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Friday, April 14, 2023

18,000 Dairy Cow Burps Ignite A Texas Bovine Holocaust!! -- **NOT **

Oh, we are deep into an A.I. fake news cycle. The story about the 18,000 dairy cows that burned up/caught on fire in Dimmitt, Texas is all over the legacy news media and alternative new sites. Here's an example of the sort of news stories on the Internet:

Dimmitt Texas dairy farm explosion likely killed thousands of dairy cows

The article has a photo of a towering, black cloud, billowing up into the sky. The article says that upwards of 18,000 cows were killed. Methane allegedly ignited by overheated electrical machinery supposedly exploded and resulted in a dairy inferno. Look at the videos at this link, especially the second one:

Have you ever heard of or seen such a thing? I haven't, and I do not think that we have been told the truth about what happened in Dimmitt, Texas a few days ago.

Look at it:

What causes a huge holocaust like that?

I am not buying the media narrative, which is strangely superficial and incomplete. Something definitely happened, a huge explosion or massive fire. But as to the cause, I lean towards industrial or military sabotage of a major degree. What would burn up 18,000 cattle? 

Here's another story from USA Today:

18,000 cows killed in explosion, fire at Texas dairy farm may be largest cattle killing ever

The story says that the owners of the farm "couldn't be reached for comment." Gee, I wonder why not? Have they been ordered to shut up? 18,000 cows are dead (allegedly) and they have nothing to say about that? That's peculiar, is it not?

Here's another story about what happened, with a big computer graphic!! illustrating what 18,000 cows would look like:

18,000 cows – enough to cover 26 football fields – killed in devastating Texas dairy farm fire

Click the link. Look at the story. Notice that the headline says that the cows were "killed" in the devastating fire. The word kill is used, in place of die. Killing implies intentionality, that the deaths were on purpose. The article concludes in a very vague and ambiguous manner: 

" .... malfunctioning farm equipment may have caused the explosion. Texas fire officials were investigating."

Here are some YouTube videos:

Let's see:

** owners not talking
** no actual pictures of dead cows that I have seen so far (are there dead cows?)
** massive fire of ambiguous origin
** supposedly 18,000 dead cows in one incident
** very vague, imprecise mass media reporting on the incident 
** only one alleged human victim, name not given, although 59 or 60 people worked there
** neither the legacy news media nor the alternative media are questioning the official narrative -- except for me!

I have doubts about the story that is being put forth to the public. At the least I sense a cover-up and the use of A.I. in at least some of the reporting of this story. It seems weirdly off, askew from normality. Something happened, but exactly what and how? Has the whole thing been staged?

Assuming that 18,000 cows really did burn to death -- and maybe they did (or not?) -- I am inclined to the view that what happened in Dimmit, Texas was a massive, Satanic burnt offering to demonic principalities. 

Why? Well, to whet the Hell demons' appetite, that's why; to prime the Hell pump for upcoming mega-slaughter. The U$$A, Inc. is governed by Satanic entities. Never forget that. It has nothing to do with Jesus. The U$$A, Inc. is not Christian, never has been; it's a demonic, hellish system. Far larger fires are planned, enormous fires, Satanic nuclear fires that will burn millions of people at a time.

This world is on a fast track to unfathomably dark days. 

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