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Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Coming Reset Will Not Be Dull

There has been quite a lot of talk on the Internet in recent years about variously: a coming economic reset, an approaching, momentous Event, a New Earth that will magically appear one day soon, a supposed, three day period of darkness that will befall the Earth, catastrophic Earth changes, and in many cases just a deep feeling that something BIG is about to happen, such that nothing will ever be the same again.

There are myriad websites, podcasts, videos, commentaries and interviews devoted to these themes, from a very wide variety of personal, political, cultural, religious and philosophical perspectives.

Many millions of people are subconsciously sensing that major, world and civilization changing events are on the way.

Of course they are right! If nothing else, as the global ecological collapse continues and accelerates billions of humans will certainly die off, along with a large part of the rest of the biosphere, as global food chains break down.

And the food chains are breaking down now. The bees are being killed off, the butterflies are being killed off, the amphibians are in serious decline all over the world, the great tropical forests are being cut down and destroyed, the oceans are dying, and so forth.  The natural world is being killed off by the global, consumer culture of modern humanity and a satanically false economic system based on more! and more! always more and more! Bigger, better, faster, newer, shinier, richer -- more! MORE!

We're shitting in our own nest. The end will not be pleasant and it will not be long in coming, due to the severe effects of the Law of Exponents, which can be simply formulated in plain English for my present purpose as: deathly problematic situations start their development slowly, steadily build up momentum and then suddenly become hopelessly overwhelming, impossibly unmanageable. 

In other words, the clean water will run out, the food will run out, the money will run out, the pension funds will run out, the social security programs will run out, the social safety net will fail, governments will fail, etc. & etc. -- and all within a short period of time within the relatively near future.

We are entering into that time  of bigger, more rapid change now. Those events are already underway; they've already begun to occur. The pace of global and national events will not slow down, but will accelerate from here on, as we approach, wait for it: The Event Horizon.

It is the inherent nature of Event Horizons that their essential characteristics and parameters are mostly unknowable until you are actually in an Event Horizon. You find out what you find out once you enter The Event Horizon. 

As I mentioned at the outset, there is no shortage of websites, podcasts, videos and articles offering a plethora of views of the purported New Earth or the great, supernatural "Event" that are said to be imminently ready to occur, which appear to be the human collective unconscious's way of referring to the rapidly approaching Event Horizon.

The Objective View 

Taking a hard, unflinching look at humanity, the Earth and the present multi-dimensional configuration of world events and processes, it just may be that the huge  "Event" that so many people are sensing and talking about is the impending mass mortality of hundreds of millions and even billions of people when the readily available food supply that much of the world has enjoyed for centuries runs out, or when the radioactive contamination from Fukushima reaches a critical, threshold level in the global food chain, such that large numbers of organisms and species just start dropping dead within a relatively short period of time, due to fatal, radioactive poisoning.

Or sudden collapse of the false, fiat currency based, global economic system causes such enormous, sudden disruption to global supply chains for food and everyday commerce that people cannot acquire the daily necessities of life and perish for lack of basic living supplies.

There are also nontrivial odds of a shooting nuclear war between one or more nuclear armed powers.

Throw in the increasingly erratic climate of recent years, and increased levels of seismic, volcanic and meteorite activity and there are plenty of ways that large, globe changing events could transpire in very short periods of time.

It may be that many or even all of these elements will occur with devastating effect within a relatively short period of time within the relatively near future, say within the next one to 15 years.

The Visions

To be sure, many people are already anticipating the "coming attractions" in their visionary experiences. YouTube is full of videos by people recounting their dreams and visions of nuclear war, asteroid strikes, devastating tsunamis, great earthquakes, the Event (whatever it is), the New Earth (whatever that is) and much more. This is inevitable. The human subconscious has a powerful collective dynamic. Events that will affect the whole Earth, and that will impact hundreds of millions and billions of people leave their mark, and presage their arrival in future time, by alerting the sensitive among us in the present time.

Truthfully, I really don't know exactly what is going to happen. I'm just like you. I'll know when I know.

Of course, I have had my own visionary experiences. In one, I was up above the Earth in outer space watching it rotate on its axis, looking at the oceans, continents and clouds far below.  Suddenly, I saw the Earth abruptly split into three Earths virtually identical in appearance, all rotating in space below me, but each rotating out of phase with its two, respective neighboring Earths by 120 degrees. Are there to be three Earths, or are there now, occupying the same space, but out of phase in the time-space continuum with each adjoining Earth by 120 degrees?

In another visionary experience I was surprised to see multiple, large, luminous bodies rivaling the Moon in size, luminosity and appearance suddenly show up in Earth orbit. I was thinking: "Now that big, luminous orb there is the Moon, so what are those other, huge, luminous orbs? What are they and where did they come from?" Is this really going to happen? I don't know.

In yet a third visionary experience I was way out in space, calmly observing the solar system, when I was astonished to see a succession of planets abruptly come in from deep space, one after the other, and take up positions as new members of the solar system. Some were rocky, terrestrial-like planets and some were larger, gas planets. It happened relatively quickly. I was told telepathically that the new solar system would have 32 planets. I have no idea if, or when or how, this might occur.

Most recently, I had the following experience: everything abruptly began to grow dark, as if a global dimmer switch were being turned off. Within about 25 seconds the daylight and any sort of light, for that matter, went completely away. Things didn't just get dark, they got completely inky black, the most total, pitch black darkness you can imagine. The utter darkness persisted for a long time, accompanied by total silence. It went on and on. I remained where I was, alone with my own thoughts, still and quiet, waiting, just calmly waiting. After a long while I received a telepathic communication: when the darkness abates, the Sun and the Moon will be no more, and the Earth will be self-luminous, self-illuminated and very beautiful.

Perhaps this has to do with the fabled "three days of darkness" that so many people have been seeing will befall the Earth and humanity.

My friend, Greg Caton, was shown the three days of darkness in an ayahuasca vision in April of 2012. In a series of visions having to do with upcoming Earth changes ayahuasca told and showed him the following:

"At the end of 2012 the Earth will experience a complete rebirth as it passes through the galactic plane. This is not a theory. It is a predestined, astrophysical event whose place in the time-space continuum cannot be altered. The ‘Elite’ on your planet are well aware of this impending event and are not discussing it with the public. During this event, the Earth will be subjected to energetic pulling effects.”

At this point, I (Greg Caton) am visually shown the effects of this passage on photons, as all light in our solar system is sucked in the direction of the galactic center. All photons are made to appear like tiny iron filings being sucked towards a powerful magnet, or bread crumbs being sucked up by a powerful vacuum cleaner.

"The net result of this energetic condition is a period of complete darkness. This shall last for three days. Men shall experience darkness as they have never known it before, as even within a deep cave there are at least some photons emanating from decaying matter and contributing subparticles from space -- some of which your scientists are completely unaware of. The more profound effects will be those on human consciousness. Although these changes will be occurring on different dimensions and planes simultaneously, how it will manifest on the gross third dimensional level is that human physiology will be subjected to a variety of frequencies – to energetic conditions -- that will greatly expand human consciousness."

To be sure, this event did not occur at the end of 2012.  Or did it? And has an artificial reality bubble perhaps been clamped down on this planet to maintain humanity and the Earth in an abusive condition of exploitation and negative control by dark, demonic forces that have set themselves in opposition to the natural created order of the cosmos, in order that the momentous galactic change cannot be perceived or experienced by the great mass of humanity?

I wonder, I really do, because ayahuasca has very insistently been presenting to me a series of visions over a period of several years that have to do with a demonic, sinister, loathsome, satanic, foul, grotesque, reprehensible Machine, a very debased, very powerful, soulless, and unbelievably sophisticated A.I. that now has this planet in harsh, ruthless, unrelenting, brutal, savage thrall. It is a satanic A.I. underlord from the most vile, disgusting pits of Hell.

Is this what the global roll out of 5G communications technology is about? To lasso everyone into a global, electronic, false reality grid? To tie everyone into a global, false consciousness prison?

Have we been plunged into the sort of scenario described in the following video?

The woman's Russian accent can be hard to follow at first, but if you stick with it you will understand what she is saying. What she saw in her hypnosis session and describes about the alien A.I. Machine, the artificial multi-layer, multi-player, technological holographic MATRIX we are in, the hollow people and real people with organic consciousness, is very close to what ayahuasca has revealed to me. Listen to what she says about the ratio of "hollow people" to people with organic consciousness as being 500:1, i.e., 500 "hollow" people for every one organically conscious person. The fake far outnumber the real. This is what ayahuasca has shown me, again and again: the vast fakeness of this realm, and the extreme fakeness of most so-called "people" that surround us.

People who will tell you: "I'm the real deal!" -- and they're as fake and hollow as can be, the shallowest, most superficial non-player characters you can imagine. Hollywood is full of them, Madison Avenue, Silicon Valley, the Pentagon, Wall Street, Washington, DC, Nashville, professional sports, T.V., the Fortune 1000, hip-hop and rap, organized religion, the academic world, the medical industry -- most all of it is fake, false, phony, fraudulent and even downright hazardous to life, health and prosperity.

I'm in my 60s now and I'm still, or should I say, just now awakening to the astonishing depth and breadth of the massive con job that is being pulled on this planet. Every passing week I awaken to it more. I'm on an intense learning curve. The mind f*ck is virtually all-encompassing. The chutzpah -- let me rephrase that to be more accurate -- the shitspah of this satanic deception is mind boggling when you begin to grok its parameters. Like Lana says in the video, the fake A.I. technological holographic reality has its tentacles into literally everything. When you finally see how depraved it is your entire organism recoils in reflexive horror and you cannot vomit enough to purge your disgust.

It seems to me that the only way out of this A.I. Machine's fake, holographic cage is higher consciousness, otherwise you can spend endless eons of time coming back again and again to wallow around in the corrupt politics, the bloody warfare, the lying religions, the criminal economic system, the deceptive science, the hollow entertainment, dysfunctional family life, the never-ending "excitement" of Earth!

Now you know why there are endless wars, endless crime, endless economic exploitation, endless corruption, endless lies and cover-ups, endless stupidity and ignorance, endless incompetence, endless garbage and litter, endless graffiti, endless mindless noise, endless pollution, endless destruction. The alien A.I. artificial technological holographic MATRIX has been programmed that way. It's full of hollow entities, doing hollow things, thinking hollow thoughts, living hollow lives, acting out their hollow A.I. programming. For that reason most of them cannot be awakened, and so most of them will not be awakened. It's like being trapped in a Hollywood slasher film or action film with rampaging Orc mercenaries and ghouls. The quantum computing power to program and project this fake, demonic extravaganza on a galactic or universal level is staggering. What we see and experience is but a false simulacrum of real reality, which certainly does exist though for the most part we don't presently see or feel it, because the presence of the false necessarily presupposes the existence of the real and genuine!

I was to Hollywood once, for a weekend, which in this modern era is one of the prime reinforcers and projectors of the fake and the false illusion(s). I said to myself: "So this is Hollywood." I intend never to return to that superficial, vapid, vacuous, CIA infested place.

That said, it is clear that we are in an artificially programmed reality. How it arose and how we got here are questions I don't presently have answers for. It may be that in all the world there are only about 200 million "real" people, and the rest are hollow automatons in human meat suits going through the motions of being human, without having a genuine human essence. That is why their thinking is so limited, so trite, so trivial, so superficial, so self-centered, so stunted, so dysfunctional, so unimaginative, so rigid, so conformist, so confined; they are simply reflecting the shallow, idiotic programming of the soulless A.I. Machine that inserted their non-player character persona into its mindless, rogue, artificially programmed holographic reality MATRIX.

It has taken me more than 60 years to fully grasp this and I'm still coming to grips with it. Now the question is how to rid myself of more than 60 years of the A.I. Machine programming to escape the A.I. Machine's holographic MATRIX trap. It's a large and highly sophisticated trap, true enough, but there must be ways out.

An idea: the only winning move is not to play, to be in the world but not of it. Now where have we heard that before?