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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Evil, Satanic, Demonic Earth << CA$INO >>

A few weeks ago one of my readers sent me a photo of a garish, Holiday Season, front lawn display. We've all seen them. Thousands of blinking, multicolored lights, with reindeer, $anta, Christmas trees, snowmen, sleighs, elves, etc. In the photo my reader sent me, Jesus, who is theoretically the reason for the season, is nowhere to be seen.

My reader asked: "What happened to Jesus?"

I replied:

Good question.

Christmas has become a superficial, hollow casino: gaudy. flashing lights, music blaring, drunken/alcoholic parties, money changing hands.

Jesus has been shoved out of the picture.

Many millions of people will be shocked -- shocked!! -- one, near-future moment to find themselves suddenly, unexpectedly standing in front of a majestic, higher-order being who will inquire of them: "Tell me, what have you done with your life? Have a seat here and we'll roll the film."

Everything has been monetized, everything. I have previously written on this blog multiple times about some of the nefarious, organized crime activities that are bedeviling and besieging Humanity. Human trafficking, narcotics trafficking, contraband petroleum trafficking, weapons trafficking, gold smuggling, uranium smuggling, money laundering, organized professional gang stalking, genocidal policies (both military and non-military in nature), human blood and organ trafficking, Satanic human sacrifices and cannibalism, and more. Dreadful as they are, in the aggregate, these organized criminal activities constitute a HUGE portion of the global economy.

I continue to see missing person flyers here in Quito, but this issue is not exclusive to Ecuador. In country after country, large numbers of people are disappearing, never to be seen again. Every variety of skullduggery is occurring all over the world. This planet is awash in the darkest, foulest policies and deeds imaginable -- and then some. It's alarming.

I have previously written about the large, dark, unmarked, armored trucks (without license plates!) under conspicuous armed escort in front and behind, that I repeatedly have seen zooming down the highways and boulevards here in Quito; as well as the huge, grey, unmarked, four-engine jet airplanes that lumber low over Quito on their way to get into the landing pattern for the international airport on the outskirts of town; and the never ending parade of high-level foreign politicians, dignitaries and celebrities that continue to make their way to Quito -- for example earlier this month, Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of the U$$Department of Homeland Security, was in Quito for talks about migration, regional security and narco-trafficking. Not to mention that U$$A General Laura Richardson, Commander of U$$A Southern Command was also in Quito three months ago for high-level "security" talks; as was the ever-slimy Senator from New Jersey, Bob Menendez, the following month with four other U$$A senators in tow, to talk about the environment, commerce, and the ever popular "migration" and "security."

Not to forget the extremely high-profile visits in mid-November of Bad Bunny and U$$A Under-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to Quito -- on the same day, no less!! And then, just a week ago, the President of Ecuador was in Washington-DC to talk with Joe Biden, the Director of the CIA, the President of the World Bank, and who knows with whom/what all else. 

I read the papers, I try to keep up, and I practically need a score card to keep track of all the big movers and shakers who have been cycling through Quito over the last few months. Lest I forget, Jill Biden itself was also here in May, in a white dress covered with huge, purple-blue butterflies -- CIA MK-Ultra mind control butterflies? Which begs the question, what did Jill Biden really do in Ecuador? Just flying around the world in its "butterfly" dress posing for photos? Is the Jill Biden "op" part of the Illuminati mass mind-control project? Is that it?

I'm guessing that real evil is going down in Quito, that Quito is a quiet, backwater hub or node where international fat cats, high rollers. and various demonic $atanists and sundry scum of that ilk come to finalize deals and take delivery of contraband cargo.

To my mind, all of the high-level talks about so-called "trade, commerce, migration, security, and narco-trafficking" undoubtedly have to do with:

* regional migration: funneling requisite numbers of "disappeared" persons from South America to the USSA -- for human organs, blood draining (i.e., adrenochrome, Satanic blood drinking), physical labor doing God-alone-knows-what,  sexual slaves, Satanic sacrificial victims, child trafficking (the fates of these kids are unthinkable), sale to off-planet slavers -- and I'm not joking. It's horrific what is going on.

* bi-lateral trade: keep all the high-ticket commodities flowing from South America to the U$$A in industrial quantities: tons of contraband gold and uranium (the mountains and jungles of Ecuador are very mineral rich in extensive, high-value deposits of both gold and uranium), human slaves/disappeared persons, cocaine, high-value archaeological and exotic technological artifacts of which there are plenty (already found and yet to be discovered/uncovered), exotic biological life forms captured or killed in the mountains, forests or coastal and inland waters of Ecuador, and so on.

* narco-trafficking: If the papers can be believed Ecuador is now the third leading, illegal narco-export country in the world. This is a new development in recent years, and totally intentional, totally planned. The Narco-Lords in Washington-DC, Brussels, New York City, Miami, Antwerp, Mexico City and elsewhere need to ensure that the "spice" continues to flow in industrial quantities. So they send their "gofers" here for high-level "narco-trafficking" talks. Get it? (nudge-nudge, wink-wink.)

* regional security: Security forces like the Army, National Police, Customs Police, Border Patrol, Naval and Coast Guard patrols, and the like need to be kept on a short leash, so that they do not unduly interfere with; or even better, so that they passively/quietly, and even actively, facilitate the smooth functioning of the so-called "bi-lateral trade," "regional migration," and narco-trafficking discussed in the bullet points above.

So what's in the dark trucks (with no license plates or markings) that zoom around under armed escort? What's in the huge, grey, unmarked jet airplanes that lumber in and out of Quito? My best guess: "disappeared" human slaves, tons of contraband gold and uranium, tons of cocaine, high-value archaeological and exotic technological artifacts from long ago-- of which there are plenty (already found and yet to be discovered/uncovered/dug up), exotic biological life forms captured or killed in the mountains, forests or coastal and inland waters of Ecuador, and finally, but not least, shrink-wrapped pallets of $100 bills -- hush money to pay off/buy off/silence police and military officers who are on the take, major businessmen and bankers, politicians and government functionaries at all levels, religious figures (oh, yeah, many of the "churches" are hip deep in all manner of corruption), a whole slew of bandits, cut throats and low-lives in the many criminal gangs and rings, and numerous anonymous others involved in smuggling/trafficking/covering up all of the above, and/or laundering untold billions of dollars of untraceable cash. 

I kid you not. Look at this video from a sicario "hit" just a few nights ago, on Christmas Eve -- in Esmeraldas, Ecuador. The action was caught by a street surveillance camera. The hit man zooms up alongside a taxicab on a motorbike -- shoots the cabbie and causes the cab to crash right in front of three policemen, who quickly draw their service weapons and subdue the hit man. He's going to spend the next 30 years in prison, and for what? Total, Satanic stupidity. This is common in Ecuador, and Haiti, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Honduras, the U$$A .... in a lot of places. Who gave the order for the hit?  What did the taxicab driver know? Who knows? Another day, another murder -- and the ruthless, brutal, criminal, global control machine grinds bloodily on.

All while maintaining the vast bulk of the population -- including me! -- in grinding poverty. The big money remains in the hands of the sprawling gangster class outlined above. It's diabolical, supremely dishonest, savage and cruel, but that is my frank, unvarnished analysis of what is happening.

The Grey Men

Of course, to help all of this $atanic treachery and mayhem proceed apace lots of helping hands are needed, the less intrusive, the better; so as not to excessively alarm the sheep herd, er, so as not to panic the hoi polloi, you know, so that the stupid, propagandized slaves will remain acceptably tractable and docile, and not interfere with their own enslavement, exploitation, torture and ... murder (see the video above, for just one of unfortunate millions of examples).

Enter the << grey men >>. I first noticed them about 6 or 8 years ago. Maybe they were around before that, but that is when I first began to notice them. And by the way, let me add parenthetically before I go further that if I am noticing them, then they certainly are noticing me, and are certainly also being noticed by whatever intelligence or espionage agencies are active in Quito, be those agencies Ecuadorean of some description, foreign terrestrial agencies, or, dare we say it, extraterrestrial/off planet agencies; though, to be sure, the << grey men >> themselves would seem to be some sort of low-key intelligence or espionage operation. So who knows? 

I have noticed three types of << grey men >> never in the company of females of any age or of anyone elderly or younger than about the late 20s: 

1) short, less than 6 feet tall, Ecuadorean-looking, casual middle-class or slightly shabby business attire, mestizo, mostly middle-aged, a bit clumsy, somewhat obtrusive, rather easy to spot, may talk a very little bit in Spanish, may be alone or in small groups; 

2) taller, all of them about 6'2" to 6'6" in height, slim, distinctly Caucasian (but not blond), do not ever say one word in any language, alertly relaxed, mostly in the 45 to 60 year-old range (though some may be younger), mostly drab, casual dress that looks bought off the rack at a thrift store, unexceptional in appearance and behavior, almost always alone, clearly not tourists; 

3) young men about 30 years old, about 6 feet tall, muscular well beyond the norm of the general male population, not LGBHTPXYZ, may be of Negro, Caucasian, East Asian or mestizo appearance, dressed in casual, Ecuadorean street attire, seem to work together as if they are mind-linked (are they? -- are they brain chipped?), may operate in mixed groups, silent -- do not speak amongst themselves or to others. 

I do not assume that any of these three groups necessarily have to be Earth humans -- or human at all; they could be wearing masks! -- though of course they very well may be human. It is my understanding that the basic human form and many human races are widespread throughout the Milky Way galaxy, on hundreds of thousands of planets. The fact that there is a human population on Earth is no exception; there are myriad others. Over the last decade I have seen a variety of UFOs right in Quito, and flying over Quito, so who knows who is here, and why?

What I can tell you is that all is not as it seems. There are mysterious, even deeply troubling events of every description happening on this planet at this extremely critical time-space juncture. I have set out a few of them above. It is a firm guarantee that if I am aware of these events and policies that the << grey men >> are also aware of them, at a bare minimum. All three groups -- whoever or whatever they really are -- are aware of me, and I of them; so if I have noticed that they are aware of me, and I am aware of these other things, then logically, they must also be aware of these other things that I have noticed.

Are they simply observers placed here to watch the goings on in Quito and report to whomever or whatever? Or do they play a more active role, and if so, how, in what way(s)?  Are they pro or contra the local human population of Quito and Ecuador? Are they local humans, or perhaps from elsewhere on the Earth or perhaps other planets in this solar system or beyond? Think of this possibility: have the crimes on Earth grown so abominably, notoriously atrocious that Galactic Undercover Police have been sent in to monitor the situation in situ and compile dossiers of inculpatory, damning evidence against the guilty parties, dossiers to be used in future Galactic Tribunals that render stunningly serious final judgments against the eternal souls of the demons tormenting this planet, in this 3D reality and possibly beyond? 

I don't have definitive answers for any of the above, only a growing body of observations and no firm conclusions so far. 

Down the $EC Rabbit Hole

Oh, Dear God, and the dirty money, the trillion$ of dollar$ of filthy, dirty, nasty, slimy, scummy money tied up in all of this, on Earth of course -- and a lot of which also probably is tied to off-planet commerce, by the way, e.g., in the metals trade (gold, silver, uranium, plutonium, thorium, lithium, magnesium, rhodium, copper, aluminum, titanium, palladium, iron, cobalt, tungsten, lead, tin, manganese, zinc, nickel, platinum, etc.), raw DNA trade (human and animal semen and ova, pollen, plant seeds, fungus spores, plant cuttings, bacteria and viruses, live tissue samples), live human trafficking, in the blood business (both animal and human), raw human energy trafficking (fear, anger, hatred, love, pleasure, disgust, boredom, terror, satisfaction, lust, desire, excitement, longing, regret, anticipation, fondness, affection, nostalgia, etc. -- yeah, it all can be milked, bottled, packaged and sold/bartered -- pure extract of Earth human emotion), purchase and sale of human souls (literal Faustian bargains/contracts -- the Devil is in the details), off-planet sale of fresh terrestrial human and animal meat, etc.

Of course, the Euro, U$$A Federal Reserve Note, Yen, British Pound, and so forth, have no value off-planet -- they barely have any value here on the Earth these days! But there are countless trillions of dollar$/yen/euros/pounds/yuan/pesos/rubles, etc. to be made in commerce in all of the above (and much more) between criminal mafias, religions, military agencies, governments, industries, corporations, banks, brokerage houses, secret societies, espionage agencies, wealthy bloodline families, etc. right here on Earth. And in the massive, global, multi-trillion dollar, thimble-thimble-who's-got-the-thimble shell game, there must be wholesale brokers from the above list of rogues who surreptitiously handle the off-planet trade.

And what do the terrestrial human brokers get in return? Exotic technology? Exotic substances and materials not available on Earth? Uncommon historical information? Time travel technical help? Military help? Off-planet commercial, diplomatic, and/or military alliances? Galactic level intelligence on interstellar races, confederations, trading routes and control hubs? Something else?

In little more than a century and a half, after many thousands of years of cultural and scientific stagnation, this planet has seen a veritable technological explosion: trucks, tractors, automobiles, trains, jet aircraft, helicopters, huge submarines, massive oil tankers, petroleum refineries, nuclear weaponry, nuclear power plants, electrical generating plants, precision machining, industrial metallurgy, photography, fiber optics, lasers, national electrical grids, ballistic missiles, manned spacecraft, satellites, electronic technology: radio, TV, amplifiers, the telephone, telegraph, computers, the Internet. That's just a partial listing. It's astonishing.

I am suggesting that a prima facie case can be made that a great deal of this sudden, global, technological leap has come from secret, far reaching transactions with off-planet groups. That's certainly the direction in which some of the revelations of various figures in modern Ufology have pointed, a prominent example being the work of the late U$$A military officer, Philip Corso. According to Col. Corso, 20th century technological advances such as the transistor, printed electronic circuit boards, lasers, fiber optics, Velcro and more, are the result of reverse engineering of crashed/found extraterrestrial spacecraft and technology.

I am inclined to agree that a lot of the new technology that we have seen abruptly pop up over the last century and a half, or so, could very well have originated from elsewhere or elsewhen -- with one important caveat.

I very much doubt that the appearance of multiple, supposedly crashed or "found" space craft and technologies (as in New Mexico in 1947, for example) is quite as accidental or serendipitous as we have been told. Unimaginable fortunes, power and influence right here on Earth have accrued to the benefit of those individuals, groups, organizations and industries that were propitiously positioned to luckily "discover" and bring these technologies to the global market place.

I rather suspect that "luck" or "chance" had very little to do with it. I think bargains were struck, very dark deals along the lines of what I discuss above were sealed -- and then certain technology was made available, by hook or crook, on purpose or by treachery and betrayal, and we have the ghastly situation in which we find our world today.

But all of this immense technological change and development resulted in an enormous, global, multi-trillion dollar explosion of commerce and financial activity, especially over the last 50 years. What to do with all of that stupendous sum of money? How to handle those trillions of dollars of profit and wealth? The answer that the Dark Satanic Forces who presently prevail on this planet appear to have come up with was to funnel it, launder it through International Organized Crime (Sicilian Mafia, Yakuza, Chinese Triads, Russian-Jewish Mob, etc.), the Fortune 1,000 companies, the Military-Intelligence-Espionage-Complex, the Vatican, the BIS, U$$A Federal Reserve, Wall Street, the City of London, Hong Kong, OPEC, etc., and set up an obscenely capitalized parallel economy from which the likes of me and thee are 100% excluded. 

Let me provide some fragmentary examples of just a small sliver of that unreal world, by which I've gotten some brief glimmerings of what it's like for those on the inside of that surreal realm. Over the years I've been quietly approached a few times by certain agencies to go to work for them. I've always politely declined, even though I believe the money would have been quite good, certainly as opposed to the life of poverty I've experienced for many years, barely subsisting on a scant few thousand dollars per year, year after year after year. But then, if I grabbed the cash, and in a manner of speaking came in from the cold, you would not be reading this article, so there is that.

In one case, whether true or not, I was told that my record would be wiped, anything and everything, credit score, any debts, police and jail/prison record, absolutely all of it, wiped away as if it never were. Furthermore, money would thenceforth never be an issue for me, if I agreed to go to work for them. I declined. 

On another occasion, one of the U$$A military agencies approached me in a very novel, unexpected way, and asked me to go to work for them. A young officer in a distinctive uniform made the pitch, and offered me an employment contract on the spot. It was highly interesting work, but I absolutely could not sign the contract that he proffered to me. It was unacceptable. I declined. I handed the contract back to him.

In another case, a man whom I personally knew very well for years, who had very strong, high-level, professional and personal ties to the military-industrial-espionage-complex, tried to recruit me to go to work directly with/for a reasonably well-known figure in the military-industrial-espionage-complex, in a specific line of work that was unacceptable to me. I respectfully declined.

During one of my multiple stints in jail/prison for nonviolently protesting against preparations for nuclear war, I was quietly approached by a third party to go to work for one of the well-known Federal agencies. This happens a lot in jail/prison. The government agencies try to turn inmates and bring them into their employ. I declined.

On another occasion some years ago, I was offered to "forsake my family name," or something along those lines, in exchange for a so-called "dark card" through one of the world's very biggest banks, which by implication would free me financially. While I believe that the man making the offer was fundamentally well-intentioned, and could plausibly have arranged such a deal through his personal/professional contacts, I politely declined. Once you enter that anonymous, "dark card" world, courtesy of Big Money, then what? Wall Street has been laundering unknown, dirty billion$/trillion$ of dollars for decades. It is among the most criminally mobbed-up pieces of real estate on this planet (along with the City of London, the Vatican, Hong Kong, etc.) -- see the organized criminal activities I mention above. There's no way to tell where the money on a "dark card" from a huge, multinational bank comes from. For example see time stamp 1:40 to 1:55 here: 

Which brings me full stop to the $EC website, which gives the barest peek into the world of trillion dollar chicanery, the Mad Max portal through which all the dirty money gets shuffled around.

Everyone who is anyone is listed on the $EC website, royal personages, big banks, countries, state and provincial governments, big cities, prominent political figures, major corporations, government agencies, and innumerable funds and accounts, to most of which the average person has little-to-no access, and to most of which he/she/it can probably never gain access. It's another world, and we're not in it. We're not permitted in it.

We're categorically excluded from the main action, now and for all time. It's a parallel world, a big part of which probably extends off-planet, through murky, shadowy ties and arrangements.

But this is where the Black Money sloshes around, where the really big, dirty money gets laundered and funneled here and there. This is dark card world, Spanish King Felipe VI world, Pope Francis-Vatican Bank world, Klaus Schwab-World Economic Forum world, Jamie Dimon-JP Morgan Chase Bank world, British King Charles III world, Bohemian Grove world, Council of Foreign Relations world, Pentagon Black Budget world, Medellin Narco-cartel world, Chinese Triads world, Venetian Black Nobility world, and so on. Access is by invitation only. 

They're all registered there on the $EC website, if not directly by name, through anonymous proxies and layers of plausible denial. Note in the discussion below that countries are registered as companies. The world system is a Byzantine network of intricately interlocked corporations. The world system is corporate. So-called "countries, states, provinces and cities" are corporations, commercial businesses. It's all about the money. The nonsense about serving the public welfare is a bunch of baloney for gullible, stupid rubes with rose colored glasses.

The SIC code which the $EC uses in many listings is the acronym for Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). The Republic of the Philippines has SIC Code 8888, i.e., The Republic of the Philippines is an industry. SIC codes are explained here:

Thus, the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code of the Philippines is: Foreign Government. Foreign Government is an Industrial Classification, not a political entity or a "country" full of people -- not at all. 

Republic of the Philippines SIC-8888

State location given as: R6.

Federal Republic of Nigeria  SIC-8888

State location given as: Q5.

Canada  SIC-8888

The state location is listed as: DC, i.e., Washington-DC. 

Republic of Finland  SIC-8888

State location: DC

Federal Republic of Brazil   SIC-8888

State location: D5

Region of Lombardy (presumably in Italy)   SIC-8888

Business address also listed as: DE, i.e, Delaware. It's incorporated in Delaware.

City of Naples, Italy  SIC-8888

This is a well known Italian city, but it also has an industrial classification code. Note that it is listed as being located in the state of: DE. The City of Naples, Italy is evidently incorporated in Delaware. 

Government of Belize  SIC-8888

State location: DC.

The $EC filings indicate that many Foreign Governments are, in fact, incorporated in Delaware, New York or Washington-DC . Does the U$$A, Inc. actually include "Foreign Governments"  SIC-8888 under its sprawling corporate umbrella?

Furthermore, the $EC is using a global, alpha-numeric place of incorporation, location scheme that appears to be internal to its worldwide financial operations. I haven't previously encountered this global, alpha-numeric location code. It is unknown to me, but obviously reflects how the corporate world system is really organized.

For example, looking at the available documentation on the $EC website (using the Edgar search feature), just a small sampling of the Foreign Country or incorporation area codes in the $EC location system are: Nigeria is Q5, Philippines are R6, Washington-DC is DC, DE is Delaware, New York is NY, A1 is Victoria-British Columbia, Queensland-Australia is C3, Quebec-Canada is A8, Chile is F3, Indonesia is K8, Sweden is V7, Turkey is W8, and so on. 

Other nuggets include a 2014 filing by Donna Brazile, who twice served as Chair of the Democratic National Committee, and is a prominent analyst, strategist and campaign manager for the Democratic Party in the U$$A. Her 2014 $EC filing was for a company called Professional Diversity, Network, Inc. with SIC Code 7370.

SIC Code 7370 is for Computer Programming Services and Data Processing. Well, now, what computers was Donna Brazile's Professional Diversity Network needing to program? And what "data" did they need to process? Just what sort of "diversity" are we talking about here? Give me a minute, I'll figure it out ....  \sarcasm\

Other listings:

UFO Group, Inc.

Advanced Maglev Systems, LLC

BlackRock, Inc.


JP Morgan Chase Bank

JP Morgan Chase Bank has SIC 8880, meaning its industrial classification is "American Depositary Receipts." What does that mean? You don't know, and I don't either, and if you are not in on the game you won't find out, not in any detail. But let me hazard a guess that it has something to do with depositing dirty, multi-billion dollar receipts from the murky business dealings that I discuss above into the U$$A's big, filthy money laundromat, aka, "Wall Street." 

Look, type 8880 into the Edgar search engine, and see what comes up. Here, I'll help you:

Notice that at the top of the listings that it says: SIC 8880 - UNKNOWN. You will find everything there, under the SIC 8880 -UNKNOWN industrial category, which the $EC SIC Code page identifies as "American Depositary Receipts" -- whatever that really means.

Just upon a casual inventory I noted Atlas Copco, the massive Swedish conglomerate that has repeatedly popped up in my underground bases research. There are 998 corporations of many descriptions listed there. Mining, energy, petroleum, marine services, transportation, banking, food, Internet, electronics, telecommunications, many of the biggest concerns in the world: Chinese, Russian, German, U$$A, Japanese, Brazilian.

The Commonwealth of Australia is listed as SIC 8880 UNKNOWN, with its business address at the Australian Embassy in Washington, DC. The industrial category of "The Commonwealth of Australia" is therefore: American Depositary Receipts. Is Australia a corporate subsidiary of the U$$A, Inc.? What really happens in Washington, DC? You don't know, and I don't either.

There's no end to the anomalies and strange factoids that litter the listings. But what comes through is that the whole world governance structure is corporate in nature. This world is a corporation, and the various "governments" are nothing more than corporate entities. It's all big business, and we, my Friends, are the numbered and electronically tagged property of the various corporations.

Tesla, Inc.

Amazon Com Inc

Milky Way Investments Group Ltd.

Arcturus Ursa Major Fund, LP
Arcturus Ursa Minor Fund, LP

There is no end to the rabbit holes on the millions of pages of the $EC website. You could literally spend the rest of your life chasing down corporate dead ends and blind alleys, and snuffling out anomalies in the reams of data that are there.

In the Edgar search engine, type in New York or Delaware and look at all of those listings for banks, trusts, funds, corporations, offerings and holdings of every description. Who or what ultimately owns all of those corporate entities, and who or what controls that vast amount of wealth? Or type in United States, and of all of the listings that come up, how many fall under the corporate umbrella of the global, sprawling, Byzantine, U$$A, Inc.Who knows? You don't know for sure and neither do I.  What exactly does the moniker, United States, truly mean?

I submit to you that there really is no feasible way to know the definitive answer to these questions. We simply do not know with any precision who or what controls the system.

Go again to the Edgar search engine and type in 3330, 1000, 1040, and 1090, and you will pull up hundreds of metal mining and metal smelting corporations. Click the More Options tab on the Edgar search page, and then fill in the SIC codes in the small SIC search tab a bit farther down the page. Some of the names are frankly evocative of off-world activities. What is coming into focus for me is that this planet has been a source of metals and metal ores for unknown thousands of years. I mean that huge, enormous, industrial quantities of metal and metal ores have gone off of this planet in remote antiquity, and right down to this present year. 

I recently viewed a most interesting video about a massive copper mining operation in Utah, in the mid-20th century. See it here: There were and are other massive copper mining operations elsewhere, as in New Mexico, South America, Africa. The scale of these operations is stunning and ongoing.

I am now very much wondering whether all of the metal that is being mined all over the Earth is staying on this planet. I have even more serious questions as to whether the huge numbers of missing people globally, are all remaining on this planet. We also have abundant evidence of an environmentally destructive, worldwide chemtrailing campaign that has been underway for decades. Who or what is the generative force behind that?

I saw a white, triangular aircraft fly rapidly over Quito a few weeks ago, leaving a single, small, wispy contrail in its wake that swiftly dissipated. I didn't notice any engine noise. It did not look like a conventional jet. It certainly was not an aircraft operated by the Ecuadorean air force, that barely has 18 operational, conventional aircraft of any sort, let alone a speedy, triangular, white aircraft. So what was it? Where did it come from? What was it doing? Why did it fly over Quito at mid-morning? Who or what was operating it? There are all sorts of aerial phenomena in our skies, aerial craft and aerial operations about which we know very little -- or even nothing at all in many cases. The truth of what is happening in this planet's skies is hidden from us, as is the truth about what is happening underground and undersea.

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Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files
Underground Bases & Tunnels
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