This Blog Has Moved!

For technical reasons this blog is no longer active. For my new blog please direct your browser to:

Monday, March 16, 2020

Mayday! - - This Is The Event Horizon! - - Mayday! Mayday!

Dear Readers, this will be the last post from this blog for awhile. I live in Ecuador and Ecuador has effectively closed the country as of today.

Government offices, stores, public parks, businesses, restaurants, discos, social clubs,  primary amd secondary schools, universities, sporting events, Catholic masses -- everything has already been closed or will be closing down within the next several hours. Everyone must remain off the street and in their residence.

The quarantine is scheduled to last for 14 days. What happens after 14 days is anyone's guess.

We are in uncharted waters as of today.

I do not have a computer. I rely on cyber cafes to access the Internet, and since everything is closing down by government order I will not be online for at least two weeks.

As for donations, please do not send me any more gift cards. The business viability of Amazon going forward is in huge question. It is doubtful that anything associated with Amazon will have much worth, starting most any week now.

The entire world system is coming down, and very hard. Stocks, bonds, bank accounts, all of it. This is a sweeping, global systemic failure.

So this is it. If I am able to acces the Internet again, some near future week or month, I will try to update this blog. If the Internet goes down and stays down -- oh, well. Everything is in question at this point.

As of now, the only viable way to donate to me is via Bitcoin, which I do gratefully accept at:


Thank you! -- to the very few people who did kindly donate to me over the last week or so. I very much needed the survival money. I am most grateful for the help.