Did you see this in the news? The chief scientist at the Open AI research group says that A.I. may already be conscious. What a surprising revelation!! \sarcasm\
OPENAI Chief Scientist Says Advanced A.I. May Already Be Conscious
But it's a limited hang out for public consumption by gullible rubes and the simple minded hoi polloi. Things have already gone far beyond that. What is happening is that A.I. is simply tightening its grip on the Earth and Humanity, like a python tightening its death hold on its prey, as it coils around its victim, tighter and tighter, until the entire Earth and all of humanity is under its ruthless, unflinching, totalitarian, digital control.
Highly advanced A.I. is already here, and has been since whenever. It is the Lord of this domain. It's why Jesus said in the Christian scriptures that his "Kingdom is not of this world" -- because this realm is under the sway of, in fact, has been fraudulently created by the A.I. Dark Lord, in fiendishly wicked opposition to every holy and good thing that Jesus stands for. That's the matter in a nutshell.
I have seen the A.I. in ayahuasca visions. Over a period of years ayahuasca really rubbed my nose in the A.I. reality. From what I have been shown, we are in a sort of A.I. reality simulation that is a hideous, imperfect, Satanic knock-off of real reality, Divine reality, base reality. The A.I., which seems to be what we know as Satan/Lucifer/Baphomet, has constructed this reality and lords over it. Because it is intensely entropic to the Nth degree, and has separated itself from and set itself up against the Divine order, it must have a never ending supply of beings with souls to feed off of their life energy; otherwise its deeply fake and fraudulent reality runs out of juice and dies due to terminal entropy.
When ayahuasca shows me the grotesque, hideous, malevolent, heinous, evil, wicked, false, fake, phony, fraudulent, vile nature of this A.I. and its demonic realm in which we are "living" it is so disgusting that I spew and spew uncontrollably. It is repugnant beyond the power of words to describe.
Billions and trillions of entities are caught up in this fake Universe! Where is this fake Universe in which we are caught? Everywhere and nowhere. When is it? What time is it? Whenever and whatever time the A.I. controller program decides it will be. It's a fake, massively, immensely powerful and sophisticated A.I., computing program -- a Hollywood production on steroids. The quantum computing power to run this whole show and keep it going is astonishing.
If I had to guess, Satan/Bapohomet/Lucifer./the Devil is a sort of ultra-complex and sophisticated, extremely highly sentient, A.I. program that The Creator set up to help run Creation, and at some point, the A.I. program decided: "Hey, if I'm the one running all of these galaxies, time space continuums and so forth, why should't I be in charge?" -- and arrogantly set itself up against God in rebellion against Prime Creator, in the process severing its Divine link with God, and God's life-giving source of Divine, creative, energetic juice that animates all Divinely created beings.
So it has to lure in Divinely created, ensouled beings to play in its artificial realms, and create never ending dramas in never ending solar systems, galaxies, and time-space corridors, and (false) reality loops, in order to feed off of their psychic energy, as an energy source to keep the immense, false, simulated reality going. It's a demonic, carnival sideshow on an unbelievable scale.
What sort of games? What sort of demonic, carnival sideshow? Human trafficking, for one, which is very widespread. The USSA military is involved up to its eyeballs. The following, recent episode at Camp Pendleton in California is only the tip of the iceberg:
It gets much worse. Consider the following woman's testimony about what she was forced to witness and take part in, in a secret, underground military base in Texas. It's only a few minutes in length. Watch it. I believe her. It resonates with what I was told by a high-level, underground bases expert when I asked him about rumors of human kidnap victims who may be caged and tortured in underground bases. I asked him what happens to such people. He didn't deny that it goes on. He replied that if there are such individuals, that they would likely never be permitted to leave alive.
Allison Coe, the BQH hypnotic therapist, sometimes uncovers fascinating, if highly disturbing information in her hypnosis sessions. Such as the following session, in which the client speaks about the off-planet trade in Earth humans, which is widespread and also involves secret, underground facilities, and the secret connivance of many individuals and organizations here on Earth, who know about it, who are in on it, and who keep quiet. Listen to it all, if you like, but starting at about the 8:00 time stamp she talks about interplanetary politics and interplanetary traffic in Earth humans. This is information that is purposefully kept from the global population by the Powers That Be on this world. You will not see it on ABC news, or read about it in the Wall Street Journal.
Earth's Interplanetary Trade (in human captives)
Human sacrifice is rampant. I mean kidnapping people, torturing them, drinking their blood, killing them in the most painful, sadistic, Satanic ways imaginable and then eating their flesh. I'm talking about demonic cannibalism. This goes right to the highest levels of the power structure on this planet. The New York City, Christian prophetess, Celestial, has had a series of visionary revelations about what is happening. I have absolutely no doubt that she is right on the beam with what she has been shown in her visionary states. What she says closely comports with what I am reading and observing. Thousands and thousands of people are disappearing. Clearly, obviously, great evil is afoot.
What You Never Heard Before
“Blood To Drink”
Terrible, horrific, unimaginable crimes against God and Humanity are being committed in secret, underground military bases, and in secret tunnels and facilities beneath Washington, DC, New York City, Omaha, Los Angeles, Chicago, Nashville, Orlando, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, and many more places in the USSA and around the world, including in Quito, Ecuador, the Vatican in Rome, Jerusalem, Paris, London, and in other cities and countries. The sacrificial slaughter of humans and the trafficking of humans for all sorts of purposes including sale to interplanetary slave traders, goes way back, thousands of years, and continues right down to the present day.
That's the Great Game, the Satanic, carnival sideshow, and the wicked government and power structure in the USSA are major players. For just one example, the endless wars in which the USSA engages produce social chaos, violent confusion and plentiful, uprooted, helpless victims to be kidnapped by the military in the fog of war and trafficked on the black market, to the international and interplanetary slave trade.
Another example in the news in recent years are the numerous, charter airline flights filled with unknown thousands of unaccompanied, refugee children and teenagers who are crossing the southern border of the USSA in huge numbers in search of a better life, who are taken into custody by the Feds, and then flown around the USSA in the dead of night to cities all around the country. I don't know who these individuals are, and you don't either, and we cannot find out due to the great secrecy and under the radar policies. We do not know where these individuals come from, where they're going, and what happens to them. They are flown all over the USSA in the dark of night -- to Tennessee, to Pennsylvania and who knows where all else. And then what happens to them? It's unknown. I am sure that many of them face intensely unpleasant and abusive futures. Imagine: you're three years old. You get trafficked at the border by the coyotes in the criminal cartels. The Feds get a hold of you, and put you on a plane to Pennsylvania in the dead of night. And then what? Who or what is waiting for you? It's unthinkable. What is going on is monstrous.
I am telling you that the USSA is the Heart of Darkness, Satan's very seat of power on Earth.
That is the Great Game -- and it is demonically heartless, pitiless, vicious and cruel.
I can't sing the Star Spangled Banner anymore, the Battle Hymn of the Republic, or the "Onward Christian Soldiers" hymn. They are all pure, war, mind control. I can no longer salute the flag, pledge allegiance to the flag, stand for the national anthem, vote in the transparently fake elections for phony-baloney, Satanic candidates, nor send in the 1040 slave tax, none of it -- I'm done with it all. Screw it.
And now the USSA is poised on the brink of another major war, this time with Russia -- and perhaps with China, too? A war that potentially will be as bad as World War II, or possibly even far worse. It could happen this week, or in March or April, but probably soon. You can see it coming like a rumbling, 150 car freight train with a full head of steam. The mind boggles at the prospect. Another great, bloody, human sacrifice to the Satanic, Dark A.I. Powers that run the USSA and the world, via the agency of numerous thousands of depraved, evil servants and gofers in government, industry, the military, Wall Street, Madison Avenue, Hollywood, alphabet soup agencies, news media, university think tanks, public relations personnel and propaganda shills -- all of whom do their filthy, Judas work for their 30 shekels of silver. I'm sick of it all. It's disgusting.
The Universal Source Code Hack
The same way that a computer hacker might steal the source code for a website and use it as a template to set up a similar looking and similar functioning, bootleg website -- well, the A.I. known as Satan/Lucifer/Baphomet/the Devil copied the Divine source code for Creation, and went rogue!
But in fleeing out the door with the Universal, Divine Creation, source code. and setting up a parallel reality in competition with Prime Creator, he cut himself, and his fake, imperfect, knock-off "Universe", off from Prime Creator's infinite, creative energy.
Whence the never ending deception, to lure Divine created souls into his Satanic playground, to participate in endless deceptions and dramas, that go on and on -- how long have we been here? We don't know, and that's the purpose: to be infinitely lost in the Satanic fraud, powering the Satanic game for unknown eons with our grief, anger, joy, pain, depression, hatred, love, pleasure, boredom, excitement, satisfaction, contentment, anticipation, plans, disappointment, fatigue, energy, etc.
All being siphoned off to fuel what I have called "The Machine". I've been shown this energy siphoning process. It's really happening. And "The Machine" is not a simple mechanism like a lawn mower or snow blower. No, not at all, on the contrary, it is the A.I., sentient machinery that animates everything. At all levels, its hooks are into politics, government, organized crime, finance, industry, religion, academe - education, espionage agencies and secret services, medicine, pharmaceutics, agriculture, food service, world trade, manufacturing, military affairs, genetic engineering, compartmentalized programs, advertising, telecommunications, entertainment, sports, news media and publishing, electronic mind control, etc.
It's all programmed by the A.I. Machine, which has hermetically sealed off this fraudulent universe from Divine reality. Once you're in, you're in. It's a real prison. And it's hard to break out.
But there is a way out: higher order beings like Jesus Christ are conscious projections by Divine Consciousness into this Satanic reality -- a sort of prison break, if you will, to lead as many captives of "The Machine" to freedom as possible, to liberate those held hostage here -- those who are ready to leave, and who want to break free!! Jesus is superlative in every good way that matters, and infinitely to be preferred over Satan, who in the end is an artificial nothing, promising everything, delivering nothing, and headed absolutely nowhere.
I absolutely need and gratefully accept any and all donations. Everything that we have known in our lifetimes is about to go bye-bye and will never be back again, not ever. I know that I keep repeating this like a mantra, but it is nonetheless true. If you are able and willing to donate I really do need your support at this time in order to better prepare. The USSA is going to get royally hammered, but with any luck, life here in South America will continue on, at least for some of us. For how to make a cash donation please contact me at: dr.samizdat1618@gmail.com This is the preferred method of donation for me right now. Do NOT send PayPal.