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Monday, June 20, 2022

Putin: The Old World Will Never Be Back -- SUPERASTONISHMENT

Vladimir Putin appeared publicly in recent days to say that the Previous World Order is passing from the global stage and will never return, that things will never again be as they were.

Of course, Putin is correct. If I didn't know better, I would think that he has been talking to me in my sleep, and plagiarizing ideas directly from my head! I've been saying virtually the same thing in this blog site for a long time, in a dozen different ways. 

 Take the war in the Ukraine, for instance. Look at this linguistic map of the Ukraine >>

Note the large, primarily Russian-speaking regions in the east and south of the Ukraine. The Russians will take those blue and green, Russian-speaking areas (they've done half of that already) and incorporate them into the Russian Federation, directly or indirectly. I'm guessing that they may also take the part of the central, yellow region that projects eastward into the green and blue zones.  They will also inevitably take in Transnistria, which is the Russian-speaking exclave on the border between the former Ukraine and Moldova. Russian government agencies are already in the Russian occupied regions of the former Ukraine, flooding the local economies with pallets of ruble bank notes, and handing out Russian passports to qualified residents. They are taking back their historical, ethnic Russian territory and population.

As it continues, the war is likely to expand to Lithuania, Poland, and maybe Moldova and Romania. If NATO and the USSA keep flooding weapons and mercenaries into the theater of operations, it's only a question of time before the Kremlin authorizes missile strikes on NATO and USSA military assets and bases. If the USSA/NATO are then so stupid as to fire nuclear missiles at Russian territory or cities -- hasta la vista to Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Warsaw, Brussels, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Copenhagen,  Paris, Lyons, Toulon, Marseille,  London, Manchester, Liverpool, Rome, Milan, Naples, Venice, Washington-DC, New York City, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, Denver, Albuquerque, Houston, etc.

The Russians will send the USSA and EU/NATO back to the Dark Ages in one hour.

My dreaming, visions, lexical scrying and extensive reading are all pointing in the direction of IMMENSE tragedy and suffering for the USSA and Europe.

It's mostly karmic. These countries have ravaged the world for centuries, and will soon be ruthlessly brought down. They are playing stupendously stupid games, and will very soon win correspondingly stupid prizes.

I should add that today I did a very brief, additional lexical scrying session over the effect on the USSA of the present war in Europe. I asked: The word on this list that best describes the impact on the USSA of the present war in Europe is?

I instantly received: superastonishment

Not surprise, not astonishment, but superastonishment. As it happens, two of the meanings of astonishment are: to be stunned; to be benumbed. So the USSA is going to be super-stunned, super-benumbed.

Just let the USSA Congress, CIA, Pentagon, State Department and White House keep  aggressively flooding money, weapons, war materiel, troops and mercenaries into the Ukraine and other countries right up against Russia's borders and see what happens. 

Tonight and Tomorrow Is The Battle For Ecuador's Future

Just as I thought, the political situation here in Ecuador has greatly intensified over the last 24 hours. Demonstrators are pouring into the city by the many thousands from outlying cantons and provinces to confront phalanxes of National Police and military troops. The battle is raging right now for control of the city, the government and Ecuador's future. The police and military are deploying tear gas and armored vehicles.

There are protests, pitched battles and highway blockages from one end of the country to another. Look at the following photo from a confrontation last night on just one of the highways here in the Quito area: >> Those are military troops. They look a lot like Roman legionnaires, do they not?

The same is going on right now, with even more intensity, all over Ecuador. I went down to the main thoroughfare in my neighborhood tonight and watched truckload after truckload of demonstrators flooding into Quito. For about an hour the National Police had blocked off the highway, but as things got more intense in central Quito, they beat a retreat down the hill to the city, like the Roman legions being called back to Rome to defend the city against terminal collapse.

I was talking to other people about the night's events as we stood along the highway. One of my neighbors mentioned that farther up the road, demonstrators had earlier seized and burnt an armored vehicle of the Army.

The military and police helicopters have been coming and going from Quito yesterday and today. I do not know what tomorrow will bring, but one possibility is that the Ecuadorean government will fall, that the so-called President will flee Quito and the country -- and what would happen then? 

Stay tuned. We'll know when we know.

But rest assured that the sort of national chaos that has gripped Ecuador over the last couple of weeks assuredly will be coming to places like the USSA, Germany, France, England, etc., and it will probably be even worse.

Ecuador more than likely does not have to worry about nuclear missile strikes from Russia, China and North Korea. The odds of that are really very small. 

But the USSA? France? England? Italy? Germany? Well, let's just say that I am glad that I left the USSA when I did; and that I am relieved to have relocated to a small country in South America, instead of moving to France or Germany, as I had earlier contemplated. 

As my deceased friend, Greg Caton, repeatedly told me (based on his ayahuasca visions): however bad things get in Ecuador, and they are very intense right now, it will still be better to be here, and  UNBELIEVABLY FAR WORSE to be in the USSA. He told me that ayahuasca showed him scenes of such depraved, ghastly horror that would occur in the USSA, and which would be broadcast to the world via television, the Internet and social media, that Ecuadoreans would recoil in stunned shock and disbelief. See my discussion of superastonishment above. See Vladimir Putin's statement above that things will never be going back to the way that they were.

Never say that you were not forewarned.


I very greatly need and gratefully accept any and all donations! Everything that we have known in our lifetimes is very soon about to go bye-bye, and will never be back again, not ever. I know that I keep repeating this like a mantra, but it is nonetheless true. If you are able and willing to donate, I really do need your support at this time in order to better prepare. The USSA is going to get royally hammered, but with any luck, life here in South America will continue on, at least for some of us. For how to make a cash donation please contact me at: This is the preferred method of donation for me right now. Do NOT send PayPal.

If you would like me to do lexical scrying for you, please contact me at the e-mail address above.