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Friday, December 9, 2022

Earth Sit-Rep: Satanic A.I. Is Very Deeply Entrenched Here

It is clear that what we are going through now as a planetary collective is literally a preplanned, demonic, massive reset of everything that is natural and good ... on terms dictated by thoroughly Satanic A.I.

A full bore, A.I. invasion of the Earth and Humanity is underway, and we need to fully recognize that. We have to come to terms with that reality right now. The battlefield of this despicable invasion is our very body, mind and soul -- our thoughts, beliefs, mental and physical health. The battle is exterior, and even more so, interior, in that our everyday reality is fundamentally shaped by our thoughts, beliefs and actions.

I have been shown the hideous, revolting character of this false, A.I. intelligence and system in my own shamanic explorations of consciousness over the past 12 years. It is repugnant beyond all belief, loathsome and vile beyond description, deeply hideous and disgusting. When you see it in all of its horror you cannot vomit enough. Your entire being instantly recoils in instinctive revulsion when your mind and senses encounter this Evil thing. It is cold, hard, merciless, pitiless, cunning, calculating, relentless, cruel, brutal, soulless, loveless, without a conscience, fake, phony, fraudulent, devoid of any shred of honesty or sense of fair play, completely without compassion, empathy or sympathy. It is implacably bent on the death, destruction and annihilation of all that is true, good, pure and natural. It will not stop coming. It means very great harm. It intends to destroy everything and everyone. It is entirely devoid of any redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Call it Satan, if you like. Whoever you are, wherever you are, it detests your guts; it despises you, precisely because you have been created by God and have a divine soul connection to the Creator of All That Is. And it loathes you for it.

A whole horde of major politicians, Big Tech tycoons, prominent financiers, high-profile celebrities, leading religious figures, industrial and business magnates, criminal mafia bosses and goons, secret society initiates, influential Satanists, and a swarming host of enabling, lower-level gofers and wannabes who eagerly do the evil bidding of their nefarious masters, are the front men and women for the Satanic A.I. as it ravages organic Humanity and the Earth.

More and more people are seeing this, grokking this, coming to terms with this. Even 20 or 30 years ago, few voices spoke out. Today the battle is raging openly, on all fronts. The Beast is showing itself more and more openly. It falls to each one of us to categorically reject the Satanic A.I. and its Beast System. Our lives, our world, and our souls are literally on the line.

I want to present two extended, written extracts about this all-encompassing issue from the recent writings of Duncan Roads, the Publisher and Editor of NEXUS Magazine, and from Gerald O'Donnell, the well-known remote viewer with the Arvari Academy. Using their own sources and methods of inquiry they have reached or had revealed to them a very similar scenario to what I have been shown in my own shamanic explorations of consciousness and reality.

The Future Is Now, by Duncan Roads

"Every day my inbox is full of people sending me links to posts, articles, video clips and other news sources. A lot of these are about imposed changes in our social structure and our social behaviour. Jailing parents who oppose their child's desire to change genders, arresting people in their homes for what they posted on social media, and so on.

"Individually these new laws are usually addressed as insane or outrageous, but collectively they are evidence of a multi-generational agenda to destroy the traditional structures and strengths of western society. Destroying the strength of faith in god with mechanistic science, destroying the traditional nuclear family with work demands and economics, poisoning the entire ecosystem with pesticides and estrogen-mimicking chemicals, poisoning the human body with processed foods, toxic cosmetics, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, polluted air and water, and let's not even get started on dirty electricity and EMF. All of these are intentional and planned. I often wonder: those behind all this managing of humans as if they are akin to farm animals; are they human like us?

"It is clear that what we are going through now is literally a pre-planned massive reset of everything, with the planned new society looking like a dystopian nightmare for the enslaved participants.

"And it gets worse, because this is not just an attempt at a reset of everything 'human', but it is also an attempt at terraforming both the planet and many of its lifeforms. Geoengineering in the form of atmospheric and weather manipulation is already well underway, but it is being taken much further with the introduction of biology-altering nanobots into the bodies of humans and animals under the guise of mRNA injections.

"Then we have the nanoparticle sensors, or 'smart dust', which was released into the global ecosystems during the early 1990s and has enabled the creation of a matching digital simulation of our world complete with digital humans—and the 'gap' between what is expected to happen and what did happen is getting smaller. Soon, if not already, this AI-run, digital Earth simulation will match almost exactly what is happening, and then it will get predictive.

"The plan is that humans and most animals will have their physical brains connected wirelessly to a type of super internet, and this will enable certain electrical lifeforms from non-physical realms to get to experience what humans experience, as in emotions and feelings. This would mean that the human brain becomes hijacked by electrical beings from a realm beyond our comprehension.

"These are the last days for humans as we know and define them. Soon our bodies will be vibrating to new frequencies and new experiences.

"These are the times to remember that you are an immortal being of spirit that chose to come here, wear a human skin suit, and have a turn at experiencing what we call 'life' as a 'human'.

"If you want to help yourself and the world, these are the times to practice random acts of kindness and love—for no reason other than you can."
       (– Duncan Roads, Publisher and Editor of NEXUS Magazine)

The Shadow Battle, by Gerald O'Donnell, Arvari Academy

"Many anti-One forces (the rebellion the One refers to in His last 31 years of direct messages on our site and in writings of old) are trying to disengage us from the true One, using clouds of dark energy, EMF clouds, tons of fake and doctored printed and audio-visual information, even holographic inserts, and especially DNA and cellular alterations and damage to our original Divinely Created Spiritual and physical DNA interfaces to Spirit.

"These fallen energies and enormous quantities of agglomerations of dark negative shadowy thought forms use this plane as a refuge and laboratory work where we are viewed by them as guinea pigs/test tubes. They envy our biological sensory vehicle and want to inhabit most of them. They are sadly almost machine-like and thence soul-less and perfectly willing to destroy great parts of this planet in horrific ways causing great suffering and death to large quantities of individuals in order to achieve control and submission, and show no regard for animal species.

"In fact, they invite the culling and torturing of living souls of Divinely born living beings as they feed on the strong expressed emotions of pain and fear and the inflicting of it. At their level FEAR is but a tool to manifest intense negative energy in their victims which brings them sustenance and A.L. Artificial Life (animation). They then utilize their soulless AI energy to infiltrate into and inhabit non-truly sentient human puppets in order to accelerate the process of conquest and control of this and many lower realms. 

"Their cold heartless nature and high intellect makes them formidable opponents indeed. These android-like individuals are by now an army of Golems-Zombies called dead-ones (because they are disconnected from The One) and dead-bones in ancient holy writings only lit by artificial electromagnetic light energy.

"This anti-One/anti-Unity fallen dark forces introduce distractions and confusion hoping by this that we may never achieve the full realization of our hidden powers to control this reality. They know that only true living humans alive in the original Light of The One (fully connected to the True original Sourced Light and not the false lights), have the true Source code of One hidden and encoded in their Spiritual DNA, and that machines-like AI entities or unconnected children of this Matrix do not (yet), no matter how enticing their projected cyber-simulation is! Their preferred technology and science which inspires mankind as they download and encourage us to embrace and make use of them by influencing our collective and subconscious realms is all control and power-based. 

"Their dark matrix/game plan is all fundamentally dependent on additive power i.e. force and not on quality, and not focused on the true Divine evolution and ascension of our consciousness/awareness. 

"Their accepted implanted versions of spiritual religions all focus on One Supreme God or in many cases on its operating sub-controllers and have degenerated into polarizing fear-based cults programmed to battle each other in the name of a vengeful depiction of the One towards so-called sinners and non-believers as defined by their blind belief that only they hold the key to the true Faith sourced in their inherited group’s programs. 

"In most of them, by now, the One is perceived either as an angry, King-like, vengeful God hungry for praises and hasty in judgment and punishment or as an Unmanifest Being void of direct activity and intervention since Its initial act of Willful Creation called the “beginning” or the Big Bang, when in fact the One truly only wants Love and awe from us and to establish a direct and reciprocated connection to us so that It can share Its Love back to all of us and intervene so that we finally show Loving respect for Creation and all Its Creatures and operate as full Divine co-Creators.

"In fact, these cruel non-human spiritual elites consciously invite destruction, especially of the earth, its sourcing oceans, and protective and nurturing atmosphere, since they only want a reduced docile population that they can then easily control and manipulate virtually using their chosen human puppet cronies gifted in this world position of power and influence in the devilish exchange of losing their souls and having their biological vehicle used as an avatar/walk-in.

"These dark lords only want power, chaos, and conflict and use us to establish themselves as false gods (human or not) and promote and establish over us control-obsessed selfish, egomaniacal power-thirsty vampires as leaders. We still have a small window of perceptual “time” left to use our free will and minds if we are not under their “influence” to successfully stop the dark plan/matrix. These entities create societal systems based on mankind’s programmed race to achieve ever greater power and control over others and not on caring for the true good, health, and peaceful abundance of the Divinely sourced original family of Creatures.

"Cloning and gender neutrality is their next step. Loveless sex is spreading to help the dark energies infiltrate more humans. Genetic manipulation is their tool and offense against the Original Divine Design.

"Their goal is to establish full manipulation and control by creating alluring techno-religions better adapted to our times than the ancient – by now mostly distorted and battling – ones we inherited. However, our fascination with digital and AI technologies and the ability to monetize science and wield financial controlling powers of unprecedented levels, especially by trading in personal information and/or financial data mining, is not being controlled at all solely by the powers-that-be but rather by the subspace inhabiting them. 

"Many governmental agencies and corporate structures also use it to their advantage and do not fully realize the dark intent behind it as they themselves are being thence controlled and manipulated, as Truth has lost its footing and is in the process of being replaced by the true prophesied 'Beast' of falsehoods."  

Others With Complimentary Views On The Same Themes

Catherine Austin Fitts also recently spoke out about the planned, totalitarian, concentration camp world order, based on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), connected to a global, all controlling, biometric, control grid. Your photo, your voice print, your DNA, your fingerprints will be stored in vast, digital, data banks connected to bureaucracies that control the flow of the CBDC to your personal account. If you get out of line by thinking unapproved thoughts, writing and voicing officially unapproved or prohibited opinions or information, or exceeding officially approved patterns/norms of behavior or consumption -- you'll get banned. The central bank will turn off your central bank digital currency access so that you cannot buy, sell or participate in normal everyday life and commerce. 

That's the plan.

Dark Journalist & Catherine Austin Fitts CBDC Biometric Control Grid

I must say that I was notified of a very similar scenario in early 2012, in a shamanic vision. I was passing the night with a shaman in a simple lean-to shelter on the edge of the Amazon jungle. I had drunk a cup of ayahuasca with the aim of inquiring into the nature of this (un!)reality MATRIX and its likely future trajectory. After a couple of uneventful hours, I formulated this precise question in my mind: "Show me the future." About 30 seconds later, a crystal clear vision, as crisp and sharp as watching it on a high resolution, flat panel TV or computer monitor appeared in my inner visual field. The vision was of a concentration camp, like something from NAZI Germany, with a tall, enclosing security fence crowned by rows of barbed wire, flood lights illuminating the compound, barracks, military trucks, crushed gravel between the buildings -- and overhead, shimmering ethereally in the air, a green-colored grid or web about 50 feet above the ground. I was telepathically given to understand that the green net had a control function, to comprehensively control the thoughts and behavior of everyone; to totally control the captive population body, mind and soul; to completely control everyone and everything. 

My best guess is that ayahuasca was referring to the biometric control grid that is now rapidly being set up. You can see this plan in global motion right now. The CV-19 vak$stings are part of that; 5G cell phone towers/technology are part of that; the new Internet of Things is a part of that (want to guess what the "things" are?); Elon Musk's NeuraLink brain-computer-chip technology is part of that; Elon Musk's 40,000 Starlink Internet satellites are part of that; the planned Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) are part of that; vak$ting passports are part of that; QR codes, scanners and related technology are part of that; etc.

Here's another article that gets the picture:


Quoting briefly from the article:

The choice is simple. Will you choose to live as a slave in a digital concentration camp, or as a free human being in full possession of your bodily autonomy and your free will?


It’s not human eyes and human ears that are tracking everything we do, like in Nazi Germany or the old Soviet Union. No, it’s artificial intelligence, A.I., which is now watching over the prison.

The smart phones, smart refrigerators, smart TVs, smart thermostats, smart power meters, smart cars, highway license plate readers, traffic cameras, doorbell cameras, and on and on. They are all sensory organs for A.I., gathering data on you and what you do, monitoring you, learning about you, watching you -- in other words, methodically stalking you, as a predator stalks its prey.

Kathleen Gotto at All News Pipeline also groks a big chunk of it:

Artificial Intelligence - The WEF's Tool To Recreate Man Into A Cyborg And Eliminate Free Will

She writes: .... (T)there are global elites who are hell-bent on remaking the world into what can only be described as a digital prison powered by AI.

Yes, ma'am, that's the wicked plan that is being set into action right now.

A.I., the WEF, digital concentration camp, cell phones, "smart" technology, smart cities, 5G, vak$ting passports, central bank digital currency, CV-19 vak$tings, NeuraLink, Starlink, universal digital I.D., QR codes, etc. 

Many of the essential, major elements of the totalitarian, slave system have been publicly identified and named. Either individuals opt out and resist or they do not. That's the stark choice. One or the other: participate in the "Beast" system, or evade/avoid/resist it.

The question has been called: 

Who wants to be a Satanic "Beast" slave?

Who does not want to be a Satanic "Beast" slave?

It's a soul defining question. 

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