, that he inherited from the imperial Caesars of ancient Rome; titles such as Pontifex Maximus, a title carried by Julius Caesar and other Roman emperors. The title conferred religious and political authority and was the highest religious office in ancient Rome. Among other duties, the Pontifex Maximus was in charge of ensuring the peace of the gods and regulating the calendar (whence the Julian calendar of Julius Caesar). The Roman Catholic Pope also carries the title of Summus Pontifex, referring to his continuing the office of ancient Jewish High Priest of Jerusalem. There is abundant evidence for all of this, and you can find the beginning of the trail here. And the more you dig, the more you will find. No doubt this explains much about the medieval Crusades, in which powerful Roman catholic factions were heavily involved in vying for control of Jerusalem, and present-day stories such as
Vatican also wants Jerusalem?
These power struggles go back millennia. My relationship with Richard Dolan, who has published my latest book on secret underground and underwater bases and tunnels, actually began with a extremely lengthy, detailed, back and forth exchange of e-mails on just these sorts of issues. Richard started out by telling me that he is a historian (which is true) and that I had no idea what I was talking about. In the end he sent me an e-mail in which he said, "You know what? - you're right. I actually agree with you." We've been on good terms ever since.
Richard also happens to know quite a lot about UFOs and the cover-up of that reality by the USA government, military and espionage agencies. (More about UFOs later in this post; they are also involved in this millennia-long, multidimensional, galactic chess game, and there are factions within factions, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial.)
But back to the Middle East and the ongoing, global chess game that has been raging for tens and even hundreds of thousands of years, with interplanetary and galactic implications. Here I am referring to the work of Joseph Farrell and Zecharia Sitchen; even if I do not always agree with all of the conclusions they draw from the available evidence, I do respect their broad conclusion that the evidence points to just such an inconceivably ancient and far-ranging conflict, with implications and ramifications right down to the present day. I must also mention Richard Hoagland in this context, as the bulk of his work also yields a similar conclusion. A better bet than the pyramid at Giza, in my view, for an engine of war against the exploded planet Maldek (now reduced to the rubble known as the Asteroid Belt) would be the pyramid at Cydonia, on Mars, or perhaps the moon of Saturn, Iapetus, which I accept is an extremely ancient, very heavily damaged and eroded artificial body, quite possibly built by our Ur-ancient ancestors, as per Hoagland's thesis, or by another galactic faction, and clearly used by George Lucas as a template for the planet-busting "Death Star," in his Star Wars series of movies about ancient, galactic warfare.
In the context of the present, ongoing battle for control of this planet, it is often said that the Americans play checkers, but the Russians play chess, and masterfully so. To wit, I can't help but notice the Kremlin's announcement in recent days that the heavy cruiser, Admiral Kuznetsov, would be rejoining the Russian Mediterranean fleet for exercises later this year.
Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier to start long-range mission in Mediterranean in late 2013
It is a certainty that the Russian fleet. and the Kuznetsov, carry a variety of nuclear weapons and missiles. This may be regarded as a Russian chess maneuver, a pointed "check" move, to counter the ongoing Zionist warfare raging against Syria. Of course, "check mate," would constitute decisive use of the Russian fleet's armament against Zionist interests. For a whole host of interesting reasons, notwithstanding a heavy involvement with NAZI elements in the post-WWII period, the USA government is nowadays also heavily involved with and supportive of, the Zionist regime in Israel. It's one hell of a violently confused chess match, with plenty of high stakes drama, that much is for sure.
Minot AFB and UFOs
There are plenty of elements, the game is ever-shifting and fast moving. Given the nature of modern military technology, a global holocaust could literally be unleashed in mere minutes, with unimaginable consequences. That is why I found the recent development at Minot Air Force Base, in North Dakota, very puzzling.
Air Force sidelines 17 ICBM officers at Minot AFB
Read the story. These are missile control officers, the officers who are supposed to unquestioningly launch nuclear missiles when they receive the orders to do so. But something happened, there was a readiness drill, or something like that, and a whole pile of officers did not perform as expected -- or as ordered? This is pure speculation on my part, but were they perhaps ordered to perform a unilateral nuclear strike against another country? And did they perhaps refuse those orders?
I wonder. I really do.
Interestingly, there is a history at Minot Air Force Base of UFOs deactivating nuclear missiles in their silos, back in the 1960s. Of course, I was arrested in April of 2010 for conducting a nonviolent, peace demonstration on a nuclear missile silo at Minot AFB. See my Minot Manifesto which I issued to the public and the press on 15 April 2010. As I was being taken away to jail that morning, I overheard chatter on the police radio about a UFO, before the arresting officer turned the radio to another channel. Indeed, the US Air Force did mount a vigorous helicopter air patrol, for miles around the silo site. There were helicopters swarming all over then place, like hornets buzzing around a riled up hornet's nest.
This interests me because of what happened about a half year later, at another US Air Force missile field in the USA, where simultaneous with shutting down a whole wing of nuclear missiles, a huge, cylindrical UFO was seen hovering overhead. Please see
Huge UFO Sighted Near Nuclear Missiles During October 2010 Launch System Disruption
I suspect that these events are also related to events in Arkansas in 1980. In the fall of 1980, after the explosion of a Titan II nuclear missile in a silo near Damascus, Arkansas I conducted my first, nonviolent, peace demonstration at a nuclear missile silo. I traveled up from the Louisiana Gulf Coast, where I was then working as a miner, in the Morton salt mine at Weeks Island, Louisiana. I went over the fence onto the silo and was shortly thereafter detained by heavily armed US Air Force military police and then jailed in Jacksonville, Arkansas.
A couple of other interesting things happened that morning. Of course, the arrival of Air Force security is always an attention grabber. When you watch other men chamber live ammunition in automatic rifles and then level the rifles directly at your head, from 50 yards away, such that you are looking directly down the barrels of said rifles, well, that does concentrate the mind wonderfully. Everything slows way down into freeze frame action and you become real calm and deliberate in your actions and movements.
But just before the military patrol arrived, there were other, uh, "visitors." And they were so ordinary. They pulled up right in front of the entrance to the silo, and parked there with a "flat" tire, just seconds after I went over the fence. I actually had the vivid realization that I knew those people, though I could not say then or now, just exactly how I knew them, or from where, or exactly who they were. Yet, I knew of a surety that I knew them, and knew them very well. So strong and vivid was that knowing that I very nearly got down from the silo and climbed back over the fence to go and greet them. But the military patrol showed up at that juncture, so I quickly nixed that idea. The military personnel actually thought that the "visitors" had tripped the silo alarm and engaged them first, before noticing my presence on the silo, whereupon they focused their attention, and their weapons, on me.
It was all very surreal. Nuclear missiles have a very dark, brooding presence. And in the case of the Titan II missiles, each silo also had an other-wordly-looking radio antenna array, associated with the telemetry electronics for each missile. The whole array was like something from another planet.
It is only in recent months that I have become aware of overflights of that same region in the fall of 1980 of a large, cylindrical, cigar-shaped, UFO.
Witness Recounts UFO Activity After Titan II (Nuclear) Missile Explosion
This is strongly reminiscent of the huge, cigar shaped UFO seen in October of 2010 over the US Air Force nuclear missile field at Warren Air Force Base on the border of Wyoming and Colorado.
Interestingly, in 1981 when I staged another nonviolent, peace demonstration on yet another nuclear missile silo at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, I had the impression that there was a mammoth UFO hovering just overhead, but invisibly cloaked. I saw nothing on that occasion, but the reaction of the military police was very unusual. In my physical presence they opened up the hatch to the nuclear missile and physically climbed underground to inspect it, taking their rifles along underground. Only after a prolonged inspection did they reemerge and eventually take me to jail. The obvious conclusion is that an unknown "something" occurred underground at that nuclear missile silo, in connection with and during my nonviolent peace protest, though exactly what that "something" might have been was then, and remains now, completely unknown to my conscious awareness.
Perhaps this is the place to mention that over the years I have seen a great many UFOs, most frequently orbs and spheres, of various sizes and colors.
I saw a lot of orbs and spheres when I lived in Albuquerque [including some very large spheres of various colors (not hot air balloons)] right over the Northeast Heights and Sandia Mountains. I also saw arc-weld-brilliant orbs frolicking over the southern Sandias, as well as clusters of beach-ball-sized, grey spheres flying right alongside and behind the military fighter jets that fly out of Kirtland. Then there were the bright, glowing spheres that always appeared on the slopes of the Manzano underground base whenever I would watch it for awhile with binoculars. There are a whole bunch of red and orange spheres that fly around San Antonio, Texas at low altitude at dusk or early evening. I have seen them many times in the years I lived there. Perhaps they have something to do with the multiple underground bases that the US Air Force, the US Army and the US National Security Agency (NSA) have in the San Antonio area. One of my most vivid orb sightings was on approach to LAX airport in Los Angeles, California, about 15 years ago. On that occasion, a cherry red orb about the size of a beach ball flew right under the jetliner in my plain view. And here in Ecuador, just a couple of months ago, I saw a robin-egg-blue orb fly right past my hospital window in central Quito; it came flying back in the opposite direction about a half hour later. I watched it recede into the distance toward the north, and then a bunch of much larger, white ones in the following few days meandered over the mountain side in my full view. They were very deliberate in their movements. It has got me wondering what might be inside or beneath the mountain that looms over Quito.
I have no definitive idea as to why I see so many UFOs and what they may be up to, or where they come from. Am I looking at them, or are they looking at me, or at something else entirely? Who knows? If you do, please enlighten me. My e-mail address is displayed on this blog site for your ease of communication with me.
The Verdict Is In
In an earlier blog post, I mentioned that the USA had entered a 300 day trial period.
Well, the verdict is in, and America is sliding straight towards dictatorship, exactly as indicated by my ayahuasca vision of last year, which depicted an ugly period of approaching dictatorship.
It does not have to be this way, but for whatever reason it is. Consider please:
Everyone is fair game: Spy agency conducts surveillance on all US citizens
Massive New Surveillance Program Uncovered by Wall Street Journal
TSA Moves to Sovietize Internal Travel
U.S. Terrorism Agency to Tap a Vast Database of Citizens
'Everyone in US under virtual surveillance' - NSA whistleblower
How is all this happening? It's a dystopian nightmare that is playing out in real life on our home planet. So how does that happen?
It happens because people that you and I know, maybe even "you," yes, "you" there in the USA, Israel, Australia, Germany, France, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, etc., "you" and the people you know, and members of your family, vote corrupt politicians into office, send money to your criminally corrupt national taxing agency that helps fund the rampant insanity we see on every hand, and you or people you know, or members of your family take part in the many insane wars that plague our planet and our species. For example, a blood relative of mine, who is a high level computer programmer, has worked at a very high level for the USA Air Force and the National Security Agency, notably in San Antonio, Texas (San Antonio is a major NSA center of activity) and also other locations. He told me that he led a team that redesigned the NSA's computing architecture, such that the increased efficiency saved the NSA something like $7 billion in operating expenses. I remain ignorant of exactly what he did for the US Air Force, though he did serious damage to us all at the NSA, that much is crystal clear.
So where do these f***ing numb nuts come from? They come from our very families and circles of relations, friends, associates and colleagues. We know them! Do you really think that no one in your immediate or extended family, or circle of friends, associates and colleagues is up to similar mischief, whether on the same, or lesser, or maybe even greater scale?
Listen, I have other blood relatives who work for the Fortune 500. For the (ahem) "charitable works" division of the Fortune 500.
I mean, given the wholesale rape and plunder of all of humanity and the entire Earth that is well underway, courtesy of the Fortune 500, working hand in glove with the international bankster cabal and International War, Inc. how can anyone with a conscience plug into that? Is it the free medical? The free dental? The office door with the nameplate? The stenciled parking space? The pension plan?
As for the "charitable works" of the Fortune 500, does not the mafia also donate to orphanages?
One of my blood relatives explained his annual support for the IRS this way: "I consider that I am merely fulfilling a bureaucratic requirement."
This in spite of the SURE KNOWLEDGE that that money goes into the coffers of the very Machine that carries out drone strikes on thousands of innocents in other countries, that wages aggressive warfare and destroys country after country, that sponsors targeted assassinations on thousands of individuals, that spies on us all without cause or warrant, that has brought the whole planet to the knife's edge of all out apocalyptic nuclear warfare, and more.
And still he pays, knowing the mass murder that his money does, and still he considers himself a moral man.
How the FUCK do you do that? And I just described millions of YOU -- yes YOU, you there in Germany, New Zealand, the USA, France, Israel, the United Kingdom, etc. How do you do that?
Wasn't that essentially what the NAZis said after WW-II? They were just complying with bureaucratic directives? Just going with the flow? Just fitting in with the system?
Want to see who the real NAZIs are? They are all around. They are the ordinary people. The little people without whom the infamous tyrants that bedevil us could do nothing. Without YOU and ME they are nothing.
YOU for Christ's sake. Just going along to get along. Just sending in that blood drenched money to The Machine.
So don't ask how we got to this point, because just about every single person reading these words is involved, to some degree, in the unspeakable evil that has descended on this planet and on the human race.
How to stop it? Simple. Withdraw your support. Don't vote for the corrupt politicians in the flagrantly rigged elections. Pull your money out of the big banks. Don't work for the big corporations that are destroying this planet. Refuse military service in aggressive wars. Refuse to send money to criminal national and international taxing agencies in cahoots with criminal central banks.
Continue to do those things and we are all fucked. Period. End of story.
Or refuse to do those things and we have a chance to survive the madness that is dragging us all down to collective doom.
The Deep Politics Of It All
I think a lot of times people may think that I am speaking or writing metaphorically, but I tend to be very literal minded. And so it is with my research into secret underground and underwater bases and tunnels. They are very real, and amazingly a lot of what goes on isn't even very hidden. Please consider the underground base that the USA government is building in Israel:
U.S. overseeing mysterious construction project in Israel
America's '911' Deep Secret Bunker in Tel Aviv to Have Mezuzahs
Get it? Israel's secret "911" underground bunker. The evidence for high level Jewish and "Jewish State" involvement in the infamous 9-11 attacks in the USA on 11 September 2001 is overwhelming. Here the "Jewish State" is rubbing our faces in it and telegraphing obvious preparation for something likely to be even more spectacular -- whence the construction of the "secret" underground bunker. Though it couldn't be all that "secret", now could it, seeing as it has been openly reported in the mainstream news media? It is very much in all our faces. I guess that's what they call chutzpah.
Then there is the brand new, major, underground construction project at the White House, in Washington, Dc, that has just been finished up. Please see:
The White House Construction Project - "The Big Dig"
White House Big Dig ending, but what comes next?
Of course, this is nothing completely new. I have discussed in detail in my books previous underground projects and plans beneath the White House. For at least the past 60 years, and likely longer than that, there has been a veritable ant hill beneath the White House. There is a regular labyrinth beneath Washington, DC. This round of new, underground construction clearly has merely added to an already elaborate, subterranean maze. Millions of tourists from all over the USA and the whole world visit Washington, DC, but having visited the city never really see the reality of the place, because what exists at the surface is but an illusion, a Potemkin Village, as it were, a mirage, but a surreal reflection of a political and national fantasy that surely doesn't exist today, if it ever existed at all.
As Regards Ecuador and my Present Situation
Unfortunately the Orwellian control structure is everywhere. The entire world is a prison planet. I don't think you can escape it anywhere on this world. I can't help but notice that even a small, developing, "revolutionary" country like Ecuador is also embracing the New World Order (or having it imposed from outside, as a secret quid pro quo to avoid military invasion and occupation?). Please see:
Surveillance State: Ecuador Implements “World’s First” Countrywide Facial- and Voice-Recognition System
As I have previously alluded in my blog, I was just recently hospitalized for more than four months after having been so badly physically mistreated, that I can only describe the ordeal that I experienced as a torture session, as a prolonged criminal assault.
And by someone I trusted, the so-called "shaman" with whom I lived for a little more than a year, and whom I now regard as more brujo than shaman.
So I have filed criminal charges and the National Police are involved. I am represented by a reasonably high profile law firm in Quito.
It is not something that I wanted to do, not something that I anticipated doing, not ever in my wildest dreams, but I cannot permit myself to be gravely physically assaulted. There are certain boundaries that I owe myself.
There will be no second-guessing. I cannot permit myself to be half-killed and not respond. Would you?
Mine is an important case that actually involves more than just me, as will become apparent as the case proceeds. There are nameless others that will be positively, indirectly impacted or affected by my seeking justice. In that respect, I would observe that it is both a duty and a high privilege to defend the weak by standing up against tyrants. And by the way, that definitely also includes massive, 200 year old trees that are extremely vulnerable to being destroyed in mere minutes by $200 chain saws wielded by illegal loggers who are wreaking holy havoc in the Amazon forest. I have seen illegal logging with my own eyes and it is rampant throughout the Amazon region.
Maybe this is the appropriate time to reiterate that the first two spiritual allies who appeared to me when I drank malicagua were two Amazonian warriors. They were naked, painted in black and white pigment from head to toe, and armed with blow guns, bows and arrows, and the traditional Amazonian battle spears -- the kind that slide in easy and come out with the entrails. I said, "Buenos diás Caballeros, como están?" They were extremely sober, but not unfriendly. They were as real as anything you have ever seen in your entire life. I now suppose that they were sent to meet me for a specific purpose which will unfold over time.
They work for Pachamama and they were my welcoming committee to the Amazonian spirit world. The second ally who appeared immediately afterward was Pachamama herself. She is a six foot tall, female, mantis being, who exudes an extremely self-confident authority and exquisite femininity. It is clear to me that she administers the biosphere at a meta-level. She is Mother Nature, or the closest thing to Her that you will ever encounter. I would say that she is a being whom you simply do not cross, such is her integrity and power. She is not God, but she administers an important part of God`s creation. I deeply suspect the biosphere of the Amazon is important for the entire galaxy, and maybe beyond, as a priceless repository of biological DNA and raw life energy.
I have very little money. I am not from a wealthy family. So in one sense I have little to lose. One thing that malicagua did show me is that the man who so badly abused me has a dark, degraded side to him, which is self-evident in light of his excruciatingly painful mistreatment of me; it also indicated that indigenous culture in the Amazon is itself corrupt and degraded, that it has largely lost whatever wisdom it may once have had. The shamans/brujos are not seeking God, or higher spiritual realities, and the plants know this. Instead the shamans/brujos and much of the indigenous Amazonian culture have become degraded, corrupt and caught up in seeking personal power at other`s expense. The shamans/brujos`even try to kill each other for purposes of petty personal power. In my case, I wasn't killed, not quite, however I have so far lost the normal functioning of my ankles, feet and calves. I was very badly hurt. I am walking with crutches and painfully so. Never in my life have I experienced such pain, in my whole body, and it went on for week after week. If the "shaman" intended that I suffer, God knows that I did. I suffered deeply, and the suffering continues to this day.
Refocusing on the ongoing legal process that I have initiated, which will last for months and probably longer, I now need to raise thousands of dollars in attorneys' fees. Ecuador is like anywhere else, justice comes at a price, in money, time and suffering.
The expression, "Money talks, bullshit walks," comes to mind. Which is also more or less what my attorneys have told me. I pay their fee, and the case proceeds. I don`t pay their fee and the case languishes. The petty tyrant walks away.
A few weeks ago I sought donations via PayPal. But PayPal froze my account, specifically because I asked for donations. To unfreeze my PayPal account, I have to provide them with all sorts of documentation that I simply do not have, because it does not exist. Stuff like copies of my registration with a government regulatory authority as a bona fide political or charitable organization, copies of my bank statements, and more. I do not have a bank account. I am not an organization registered with any official regulatory agency, etc.
So while I appreciate the fact that the PayPal route could theoretically be a viable option, for me it appears to be an impossibility. I received $600 in donations in just one day, for which I was truly grateful, but then in less than 24 hours PayPal shut me down. That is the MATRIX in action. You see what I am up against? So I immediately returned all the money, before they also froze the refund option. Then a friend tried to send me $300 via Western Union, which normally takes one day or two days, and the transfer did not happen. I went to get the money and was told it was not there. It took him TWENTY e-mails with Western Union, and eight days of effort, to straighten the thing out. What usually happens in one day or two took eight days and prolonged effort on my benefactor´s part to ram the transfer through. So it looks like someone or something does not want me to have even a few hundred dollars, while corrupt fat cats routinely transfer hundreds of millions and billions of dollars all over the place, every day, without any problem.
Now I understand very well what I am up against, and why it is so important to proceed. That level of resistance can only mean that what I am doing matters, and should be pursued.
I want to say here that at a deeper level the struggle really is not about me as an individual -- I just happen to conspicuously be out front, because so many other people are crapping in their panties, afraid to stick their necks out for anything important that really matters.
The outcome of my particular case ultimately has to do with addressing the criminal corruption of an important segment of South American shamanism and Amazonian indigenous culture, and also, if my intention proves out, has to do with facilitating reforestation of the Amazon and other regions of South America, cleaning the swamps, beaches and estuaries of South America, providing justice and therapy for victims of violent crime, and so forth. Pachamama - Important Mantis Lady is very concerned about all of these things, and so She (or I myself?) has (have?) placed me in position to see it all very clearly and also to do something about it. I am simply a catalyst to help jump start certain other people, and they do exist; they have important work to do that they are ready and willing to do. I am simply here to help prepare the way, and while it has been excruciatingly painful and dangerous for me, no one ever said it would be easy. None of us has has been promised a smooth or easy path, and yet all of these things and more must be done
And if I, and we, do not do these things, then who the hell will? And so it falls to me, and to thee, to begin. Here is where we are and so here is where we start. Me here in Ecuador and you wherever you may happen to be.
To a degree I am a marginalized person in the world, though not of the world in the same ways that a lot of other people are (especially a lot of people in the USA, Europe, Australia, Canada, etc.). In that regard, living in a developing country in South America is probably just the place for me to be. The whole Earth and the entire human race stand in deep need of healing -- that includes me and South America, and you and all the rest of the world.
We are in a great cosmic card game and this is the hand we have been dealt. It is as it is, and so we proceed with the inner and outer resources at our disposal, because we have no other option.
I have never sought a life of luxury and ease. Big cars, mansions, large bank accounts, lots of bling and that sort of thing have never been my goals.
Farther down the line, I would ideally like to use the finca where the crime(s) against me occurred as a center or base of operations to help coordinate the reforestation of the Amazon and other regions of South America -- a complex and years-long endeavor, to be sure. It would/could be a hub to coordinate and link the myriad groups and agencies in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, etc. that are working, often in isolation, on local tree planting and reforestation efforts. One of the things that malicagua showed me is that I will be involved in future tree planting in Ecuador. I don't know precisely how or exactly when or where, but I saw the trees, mature trees, as well as saplings and seedlings sprouting up.
I also foresee other hubs for marine environment remediation and social justice efforts in other places. Everything starts with a small seed. There are vast trees here in the South American forests that sprout from tiny little seeds, and send out huge branches, that stem from immense trunks, and provide shelter for bird nests, blossoms for bees to make honey and nectar for humming birds, and much more. That is the analogy in my mind.
One man´s evil against me can be transformed, and ought to be, in a sort of alchemical process, and turned into a great lesson that eventuates in tremendous good for untold millions and billions of other living entities, both human and non-human. That can happen, all of that and more, and it begins right here, right now, with the legal process that I have initiated. And it grows from that.
It starts with me, not that it has to, but just because I happened to have gotten run over on the highway of life and having lived to tell the tale, have decided to do something about it that entails more than just whine and cry.
So who can and will help with financial support for my thousands of dollars of legal fees? If you can help, if you are able and willing, contact me and we'll work out the details. The need is both present and future.
I can see Pachamama's doing in so many things now. I was almost slain, and the truth of it is that in my months in the public hospitals here I have watched other men die; they are there one minute and the next minute they very quietly slip away. If you weren't paying close attention you wouldn't even notice their passing. People think it's hard to die, when in fact it's very easy. It's living a worthy life, a life with significance and meaning, that is difficult.
A Word About the Many Sink Holes, Booms and Earth Tremblings Being Reported Globally
Linda Moulton Howe (one of my favorite people) has been reporting for some time on the many sink holes, huge, loud booms and unexplained explosions and ground shaking being reported from all over the world.
This reminded me of one of my most interesting interviewees over the last twenty years. I am talking about a polymath, genius or near genius level IQ, with expertise in geology, mechanical and industrial engineering, mathematics, chemistry, rocket engineering, lunar science and more. He worked for decades at a very high level in the Top Secret alphabet soup, including at Area 51 with Edward Teller. I once asked him if he ever worked with an extraterrestrial. His answer was interesting. He did not say "yes" or "no," instead he said, "I don't know." And then he added that the subject of extraterrestrials and UFOs was certainly a topic of discussion in the cafeteria at Area 51.
Anyway, I asked him about the issue of the huge, deep underground earthquakes, the ones that occur hundreds of miles beneath the surface. He told me they are likely attributable to phase changes in the state of matter, from liquid to solid, for example, or vice versa, or from crystalline to another state, or vice versa, etc. I asked him what constituted the core of the Earth. He told me that the truth is that no one knows for sure -- is it a plasma, super dense metal, hollow, a vacuum, something else? No one can say for sure. This is a man who worked at the very highest levels of the American military-industrial complex in the second half of the 20th century, on a lot of sensitive projects.
I spent many hours in personal conversation with him, including talking about evidence of previous pole flips or sudden pole meandering and precipitous climate change -- IN ONE DAY! There are certainly people in the military-industrial complex who have an awareness of these things.
One of the things he told me was to pay attention to the books of Immanuel Velikovsky, which of course deal with planetary and solar system upheaval, when the planets go walk about and cause cataclysmic geological upheaval here on Earth.
This would include stupendous inter-planetary electrical discharges, as the various bodies seek electrical equilibrium, producing apocalyptic, atmospheric energy displays.
We are just in beginning days of great changes, based on what I've seen in a lot of my dreams and visions. What happens in the Earth's core can take a period of years to work its way out to the surface.
Got any popcorn?
Speaking of Whatever
Orion Group
Galaxy Resources
The Mars Group
Venus Metals
Mars Metal
Jupiter Mines
Saturn Minerals
Neptune Minerals
Sirius Minerals
Aldebaran Partners
A Fond South Texas Echo
And finally, a little something from my Texas Hill Country days, a snippet from a Doug Sahm concert in Switzerland, with that big, hard driving, South Texas sound. You can hear echos of the dance hall in Luckenbach, and those sauna hot summer nights with the dry droning of the cicadas as the huge, full moon rises up over the Balcones Escarpment and washes over the countryside. So many memories of a time and people and places I will never see again.
They get rolling about 33 seconds in:
Dynamite Woman
I have been reading at Joseph Farrell's works, and he has a part of it, a lot of the facts, as regards events on this planet and in this solar system, though I do not always share his interpretation of the salient facts. Especially with respect to the Giza monuments, I believe he has misinterpreted their original purpose. The pyramids and other structures there are certainly massive, powerful, universally resonant machines, but my opinion is that, at least initially, they were not conceived and constructed as engines of war, but as stabilizing, harmonious, time-space anchors, if you will, in a highly unstable and discordant time and place, to wit, Earth of the past several tens of thousands of years.
Two of the most powerful terrestrial factions currently vying for supremacy on this planet are the Fascists and the Zionists, both of whom closely embrace hyper-violence as their preferred mode of operation. Which is another way of saying that they are more similar, than dissimilar. They want to rule you, and they don't mind killing large numbers of people to achieve their objective. This conflict has been ongoing for millennia. The opening scene from the movie, Gladiator, is instructive. It accurately depicts just one of the myriad military battles over untold thousands of years, for control over this one, small planet, a small planet that for whatever reason is a very fought over chess piece in a very long-raging galactic conflict.
Opening scene from Gladiator
Think that what happened thousands of years ago has nothing to do with you today? On the contrary, the project that the Romans were so bloodily pursuing is with us to the present day. It morphs and waxes and wanes, but it never goes away. It is part of the very fabric of this planet's reality stream for, lo, these many, untold thousands of years now. Interestingly, the Roman Catholic Pope carries titles and functions to this day, that he inherited from the imperial Caesars of ancient Rome; titles such as Pontifex Maximus, a title carried by Julius Caesar and other Roman emperors. The title conferred religious and political authority and was the highest religious office in ancient Rome. Among other duties, the Pontifex Maximus was in charge of ensuring the peace of the gods and regulating the calendar (whence the Julian calendar of Julius Caesar). The Roman Catholic Pope also carries the title of Summus Pontifex, referring to his continuing the office of ancient Jewish High Priest of Jerusalem. There is abundant evidence for all of this, and you can find the beginning of the trail here. And the more you dig, the more you will find. No doubt this explains much about the medieval Crusades, in which powerful Roman catholic factions were heavily involved in vying for control of Jerusalem, and present-day stories such as
Vatican also wants Jerusalem?
These power struggles go back millennia. My relationship with Richard Dolan, who has published my latest book on secret underground and underwater bases and tunnels, actually began with a extremely lengthy, detailed, back and forth exchange of e-mails on just these sorts of issues. Richard started out by telling me that he is a historian (which is true) and that I had no idea what I was talking about. In the end he sent me an e-mail in which he said, "You know what? - you're right. I actually agree with you." We've been on good terms ever since.
Richard also happens to know quite a lot about UFOs and the cover-up of that reality by the USA government, military and espionage agencies. (More about UFOs later in this post; they are also involved in this millennia-long, multidimensional, galactic chess game, and there are factions within factions, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial.)
But back to the Middle East and the ongoing, global chess game that has been raging for tens and even hundreds of thousands of years, with interplanetary and galactic implications. Here I am referring to the work of Joseph Farrell and Zecharia Sitchen; even if I do not always agree with all of the conclusions they draw from the available evidence, I do respect their broad conclusion that the evidence points to just such an inconceivably ancient and far-ranging conflict, with implications and ramifications right down to the present day. I must also mention Richard Hoagland in this context, as the bulk of his work also yields a similar conclusion. A better bet than the pyramid at Giza, in my view, for an engine of war against the exploded planet Maldek (now reduced to the rubble known as the Asteroid Belt) would be the pyramid at Cydonia, on Mars, or perhaps the moon of Saturn, Iapetus, which I accept is an extremely ancient, very heavily damaged and eroded artificial body, quite possibly built by our Ur-ancient ancestors, as per Hoagland's thesis, or by another galactic faction, and clearly used by George Lucas as a template for the planet-busting "Death Star," in his Star Wars series of movies about ancient, galactic warfare.
In the context of the present, ongoing battle for control of this planet, it is often said that the Americans play checkers, but the Russians play chess, and masterfully so. To wit, I can't help but notice the Kremlin's announcement in recent days that the heavy cruiser, Admiral Kuznetsov, would be rejoining the Russian Mediterranean fleet for exercises later this year.
Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier to start long-range mission in Mediterranean in late 2013
It is a certainty that the Russian fleet. and the Kuznetsov, carry a variety of nuclear weapons and missiles. This may be regarded as a Russian chess maneuver, a pointed "check" move, to counter the ongoing Zionist warfare raging against Syria. Of course, "check mate," would constitute decisive use of the Russian fleet's armament against Zionist interests. For a whole host of interesting reasons, notwithstanding a heavy involvement with NAZI elements in the post-WWII period, the USA government is nowadays also heavily involved with and supportive of, the Zionist regime in Israel. It's one hell of a violently confused chess match, with plenty of high stakes drama, that much is for sure.
Minot AFB and UFOs
There are plenty of elements, the game is ever-shifting and fast moving. Given the nature of modern military technology, a global holocaust could literally be unleashed in mere minutes, with unimaginable consequences. That is why I found the recent development at Minot Air Force Base, in North Dakota, very puzzling.
Air Force sidelines 17 ICBM officers at Minot AFB
Read the story. These are missile control officers, the officers who are supposed to unquestioningly launch nuclear missiles when they receive the orders to do so. But something happened, there was a readiness drill, or something like that, and a whole pile of officers did not perform as expected -- or as ordered? This is pure speculation on my part, but were they perhaps ordered to perform a unilateral nuclear strike against another country? And did they perhaps refuse those orders?
I wonder. I really do.
Interestingly, there is a history at Minot Air Force Base of UFOs deactivating nuclear missiles in their silos, back in the 1960s. Of course, I was arrested in April of 2010 for conducting a nonviolent, peace demonstration on a nuclear missile silo at Minot AFB. See my Minot Manifesto which I issued to the public and the press on 15 April 2010. As I was being taken away to jail that morning, I overheard chatter on the police radio about a UFO, before the arresting officer turned the radio to another channel. Indeed, the US Air Force did mount a vigorous helicopter air patrol, for miles around the silo site. There were helicopters swarming all over then place, like hornets buzzing around a riled up hornet's nest.
This interests me because of what happened about a half year later, at another US Air Force missile field in the USA, where simultaneous with shutting down a whole wing of nuclear missiles, a huge, cylindrical UFO was seen hovering overhead. Please see
Huge UFO Sighted Near Nuclear Missiles During October 2010 Launch System Disruption
I suspect that these events are also related to events in Arkansas in 1980. In the fall of 1980, after the explosion of a Titan II nuclear missile in a silo near Damascus, Arkansas I conducted my first, nonviolent, peace demonstration at a nuclear missile silo. I traveled up from the Louisiana Gulf Coast, where I was then working as a miner, in the Morton salt mine at Weeks Island, Louisiana. I went over the fence onto the silo and was shortly thereafter detained by heavily armed US Air Force military police and then jailed in Jacksonville, Arkansas.
A couple of other interesting things happened that morning. Of course, the arrival of Air Force security is always an attention grabber. When you watch other men chamber live ammunition in automatic rifles and then level the rifles directly at your head, from 50 yards away, such that you are looking directly down the barrels of said rifles, well, that does concentrate the mind wonderfully. Everything slows way down into freeze frame action and you become real calm and deliberate in your actions and movements.
But just before the military patrol arrived, there were other, uh, "visitors." And they were so ordinary. They pulled up right in front of the entrance to the silo, and parked there with a "flat" tire, just seconds after I went over the fence. I actually had the vivid realization that I knew those people, though I could not say then or now, just exactly how I knew them, or from where, or exactly who they were. Yet, I knew of a surety that I knew them, and knew them very well. So strong and vivid was that knowing that I very nearly got down from the silo and climbed back over the fence to go and greet them. But the military patrol showed up at that juncture, so I quickly nixed that idea. The military personnel actually thought that the "visitors" had tripped the silo alarm and engaged them first, before noticing my presence on the silo, whereupon they focused their attention, and their weapons, on me.
It was all very surreal. Nuclear missiles have a very dark, brooding presence. And in the case of the Titan II missiles, each silo also had an other-wordly-looking radio antenna array, associated with the telemetry electronics for each missile. The whole array was like something from another planet.
It is only in recent months that I have become aware of overflights of that same region in the fall of 1980 of a large, cylindrical, cigar-shaped, UFO.
Witness Recounts UFO Activity After Titan II (Nuclear) Missile Explosion
This is strongly reminiscent of the huge, cigar shaped UFO seen in October of 2010 over the US Air Force nuclear missile field at Warren Air Force Base on the border of Wyoming and Colorado.
Interestingly, in 1981 when I staged another nonviolent, peace demonstration on yet another nuclear missile silo at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, I had the impression that there was a mammoth UFO hovering just overhead, but invisibly cloaked. I saw nothing on that occasion, but the reaction of the military police was very unusual. In my physical presence they opened up the hatch to the nuclear missile and physically climbed underground to inspect it, taking their rifles along underground. Only after a prolonged inspection did they reemerge and eventually take me to jail. The obvious conclusion is that an unknown "something" occurred underground at that nuclear missile silo, in connection with and during my nonviolent peace protest, though exactly what that "something" might have been was then, and remains now, completely unknown to my conscious awareness.
Perhaps this is the place to mention that over the years I have seen a great many UFOs, most frequently orbs and spheres, of various sizes and colors.
I saw a lot of orbs and spheres when I lived in Albuquerque [including some very large spheres of various colors (not hot air balloons)] right over the Northeast Heights and Sandia Mountains. I also saw arc-weld-brilliant orbs frolicking over the southern Sandias, as well as clusters of beach-ball-sized, grey spheres flying right alongside and behind the military fighter jets that fly out of Kirtland. Then there were the bright, glowing spheres that always appeared on the slopes of the Manzano underground base whenever I would watch it for awhile with binoculars. There are a whole bunch of red and orange spheres that fly around San Antonio, Texas at low altitude at dusk or early evening. I have seen them many times in the years I lived there. Perhaps they have something to do with the multiple underground bases that the US Air Force, the US Army and the US National Security Agency (NSA) have in the San Antonio area. One of my most vivid orb sightings was on approach to LAX airport in Los Angeles, California, about 15 years ago. On that occasion, a cherry red orb about the size of a beach ball flew right under the jetliner in my plain view. And here in Ecuador, just a couple of months ago, I saw a robin-egg-blue orb fly right past my hospital window in central Quito; it came flying back in the opposite direction about a half hour later. I watched it recede into the distance toward the north, and then a bunch of much larger, white ones in the following few days meandered over the mountain side in my full view. They were very deliberate in their movements. It has got me wondering what might be inside or beneath the mountain that looms over Quito.
I have no definitive idea as to why I see so many UFOs and what they may be up to, or where they come from. Am I looking at them, or are they looking at me, or at something else entirely? Who knows? If you do, please enlighten me. My e-mail address is displayed on this blog site for your ease of communication with me.
The Verdict Is In
In an earlier blog post, I mentioned that the USA had entered a 300 day trial period.
Well, the verdict is in, and America is sliding straight towards dictatorship, exactly as indicated by my ayahuasca vision of last year, which depicted an ugly period of approaching dictatorship.
It does not have to be this way, but for whatever reason it is. Consider please:
Everyone is fair game: Spy agency conducts surveillance on all US citizens
Massive New Surveillance Program Uncovered by Wall Street Journal
TSA Moves to Sovietize Internal Travel
U.S. Terrorism Agency to Tap a Vast Database of Citizens
'Everyone in US under virtual surveillance' - NSA whistleblower
How is all this happening? It's a dystopian nightmare that is playing out in real life on our home planet. So how does that happen?
It happens because people that you and I know, maybe even "you," yes, "you" there in the USA, Israel, Australia, Germany, France, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, etc., "you" and the people you know, and members of your family, vote corrupt politicians into office, send money to your criminally corrupt national taxing agency that helps fund the rampant insanity we see on every hand, and you or people you know, or members of your family take part in the many insane wars that plague our planet and our species. For example, a blood relative of mine, who is a high level computer programmer, has worked at a very high level for the USA Air Force and the National Security Agency, notably in San Antonio, Texas (San Antonio is a major NSA center of activity) and also other locations. He told me that he led a team that redesigned the NSA's computing architecture, such that the increased efficiency saved the NSA something like $7 billion in operating expenses. I remain ignorant of exactly what he did for the US Air Force, though he did serious damage to us all at the NSA, that much is crystal clear.
So where do these f***ing numb nuts come from? They come from our very families and circles of relations, friends, associates and colleagues. We know them! Do you really think that no one in your immediate or extended family, or circle of friends, associates and colleagues is up to similar mischief, whether on the same, or lesser, or maybe even greater scale?
Listen, I have other blood relatives who work for the Fortune 500. For the (ahem) "charitable works" division of the Fortune 500.
I mean, given the wholesale rape and plunder of all of humanity and the entire Earth that is well underway, courtesy of the Fortune 500, working hand in glove with the international bankster cabal and International War, Inc. how can anyone with a conscience plug into that? Is it the free medical? The free dental? The office door with the nameplate? The stenciled parking space? The pension plan?
As for the "charitable works" of the Fortune 500, does not the mafia also donate to orphanages?
One of my blood relatives explained his annual support for the IRS this way: "I consider that I am merely fulfilling a bureaucratic requirement."
This in spite of the SURE KNOWLEDGE that that money goes into the coffers of the very Machine that carries out drone strikes on thousands of innocents in other countries, that wages aggressive warfare and destroys country after country, that sponsors targeted assassinations on thousands of individuals, that spies on us all without cause or warrant, that has brought the whole planet to the knife's edge of all out apocalyptic nuclear warfare, and more.
And still he pays, knowing the mass murder that his money does, and still he considers himself a moral man.
How the FUCK do you do that? And I just described millions of YOU -- yes YOU, you there in Germany, New Zealand, the USA, France, Israel, the United Kingdom, etc. How do you do that?
Wasn't that essentially what the NAZis said after WW-II? They were just complying with bureaucratic directives? Just going with the flow? Just fitting in with the system?
Want to see who the real NAZIs are? They are all around. They are the ordinary people. The little people without whom the infamous tyrants that bedevil us could do nothing. Without YOU and ME they are nothing.
YOU for Christ's sake. Just going along to get along. Just sending in that blood drenched money to The Machine.
So don't ask how we got to this point, because just about every single person reading these words is involved, to some degree, in the unspeakable evil that has descended on this planet and on the human race.
How to stop it? Simple. Withdraw your support. Don't vote for the corrupt politicians in the flagrantly rigged elections. Pull your money out of the big banks. Don't work for the big corporations that are destroying this planet. Refuse military service in aggressive wars. Refuse to send money to criminal national and international taxing agencies in cahoots with criminal central banks.
Continue to do those things and we are all fucked. Period. End of story.
Or refuse to do those things and we have a chance to survive the madness that is dragging us all down to collective doom.
The Deep Politics Of It All
I think a lot of times people may think that I am speaking or writing metaphorically, but I tend to be very literal minded. And so it is with my research into secret underground and underwater bases and tunnels. They are very real, and amazingly a lot of what goes on isn't even very hidden. Please consider the underground base that the USA government is building in Israel:
U.S. overseeing mysterious construction project in Israel
America's '911' Deep Secret Bunker in Tel Aviv to Have Mezuzahs
Get it? Israel's secret "911" underground bunker. The evidence for high level Jewish and "Jewish State" involvement in the infamous 9-11 attacks in the USA on 11 September 2001 is overwhelming. Here the "Jewish State" is rubbing our faces in it and telegraphing obvious preparation for something likely to be even more spectacular -- whence the construction of the "secret" underground bunker. Though it couldn't be all that "secret", now could it, seeing as it has been openly reported in the mainstream news media? It is very much in all our faces. I guess that's what they call chutzpah.
Then there is the brand new, major, underground construction project at the White House, in Washington, Dc, that has just been finished up. Please see:
The White House Construction Project - "The Big Dig"
White House Big Dig ending, but what comes next?
Of course, this is nothing completely new. I have discussed in detail in my books previous underground projects and plans beneath the White House. For at least the past 60 years, and likely longer than that, there has been a veritable ant hill beneath the White House. There is a regular labyrinth beneath Washington, DC. This round of new, underground construction clearly has merely added to an already elaborate, subterranean maze. Millions of tourists from all over the USA and the whole world visit Washington, DC, but having visited the city never really see the reality of the place, because what exists at the surface is but an illusion, a Potemkin Village, as it were, a mirage, but a surreal reflection of a political and national fantasy that surely doesn't exist today, if it ever existed at all.
As Regards Ecuador and my Present Situation
Unfortunately the Orwellian control structure is everywhere. The entire world is a prison planet. I don't think you can escape it anywhere on this world. I can't help but notice that even a small, developing, "revolutionary" country like Ecuador is also embracing the New World Order (or having it imposed from outside, as a secret quid pro quo to avoid military invasion and occupation?). Please see:
Surveillance State: Ecuador Implements “World’s First” Countrywide Facial- and Voice-Recognition System
As I have previously alluded in my blog, I was just recently hospitalized for more than four months after having been so badly physically mistreated, that I can only describe the ordeal that I experienced as a torture session, as a prolonged criminal assault.
And by someone I trusted, the so-called "shaman" with whom I lived for a little more than a year, and whom I now regard as more brujo than shaman.
So I have filed criminal charges and the National Police are involved. I am represented by a reasonably high profile law firm in Quito.
It is not something that I wanted to do, not something that I anticipated doing, not ever in my wildest dreams, but I cannot permit myself to be gravely physically assaulted. There are certain boundaries that I owe myself.
There will be no second-guessing. I cannot permit myself to be half-killed and not respond. Would you?
Mine is an important case that actually involves more than just me, as will become apparent as the case proceeds. There are nameless others that will be positively, indirectly impacted or affected by my seeking justice. In that respect, I would observe that it is both a duty and a high privilege to defend the weak by standing up against tyrants. And by the way, that definitely also includes massive, 200 year old trees that are extremely vulnerable to being destroyed in mere minutes by $200 chain saws wielded by illegal loggers who are wreaking holy havoc in the Amazon forest. I have seen illegal logging with my own eyes and it is rampant throughout the Amazon region.
Maybe this is the appropriate time to reiterate that the first two spiritual allies who appeared to me when I drank malicagua were two Amazonian warriors. They were naked, painted in black and white pigment from head to toe, and armed with blow guns, bows and arrows, and the traditional Amazonian battle spears -- the kind that slide in easy and come out with the entrails. I said, "Buenos diás Caballeros, como están?" They were extremely sober, but not unfriendly. They were as real as anything you have ever seen in your entire life. I now suppose that they were sent to meet me for a specific purpose which will unfold over time.
They work for Pachamama and they were my welcoming committee to the Amazonian spirit world. The second ally who appeared immediately afterward was Pachamama herself. She is a six foot tall, female, mantis being, who exudes an extremely self-confident authority and exquisite femininity. It is clear to me that she administers the biosphere at a meta-level. She is Mother Nature, or the closest thing to Her that you will ever encounter. I would say that she is a being whom you simply do not cross, such is her integrity and power. She is not God, but she administers an important part of God`s creation. I deeply suspect the biosphere of the Amazon is important for the entire galaxy, and maybe beyond, as a priceless repository of biological DNA and raw life energy.
I have very little money. I am not from a wealthy family. So in one sense I have little to lose. One thing that malicagua did show me is that the man who so badly abused me has a dark, degraded side to him, which is self-evident in light of his excruciatingly painful mistreatment of me; it also indicated that indigenous culture in the Amazon is itself corrupt and degraded, that it has largely lost whatever wisdom it may once have had. The shamans/brujos are not seeking God, or higher spiritual realities, and the plants know this. Instead the shamans/brujos and much of the indigenous Amazonian culture have become degraded, corrupt and caught up in seeking personal power at other`s expense. The shamans/brujos`even try to kill each other for purposes of petty personal power. In my case, I wasn't killed, not quite, however I have so far lost the normal functioning of my ankles, feet and calves. I was very badly hurt. I am walking with crutches and painfully so. Never in my life have I experienced such pain, in my whole body, and it went on for week after week. If the "shaman" intended that I suffer, God knows that I did. I suffered deeply, and the suffering continues to this day.
Refocusing on the ongoing legal process that I have initiated, which will last for months and probably longer, I now need to raise thousands of dollars in attorneys' fees. Ecuador is like anywhere else, justice comes at a price, in money, time and suffering.
The expression, "Money talks, bullshit walks," comes to mind. Which is also more or less what my attorneys have told me. I pay their fee, and the case proceeds. I don`t pay their fee and the case languishes. The petty tyrant walks away.
A few weeks ago I sought donations via PayPal. But PayPal froze my account, specifically because I asked for donations. To unfreeze my PayPal account, I have to provide them with all sorts of documentation that I simply do not have, because it does not exist. Stuff like copies of my registration with a government regulatory authority as a bona fide political or charitable organization, copies of my bank statements, and more. I do not have a bank account. I am not an organization registered with any official regulatory agency, etc.
So while I appreciate the fact that the PayPal route could theoretically be a viable option, for me it appears to be an impossibility. I received $600 in donations in just one day, for which I was truly grateful, but then in less than 24 hours PayPal shut me down. That is the MATRIX in action. You see what I am up against? So I immediately returned all the money, before they also froze the refund option. Then a friend tried to send me $300 via Western Union, which normally takes one day or two days, and the transfer did not happen. I went to get the money and was told it was not there. It took him TWENTY e-mails with Western Union, and eight days of effort, to straighten the thing out. What usually happens in one day or two took eight days and prolonged effort on my benefactor´s part to ram the transfer through. So it looks like someone or something does not want me to have even a few hundred dollars, while corrupt fat cats routinely transfer hundreds of millions and billions of dollars all over the place, every day, without any problem.
Now I understand very well what I am up against, and why it is so important to proceed. That level of resistance can only mean that what I am doing matters, and should be pursued.
I want to say here that at a deeper level the struggle really is not about me as an individual -- I just happen to conspicuously be out front, because so many other people are crapping in their panties, afraid to stick their necks out for anything important that really matters.
The outcome of my particular case ultimately has to do with addressing the criminal corruption of an important segment of South American shamanism and Amazonian indigenous culture, and also, if my intention proves out, has to do with facilitating reforestation of the Amazon and other regions of South America, cleaning the swamps, beaches and estuaries of South America, providing justice and therapy for victims of violent crime, and so forth. Pachamama - Important Mantis Lady is very concerned about all of these things, and so She (or I myself?) has (have?) placed me in position to see it all very clearly and also to do something about it. I am simply a catalyst to help jump start certain other people, and they do exist; they have important work to do that they are ready and willing to do. I am simply here to help prepare the way, and while it has been excruciatingly painful and dangerous for me, no one ever said it would be easy. None of us has has been promised a smooth or easy path, and yet all of these things and more must be done
And if I, and we, do not do these things, then who the hell will? And so it falls to me, and to thee, to begin. Here is where we are and so here is where we start. Me here in Ecuador and you wherever you may happen to be.
To a degree I am a marginalized person in the world, though not of the world in the same ways that a lot of other people are (especially a lot of people in the USA, Europe, Australia, Canada, etc.). In that regard, living in a developing country in South America is probably just the place for me to be. The whole Earth and the entire human race stand in deep need of healing -- that includes me and South America, and you and all the rest of the world.
We are in a great cosmic card game and this is the hand we have been dealt. It is as it is, and so we proceed with the inner and outer resources at our disposal, because we have no other option.
I have never sought a life of luxury and ease. Big cars, mansions, large bank accounts, lots of bling and that sort of thing have never been my goals.
Farther down the line, I would ideally like to use the finca where the crime(s) against me occurred as a center or base of operations to help coordinate the reforestation of the Amazon and other regions of South America -- a complex and years-long endeavor, to be sure. It would/could be a hub to coordinate and link the myriad groups and agencies in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, etc. that are working, often in isolation, on local tree planting and reforestation efforts. One of the things that malicagua showed me is that I will be involved in future tree planting in Ecuador. I don't know precisely how or exactly when or where, but I saw the trees, mature trees, as well as saplings and seedlings sprouting up.
I also foresee other hubs for marine environment remediation and social justice efforts in other places. Everything starts with a small seed. There are vast trees here in the South American forests that sprout from tiny little seeds, and send out huge branches, that stem from immense trunks, and provide shelter for bird nests, blossoms for bees to make honey and nectar for humming birds, and much more. That is the analogy in my mind.
One man´s evil against me can be transformed, and ought to be, in a sort of alchemical process, and turned into a great lesson that eventuates in tremendous good for untold millions and billions of other living entities, both human and non-human. That can happen, all of that and more, and it begins right here, right now, with the legal process that I have initiated. And it grows from that.
It starts with me, not that it has to, but just because I happened to have gotten run over on the highway of life and having lived to tell the tale, have decided to do something about it that entails more than just whine and cry.
So who can and will help with financial support for my thousands of dollars of legal fees? If you can help, if you are able and willing, contact me and we'll work out the details. The need is both present and future.
I can see Pachamama's doing in so many things now. I was almost slain, and the truth of it is that in my months in the public hospitals here I have watched other men die; they are there one minute and the next minute they very quietly slip away. If you weren't paying close attention you wouldn't even notice their passing. People think it's hard to die, when in fact it's very easy. It's living a worthy life, a life with significance and meaning, that is difficult.
A Word About the Many Sink Holes, Booms and Earth Tremblings Being Reported Globally
Linda Moulton Howe (one of my favorite people) has been reporting for some time on the many sink holes, huge, loud booms and unexplained explosions and ground shaking being reported from all over the world.
This reminded me of one of my most interesting interviewees over the last twenty years. I am talking about a polymath, genius or near genius level IQ, with expertise in geology, mechanical and industrial engineering, mathematics, chemistry, rocket engineering, lunar science and more. He worked for decades at a very high level in the Top Secret alphabet soup, including at Area 51 with Edward Teller. I once asked him if he ever worked with an extraterrestrial. His answer was interesting. He did not say "yes" or "no," instead he said, "I don't know." And then he added that the subject of extraterrestrials and UFOs was certainly a topic of discussion in the cafeteria at Area 51.
Anyway, I asked him about the issue of the huge, deep underground earthquakes, the ones that occur hundreds of miles beneath the surface. He told me they are likely attributable to phase changes in the state of matter, from liquid to solid, for example, or vice versa, or from crystalline to another state, or vice versa, etc. I asked him what constituted the core of the Earth. He told me that the truth is that no one knows for sure -- is it a plasma, super dense metal, hollow, a vacuum, something else? No one can say for sure. This is a man who worked at the very highest levels of the American military-industrial complex in the second half of the 20th century, on a lot of sensitive projects.
I spent many hours in personal conversation with him, including talking about evidence of previous pole flips or sudden pole meandering and precipitous climate change -- IN ONE DAY! There are certainly people in the military-industrial complex who have an awareness of these things.
One of the things he told me was to pay attention to the books of Immanuel Velikovsky, which of course deal with planetary and solar system upheaval, when the planets go walk about and cause cataclysmic geological upheaval here on Earth.
This would include stupendous inter-planetary electrical discharges, as the various bodies seek electrical equilibrium, producing apocalyptic, atmospheric energy displays.
We are just in beginning days of great changes, based on what I've seen in a lot of my dreams and visions. What happens in the Earth's core can take a period of years to work its way out to the surface.
Got any popcorn?
Speaking of Whatever
Orion Group
Galaxy Resources
The Mars Group
Venus Metals
Mars Metal
Jupiter Mines
Saturn Minerals
Neptune Minerals
Sirius Minerals
Aldebaran Partners
A Fond South Texas Echo
And finally, a little something from my Texas Hill Country days, a snippet from a Doug Sahm concert in Switzerland, with that big, hard driving, South Texas sound. You can hear echos of the dance hall in Luckenbach, and those sauna hot summer nights with the dry droning of the cicadas as the huge, full moon rises up over the Balcones Escarpment and washes over the countryside. So many memories of a time and people and places I will never see again.
They get rolling about 33 seconds in:
Dynamite Woman
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