Now I've seen it all.
The Mirror, the widely read newspaper in the U.K., has a story today about how:
Hunting HUMANS set to become big business for the super rich within next 100 years
The article says: "Hunting HUMANS will become big business for the super wealthy within 100 years according to a leading tourism expert."
But before I go any further I have to tell you frankly that I fundamentally disagree with the article's main premise that hunting humans will be something that the super wealthy will do a century or two from now, as a televised spectacle.
The Super Wealthy Are Hunting Humans as Big Business Now
The reason that I disagree with the article's main premise that in the future the super wealthy will hunt humans down and kill them as a spectacle, is because hunting of humans by the super wealthy is something that has already been commonplace for centuries and that is actively going on today.
It's very simple. The human hunts conducted by the super wealthy are called: war.
Modern warfare is very much a televised spectacle, beginning in the Vietnam War era and coming forward to the present day. Just go on and you can see myriad videos of warfare. Hours, days, weeks of war videos. There is no end to the stream of war videos.
It's all very big business, a multi-trillion dollar business these days. Understand that the trillions of dollars that are lavished on modern warfare do not go to the victims of war - - oh, no, those monstrous blood profits go to the super wealthy, making them even wealthier than they already were.
Every aspect of war generates an income stream for the super wealthy. It's a huge, international business. Let's go down the list:
Contracts to design, develop, build, deploy and maintain all manner of weapons: tanks, submarines, missiles, bombs, bullets, rifles, machine guns, field artillery, side arms, grenades, grenade launchers, mines, bombers, fighter jets, surveillance airplanes, troop transports and cargo planes, space based satellite weapons systems, helicopters, armored personnel carriers, radio and radar systems, etc.
Military uniforms for millions of troops, hats, combat helmets, combat boots, armored vests, back packs, parachutes, ponchos and rain gear, blankets, beds, foot lockers, national flags, caskets for the war dead, etc.
Barracks, airfields, naval ports and submarine bases, training grounds, mess halls (cafeterias), fuel contracts and fuel depots, tires, tools and spare parts for millions of vehicles and weapons, food contracts, electrical supply, medical contracts, military hospitals, medical supplies, ballistic missile silos, underground bases and facilities, command and control centers, truck depots, trucks, buses, cars, repair shops and motor pools, warehouses, munitions factories, etc.
Military academies and universities, military administrative headquarters, military prisons, insurance for millions of military personnel and their families, military pension funds, military computer software and computer hardware, janitorial services contracts, military cemeteries, etc.
And on and on and on.
To equip, maintain and operate a massive military machine like that of the USSA requires trillions and trillions of dollars in a never ending torrent of cash, decade on end.
At every turn the super wealthy are getting their cut of the action. They control the financing and production of every aspect of the war machine, through banking services and the world's largest and most powerful corporations. War for them is big business, and the bigger the war, the more money they make, without regard to whom the victor may be. Their interest is primarily financial and therefore they care not so much who wins the war(s), as they do that there is warfare. Their greatest fear is that peace may break out and their global, multi-trillion dollar, warfare cash cow might dry up.
So you see, hunting humans is, and has been for a very long time, seriously big business for the super wealthy. They make obscene fortunes off of killing us.
It's time we got wise to their ghastly, wicked ways.
The Biggest Human Hunt Of Them All Is Now Being Prepared
I have written more than once about the very real danger of a shooting nuclear war, a horrific satanic blood offering of millions and hundreds of millions of human victims. The possibility is all too real.
All the signs I have seen indicate that we continue to steadily move toward such a conflict, with the steady push toward war coming from the USSA/NATO military and political bloc.
It's insane.
Here's but one example of what I'm talking about. In recent days, 51 diplomats in the USSA's so-called "State Department" have publicly called for Barack Obama to militarily attack Syria, to overthrow the democratically elected Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, and replace him with a puppet government that the USSA government can bend to its will.
The State Department’s Collective Madness
Beyond the fact that an unprovoked attack against Syria constitutes a blatant war crime and violation of international law, if the USSA does carry through with a military attack against Syria, the Russians have pledged to defend the Syrian regime, meaning that the prospect of a direct military clash between the USSA and the Russian military rears its ugly head.
This is no small matter. It may occur before the end of this year, or even within the next two or three months, if the USSA does not radically alter its violent foreign policy course.
Let's say that the USSA launches missiles against and bombs Syrian territory. Let us further suppose that the Russian military, which is present in Syria at the express invitation of the Syrian regime, retaliates against the USSA military forces by shooting down a few fighter jets, or maybe sinking the submarines that fire cruise missiles against Syria.
What does the USSA do then? Does it ratchet up its military posture to attack Russian troops and military facilities in or near Syria? If so, do the Russians then proceed to attack other USSA military assets, like aircraft carriers and military airfields?
And then what happens next? Does the USSA then attack Russian airfields and navy ships? If so, what do the Russians do in response to that? And so forth.
Given the speed and precision of modern weaponry all of this could take place in less than half a day, bringing the world to the brink of outright nuclear war as both sides contemplate launching nuclear missiles to prevail in the escalating conflict.
Now Is The Time To Say or Do Something If You Object
This doesn't have to happen, though it certainly may, if the masses of people, especially in Europe and the USSA do not collectively refuse to permit the mad march to war to proceed any further.
But if the people passively acquiesce, without meaningful objection, why, then, very, very bad things can happen, and maybe will.
In the law, there is a principle that can be simply stated:
Silence implies consent.
If you do not overtly object, it is assumed that you agree, that you are in accord with what is being done, with what is being prepared or proposed, i.e., in this case, that you do not object to your own execution, your own destruction, or to the annihilation of your family and friends, or even to paying with your taxes for the genocidal weapons systems that will be used to exterminate you and everyone that you know.
And there is scarcely a whimper of objection on the part of the people.
That's the situation. And yet the people remain very passive, acquiescent, meek, tractable, docile, obedient, subservient.
I can't explain such ignorance and willful stupidity. I have stopped trying to wrap my head around the numb mindlessness of the masses of people in Europe and the USSA.
Instead, I have removed myself to South America where I intend to remain. I feel no affinity with hundreds of millions of mindless, self-destructive dunces who won't even trouble themselves to save their own lives and those of their families. It's completely incomprehensible to me.
I have seen all of this coming for many years, for a variety of reasons. Indeed, I believe anyone who thinks clearly and soberly analyzes the world and modern society could and would also see the same or similar things as I have, and could and would draw similar conclusion(s). And yet so few do, and have.
The Minot Manifesto
Before I left the USSA in 2010, I staged a nonviolent, peace demonstration against preparations for nuclear war on the launch lid of Minuteman nuclear missile silo H-8, in the Minot Air Force Base missile field, near Parshall, North Dakota, USSA. I went right over the fence onto the missile silo, badly gashing my hands on the barbed wire in the process.
The USSA military and local law enforcement personnel showed up with heavy armed force to arrest me and take me into custody. I was jailed for 100 days in North Dakota before being tried in federal court, being found guilty and being subsequently discharged from jail with time served.
Whereupon I left North Dakota, and a few months after that I left the USSA and relocated to South America.
You can read my philosophy and reasoning in the two statements that I released to the press on the occasion of my demonstration and subsequent arrest and jail time.
Minot Manifesto
A Serious Message From The Heart of America
Of course, you might say: "Well, Richard, isn't that really a very serious step?"
Yes, it is.
"I mean, you might get shot or beaten by the military police and other law enforcement personnel for protesting like that."
Yes, that is a real possibility. They might shoot you or beat you.
"And isn't it dangerous in jail and prison?"
Yes, it can be. There are some very unsavory, sociopathic and psychopathic characters in jail and prison, some with decidedly violent tendencies. Being incarcerated is not pleasant. I would not minimize the potential risks. Anything can happen.
However, balance all of that against the horror, death and destruction of nuclear war. Balance all of that against the obvious run-up to a shooting nuclear war. We are getting closer and closer to it.
Please understand that i have been out on the nuclear missile silos in the USSA repeatedly, again and again and again, in past years in Arkansas and Missouri and the most recent time in North Dakota. That is because I understand just how serious the issue is and what is at stake: EVERYTHING is at stake.
And yet I am surrounded by complacent, passive, willfully ignorant dummies and dunces who f*cking refuse to get it.
Imagine if tens and hundreds of millions of people had done what I have done, if hordes of people had gone out with me to the nuclear missile silos to say: "Hell, no! Not with my money. Not with my life. Not with my family! Not with my planet!" There would be no preparation for nuclear war, as there is now.
But you see, that didn't happen. They - - you - - could not be bothered. You had better things to do, much more important things to do than to concern yourself with the welfare of the Earth or the human race. You certainly could not be bothered to go to jail or to be arrested or to be publicly known as someone who is adamantly opposed to USSA government policy or to U.K. government policy or to German government policy.
And so we move closer and closer to war, war with Russia and China.
We all make our decisions. I am not claiming that my decision to go out in nonviolent protest on the nuclear missile silos again and again and again and to be arrested and jailed over and over again was easy.
On the contrary, it was very hard and extremely risky. And because so very few of my fellow human beings have seen fit to act similarly, we all now face a very, very difficult situation, perhaps a situation of impending annihilation.
Because so many could not trouble themselves a little, the world may pay a very harsh and ghastly price indeed.
Life is nothing but an extensive decision tree. One decision after another: to object to preparations for the destruction of humanity and the world or just to go along to get along. To do the hard things, or just to slide along on easy street, so that other people don't think we are not loyal to the USSA.
We make our decisions and our decisions make the world we live in - - or die in.
I have publicly acted, again and again and again. My conscience is clear. I am not saying it was easy. It was damned hard, swimming upstream the whole way against a tidal wave of ignorance and mindlessly smug stupidity.
Now it is up to others to act, in fact, it is up to you to act.
And if you do not? Or will not?
Oh, well .... We all make decisions and those decisions determine what happens in and to the world. The clock is ticking.
I do need and accept your donations for
support of my writing. I depend on your
contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing in exile in Ecuador. If
you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other
blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me
at: for how to donate.
If you are financially able to relocate to South America and would like to move to, buy real estate in or make an exploratory visit
to Ecuador while there is still time to get out of the NATO countries
before the coming wave of chaos and societal upheaval worsens, please write to me
and I will put you in touch with professional people who can make your
transition much smoother and help minimize problems. While it is true
that there was a very damaging earthquake in one narrow coastal region
of Ecuador in April, the rest of the country suffered little to no damage, and life goes on normally.
For technical reasons this blog is no longer active. For my new blog, please direct your browser to:
This Blog Has Moved!
For technical reasons this blog is no longer active. For my new blog please direct your browser to:
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Sunday, June 19, 2016
The Precarious Position of the Precariat
The annual, secretive Bilderberg meeting of the world's so-called "elites" has recently concluded in Germany. I can promise you that it will not fail to disappoint, because ...
the key topics for discussion this year included:
Current events
Europe: migration, growth, reform, vision, unity
Middle East
US political landscape, economy: growth, debt, reform
Cyber security
Geo-politics of energy and commodity prices
Precariat and middle class
Technological innovation
If you will permit me to partially translate the list and connect a few dots, what "they" discussed had to do in general and particular with the run up to World War III and controlling and getting rid of "us" -- that would be you and me, the Lumpen Precariat (with apologies to Karl Marx), the Precariat being the precarious, teeming millions of people worldwide with no job, little or no money, no future prospects and who are not needed to fulfill any meaningful social, economic or political function, at least as far as the Bilderberg (so-called) "elites" are concerned.
In their plans, we will increasingly be replaced by the millions and hundreds of millions by robots, i.e., by "technological innovation". So if the so-called ruling "elites" will soon have no need at all for hundreds of millions of us, why then, you connect the dots that they have so kindly provided. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge: World War III. Mushroom clouds. Infectious plagues. Get it?
The commodity markets (petroleum, gold, etc.) will continue to be artificially manipulated to disrupt national economies and engineer war, revolution, regime change and social upheaval the world over, or in Bilderbergese: "Geo-politics of energy and commodity prices."
By "cyber security" they simply mean: how can they most securely spy on you and everyone else using digital technology? How can they most securely ensnare and imprison you in their global cyber net?
When they list Russia, China and the Middle East they are simply telling you the three projected battle fronts in the planned, upcoming war. USSA Secretary of State, John Kerry, is already on record as saying that the USSA plans something new for Syria in August. The United States right now has two aircraft carrier battle groups sailing in the South China Sea in a display of military force in China's backyard. And NATO has been running war games for months almost non-stop on Russia's borders, in the Baltics and now in the Black Sea.
All of these facts have been widely reported on and discussed by a wide variety of websites and commentators in the alternative news media. The upshot of it all is that the USSA/NATO bloc are advancing toward war against Russia and China, and maybe against other nations as well. Major warfare could easily erupt at any time, including later this year.
It is a suicidal policy course, in that overt military conflict with well-armed nuclear powers (like Russia and China) could easily degenerate into nuclear strike and counter-strike, which would of course be highly dangerous for everyone in the world, and especially so for those (like a lot of my readers in North America, Europe and Australia) who might be incinerated in the ensuing nuclear blasts.
Back to Bilderberg For a Moment
If you click on the list of this year's Bilderberg attendees you will very quickly notice that at least 20 of the participants are involved in banking, finance, economics, investment, capital formation, etc. In other words, money, as in BIG money, is a major theme of what goes on at Bilderberg.
It all has to do with business. The world is a business, a money generating machine for them, and everything they do has a price assigned to it; the bigger their plans and machinations, the bigger the price.
You may be thinking to yourself: that's all well and good, but what has any of that to do with me in particular?
Here's what it has to do with you: they are wagering with your life and the life of everyone you know. It's a high stakes, global poker match for all of everything that there is on this planet, including the life of every single member of the human race.
You can look at the list of participants at this link.
Final list of Participants
2016 Bilderberg Meeting
Dresden, Germany 9-12 June
I won't list them all, just a few to make an illustrative point or two.
Breedlove, Philip M. (INT), Former Supreme Allied Commander Europe
Charpentier, Emmanuelle (FRA), Director, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology
Georgieva, Kristalina (INT), Vice President, European Commission
Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
Lagarde, Christine (INT), Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Leyen, Ursula von der (DEU), Minister of Defence
Schwab, Klaus (INT), Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum
Simsek, Mehmet (TUR), Deputy Prime Minister
First of all, note that Henry Kissinger is in the mix. They don't come any nastier than him. If he is involved in this year's planning of upcoming, future attractions you can expect that genuine evil is in store. And just look at the rest of the roster: representatives from the highest levels of global finance, European politics and NATO military circles. Oh, and the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey and the Director of the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology.
It's an ugly group that will have you down on your knees thanking God that you do not know these people and have no dealings with them.
Because what is coming is hideous, absolutely ghastly beyond description. Just the fact that the Director of the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology is running in Bilderberg circles has focused my mind, and I don't see why it wouldn't focus yours, as well.
Remember: It's All About The Money
I have previously written about the "Federal Corporation" popularly known as the "United States". That's right, there really is no country known as the "United States". It's actually a "Federal Corporation" and has been for a very long time, perhaps from the very beginning. Most of my readers are in the USSA, and for all I know, one or two of you may still be under the illusion that you are a citizen of a country called the "United States". It's a quaint notion that the so-called "elites" use to brainwash the ignorant sheeple population, the easier to herd and fleece the poor things.
Please see the United States Code to dispel the "citizenship" fairy tale once and for all:
United States Code
§ 3002 - Definitions(15)
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States.
Got that? The "United States" is "a Federal Corporation".
You are the subordinate subject of a business. A very big, multi-trillion dollar business the biggest arm of which is the military industrial complex (MIC), that generates multi-trillion dollar cash flows off of war.
Now you know why the "United States" is always at war someplace or planning to be at war. Now you know why the "United States" is on the verge of a shooting war with China and Russia.
Just imagine the huge construction contracts for rebuilding scores of destroyed cities, untold thousands of miles of demolished railroads, highways and national electrical grids, as well as the money to be made rearming entire nations and rebuilding destroyed naval fleets. And think of the trillions of dollars to be saved in foregone social welfare expenditures and payments as myriad millions of superfluous, poor, middle-aged and/or elderly people are obliterated in Japan, the USSA, the U.K., Germany, France, etc. That is what all out World War III represents for the so-called "ruling elites".
You can be very sure that all of that and much more has been discussed at the just concluded Bilderberg meeting.
I do need and accept your donations for support of my writing. I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing in exile in Ecuador. If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.
If you are financially able to relocate to South America and would like to move to, buy real estate in or make an exploratory visit to Ecuador while there is still time to get out of the NATO countries before the coming wave of chaos and societal upheaval worsens, please write to me and I will put you in touch with professional people who can make your transition much smoother and help minimize problems. While it is true that there was a very damaging earthquake in one narrow coastal region of Ecuador in April, the rest of the country suffered little to no damage, and life goes on normally.
the key topics for discussion this year included:
Current events
Europe: migration, growth, reform, vision, unity
Middle East
US political landscape, economy: growth, debt, reform
Cyber security
Geo-politics of energy and commodity prices
Precariat and middle class
Technological innovation
If you will permit me to partially translate the list and connect a few dots, what "they" discussed had to do in general and particular with the run up to World War III and controlling and getting rid of "us" -- that would be you and me, the Lumpen Precariat (with apologies to Karl Marx), the Precariat being the precarious, teeming millions of people worldwide with no job, little or no money, no future prospects and who are not needed to fulfill any meaningful social, economic or political function, at least as far as the Bilderberg (so-called) "elites" are concerned.
In their plans, we will increasingly be replaced by the millions and hundreds of millions by robots, i.e., by "technological innovation". So if the so-called ruling "elites" will soon have no need at all for hundreds of millions of us, why then, you connect the dots that they have so kindly provided. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge: World War III. Mushroom clouds. Infectious plagues. Get it?
The commodity markets (petroleum, gold, etc.) will continue to be artificially manipulated to disrupt national economies and engineer war, revolution, regime change and social upheaval the world over, or in Bilderbergese: "Geo-politics of energy and commodity prices."
By "cyber security" they simply mean: how can they most securely spy on you and everyone else using digital technology? How can they most securely ensnare and imprison you in their global cyber net?
When they list Russia, China and the Middle East they are simply telling you the three projected battle fronts in the planned, upcoming war. USSA Secretary of State, John Kerry, is already on record as saying that the USSA plans something new for Syria in August. The United States right now has two aircraft carrier battle groups sailing in the South China Sea in a display of military force in China's backyard. And NATO has been running war games for months almost non-stop on Russia's borders, in the Baltics and now in the Black Sea.
All of these facts have been widely reported on and discussed by a wide variety of websites and commentators in the alternative news media. The upshot of it all is that the USSA/NATO bloc are advancing toward war against Russia and China, and maybe against other nations as well. Major warfare could easily erupt at any time, including later this year.
It is a suicidal policy course, in that overt military conflict with well-armed nuclear powers (like Russia and China) could easily degenerate into nuclear strike and counter-strike, which would of course be highly dangerous for everyone in the world, and especially so for those (like a lot of my readers in North America, Europe and Australia) who might be incinerated in the ensuing nuclear blasts.
Back to Bilderberg For a Moment
If you click on the list of this year's Bilderberg attendees you will very quickly notice that at least 20 of the participants are involved in banking, finance, economics, investment, capital formation, etc. In other words, money, as in BIG money, is a major theme of what goes on at Bilderberg.
It all has to do with business. The world is a business, a money generating machine for them, and everything they do has a price assigned to it; the bigger their plans and machinations, the bigger the price.
You may be thinking to yourself: that's all well and good, but what has any of that to do with me in particular?
Here's what it has to do with you: they are wagering with your life and the life of everyone you know. It's a high stakes, global poker match for all of everything that there is on this planet, including the life of every single member of the human race.
You can look at the list of participants at this link.
Final list of Participants
2016 Bilderberg Meeting
Dresden, Germany 9-12 June
I won't list them all, just a few to make an illustrative point or two.
Breedlove, Philip M. (INT), Former Supreme Allied Commander Europe
Charpentier, Emmanuelle (FRA), Director, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology
Georgieva, Kristalina (INT), Vice President, European Commission
Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
Lagarde, Christine (INT), Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Leyen, Ursula von der (DEU), Minister of Defence
Schwab, Klaus (INT), Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum
Simsek, Mehmet (TUR), Deputy Prime Minister
First of all, note that Henry Kissinger is in the mix. They don't come any nastier than him. If he is involved in this year's planning of upcoming, future attractions you can expect that genuine evil is in store. And just look at the rest of the roster: representatives from the highest levels of global finance, European politics and NATO military circles. Oh, and the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey and the Director of the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology.
It's an ugly group that will have you down on your knees thanking God that you do not know these people and have no dealings with them.
Because what is coming is hideous, absolutely ghastly beyond description. Just the fact that the Director of the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology is running in Bilderberg circles has focused my mind, and I don't see why it wouldn't focus yours, as well.
Remember: It's All About The Money
I have previously written about the "Federal Corporation" popularly known as the "United States". That's right, there really is no country known as the "United States". It's actually a "Federal Corporation" and has been for a very long time, perhaps from the very beginning. Most of my readers are in the USSA, and for all I know, one or two of you may still be under the illusion that you are a citizen of a country called the "United States". It's a quaint notion that the so-called "elites" use to brainwash the ignorant sheeple population, the easier to herd and fleece the poor things.
Please see the United States Code to dispel the "citizenship" fairy tale once and for all:
United States Code
§ 3002 - Definitions(15)
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States.
Got that? The "United States" is "a Federal Corporation".
You are the subordinate subject of a business. A very big, multi-trillion dollar business the biggest arm of which is the military industrial complex (MIC), that generates multi-trillion dollar cash flows off of war.
Now you know why the "United States" is always at war someplace or planning to be at war. Now you know why the "United States" is on the verge of a shooting war with China and Russia.
Just imagine the huge construction contracts for rebuilding scores of destroyed cities, untold thousands of miles of demolished railroads, highways and national electrical grids, as well as the money to be made rearming entire nations and rebuilding destroyed naval fleets. And think of the trillions of dollars to be saved in foregone social welfare expenditures and payments as myriad millions of superfluous, poor, middle-aged and/or elderly people are obliterated in Japan, the USSA, the U.K., Germany, France, etc. That is what all out World War III represents for the so-called "ruling elites".
You can be very sure that all of that and much more has been discussed at the just concluded Bilderberg meeting.
I do need and accept your donations for support of my writing. I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing in exile in Ecuador. If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.
If you are financially able to relocate to South America and would like to move to, buy real estate in or make an exploratory visit to Ecuador while there is still time to get out of the NATO countries before the coming wave of chaos and societal upheaval worsens, please write to me and I will put you in touch with professional people who can make your transition much smoother and help minimize problems. While it is true that there was a very damaging earthquake in one narrow coastal region of Ecuador in April, the rest of the country suffered little to no damage, and life goes on normally.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Odd California Earthquake Tic-Tac-Toe
There was an earthquake in California today, an M 5.2 southeast of Los Angeles, in a rugged, desert area in the direction of the Salton Sea.
The mainstream news media reported something like this:
Southern California rocked by magnitude-5.2 earthquake
There is nothing too out of the ordinary about the event, as far as that goes. California is riven by seismic faults and earthquakes are common in California.
Nevertheless, I directed my browser to one of my favorite earthquake reporting sites to take a look at it.
Live Earthquakes Map
As I zoomed in on the area I saw that there was a sizeable cluster of aftershocks spread over an area approximately 5 by 3 miles in extent. Here is what I saw.
The rectilinear, grid-like arrangement of the aftershocks surprised me. They are arrayed in regular, easily discernible ranks and files spread out over a distance of a few miles.
I have been looking at earthquakes and their aftershocks online for years and have never seen anything like this.
I didn't know what to think, so I grabbed a screen shot, and went away to take care of some other activities for a few hours. I thought that maybe there was a glitch in the software that reports the locations of the aftershocks and that it displayed the aftershocks on a rectilinear, grid pattern by error.
But then I reasoned that California has one of the most extensive networks of earthquake reporting sensors in the world, which would argue in favor of the aftershocks' locations being reported with good accuracy.
Which suggests that perhaps the aftershocks really have been occurring on a rectilinear, grid pattern.
So a few hours later I came back and grabbed another screen shot.
The number of reported aftershocks diminished by a few, but the regular, rectilinear, grid array is still there.
Is this due to a software bug that influences the way the aftershocks are geographically reported? I don't know.
Or are the aftershocks, indeed, occurring on a regular, rectilinear, grid pattern?
If so, then does this reflect an artificial, subterranean grid pattern that is either causing the aftershocks, or is catastrophically failing as a consequence of the original earthquake?
Or is something else happening? Are the aftershocks perhaps being precisely caused to occur in a grid pattern?
Recall that a few days ago it was widely reported that an unnamed weapons test being run out of the USSA Navy's China Lake weapons testing facility would be disrupting airplane GPS systems over California and Nevada for the next month.
Mystery Navy test will JAM GPS signals in California for up to six hours a day
Is the USSA Navy perhaps testing a seismic weapons system? Might that be the explanation? Recall that the Navy's China Lake weapons testing facility lies just north of where this strange pattern of earthquake aftershocks has occurred.
Of course, I am known for writing an underground best-selling series of paperback books on the topic of secret underground bases and tunnels, which are available for purchase here on my blog site; so I am open to the possibility that there may be a secret, sprawling, miles long network of deeply buried tunnels and subterranean installations beneath the California landscape in that location which may have some connection to this unusual series of reported aftershocks.
Indeed, in the past I have been told anecdotal accounts of vast, sprawling, secret underground tunnels and facilities deep beneath the Californian countryside. I could never verify the existence of such subterranean complexes, but who knows? - - maybe we are seeing indirect evidence of that here.
Or is it all due, after all, to a glitch in the earthquake reporting software that erroneously caused the aftershocks to appear to be laid out on a regular grid pattern?
I honestly don't know and have no easy way of finding out.
If you happen to know, please write me with the details.
I do need and accept your donations for support of my writing. I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing in exile in Ecuador. If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.
If you are financially able to relocate to South America and would like to move to, buy real estate in or make an exploratory visit to Ecuador while there is still time to get out of the NATO countries before the coming wave of chaos and societal upheaval worsens, please write to me and I will put you in touch with professional people who can make your transition much smoother and help minimize problems. While it is true that there was a very damaging earthquake in one narrow coastal region of Ecuador in April, the rest of the country suffered little to no damage, and life goes on normally.
The mainstream news media reported something like this:
Southern California rocked by magnitude-5.2 earthquake
There is nothing too out of the ordinary about the event, as far as that goes. California is riven by seismic faults and earthquakes are common in California.
Nevertheless, I directed my browser to one of my favorite earthquake reporting sites to take a look at it.
Live Earthquakes Map
As I zoomed in on the area I saw that there was a sizeable cluster of aftershocks spread over an area approximately 5 by 3 miles in extent. Here is what I saw.
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(Source:, 10 June 2016) |
The rectilinear, grid-like arrangement of the aftershocks surprised me. They are arrayed in regular, easily discernible ranks and files spread out over a distance of a few miles.
I have been looking at earthquakes and their aftershocks online for years and have never seen anything like this.
I didn't know what to think, so I grabbed a screen shot, and went away to take care of some other activities for a few hours. I thought that maybe there was a glitch in the software that reports the locations of the aftershocks and that it displayed the aftershocks on a rectilinear, grid pattern by error.
But then I reasoned that California has one of the most extensive networks of earthquake reporting sensors in the world, which would argue in favor of the aftershocks' locations being reported with good accuracy.
Which suggests that perhaps the aftershocks really have been occurring on a rectilinear, grid pattern.
So a few hours later I came back and grabbed another screen shot.
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(Source:, 10 June 2016) |
The number of reported aftershocks diminished by a few, but the regular, rectilinear, grid array is still there.
Is this due to a software bug that influences the way the aftershocks are geographically reported? I don't know.
Or are the aftershocks, indeed, occurring on a regular, rectilinear, grid pattern?
If so, then does this reflect an artificial, subterranean grid pattern that is either causing the aftershocks, or is catastrophically failing as a consequence of the original earthquake?
Or is something else happening? Are the aftershocks perhaps being precisely caused to occur in a grid pattern?
Recall that a few days ago it was widely reported that an unnamed weapons test being run out of the USSA Navy's China Lake weapons testing facility would be disrupting airplane GPS systems over California and Nevada for the next month.
Mystery Navy test will JAM GPS signals in California for up to six hours a day
Is the USSA Navy perhaps testing a seismic weapons system? Might that be the explanation? Recall that the Navy's China Lake weapons testing facility lies just north of where this strange pattern of earthquake aftershocks has occurred.
Of course, I am known for writing an underground best-selling series of paperback books on the topic of secret underground bases and tunnels, which are available for purchase here on my blog site; so I am open to the possibility that there may be a secret, sprawling, miles long network of deeply buried tunnels and subterranean installations beneath the California landscape in that location which may have some connection to this unusual series of reported aftershocks.
Indeed, in the past I have been told anecdotal accounts of vast, sprawling, secret underground tunnels and facilities deep beneath the Californian countryside. I could never verify the existence of such subterranean complexes, but who knows? - - maybe we are seeing indirect evidence of that here.
Or is it all due, after all, to a glitch in the earthquake reporting software that erroneously caused the aftershocks to appear to be laid out on a regular grid pattern?
I honestly don't know and have no easy way of finding out.
If you happen to know, please write me with the details.
I do need and accept your donations for support of my writing. I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing in exile in Ecuador. If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.
If you are financially able to relocate to South America and would like to move to, buy real estate in or make an exploratory visit to Ecuador while there is still time to get out of the NATO countries before the coming wave of chaos and societal upheaval worsens, please write to me and I will put you in touch with professional people who can make your transition much smoother and help minimize problems. While it is true that there was a very damaging earthquake in one narrow coastal region of Ecuador in April, the rest of the country suffered little to no damage, and life goes on normally.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
The USSA and NATO Lurch Toward World War Three
Perhaps you saw the recent article on the Saker's website warning of the very real danger of a nuclear World War III that would mean the "obliteration" of the USSA were it to occur:
A Russian warning
The authors advise that: If there is going to be a war with Russia, then the United States will most certainly be destroyed, and most of us will end up dead.
As my longtime readers know, I have a past history of nonviolent, anti-nuclear activism on the launch lids of nuclear missile silos in the USSA for which I was repeatedly incarcerated in a variety of different jails, prisons and correctional centers in the states of Georgia, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas and North Dakota. On the occasion of my last peace demonstration at a Minuteman III nuclear missile silo in North Dakota in 2010 I issued the following two statements to the press, which I invite you to read. They explain a great deal of my thinking.
Minot Manifesto
A Serious Message From The Heart of America
To come to the point, I have been out on the nuclear missile silos in the USSA, again and again and again and therefore personally know what kind of serious nuclear fire power is out there, deployed, waiting and ready to go at a minute's notice. It is hideous stuff.
The Stakes Are Very High
For that reason, I do not dismiss the Russian warning. I take it very seriously. For a variety of reasons I have understood the very real threat of nuclear warfare for most of my life. It absolutely is a possibility, and the more that NATO and the USSA pressure Russia militarily, economically and politically the greater the threat becomes that there will be an exchange of nuclear missiles.
Please understand that the push towards nuclear war is coming from the USSA, notwithstanding the mainstream media propaganda about the allegedly evil Russians and their alleged desire to invade Europe.
The stakes in this run up to war are enormous -- your life and the life of everyone you know, to begin with, and the planet at large, the rest of the global biosphere, potentially even the survival of humanity itself.
And yet, the USSA and NATO continue to press for war - - and make no mistake, it is NATO and the USSA who are pressing for war.
For two main reasons:
1) to further imperial hegemony
2) to forestall the collapse of the fraudulent, fake, fiat money financial system based in criminal central banking that aims to reduce the entire world's population to high-tech, digital, lifelong debt-based, neo-feudal servitude and impoverishment.
It is a grimly dystopian social, political and economic order that the USSA and NATO seek to impose by force on all of humanity, including on the Russians.
As it happens, their false, fake, phony economic model is now spectacularly failing, all over the world, and the great danger is that as NATO and the USSA see the economic underpinnings of their desperate gambit for totalitarian, global control dwindling away, that they will massively lash out, in a violent "use it or lose it" bid to bring the entire world under their merciless control.
Modern warfare is unimaginably expensive. The weapons systems and the associated military forces cost untold billions and billions of dollars to design, develop, manufacture, equip, deploy and maintain. So as the western economic system fails, NATO and the USSA are faced with the prospect of using their enormous military machine while they still have the economic resources to wield it in active warfare, or forever lose that ability and forego their harsh dream of world conquest and domination.
In the aggregate, they have millions of soldiers on the payroll and hundreds of military bases. Paying, feeding, clothing and equipping those soldiers will be an impossibility when the system collapses. Maintaining multi-billion dollar weapons systems that span the globe and Earth orbit, will become equally impossible in a situation of economic collapse.
And the collapse has begun. The entire global economic system is poised to come down. Today Venezuela is in chaos; tomorrow it could be the USSA in a similar condition.
Hence the push to war by the USSA and NATO. Time marches on and they can see their window of opportunity closing; they can viscerally feel it.
So they are running war games right now, preparing for war in close geographic proximity to Russia. Anakonda-16 is a massive, military exercise underway this week in Poland, involving 30,000 troops from 20 different countries.
NATO allies launch largest military exercise since end of Cold War in clear message to Russia
No doubt the Russians are drawing the appropriate conclusion: NATO is preparing to make war on Russia.
The Russian military is surely on heightened alert. I concur with the Russian authors of the article I referenced at the outset of this blog post that if the USSA and NATO attack Russian territory or Russian strategic interests, the Russians will have to assume that their national integrity and survival are on the line and will respond with great force. Obliteration of the USSA is absolutely a possible outcome in that scenario.
At a minimum, major USSA military bases could be nuked, and probably major centers of financial power such as Lower Manhattan, downtown Chicago and the City of London. Cities that are close to major military bases, such as San Diego, Albuquerque, San Antonio, Norfolk, Omaha, Tampa, etc. could quite possibly be vaporized.
Most of the USSA Navy could become twisted, multi-billion dollar scrap metal in mere minutes as Russian anti-ship missiles take out aircraft carrier task forces. The Russian missiles come in from over the horizon at mach 3+, skimming the waves, and punch a huge hole all the way through a ship, any ship, right at the waterline. They'll take an aircraft carrier down.
And yet the political and military "leadership" of the USSA and NATO continue positioning their forces for war with Russia.
Unless they desist and soon, we may, in fact, see a nuclear war, as horrific as that prospect is.
John Helmer, in Moscow, has written a thoughtful analysis that analyzes the military and geopolitical dynamics of the approaching conflict. You can read his excellent article here:
Helmer states that the Russians believe that October is a time of elevated risk for a USSA/NATO strike against Russia.
Who knows? We will all find out in a few months if they are right.
But if the USSA and NATO do attack Russia, there is every reason to believe that the Russians will strike back, hard and immediately, starting with major NATO and USSA military bases in Europe, though the retaliation will likely not end there.
I do need and accept your donations for support of my writing. I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing in exile in Ecuador. If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.
If you are financially able to relocate to South America and would like to move to, buy real estate in or make an exploratory visit to Ecuador while there is still time to get out of the NATO countries before the coming wave of chaos and societal upheaval worsens, please write to me and I will put you in touch with professional people who can make your transition much smoother and help minimize problems. While it is true that there was a very damaging earthquake in one narrow coastal region of Ecuador in April, the rest of the country suffered little to no damage, and life goes on normally.
A Russian warning
The authors advise that: If there is going to be a war with Russia, then the United States will most certainly be destroyed, and most of us will end up dead.
As my longtime readers know, I have a past history of nonviolent, anti-nuclear activism on the launch lids of nuclear missile silos in the USSA for which I was repeatedly incarcerated in a variety of different jails, prisons and correctional centers in the states of Georgia, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas and North Dakota. On the occasion of my last peace demonstration at a Minuteman III nuclear missile silo in North Dakota in 2010 I issued the following two statements to the press, which I invite you to read. They explain a great deal of my thinking.
Minot Manifesto
A Serious Message From The Heart of America
To come to the point, I have been out on the nuclear missile silos in the USSA, again and again and again and therefore personally know what kind of serious nuclear fire power is out there, deployed, waiting and ready to go at a minute's notice. It is hideous stuff.
The Stakes Are Very High
For that reason, I do not dismiss the Russian warning. I take it very seriously. For a variety of reasons I have understood the very real threat of nuclear warfare for most of my life. It absolutely is a possibility, and the more that NATO and the USSA pressure Russia militarily, economically and politically the greater the threat becomes that there will be an exchange of nuclear missiles.
Please understand that the push towards nuclear war is coming from the USSA, notwithstanding the mainstream media propaganda about the allegedly evil Russians and their alleged desire to invade Europe.
The stakes in this run up to war are enormous -- your life and the life of everyone you know, to begin with, and the planet at large, the rest of the global biosphere, potentially even the survival of humanity itself.
And yet, the USSA and NATO continue to press for war - - and make no mistake, it is NATO and the USSA who are pressing for war.
For two main reasons:
1) to further imperial hegemony
2) to forestall the collapse of the fraudulent, fake, fiat money financial system based in criminal central banking that aims to reduce the entire world's population to high-tech, digital, lifelong debt-based, neo-feudal servitude and impoverishment.
It is a grimly dystopian social, political and economic order that the USSA and NATO seek to impose by force on all of humanity, including on the Russians.
As it happens, their false, fake, phony economic model is now spectacularly failing, all over the world, and the great danger is that as NATO and the USSA see the economic underpinnings of their desperate gambit for totalitarian, global control dwindling away, that they will massively lash out, in a violent "use it or lose it" bid to bring the entire world under their merciless control.
Modern warfare is unimaginably expensive. The weapons systems and the associated military forces cost untold billions and billions of dollars to design, develop, manufacture, equip, deploy and maintain. So as the western economic system fails, NATO and the USSA are faced with the prospect of using their enormous military machine while they still have the economic resources to wield it in active warfare, or forever lose that ability and forego their harsh dream of world conquest and domination.
In the aggregate, they have millions of soldiers on the payroll and hundreds of military bases. Paying, feeding, clothing and equipping those soldiers will be an impossibility when the system collapses. Maintaining multi-billion dollar weapons systems that span the globe and Earth orbit, will become equally impossible in a situation of economic collapse.
And the collapse has begun. The entire global economic system is poised to come down. Today Venezuela is in chaos; tomorrow it could be the USSA in a similar condition.
Hence the push to war by the USSA and NATO. Time marches on and they can see their window of opportunity closing; they can viscerally feel it.
So they are running war games right now, preparing for war in close geographic proximity to Russia. Anakonda-16 is a massive, military exercise underway this week in Poland, involving 30,000 troops from 20 different countries.
NATO allies launch largest military exercise since end of Cold War in clear message to Russia
No doubt the Russians are drawing the appropriate conclusion: NATO is preparing to make war on Russia.
The Russian military is surely on heightened alert. I concur with the Russian authors of the article I referenced at the outset of this blog post that if the USSA and NATO attack Russian territory or Russian strategic interests, the Russians will have to assume that their national integrity and survival are on the line and will respond with great force. Obliteration of the USSA is absolutely a possible outcome in that scenario.
At a minimum, major USSA military bases could be nuked, and probably major centers of financial power such as Lower Manhattan, downtown Chicago and the City of London. Cities that are close to major military bases, such as San Diego, Albuquerque, San Antonio, Norfolk, Omaha, Tampa, etc. could quite possibly be vaporized.
Most of the USSA Navy could become twisted, multi-billion dollar scrap metal in mere minutes as Russian anti-ship missiles take out aircraft carrier task forces. The Russian missiles come in from over the horizon at mach 3+, skimming the waves, and punch a huge hole all the way through a ship, any ship, right at the waterline. They'll take an aircraft carrier down.
And yet the political and military "leadership" of the USSA and NATO continue positioning their forces for war with Russia.
Unless they desist and soon, we may, in fact, see a nuclear war, as horrific as that prospect is.
John Helmer, in Moscow, has written a thoughtful analysis that analyzes the military and geopolitical dynamics of the approaching conflict. You can read his excellent article here:
Helmer states that the Russians believe that October is a time of elevated risk for a USSA/NATO strike against Russia.
Who knows? We will all find out in a few months if they are right.
But if the USSA and NATO do attack Russia, there is every reason to believe that the Russians will strike back, hard and immediately, starting with major NATO and USSA military bases in Europe, though the retaliation will likely not end there.
I do need and accept your donations for support of my writing. I depend on your contributions and donations to help me continue living and writing in exile in Ecuador. If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.
If you are financially able to relocate to South America and would like to move to, buy real estate in or make an exploratory visit to Ecuador while there is still time to get out of the NATO countries before the coming wave of chaos and societal upheaval worsens, please write to me and I will put you in touch with professional people who can make your transition much smoother and help minimize problems. While it is true that there was a very damaging earthquake in one narrow coastal region of Ecuador in April, the rest of the country suffered little to no damage, and life goes on normally.
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