Unfortunately, the danger of a nuclear missile exchange between northern hemisphere military powers is very real. I realize that many people think that the prospect is much too horrific to ever come to pass, or even to contemplate; but I'm here to tell you that, indeed, it can happen; and that if the USSA/NATO/EU keep threatening Russian national security, and pouring weapons, troops and mercenaries into Eastern Europe and the Ukraine (to cite but one example), that it will happen. The Russian national leadership has made that very clear over the past couple of years. They've issued numerous, public warnings to that effect.
Of course, one of the advantages of living in a small, poor, equatorial country is that it is unlikely to be a target when the nuclear missiles fly. It is certainly my firm hope that a weak, little country in South America, like Ecuador (where I live), will not be struck.
Notwithstanding the mainstream news media propaganda in the West, the momentum towards war with Russia (... and China and Iran and North Korea) is coming from the USSA, where the national leadership is frankly, dangerously incompetent and Satanic. I don't think that the Russians want nuclear war, but if they are backed up against the wall, they are making clear that they will launch what they have, in self-defense. I get that point. I understand their warnings.
This growing awareness on my part, which I've had to a degree for decades, for almost my entire life, when you get right down to it, has led me into some strange lines of inquiry and novel perceptions, not least in my multiple, nonviolent, protest forays onto nuclear missile silos in past decades, which were always the occasion for anomalous events of various sorts.
And I think I know why: high strangeness is associated with nuclear weapons and focused human intent; in my case, the intent that they not be used, because the mind exerts an energetic and informational force that interacts with all matter, but especially so with very highly refined uranium and plutonium, thus producing anomalous effects in the local time-space continuum. And that is why the government and military took strong steps to repeatedly arrest, handcuff, jail, criminally try and imprison me (and any and all others like me). My focused, anti-nuclear war intent was interfering with their focused, pro-nuclear war agenda.
It all has to do with programming the time-space continuum, with torquing the reality matrix, with engineering of the "Earth" realm reality -- whether by peaceful, nonviolent physical and mental means, or by hyper-violent, high-technology means. I kept showing up to adamantly interfere with the three letter agencies' and and secret societies' multi-trillion dollar agenda of, shall I say, malevolent, demonic, Satanic, hyper-violent, Hellish, so-called high-technology, "Earth" matrix, reality engineering, and that was a problem from their perspective.
Once I protested again and again on the Air Force nuclear missile silos, and at the naval bases where the Pentagon stores and deploys nuclear weapons, I became entangled with it all; my mind, my hyper-dimensional genetic code, my life intent, all of me, became entangled with their giant, complex, A.I.-driven, Satanic, Hell-spawned, planetary reality warping project. I was altering their carefully engineered agenda -- if ever so slightly! -- in unwanted ways for them. I was a rogue torsion vector. So they had to lock me up. Fine me. Chain me. Threaten me. Browbeat me. Mistreat me. Surveil me. Monitor me. Break into my house. Make life hard for me. Even make attempts on my life.
The Feds are real evil, what can I say? That's what they do. They are a malevolent force. If you haven't grasped that, then you should ask yourself why not, because the evidence for it is abundant and pervasive.
Some of you will already have grokked a big chunk of where I am going with all of this; whereas others of you are scratching your heads in bewilderment, wondering if I have lost my mind. To all of you I say: "Read on!" I will endeavor to clarify a few points, and hopefully connect a few mental and historical dots that are germane to the thrust of my explanation.
Torquing The Vacuum/Aether/Zero Point Meta-Reality of the Time-Space Continuum
The specific, precise, internal geometry of nuclear weapons, the precise placement and configuration of all their component parts, especially including the highly refined radioisotopes they contain – plutonium, uranium, thorium, etc – (and the extremely precise machining, shaping, sizing, degree of enriched purity and trigonometrical arrangement thereof), as well as the geometrical configuration of the molecules of the various radioisotopes themselves; all in relation to the precise placement and physical orientation of the nuclear device ( i.e., vertical, horizontal, 33 degrees off of vertical, parallel to the physical axis of rotation of the Earth, aligned with the Earth's magnetic north pole, aligned with the galactic plane of the ecliptic, etc.), the precise latitude-longitude coordinates of the device at detonation, the precise time of day or night, the specific day of the year, the precise sidereal time, the precise position of the Moon and Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Orion, the North Pole star, and other planets and celestial bodies, during lunar and solar eclipses, and so forth -- in other words, the esoteric, high-tech, higher mathematics, chemical, metallurgical and high energy physics astrology of nuclear technology and nuclear weapons deployment and detonation.
All of this – all of it! – will have been painstakingly analyzed in rigorous mathematical, metallurgical, chemical, astronomical and astrological detail at places like Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories, Area 51, Oakridge, Brookhaven, Argonne, Fermi National Accelerator, Lawrence Livermore, etc.. The myriad thousands of data points will have been operationalized to an extreme degree of precision and accuracy, and mathematically analyzed using very sophisticated statistical and multivariate equations, comparing the results to observed yield parameters from the thousands of atomic and nuclear devices that have been detonated in the modern era, beginning in 1945.
Other variables such as observed seismic activity and other highly energetic, explosive events – after, during and before!! – nuclear detonations, including at nodal points on the Earth far removed from the place and time of the detonations (such as the Tunguska event in 1908) will have been measured, as well as fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field, its gravity, its speed of rotation, visual, optical and other phenomena observed with the use of extremely high-speed photographic technology at the site of, and in, the vicinity of atomic and nuclear detonations, observed mental and psychological effects, physiological and biological effects (including DNA and genetic effects), the behavior of sophisticated, high-speed gyroscopic and also time-measurement devices (i.e., atomic clocks and other sensitive time pieces) maintained by various military, scientific, academic and civil government agencies, the related appearance and observed behavior of UFOs and E.T.s at the time of and nearby, and other anomalous phenomena of all kinds ----
– all because –
… from the very beginning, in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, people like Edward Teller, John von Neumann, Enrico Fermi, Robert Oppenheimer, Max Planck and their colleagues would have noticed all sorts of anomalous effects due to the presence of chemically pure, or very nearly so, uranium, plutonium, thorium – and even more so in association with atomic and nuclear detonations.
They would have noticed all sorts of strange correlations. These were the most brilliant minds in the world in mathematics, physics and chemistry. Especially in light of Max Planck's discovery of the so-called Planck Constant, evidently the foundational quantum or increment of physical-energetic reality, they would have realized that the so-called reality stream, the 3-D world, the reality matrix in which we live, can be engineered; that they could play with the Planck Constant, that the time-space continuum can be artificially altered, initially employing a science based on an extreme purification of uranium, plutonium, thorium, etc. utilized in very short-lived, extremely high energy, albeit controlled (to a degree), nuclear reactions conducted under tightly rigorous, very precisely controlled electronic, geometric, trigonometric, metallurgical, geographic and astrological parameters. A type of high-tech, high-energy alchemy, with staggering implications.
This happened because they (accidentally?) torqued the so-called aether or vacuum or zero point or Underlying Creational Energy Field, call it what you will, and thereby opened a portal to the universal, unlimited base-source energy that underlies and brings forth reality as we know it.
The prolific author, Joseph Farrell, talks about this (accidental?) discovery, in a footnote in his book, The Grid of the Gods, in association with the Tsar Bomba that the Soviets exploded in the 1950s. Its observed, explosive yield of 50 megatons or more, unexpectedly, vastly exceeded its theoretically calculated yield. The question is/was: why?
Farrell opines, and I agree with his observation, that the enormously increased yield was due to the bomb's precisely geometrically configured, machined and internally arranged nuclear components detonating in such a way that they set up a nuclear plasma vortex that torqued the void! – tapping into and instantly channeling vast amounts of energy into this dimension, into this Earth realm – from the aether/vacuum/zero point meta-stratum of reality. The exact, geographic coordinates and mundane, astrological configuration of that specific place, date and time were likely factors in dramatically increasing the explosive yield, as well.
With time, the Soviets, Chinese, French, British, USSAers, and probably others such as the Israelis, Pakistanis, Indians, North Koreans and more, have figured all of that out and quietly set to work on elaborating a very, very new physics that sharply departs from what is openly taught in the world's universities; a new physics that incorporates the engineering of the warp and woof of the time-space continuum itself. The implications for the engineering of time, space travel, energy production, weapons technology, and more are self-evident. Where to even begin pondering the possibilities and ramifications of all of that? No doubt that trillions of black budget dollars have been thrown down these secretive, high-technology, very high-strangeness, alchemical rabbit holes. We're living in Never Never Land, and don't even know it.
I mention all of this for the following reasons:
1) Enrico Fermi, one of the greatest mathematical and scientific minds of the 20th century (or of any century), whose theoretical and applied mathematical, scientific and engineering career played such a large role in the development of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy technology, transitioned in his later career into particle physics, high-energy physics, and working with cyclotrons. This is exactly the physics that has led directly to the massive, miles-long, subterranean, subatomic particle accelerator that straddles the French-Swiss border: CERN. Enrico Fermi is in many ways, the scientific progenitor of CERN. Fermi must have recognized the implications for massaging and engineering the reality field itself, in the results that he and his colleagues obtained in their initial research with highly refined uranium and plutonium, the very precisely geometrically engineered atomic devices they constructed, and the first, high-energy detonations thereof. He wanted to better understand the high-energy building blocks of the physical universe, and how better to control them – i.e., how to engineer reality. So he started working with high-energy cyclotrons -- atomic bombs are very violent and destructive! -- under much more controlled conditions, digging down to the subatomic level that underlies the physical structure of this reality, endeavoring to tease out the quantum interactions of the constituent elements of matter. He was after the meta-quantum, source code that programs this reality. Once that has been ferreted out, then the engineering of the reality stream itself, the technologically engineered manipulation of the time-space continuum, comes into play
2) Using the reams of data gleaned over decades from thousands of atomic and nuclear detonations – which are self-evidently highly dangerous and difficult to control – the scientific disciples of the high-technology alchemists of the 20th century are now hard at work refining their intellectual forefathers' earlier work at CERN and in other, subterranean and undersea, high-technology facilities that remain unknown to us. We simply don't know what is really going on underground, undersea and out of sight, and the Secretive Dark Wizards of Compartmentalized High Technology intend to keep it that way.
3) There is much talk by the so-called “global elites” in recent years about a “Great Reset” that they hope to bring about. This intrigues me, because over the last ten years or so, a (mostly) younger generation of people have put out a slew of videos and blog posts on the Internet detailing the archaeological, geological, photographic and historical evidence for a whole series of multiple, civilizational resets in Humanity's past, extending back not just centuries or thousands of years, but hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years. The evidence that supports their assertions is uneven in quality, but abundant! After watching numerous such videos, reading many blog posts that challenge the standard historical narrative as taught in schools, colleges and universities all over the world, personally visiting many ancient archaeological sites and ruins when I was younger, and further reading such books as Forbidden Archaeology, by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson, and the books of people like Barry Fell, Ivan van Sertima, Graham Hancock, Ignatius Donnelly and many others, it is clear to me that we do not know our own history.
Human history has been concealed from Humanity. Ninety-nine percent of our past is a carefully crafted, complete fog and mystery.
4) Interestingly, there is evidence in the Hindu sagas for at least one, ancient war in which weapons of mass destruction were employed, seemingly atomic or nuclear missiles. From my own reading and conversations with others, it seems that at a bare minimum, western India/Pakistan, the Sinai Peninsula and areas of the Sahara Desert were sites in remote antiquity of atomic or nuclear conflict.
A little farther afield, in recent years the plasma physicist, John Brandenburg, has presented scientific data that strongly point to there having been a massive, nuclear war on Mars, that wiped out the civilization that used to exist there. The evidence for unimaginably violent, past catastrophe on Mars -- as well as many readily apparent, ancient, eroded, artificial ruins -- is so glaringly obvious upon even casual inspection of the publicly available photos from multiple Mars probes and orbiters that I take his analysis very seriously.
5) Devastating nuclear wars have happened on Mars in the past – and also repeatedly on the Earth?? Is that it? Is that what also happened to the planet that used to orbit between Mars and Jupiter, the shattered remains of which are now known as the Asteroid Belt? Is there the intent to do the same thing again with another nuclear war? Thereby, once again, catastrophically torquing the aether/vacuum/zero point at this planetary, nodal point known as the “Earth” – and producing such terrific, horrific distortions and fractures in the time-space continuum that it chaotically fractalizes, as it were, spinning off into kaleidoscopic chaos, producing even more discontinuities in human history, human memory, human archaeology, and human society, the better to even more deeply confuse, obfuscate, erase, muddle, and damage the human sojourn on this world, and to further wound Humanity itself, at a core level, at a hyper-dimensional DNA level? Have I got that right? And each time that the time-space continuum is destructively splintered in that manner, on Mars, on the exploded planet that used to orbit between Mars and Jupiter, and here on the Earth, with each destructive iteration time-space itself becomes so increasingly scrambled and disordered, that the reality of this solar system, of Mars, of the Earth, of Humanity, is irremediably further fractured, and the terms past and future themselves cease to have all meaning.
And we are therefore lost in time. Lost in space.
In a solar system that has obviously been serially ravaged, plundered, blasted, smashed, splintered -- for how long? by whom or what? --until we have lost all sense of who we are, where we are, when we are, why we are, or how we came to be here. We have no idea which end is up, as Humanity descends once again into Satanically engineered chaos and horror. I repeat: we are, right now, on the very cusp of unmitigated HELL.
How many times has this happened? What is this place called “Earth”?
Are we already on yet another artificially engineered time-line, courtesy of 2,000+ atomic and nuclear bomb "tests" starting in 1945? Has the "global reset", in fact, already happened? Was that the point -- to demonically torque the local, time-space continuum of Earth and force it into an artificially created and controlled time-line, to keep Humanity continually bottled up, forever deeply enslaved in endlessly repeating, destructive time loops, ruled by Satanic, Artificial Intelligence Time Lords, in a demonically engineered, time-space construct that should be better understood as a malicious, horrific, prison structure?
I suspect that the answer is revealed in the very formulation of the question. And because I ask it, and because I entangled my anti-nuclear war intent in protest against the pro-nuclear war agenda, I am suppressed.
I very greatly need and gratefully accept any and all donations! Everything that we have known in our lifetimes is very soon about to go bye-bye, and will never be back again, not ever. I know that I keep repeating this like a mantra, but it is nonetheless true. If you are able and willing to donate, I really do need your support at this time in order to better prepare. The USSA is going to get royally hammered, but with any luck, life here in South America will continue on, at least for some of us. For how to make a cash donation please contact me at: dr.samizdat1618@gmail.com This is the preferred method of donation for me right now. Do NOT send PayPal.