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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

As The USSA Spirals Down The Drain

Looking at the partial government shutdown in the USSA from a vantage point thousands of miles away, it is easy to see the current political-economic dysfunction in Washington, DC as one more mile marker on the road to collapse. Obviously things cannot continue as they are for much longer, and so they ineluctably will not!

The shutdown is now in the second month. Maybe it will end tomorrow, or next week, or maybe it will drag on for another couple of months, or six months, or maybe the government in Washington, DC will just fall apart like the Soviet Union did in 1991, and the USSA will splinter into a successor series of several different states, independent republics, semi-autonomous regions: Kingdom of Hawaii, Republic of Texas, Affiliated Pacific Northwestern States, Federated Territories and States of the Great Plains, Great Lakes Alliance, Confederated States of Dixie & Southern Appalachia, Navajo Nation, Sanctified Mormon Kingdom of the Latter Day Saints of the Great Basin, Ye Olde New England Confederation, The Great East Coast 40 Million Person Conurban-Megalopolis, and so forth.

Whatever happens next, you can be sure that the USSA and the world have crossed a boundary into new political and economic territory. Donald Trump is a wounded political animal. The USSA is a wounded beast. The people of the USSA are divided, confused, angry, bitter, exploited, tired and defeated.

We are looking at the end game. The USSA is turning downright vicious. Lamentably, things may deteriorate yet more as the collapse progresses.

The way I see it, Trump has been sent in as a human wrecking ball to deliver the coup de grâce to bring the entire false façade of the monstrosity that is the USSA crashing down.  His psychology, predilections, points of weakness and vulnerability,  and emotional hot buttons have all been scrutinized and mapped in great detail by those who pull his strings from behind the scenes.  And, brother, are they ever pulling his strings and pushing his buttons! There is much more to come, that's how it looks to me. We may still be in early days of this spectacle. From my perspective, the whole drama has long been schemed, plotted, charted and arranged to take place and Donald Trump is the anointed one, the chosen puppet, the fatuous, bloviating clown sent in to do the honors.

Oh, yes, Dear Reader, there is going to be a reset, and how! Get yourself ready, because what follows is on its way, as surely as night follows day.

The Trumpies don't get it! They are as oblivious as the Libtards. 

I know what I'm talking about. The next few years are going to be quite something for those who survive; and maybe almost everyone will, or maybe very large numbers of people will not. We'll know soon enough. In recent centuries, great economic and societal turmoil are often accompanied by major warfare. Maybe that will be true again, or maybe major warfare can be avoided this time around. Given the sort of world-busting, civilization-ending weaponry that is deployed by major military powers these days, I very much desire that major warfare can be avoided.

But rest assured that things will be changing greatly, indeed, the great changes have now begun. I get e-mail from a  lot of people, many of them in the USSA and the despair in their communications is palpable. Just today I heard from a woman, a career teacher, who has been egregiously raked over the coals in the collapsing educational system. She has had the last straw and is looking for the exit. She wants to leave the USSA and relocate to South America. I heard today from another reader who is also being raked over the coals in his profession and just wants to get the f*ck out of the USSA. With his permission I reproduce the salient part of his e-mail below. Read it and weep. It is a story that is being played out in millions of lives right now, all over the USSA.  This is a brutal take down of YOU, since the majority of my readers either live in the USSA or are expats who hold USSA passports. The e-mail follows in bold print.

I am going to get straight to the point.

My life has been destroyed by Corporate restructuring.

Job roles have changed and people's pay have been slashed.

The Corporation I work for took four of the part time hourly managers and demoted them to floor staff for $8.50 an hour.

Three of the five Associate Managers were demoted to "Team Leaders" in charge of Floor Staff for $10.25 an hour.

Two of the Associate Mangers were made into Assistant Mangers for $13.25 an hour.

I was one of the Full Time Associates Managers assigned to Film Administration making $19.51 and hour.

I was demoted to a "Team Leader" assigned to Floor Staff Operations making $10.25 an hour.

I am no longer able to do any computer work or have access to Management Offices.

All of my keys to the building have been taken from me.

I am no longer allowed to work on the Theatre Management System building and programming Feature Presentations.

There are no longer any "Merit" wage increases or "Cost of Living" increases.

One can only get a wage increase by moving higher up the ladder in Management to reduced wages positions.

I am expected to be available seven days a week for all shifts, so I am not allowed to work another part time job to supplement my income.

My pay cut becomes effective March 29, so that gives me just two months to try and find another job that I can survive on.

I will need to apply for early SSI Benefits, but that process takes a minimum of four months from the time one applies until the benefits are actually received.

We all were just informed of this 5 days ago.

I am looking at my personal life being totally destroyed, as I can not pay 60 percent of my bills now.

Welcome to the USSR!

This is happening across industries, across professions, all over the country. The amount of money cited by my reader is simply not enough for an adult to survive on in the modern day and age. It is simply not adequate to pay: taxes, utilities, transportation, insurance, rent or mortgage, clothing, sundries and toiletries, food, medical and dental care, and so forth. It is nowhere near adequate.

Say goodbye to the USSA because it is being systematically demolished before your very eyes. It's all coming down and hard. If we are fortunate there will not be major warfare along with the collapse. But it's over. The USSA is like the Titanic. It's going down. Find a life raft or life preserver and look to your own salvation and that of those who are close to you.  The government will not be helping you; on the contrary, the government and its policies have everything to do with your worsening plight.

I doubt that political reform is a possibility at this point. The system is too controlled and rigged for that.

And by the way, I don't believe that violence is a solution either. Those who are engineering the collapse are just waiting for you to violently lash out, so that they can mow you down with ruthless military and/or police force. 

History is full of armed revolutions, one of which laid the ground work for the hideous monstrosity of a system (the USSA) that is destroying so many people today, including a lot of people who are reading these words.

Ultimately, the answer to what ails humanity and the USSA is spiritual (not religious!).

Lower consciousness has brought us to this point. Lower consciousness definitely can and will keep us at this point.

Logically, higher consciousness is therefore the only way out.