Germany Will Be Daggled
About 15 years ago when I was seriously mulling over the possibility of relocating to Germany, I eventually decided not to, and am now very glad not to be there. I instead ended up in Ecuador. Ecuador is no Shangri-La, I would never say that it is, but compared to the depths into which Germany will shortly be descending, I'll take my chances in a region that produces potatoes, papayas, coffee, chocolate, avocados, bananas, cabbage, sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, celery, cheese, eggs, fish, beans, rice, mangoes, corn, watermelons, squash and much more, and all of it in abundance.
As regards Germany, my regular readers may recall that back in May of this year, my lexical scrying indicated that Germany is going to be daggled in November, just two months from now; i.e., that Germany will be "drug through the muck and mire." And that is a hard fact. As of these first days of September Russia has halted natural gas flows to Germany via the Nord Stream One pipeline that transits the Baltic Sea. Until very recently Germany was getting 40% of its natural gas from Russia, so the halt in natural gas flow from Russia is a brutal blow to German industry, the national economy and living standards.
It's hard to know for sure exactly what is happening, but just five months ago the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, was talking about ending German imports of Russian petroleum by this year's end. If the mainstream news media can be believed, German coal imports from Russia were scheduled to be ended last month by Germany, and have already stopped at this point.
Mind you, according to Reuters, in April of this year 25% of German petroleum imports came from Russia, 40% of the natural gas came from Russia, as well as 25% of the hard coal. Before the Russian Army went into the Ukraine in late February of this year, those figures were even higher: 35% of German oil imports, 55% of natural gas and 50% of coal imports were from Russia. In other words, Germany is on schedule to reduce its national energy imports by roughly 50% by the end of this year.
No Russian natural gas, no Russian coal, no Russian petroleum.
Now how can a modern, industrialized, urban country like Germany cut off 50% of its national energy imports in less than one year's time and continue to function normally?
Answer: it cannot and will not. Hard times are coming for Germany and for much of the rest of Europe. Every day that countries of the European Union, Germany and others, persist in not importing energy supplies from Russia they march closer to catastrophe. It cannot be otherwise. If the status quo continues unchanged, as Germany, and many other European nations, move forward to October, November and December and beyond, then bad things will certainly happen: hunger, starvation, death from cold, massive unemployment, rampant social unrest, collapse of major industries, maybe even civil wars within member states of the European Union, or possibly wars between states of the European Union will occur. Read, for example:
Winter is Coming: German Economy Doomed in Wake of Anti-Russian Sanctions, Scholars Say
I don't know if the world has seen anything quite like this before. It's completely insane. If this mad dog energy policy of the German government continues, then the collapse of the German economy and civil society is a firm guarantee. The repercussions will be immense for Germany, for Europe and the entire global system. We are watching the destruction of modern Europe, at its own leaders' hands, like a gigantic, slow-motion train derailment.
Ecuador, for only one example of many, has billions of dollars of trade with the European Union, and also trades with the Ukraine and Russia. Take billions of dollars out of the Ecuadorean economy due to civil, political and economic collapse and military conflict in Europe, and that is a cruelly brutal, body blow to the Ecuadorean populace and economy.
These harsh facts have nothing to do with me. I firmly wish that the situation were the polar opposite of what is coming into view. But I hold no global, policy-making power. People with my economic and political views are kept very far from the levers of power in the global system.
A huge chunk of humanity is about to --- how to put this delicately?? -- well, it's analogous to going over the edge of Niagara Falls in a row boat without a life vest. It's going to be harsh. A lot of people won't make it through the next 6 months.
And that's quite apart from those many, future victims who will suffer and/or die from the CV-jab side effects, as well as from the ongoing war in Eastern Europe that may very possibly expand to other fronts in Europe, and even to North American and Asian theaters.
Ecuador Sit-Rep
Even if there is not military combat in Ecuador, as the global system chaotically unravels in the coming months and next few years, this country is still going to be severely buffeted by what takes place in other regions of the world, be that North America, Europe, or Eastern Asia. Among other issues, Ecuador is one of the countries that officially uses the Federal Reserve Note (the so-called "dollar") as its national currency. There are also probably a million Ecuadoreans or more living in the USSA and in Europe, mostly in Spain and Italy. So the approaching turmoil in the USSA and Europe will have a huge impact here, not only in terms of collapsing commercial trade, but also the money transfers that those Ecuadoreans regularly send back home to their families here in Ecuador, which run into the billions of dollars annually. Remove those few billions of dollars of transfer payments from household finances for many hundreds of thousands of families all over Ecuador, at the same time as plummeting national trade loses billions of dollars of sales due to civil, military? -- and economic chaos in the USSA and Europe, and a little country like Ecuador is going to get run through the wringer.
More civil discord is all but baked in the cake at this point -- in Ecuador and a bunch of other countries. I am already hearing and reading about the possibility of another national uprising in Ecuador, as soon as two or three weeks from now. Ecuador lived through a tumultuous national uprising in October of 2019, which I wrote about in this blog space. Just three months ago, in June of this year, there was an even more serious uprising here. This country was rocked from one end to the other by protests, marches, demonstrations, violent confrontations with the National Police and Army, road and highway blockages, store closures, public transport stoppages, agricultural disruptions, government agency shutdowns, and more.
Since that time, from my perspective, political, economic and social conditions have only continued to deteriorate. Given what I am seeing, hearing and reading in the national press, another national uprising is entirely possible, potentially even more serious than the ones in June of this year and in October of 2019, and those were both very serious events.
I also did some blind, lexical scrying in June related to the outcome of the June civil uprising in Ecuador. Some of the words that I received in response were alarming, but they have proven to be right on the mark.
Nitrogelatine: an explosive compound; a form of dynamite
Nocuity: harmfulness, noxiousness
Luciferian: of or relating to Lucifer
As for the dynamite allusion, it has reared its head in a very ugly way over the last two or three months. It's the sort of thing that you don't want to see, but there it is. Below is just a partial listing of some of the news items that have appeared in the national press recently having to do with the theft of dynamite, the confiscation of dynamite by the National Police and Army, and the use of dynamite and other explosives by criminal gangs.
This is just a partial list of recent news items entailing attacks with explosives, theft of dynamite, confiscation of dynamite by the police and military, use of dynamite and other explosives by criminal gangs, and that sort of thing. I've been in Ecuador for twelve years and the proliferation of the use of dynamite and other explosives in criminal activity has soared in the last few months, judging by the uptick in news reports. In other words, this is a lamentable, successful "hit" for my lexical scrying of a few months ago. And, yes, the words nocuity and luciferian definitely apply to this wave of dynamite crime. Real evil is at work.
Another side of the collapse of Ecuadorean society -- and really, of the entire global society -- is the ongoing, human trafficking horror. Much of this evil is concentrated in the USSA. Countless thousands of unaccompanied children, toddlers in many cases! -- cross the USSA border every year and disappear into the ravening maw of the Satanic system known as the "U.S.A." It's beyond deplorable, unthinkable, and yet it is happening. The fates of these kids are unimaginable. Here's just one example that popped up in the daily news cycle here in Ecuador in recent days:
Click the link. Look at the picture: a four-year old Ecuadorean boy was discovered wandering alone along the border fence between Mexico and Texas. He had an Ecuadorean passport with him. A little, preschool boy, with a passport! -- wandering all alone, by himself in the desert, a couple of thousand miles from home.
How does that even happen?? Satanic human trafficking, that's how. A wide variety of police and government agencies are in on it, a lot of "parents", child "protection" agencies, the Border Patrol, organ traffickers, the pedo rings, the military agencies, bus, airline, railway, shipping and trucking lines, and so forth. Ecuador is riddled with this, as are the USSA and many other countries -- Belgium, France, Portugal, Libya, Nigeria, South Africa, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and on and on. It's a major international industry. Slavery, human trafficking -- for body parts, for labor, for sex, for demonic human sacrifices, for blood/adrenochrome drinking, and other heinous purposes unknown to me. I've written about this before, but the story keeps popping up.
The story says that 8,700 children who have left Ecuador have not returned, that many of them are victims of rapes and sexual abuse, and that many of these children travel alone, including with falsified documents (see above -- four years old!). The government openly admits this! It knows. Indeed, I suspect that the true number greatly exceeds the figure that has appeared in the press.
Then there is this story that popped up in the national news cycle this past week:
It says that in the school year that began last week, there are 56,675 fewer students in school in the central mountain and Amazonian regions of Ecuador. Reasons mentioned for dropping out of school include family poverty, child labor and -- wait for it -- migrating to the "USA" (ahem ...).
You had better know that very big, really dirty money is changing hands, and that government and organized crime at all levels, in Ecuador, in the USSA and in a bunch of other countries, are deeply involved. And that is how you get a four year old Ecuadorean boy, with a passport in his pocket, wandering all alone in the desert along the Mexico-USSA border. He's not the first, and he will assuredly not be the last. It's horrific.
The Stage Is Being Set
The possibility of another, tumultuous civil uprising in Ecuador later this month, or in October is very real. At the same time, the Russians are now preparing to widen the war in the Ukraine. Simultaneously, Europe is plunging headlong over the economic precipice into an entirely self-inflicted, unparalleled, regional horror that may ultimately prove to be more destructive than World War II or the Black Plague in medieval times. Across the Atlantic, the USSA faces a host of societal divisions and economic issues that appear to be unresolvable by any ordinary means.
What comes next remains to be seen with specificity, but some version of global chaos is certain at this point. Just scanning the world headlines in recent days reveals plenty of clues:
British soldiers told to prepare for war against Russia and inform loved ones
US B-52 bombers fly over Middle East amid tensions with Iran
North Korea will ‘automatically’ launch nukes if Kim killed
Emotionless Liz Truss says she would unleash nuclear annihilation if necessary
The course towards a nuclear conflict is being openly splashed across the global headlines. As Europe and the USSA slide heavily into the economic abyss over the next year or so, will NATO/EU leadership resort to the nuclear option to cover for their deep, demonic, political, moral and economic failings?
In my opinion, yes, they are capable of that.
The survival prospects for many European and North American cities would be dubious, if it does come to that pass. For just one conspicuous instance, New York City is unquestionably on the Top 10 target list for nuclear destruction, along with places such as Chicago, Washington-DC, Los Angeles, Norfolk-VA, and others.
What so many people (including me) have been shown in dreams and visions of all sorts is that New York City is going to be obliterated by nuclear strikes and biblical, coastal flooding, along with other areas of North America which are going to be physically destroyed by: earthquakes, nuclear power plant failures, volcanoes, unimaginable raging infernos that even burn the soil, nuclear missile strikes, enormous tsunamis, massive land subsidence, space rock impacts, a geological splitting of the continent and more.
There will be pockets of survivors here and there, but the majority of people, perhaps 200 million or more, will be going bye-bye, due to the mind-boggling enormity and off-the-charts violence of the events. I have been shown New York City in absolute ruins. Many others have been shown the same thing. I have been repeatedly shown that the USSA is going to be geologically rearranged. The scale of what is coming is mind-boggling. Well before the end of 2025 these events will be massively underway.
My personal understanding is that the Earth's core has already shifted, maybe 14 years ago or more, and the massive geophysical effects from that are rippling out to the Earth's crust. That's about 3,000 miles of plasma, rock and magma that the "wave" has to work through. When that "torque," or whatever it is, slams the surface, everything will be jumping. The USGS know this! They're not going to tell you, not overtly. There will be no outward warning to the masses.
I felt this when I lived in San Antonio-TX. I actually thought that the Big One had hit. I felt like I was bouncing three feet into the air, coming down, and then being tossed back into the air again, that's how severe it was. And then it stopped, as abruptly as it had begun. I immediately realized that I had entered into a brief, time-space discontinuity or "preview of coming attractions" as it were. I had briefly slipped into the future reality, for just 20 seconds. What is on the way is so immense, that I briefly perceived the time-space "future reality bow wave" of the oncoming global change.
The buildings in New York City will fall over like toppling dominoes and the sea will rush in. I saw maybe 100 ft of water in the streets, and snapped off and toppled over skyscrapers all over the place. I noticed millions of shattered and blown out windows. I did not see one person, not even a dog. The loss of life will be in the range of 99.99%. All of this is quite apart from the nuclear strikes, which also appear to be extremely likely to occur within the next year or three. So many people have been shown the nuclear missile launches and nuclear detonations in their dreams and visions (including me) that they would appear to be locked into the near-future timeline. Look at the headlines above. World leaders, governments and mainstream news media are openly taking about the preparations for, and commitment to, carrying out nuclear war.
A whole sh!tload of really ugly, viciously nasty, karmic whupp-ass is going to be dumped on the USSA in a short period of time. Judging by the numbers of years past, which I take seriously, at least 200 million people will probably not survive it, and those who remain will be thrust into a savage Hell realm. It won't be just the one thing. Horror is coming to visit and will stay for the after party. My recently deceased buddy, Greg Caton, was repeatedly shown the karmic Hell storm that will soon engulf the USSA, and it will be grim beyond belief. Ayahuasca really rubbed his nose in it -- again and again. A lot of people drink ayahuasca and say that they "had a bad trip." No, sir, no, ma'am. What happens is that ayahuasca shows people the true reality -- of their own life and the broader world -- and their little minds can't handle the truth, so they flip out. But in my experience ayahuasca does not lie. It's very direct. What it reveals can frankly result in uncontrollable, projectile vomiting at the sheer GHASTLINESS of it all. It's horrific.
"You can't handle the truth!!" -- Jack Nicholson, in A Few Good Men
There will be, and definitely are, problems in Ecuador. That is a firm guarantee and reality. But at least there are papayas, mangoes, bananas, avocados, rice and potatoes here, beyond which the likelihood of nuclear strikes here in the Andes has to be infinitely smaller than in places like New York City, Chicago, Washington-DC, Los Angeles, San Diego, Norfolk-VA, Seattle, San Francisco, London, Birmingham, Manchester, Paris, Marseille, Toulon, Ramstein, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Berlin, Rome, etc.
Think about an 800 kt airburst over Manhattan Island and/or over the City of London. There will not be anything or anyone left, for miles and miles. The skyscrapers will be mown down like matchsticks in a blow torch flame. A 65 story building 5 miles away from the epicenter will go right over from the 1,000 mph shock wave, or be snapped in half in one second. Windows will be blown out by the millions for 25 miles around. That would be consistent with some of the things that I've been shown.
Life will go on here in Ecuador, with much difficulty, that's understood, but in the USSA and Europe?? -- not so much.
The time of great troubles has now begun, and will steadily intensify from here on, worse and worse every month. A whole lot of people are going to die, by the many millions and millions, and most of them still do not know that. Time is tolling.
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