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Sunday, April 2, 2023

All Your Money Я Belong To Us!!

Not to worry: all your money Я backed by the full faith and credit of the U$$A, Inc.!!  \sarcasm\

(Just ignore the ungodly din of all of those big banks going bankrupt in the background; you can sleep soundly, secure in the assurance that all your money Я completely 100% safe in their vaults. Honest!!!!! They all have MBAs and PhDs in Finance and Economics from Wharton, Yale, Brown and Harvard. They wouldn't lie to you.)

So as you read the news about the catastrophic failures of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, the presence of federal banking regulators in the offices of First Republic Bank, the failure of Credit Suisse Bank, the impending failure of Deutsche Bank and literally hundreds of other banks in the U$$A, ponder these words from Nouriel Roubini, Professor Emeritus of Economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business:

I don't know what to tell you. The banks are bankrupt. It's ending. Last one out turn out the lights; or maybe send me a donation while the dollar still has any value. I am perfectly serious. When the banks crash, and that crash has already begun, they're going to take your money anyway, so why not send some of it to me now, since you won't even have it anymore? I can at least put it to good use here in Ecuador in advance of the crash. 

The U$$A, Inc. Is Going Down Hard -- Like the Titanic

I've been saying for many years in this blog that the U$$A is going down hard, and so it shall. Not because of my mere say-so, but because that is objectively what is going to happen. The Fall of the U$$A, Inc. will be epic. If the collapse confines itself strictly to a near total failure of the finance system, supply chain failure, failure of government at every level, natural disasters, agricultural collapse and violent societal collapse that will be more than bad enough. 

But as the Pentagon and CIA continue their foreign military campaigns, coups and invasions, which have been ongoing in recent decades ever since the Korean War (1950-53) and the Guatemalan CIA-United Fruit military coup (1954), the threat of a global military clash between nuclear powers grows ever more dangerous.

The publicly known nuclear powers, those with a stash of nuclear weapons and the ability to deliver them via ships, submarines, jet aircraft, missiles, torpedoes and even by more mundane means such as biplanes, balloons or shipping containers, include the following:

U$$A, Inc.
North Korea
United Kingdom

In reality, there are very likely other countries with a publicly undisclosed nuclear weapons capability, such as:

South Korea
Saudi Arabia
.... and possibly a few others --
South Africa?

In any event, dying empires historically tend to commit major, fatal, expensive military blunders. The U$$A, Inc. is not going to be any exception to the rule. The threat of a nuclear conflict -- perhaps global in scope -- is very real. 

As a major prelude to the impending Red-White-and-Blue Collapse, China and Brazil just signed a major trade agreement that they will use their respective national currencies -- the real and the yuan -- in place of the dollar. That matters. Brazil is the largest country and the largest economy in Latin America, and China is the largest industrial powerhouse in the world, with a population well in excess of one billion people. The agreement follows similar bilateral trade deals that China has signed in recent years with Pakistan, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Hundreds of billions, and trillions of dollars worth of international trade will henceforth not be conducted in dollars.

The dollar, aka, the Federal Reserve Note (FRN), is going to go bye-bye. That is the hard truth of the matter. The whole system is coming down. 

As the dollar dies, will the Pentagon open the nuclear missile silo hatches and fire off a bunch of ICBMs at Russia, Iran, China and North Korea, as a last gasp, desperate attempt to retain control of its global empire? That "use it, or lose it" mentality is a real risk.

Here in Ecuador, several weeks ago during the Carnaval holiday, when millions of people go on vacation for days, there was a major failure of the bank ATMs and electronic payment systems. The failure was virtually nationwide, and occurred across a number of the largest banks in the country. People could not pull money out of ATMs, and employers could not access their accounts to pay employees or handle other business transactions. 

The Ecuadorean banking industry explained away the huge SNAFU as a systemic, software glitch. After a day or two, banking transactions and ATM services got back to normal again. 

I don't have a bank account, but I found the entire episode very strange. I suspect that the Federal Reserve Bank chose to use Ecuador on a major, holiday weekend to run a beta-test of a partial, systemic banking shut-down, to see what sort of business and societal disruptions would eventuate.

Ecuador is one of the countries that uses the dollar/FRN as its national currency; meaning that Ecuador is essentially a subsidiary of the U$$A, Inc., and therefore was an available test subject for the Federal Reserve Bank to toy with in that manner.

The banking collapse is already underway. Banking failures and bank holidays are inevitable as the dollar goes into its death throes. 

What will that mean for Ecuador, as the dollar fails and society in the U$$A, Inc. shifts into violent chaos and disintegrates? And mind you, as people in Red-White-and-Blue-istan 100% run out of money to pay for food, clothing, utilities, gasoline, rent, car parts, tires, fuel oil, etc. the entire societal fabric will chaotically tear apart.

That's what's coming.

Will there also be mushroom clouds along with that? That remains to be determined. We'll see.

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Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files
Underground Bases & Tunnels
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